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Physics of the Large Hadron Collider
Lecture 1: Fundamentals of the LHC
Johan Alwall, SLAC
Michelson lectures at Case Western Reserve
April 13-16, 2009
Introduction: What is the LHC?
Fundamentals of QCD
Fundamentals of Electroweak Physics
The Standard Model and the Higgs
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
What is the LHC
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
What is the LHC
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
What is the LHC
14 TeV proton-proton collider
27 km (17 miles) in circumference
Luminosity: Initial: 1033 /cm2s (10 fb-1/year)
Nominal: 1034 /cm2s (100 fb-1/year)
4 detectors:
ATLAS, CMS: general-purpose detectors
ALICE: Specialized for heavy-ion collisions
LHC-B: One-arm large- detector for bottom-quark
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
What is the LHC
The CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) detector
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
What is the LHC
The ATLAS detector
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
What is the LHC
Real ATLAS events (from startup run)
Images from
“Splash” event, when the LHC beam
was steered into a magnet upstream
Cosmic ray muon event
from the detector
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
What is the LHC
Simulated ATLAS events
Images from
Supersymmetry event with jets
and muons
Higgs boson event with H→ZZ
recoiling agains jet
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Fundamentals of QCD
The theory of strong interactions; describes
interactions between quarks and gluons
Represented by a gauge theory with the gauge
group SU(3)C (for color)
Non-abelian field theory
→ gluon carries color charge (self-interacting)
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Fundamentals of QCD
Running of QCD coupling due to quantum
loops leads to “asymptotic freedom”:
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Fundamentals of QCD
Can be understood in terms of screening and
anti-screening by vacuum bubbles:
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Fundamentals of QCD
At low energy (~1 GeV) QCD is confining
No free color charges
Quarks/gluons always confined in hadrons
Different degrees of freedom at large and small
energies (quarks, gluons vs. hadrons, pions)
No analytic proof, but strong evidence from lattice
simulations that SU(3) is confining Millennium $1M Prize!
Coupling constant s 10 x stronger than
electromagnetic coupling EM (at Z mass)
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Parton distribution functions
Probability for finding a quark or gluon in a
Function of x (momentum fraction of parton)
and 2 (momentum transfer in process)
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Parton distribution functions
Probability for finding a quark or gluon in a
Function of x (momentum fraction of parton)
and 2 (momentum transfer in process)
Increases as power-law for small x and
logarithmically for large Q2
Behaviour governed by DGLAP equation
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Parton distribution functions
Probability for finding a quark or gluon in a
Function of x (momentum fraction of parton)
and 2 (momentum transfer in process)
Increases as power-law for small x and
logarithmically for large Q2
Behaviour governed by DGLAP equation
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Splitting functions and DGLAP
QCD bremsstrahlung – logarithmic divergences
as energy fraction z → 0 and virtuality k2 → 0
Leading contribution from the soft and collinear regions of
phase space
Subsequent emissions factorize (no interference in
soft/collinear regions) → Allows log resummation to all orders
Integration over multiple emissions gives evolution from
interaction scale 2 to hadronic scale ~ 1 GeV
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Parton showering
Can describe QCD radiation in the soft and
collinear limit as subsequent independent
emissions, called “parton shower”.
Every hard interaction always associated with
extra QCD radiation
Initial high-energy
parton gives showerlike “jet”
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Parton showering
At end of shower, need hadronization ansatz to
pass from partons to color neutral hadrons
Phenomenological models, based on general
behaviour of QCD, e.g. the Lund string model or
Herwig cluster model
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Simulation of LHC collision
hadron decay
Hard interaction
event / multiple
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Missing transverse energy
Fundamental concept for hadron colliders
(will be used many times in these lectures)
Momentum fraction x1, x2 of incoming partons
→ event boosted in the lab frame
If invisible particle (e.g. neutrino) produced,
cannot determine boost along beam direction
Only the missing transverse momentum can be
where the sum is over all visible particles i
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Fundamentals of Elecroweak Physics
Enrico Fermi explained beta decay of nuclei as
4-fermion interactions n → p e- e with mass
scale Mweak~ 90 GeV in denominator
(corresponding to intermediate vector boson!)
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Fundamentals of Elecroweak Physics
Enrico Fermi explained beta decay of nuclei as
4-fermion interactions n → p e- e with mass
scale Mweak~ 90 GeV in denominator
(corresponding to intermediate vector boson!)
Looks like SU(2) gauge theory with massive
gauge vector bosons
Non-renormalizable, gives scattering probability
> 1 at high energies (unitarity violation)
Solution: Massless gauge bosons getting mass
from spontaneous symmetry breaking
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
The Higgs mechanism
Introduce scalar Higgs field which couples to the
massless gauge bosons and fermions
Let this field get a non-zero vacuum expectation
value due to Higgs potential
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
The Higgs mechanism
Gives mass to vector bosons and fermions in
proportion to their couplings to the Higgs
Gauge fields (gauge couplings):
Matter fields (Yukawa couplings):
Three of the four Higgs degrees of freedom
become longitudinal components of
mix to give Z and γ
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
The Standard Model
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
The Standard Model
QCD SU(3) x Weak SU(2) x Hypercharge U(1)
Electromagnetic A linear combination of W3 and B
Weak SU(2) dynamically broken
Three generations of weak doublet fermion
fields (left-handed doublets, right-handed singlets)
Top quark Yukawa coupling close to 1, all other
Yukawas small – no explanation for this
hierarchy within the model
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
The Standard Model
Scientific American
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
The Higgs boson mass
Higgs mass (and top and W masses before they
were seen) determined by precision measurements
Particle masses affect precision observables
through quantum loop contributions
Examples of observables used:
Mass and decay widths of the W and Z bosons
Branching ratios of Z boson to leptons, hadrons, bottom
Weak mixing angle sin2W
Forward-backward asymmetries at LEP
Top mass
EM, weak and QCD couplings EM, Weak and s
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Indirect mass determinations
SM Higgs mass upper limit: 163 GeV
Excluded by LEP
Excluded by Tevatron
(March 2009)
Direct measurements
Indirect determination
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Higgs boson decays
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Higgs hunting at the Tevatron
CDF and D0 combined search, March 2009
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Higgs hunting at the Tevatron
CDF individual search channels, March 2009
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
The Higgs boson mass, cont.
Higgs mass
only unknown
parameter of the Standard Model
95% CL upper limit from precision measurements
at 163 GeV
Must be <800 GeV to conserve unitarity of weak
boson scattering (i.e. do its job)
Like all masses in a quantum field theory, mass is
given by
where mH2 is given by quantum loop corrections
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Naturalness and the Higgs
't Hooft: A theory is “natural” if the size of
corrections not too much larger than bare mass
“Fine-tuning”: The precision by which the bare
mass term must cancel the corrections
Corrections for elementary scalar are quadratic
in new-physics cutoff (for fermions and gauge
bosons, corrections are logarithmic)
Main loop corrections from strongest coupled
particles: top, W, Z and Higgs self-couplings
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Higgs mass corrections
1% fine-tuning
10% fine-tuning
The “Veltman throat”
where loop corrections
cancel(excluded by
indirect SM bounds
at >95% CL)
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
The hierarchy problem
If there is no new physics besides the Standard
Model and gravity, the cutoff scale is
~MPl~1018 GeV, giving a finetuning of 10-34
To reduce finetuning to an “acceptable” 10%
level, there must be new physics at around 1
TeV, i.e. within reach for the LHC!
More about ideas for new physics that solves
the hierarchy problem, in the next lecture!
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Summary and plan
Today I have talked about:
What is the LHC?
Fundamentals of QCD
Fundamentals of Electroweak Physics
Parton density functions
Parton showering, hadronization
Elements of simulations of LHC collisions
The Higgs mechanism
The Standard Model
Properties of the Higgs boson
The Hierarchy problem
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Summary and plan
Next lecture: New Physics at the LHC
Problems with the Standard Model
Classes of solutions to the hierarchy problem
Extra dimentions
Little Higgs models
Other New Physics ideas
3 lecture: Simulation at the LHC
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Recommended reading
QCD and Collider Physics, Ellis, Sterling, Webber,
Cambridge 1996
Electroweak physics, Standard Model:
An introduction to Quantum Field Theory,
Peskin, Schröder, Westview 1995
Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics,
Cheng, Li, Oxford 1988
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC
Recommended reading
The Higgs boson:
Precision measurements of the Standard Model:
“Higgs Boson Theory and Phenomenology”,
Carena, Haber, Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys.50:63-152,2003
The LEP Electroweak Working Group,
Higgs searches at the Tevatron:
The CDF and D0 Higgs pages:
Johan Alwall - Fundamentals of the LHC