... After publishing the papers devoted to deep inelastic scattering V. Gribov began to work on more fundamental problems of QCD which were beyond the applicability of perturbation theory. He discovered the important property of nonabelian gauge theories which is known as ”Gribov’s ambiguities” Nucl. P ...
... After publishing the papers devoted to deep inelastic scattering V. Gribov began to work on more fundamental problems of QCD which were beyond the applicability of perturbation theory. He discovered the important property of nonabelian gauge theories which is known as ”Gribov’s ambiguities” Nucl. P ...
The Oscillating Neutrino
... (and their respective antiparticles). The quarks are the building blocks that have fractional electric charge and interact primarily through the strong nuclear force, also called the color force. Color binds quarks together to form the proton, the neutron, all nuclei, and all the other hadrons (stro ...
... (and their respective antiparticles). The quarks are the building blocks that have fractional electric charge and interact primarily through the strong nuclear force, also called the color force. Color binds quarks together to form the proton, the neutron, all nuclei, and all the other hadrons (stro ...
Double-Soft Limits of Gluons and Gravitons
... where TK is the generator of the invariant subgroup with [T i , T j ] = f ijK TK in a suitable representation for acting on amplitudes. Using this method the authors of [20] demonstrated that the double-soft limit of two scalars in N = 8 supergravity gives rise to the structure constants of the hid ...
... where TK is the generator of the invariant subgroup with [T i , T j ] = f ijK TK in a suitable representation for acting on amplitudes. Using this method the authors of [20] demonstrated that the double-soft limit of two scalars in N = 8 supergravity gives rise to the structure constants of the hid ...
Slides - Agenda INFN
... γ v → γ → f f with BRs as photon (⇒ lepton pairs!) SU ( N ) : hadronization in hidden sector, with full string fragmentation, permitting up to 8 different q v flavours and 64 q v q v mesons, but for now assumed degenerate in mass, so only distinguish ...
... γ v → γ → f f with BRs as photon (⇒ lepton pairs!) SU ( N ) : hadronization in hidden sector, with full string fragmentation, permitting up to 8 different q v flavours and 64 q v q v mesons, but for now assumed degenerate in mass, so only distinguish ...
Slides - indico.jinr.ru – Indico
... Project COMET was recently considered by the PAC on Particle Physics and recommended for extension to 2017-2019. A.Kulikov PAC 25.01.2017 ...
... Project COMET was recently considered by the PAC on Particle Physics and recommended for extension to 2017-2019. A.Kulikov PAC 25.01.2017 ...
Precision Muon Physics
... Since its discovery the muon has played a rather unique and versatile role in physics. In this review we discuss recent, current and near-future efforts involving precision measurements of properties and decays of free muons and muonic atoms. The physics topics—which range from fundamental constants ...
... Since its discovery the muon has played a rather unique and versatile role in physics. In this review we discuss recent, current and near-future efforts involving precision measurements of properties and decays of free muons and muonic atoms. The physics topics—which range from fundamental constants ...
Effective Field Theory
... contributions to flavour–changing processes or to low–energy neutrino scattering. However, if the masses of the W and the Z bosons were 1016 GeV we would have never seen any signal of the weak interaction. In contrast a coupling of positive mass dimension gives rise to effects which become large at ...
... contributions to flavour–changing processes or to low–energy neutrino scattering. However, if the masses of the W and the Z bosons were 1016 GeV we would have never seen any signal of the weak interaction. In contrast a coupling of positive mass dimension gives rise to effects which become large at ...