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PHYS3111, 3d year Quantum Mechanics
General Info
Recommended textbooks
(i) Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, David J. Griffiths.
(ii) Quantum Physics, Stephen Gasiorowicz.
(iii) Quantum Physics, Vladimir Zelevinsky.
(iv) Quantum Mechanics: nonrelativistic theory, L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz.
1)Assignment is due by 17 March.
2) There will be two tutorials in the first week.
The first tutorial (revision of 1D quantum mechanics) is on Monday 27 Febr. 11-12.
The second tutorial (angular momentum) is on Friday 3 March 12-13.
For the first tutorial I recommend problems 1,2,4,9,11.
The problem 10 is in assignment, so it is excluded from the tutorial.
For the second tutorial I recommend problems 13,14,17,19.
Problems 21,22 are in assignment, so they are excluded from the tutorial.
For the third tutorial I recommend problems 26,27,32.
Problem 29 is in assignment, so it is excluded from the tutorial.
I would like to comment on the 3 following topics
(i) Operators
(ii) Dirac notations
(iii) Solution of time dependent Schrodinger Eq.
These are 2nd year quantum mechanics topics, but some students missed these topics in their
previous studies.
To catch up I recommend the following.
For operators and t-dependent Schrodinger Eq. read Chapter 4 (Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues) in Stephen Gasiorowicz textbook. This is about 15 pages.
Also, for operators, especially momentum, read 3 pages section 1.5 in Griffiths textbook.
For linear algebra and Dirac notations you can read Section 3.1 in Griffiths textbook. This is a
big and detailed section, probably about first 10 pages would be sufficient to understand Dirac