Particle Physics 2011
... The year 2011 marks a record year for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva. The accelerator crew increased the luminosity beyond even the most optimistic expectations, by a factor of approximately 100 compared to 2010. The collected luminosity provides the basis for a multitude of very ...
... The year 2011 marks a record year for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva. The accelerator crew increased the luminosity beyond even the most optimistic expectations, by a factor of approximately 100 compared to 2010. The collected luminosity provides the basis for a multitude of very ...
Astroparticle physics at LHC - Institute of Physics (IoP)
... weak force. Such a Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) is often predicted in theories beyond the standard model and is ought to be produced in particle collider experiments with sufficient available energy. Important evidence could be found in the analysis of high energy collisions in the Lar ...
... weak force. Such a Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) is often predicted in theories beyond the standard model and is ought to be produced in particle collider experiments with sufficient available energy. Important evidence could be found in the analysis of high energy collisions in the Lar ...
JHEP07(2007)083 - IHEP Diffractive Group
... As was argued in [31] this must have observable effects. However, in this paper we do not take this requirement into account, considering such effects as a kind of “fine structure” which is beyond the accuracy level we adopted. It is shown in [32] that the assumption of the linearity of Regge trajec ...
... As was argued in [31] this must have observable effects. However, in this paper we do not take this requirement into account, considering such effects as a kind of “fine structure” which is beyond the accuracy level we adopted. It is shown in [32] that the assumption of the linearity of Regge trajec ...
... Particle ID with transition radiation possible (π,K,p) … interesting challenge to improve. Bent crystal channeling to extend xF – coverage possible … interesting challenge to improve. Open & accessible & small so evolution of techniques natural. How and where? Want many months of running with low pi ...
... Particle ID with transition radiation possible (π,K,p) … interesting challenge to improve. Bent crystal channeling to extend xF – coverage possible … interesting challenge to improve. Open & accessible & small so evolution of techniques natural. How and where? Want many months of running with low pi ...
Introduction to Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
... group G . As a consequence, the particles will form multiplets of symm group H . For example, if symmetry SU (2 ) SU (2 ) is spontaneously broken to SU (2 ) , particles will form SU (2 ) multiplets Ling-Fong Li (Carnegie Mellon University) Introduction to Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking 2011 BCVSPIN, ...
... group G . As a consequence, the particles will form multiplets of symm group H . For example, if symmetry SU (2 ) SU (2 ) is spontaneously broken to SU (2 ) , particles will form SU (2 ) multiplets Ling-Fong Li (Carnegie Mellon University) Introduction to Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking 2011 BCVSPIN, ...
Beyond the Standard Model
... physics beyond the Standard Model. Although such ideas often have a finite life-time, there are many that have been around for a decade or more, and are likely to play an important rôle in particle physics at least for another decade. The emphasis is on those ideas that are likely to survive for a ...
... physics beyond the Standard Model. Although such ideas often have a finite life-time, there are many that have been around for a decade or more, and are likely to play an important rôle in particle physics at least for another decade. The emphasis is on those ideas that are likely to survive for a ...
Grand Unified Models and Cosmology
... The hot big-bang cosmology predicts the expansion of the universe and the present abundances of the light-elements. Its best recent success is the predicted perfect black-body spectrum of the cosmic background radiation (CBR) measured by COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer Satellite) [15]. But in spite ...
... The hot big-bang cosmology predicts the expansion of the universe and the present abundances of the light-elements. Its best recent success is the predicted perfect black-body spectrum of the cosmic background radiation (CBR) measured by COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer Satellite) [15]. But in spite ...