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Study Guide
12 Molecular Genetics
SB 2
Rev. 07-14-15
Online Textbook: DNA & RNA; Genetics
Name __________________________
Period __________________________
Write the complete correct definition for each term. -25 for incomplete, blank, or silly answers.
A. codon ____________________________________________________________________________
B. DNA polymerase ___________________________________________________________________
C. double helix _______________________________________________________________________
D. exon _____________________________________________________________________________
E. intron ____________________________________________________________________________
F. messenger RNA ____________________________________________________________________
G. nucleosome _______________________________________________________________________
H. Okazaki fragment __________________________________________________________________
I. ribosomal RNA _____________________________________________________________________
J. RNA _____________________________________________________________________________
K. RNA polymerase ___________________________________________________________________
L. semiconservative replication __________________________________________________________
M. transcription ______________________________________________________________________
N. transfer RNA ______________________________________________________________________
O. translation ________________________________________________________________________
Also know: A mutagen is a substance, such as a chemical, that causes mutations.
An operon is a section DNA containing genes for proteins required for a specific metabolic pathway and
it consists of an operator, promoter, regulatory gene, and genes coding for proteins.
Gene regulation is the ability of an organism to control which genes are transcribed in response to the
Given a DNA sequence, know how to write the complementary sequence of DNA and know how to
write the mRNA that can be transcribed from the original DNA sequence.
Know how to write the properly balanced equation for the production of glucose during photosynthesis:
6H20 + 6CO2  C6H12O6 + 6O2
Know how to write the properly balanced equation for the respiration of glucose as a cell uses it for food
to release energy:
C6H12O6 + 6O2  6H20 + 6CO2