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Universitat de les
Illes Balears
Master in Physics________________________________________________
2006-2007 Academic Year
Technical information
Course title: Introduction to Quantum Systems
Course code: a cumplimentar por el Centro de Tecnologías de la Información
Type of course: Optional
Level of course: Postgraduate
Year of study: First
Semester: Second
Language of instruction: Catalan/Spanish. English reading comprehension skills are
required. The course may be given in English, depending on the students enrolled.
Supervising lecturer
Name: Francisca Garcías Gomila
Other lecturers
Name: Montserrat Casas Ametller
Name: Rosa López Gonzalo
Name: David Sánchez Martín
Contact: 971173218
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]
A bachelor’s or graduate degree or the equivalent in any area of the sciences
Number of ECTS credits 5
Number of classroom hours: 30
Independent study hours: 95
Introduction to quantum physics and quantum systems with electromagnetic interaction
(atoms, molecules and solids) and strong interaction (nucleons and particles)
Course competences
1. Understand the basis of quantum physics and the behaviour of identical particle systems
2. Demonstrate a solid background in quantum systems with electromagnetic interaction
3. Display insight into quantum systems with strong interaction
1. Apply theoretical and practical knowledge to problem solving
2. Apply knowledge acquired in explaining commonplace phenomena
3. Communicate acquired concepts to a non-expert public
Course contents
Elements of quantum physics:
Quantization of physical magnitudes
Stationary states
Indistinguishable particle systems
Quantum systems with electromagnetic interaction (atoms, molecules and solids):
The hydrogen atom: electronic configuration
Interaction of atomic systems with light: lasers
The nature of chemical bonds
Molecular orbitals: the effects of symmetry, localisation and hybridisation
The quantum properties of solids: conductivity and magnetism
Superconductors as paradigms of quantum solids
Quantum systems with strong interaction (nucleons and particles):
Fundamental particles and interactions
The quark model
Weak interaction
The standard model: experimental tests
The atomic nucleus: constituents and interaction. Stability
Radioactive disintegration
Interaction of matter with ionising radiation
Instrumentation in nuclear physics
Methodology and student workload
Subject-related Teaching method Type of group
Classroom sessions Medium-sized
Classroom sessions Medium-sized
Classroom sessions Medium-sized
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3
Exercise solving
Student hours
Teaching staff
Assessment instruments, criteria and learning agreement
Assessment criteria
1. Acquisition and/or fulfilment of course-specific competences
2. Student interest demonstrated throughout the course
Assessment instruments
1. On-going assessment based on participation in class and solving proposed exercises or a
final exam
Grading criteria
1. Exercises and problem solving
Assessment based on a learning agreement: Yes (enlace al contrato)
Independent study material and recommended reading
Material available on the Internet and photocopies given out by lecturers
Bibliography, resources and annexes
“Nuclear and Particle Physics Bryan Miller, Cambridge Advanced Sciences, Cambridge
University Press, (2003)
“Nuclear and Particle Physics” W.E. Burcham and M. Jobes, Longman Scientific and
Technical (1995)
“Introductory Quantum Mechanics”, R.L. Liboff, Addison Wesley (1998)
“Physics of atoms and molecules” C. H. Bransden, C. J. Joachain, Longman (1983)
“Coulson’s valence”, R. McWeeny, Oxford (1979)
“Solid State Physics: an introduction to principles of material science” H. Ibach,
H.Lüth, Springer (2003)
Link to the course teaching guide