* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
by Albert Rosenfeld DNA's repair kit, packaged in the nucleus, includes enzymes for each kind of snip and patch job plus the ability to whip up emergency crews when needed. n this cancer-conscious era, most Americans are aware that excessive exposure to sunlight year in and year out puts them at some small, long-term risk of developing skin cancer. But it would hardly occur to the average s u n b a t h e r to think about this in terms of his DNA being damaged—and perhaps even repaired—by the sun, or to feel grateful for not being afflicted with a rare disease, xeroderma oip-rnentosurri, or XP, that would prevent the repair of damaged DNA. The victims of XP nearly always get skin cancer before the age of 20. Sometimes they get a variety of skin cancers, including the much feared malignant melanoma. Often they get cancers by the dozen, even by the hundred. If an XP victim were to lie out in the midsummer sun for even an hour or two on a single day, he would be in danger of having already set a c a n c e r - i n i t i a t i n g p r o c e s s in motion. It was James E. Cleaver of the University of California Medical Center in San Francisco who demonstrated in the late 1960s that skin cells of XP victims are genetically defective; they lack the capacity to repair damage to their DNA—damage caused, for instance, by e x p o s u r e to the s u n ' s u l t r a violet radiation. Everyone is subject to ultraviolet-caused DNA damage. But h e a l t h y cells have ways to repair the damage. T h i s was demonstrated first in bacteria in the early 1960s by another pioneer investigator of DNA repair, Richard B. Setlow, then of the O a k Ridge National Laboratory and now at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Amazingly, one of the ways to repair ultraviolet-induced damage is simply to shine ordinary visible light on the stricken cells. This process has been studied mainly in bacteria, but Setlow's colleague Betsy M. Sutherland has done enough work with h u m a n cells in tissue culture to be convinced that DNA repair by photoreactivation, or light repair, occurs in h u m a n skin cells as well. T h o u g h this conviction is not yet shared by all investigators, sunbathers familiar with this work might well imagine that the sunlight (containing both ultraviolet and visible radiation) falling on his skin is alternately (perhaps simultaneously) damaging and healing their DNA. With an XP victim, it is virtually all one-way and irreversible. Another leading investigator of DNA repair is Philip C. Hanawalt of Stanford University, who once studied with Richard Setlow. Hanawalt, with his own student, David Pettijohn, discovered what is called repair replication, one of the critical steps in the repair process. Hanawalt and his co-workers have since elucidated repair p a t h w a y s in both bacteria and h u m a n cells. T o underline the radical shift in thought that the discovery of DNA repair has b r o u g h t about, Hanawalt points to the fact that until very recently scientists believed that organisms were able to maintain their genetic continuity only because of the inherent stability of their DNA molecules. T h e implicit assumption was that, in the event of DNA damage, the cell either died or survived despite the persisting damage. The damage might have a negligible effect if it occurred at an u n i m p o r t a n t gene site; it could also be the kind of mutation that drives evolution. This overly simple notion, however, could not long remain tenable. T h e more scientists observed the effects of DNA damage—not only by ultraviolet, X-ray and other ionizing radiation but by a host of chemical mutagens and carcinogens too— and the more they u n d e r s t o o d that alterations in the DNA molecule can also occur spontaneously, the more it became apparent that the cell must possess some kind of builtin mechanism for repairing DNA. And this realization has resulted in a burgeoning of DNA-repair research in the past decade or so. T h e promise is a better basic understanding of genetic and e v o l u t i o n a r y processes as well as of clues and possible therapies in a number of h u m a n diseases. Also emerging are new insights into the specific biochemical relationship between living organisms and their environments. How damage occurs T h e genetic code is m a d e u p of four basic "letters," or nucleotides, strung together between a helical pair of complementary strands and creating the appearance of a spiral staircase or rope ladder. Each nucleotide is made up of a base—the essential genetic l e t t e r attached to sugar and p h o s p h a t e chemical g r o u p s that join together to form the molecule's backbone. T h e four bases, DNA's genetic alphabet, are usually characterized as A (for adenine), G (for guanine), T (for thymine), and C (for cytosine). The bases A and G belong to the M O S A i n . l f l n i i a r v / F p h r n a r v 1QR1 11 normal DNA A-Adenine C - Cytosine T - Thymine G- Guanine Normal replication, DNA divides (from right to left here) between its strands, along which are strung complementary sequences of bases: an adenine (A) always facing a thymine (T); a guanine (G) always facing a cytosine (c). Upon division, each single strand directs the construction of a new complement. Then cell division takes place. Damage. Uitraviolet radiation can cause two thymines to bind to each other, creating what is called a thymine dimer, one of a number of kinds of ills to which DNA is heir. Effect of damage. In the absence of repair, the dimer is unable to order adenines for the complementary strand facing it. Replication stops at the gap; the cell dies. chemical family called purines, while T and C are pyrimidines. In the DNA double helix, a purine is always found opposite a pyrimidine; quite specifically, A always goes with T and G with C. T h u s if a T were to be knocked out by, say, the impact of a cosmic ray, an "intelligent" genetic apparatus would "know"— from the presence of the naked A—that the hole opposite it would need to be filled by a T. Every healthy cell does appear to possess just such an a p p a r a t u s . T h e nucleus contains not only DNA but proteins as well. (See " T h e S t r u c t u r e s that M a k e DNA W o r k , " Mosaic, Volume 11, N u m b e r 1, and "DNA Topology: K n o t s N o Sailor Ever K n e w , " in this issue.) A m o n g the n u m e r o u s types of protein molecules in cell nuclei are enzymes of many kinds that represent the cell's atthe-ready a r m a m e n t a r i u m for DNA repair. W h y would mere exposure to ultraviolet light be d a m a g i n g to DNA? O n a given DNA s t r a n d , two T bases—two thymines—are often found side by side (across from two adenines, of course). The atoms of each T are b o u n d to each other in such a way as to permit their electrons to absorb ultraviolet Rosenfeld, a veteran science journalist, holds an adjunct professorship at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. 19 Mn.QAlP .laniiarw/Cflhrnarw 1001 energy. But that radiation so excites the electrons when it strikes them that they "reach o u t " to bond with the electrons of the T next door. Thus they form what is called a thymine dimer. T h e radiation can also create dimers between adjacent cytosines or between a thymine and an adjacent cytosine. (In chemical terms, a single Base is a monomer, two joined together form a ^imer, and several would make a polymer.) Bonds can also form between purine bases, but not from ultraviolet exposure. But why does the formation of a dimer constitute damage? As Setlow and his wife, Jane (an eminent scientist in her own right), demonstrated while they were still at O a k Ridge, bases in a dimer are too firmly b o u n d to each other to carry out their replication tasks. Dimers have been likened to a place on a zipper where two adjacent teeth have fused, thus stopping all action. N o w , how to unfuse the zipper t e e t h unbind the two bound bases? The mere flicking on of a light switch would not appear to offer much. But as Claud S. Rupertof Johns H o p k i n s discovered, the cell nucleus contains enzymes that are sensitive to light— photoreactivation enzymes. These enzymes come equipped to recognize the distortion (often referred to as a b u m p , kink, warp, or wrinkle) on the DNA strand that signifies damage—the presence of a thymine dimer. W h e n light activates it, the enzyme fits itself jigsaw-like to the dimer, splitting it back into a pair of normal monomers again. No one yet u n d e r s t a n d s the detailed process by which it achieves this remarkable feat. Photoreactivation, like so many other phenomena in science, was discovered serendipitously. In the late 1940s, Renato Dulbecco, now at Caltech, and Albert Kelner, now at Brandeis, were working independently of each other at Harvard on ultraviolet irradiation of bacterial viruses and bacteria respectively. Each inadvertently left his cultures exposed to fluorescent lights overnight and discovered the next day that many more of the organisms had survived than would have been the case had the cultures been left in the dark. More is k n o w n about ultraviolet damage such as thymine dimers than about most other kinds of DNA damage and repair, because those have turned out to be, so far, the easiest to study. But there are ways other than photoreactivation to repair ultraviolet damage— and of course there are numerous other kinds of damage. Photoreactivation is also called light repair. M o s t other kinds of DNA repair are encompassed under the term dark repair, light activated repair Light repair. In those cells that are exposed to light, a photoreactivation enzyme can fit itself to the thymine dimer... ...snip the dimer open before the damage has reached the point of replication, thus... ...freeing the two thymine bases to order complementary adenine bases across from them. Replication proceeds. which is much more common; except for those cells at an organism's surface, most cells are never exposed to light. Dark repair Setlow, along with a colleague at Oak R i d g e , W . L. Carrier, was the earliest to d i s c e r n that u l t r a v i o l e t - i n d u c e d t h y m i n e dimers (in the common intestinal bacterium Escherichia coli) could also be repaired in the dark by means of "excision repair." At about the time Setlow was making his first daring sorties into the terra incognita of DNA repair, Robert Painter of the University of California at San Francisco was discovering, in his mammalian cell cultures, a p h e n o m e n o n he called u n s c h e d u l e d DNA s y n t h e s i s — t h a t is, s y n t h e s i s taking place w h e n the cells were not carrying out their normally programmed replication. W h a t he was observing, it turned out, was a part of excision repair. Also at about the same time, Hanawalt and his Stanford colleagues identified in bacteria another excision-repair component— the insertion step. And by 1968, James D. Regan and his colleagues at Oak Ridge Nat i o n a l Laboratories were finding excision repair in h u m a n cells. Since then excision repair—the kind Cleaver found missing in the cells of XP victims—has probably been the most extensively studied type of DNA repair. In excision repair, to put it oversimply, the dimer or other damaged area is snipped out and replaced either with a " s h o r t p a t c h " (three or four nucleotides) or a "long p a t c h " (as many as a hundred nucleotides), depending on the extent and nature of the damage. As Setlow and Carrier first described the process, excision repair occurs in four steps, requiring the cooperation of at least four specific enzymes in the cell's arsenal. First, an enzyme called an endonuclease (the "ase" ending always denotes an enzyme) recognizes the site of the damage and cuts a nick in the damaged DNA chain. T h e n an exonuclease removes the damaged segment. A DNA polymerase next moves in to fill the gap, copying from the opposite strand, just as it would in ordinary replication. Finally, a DNA ligase joins the new segment to the DNA chain to complete the repair. This sequence still essentially describes the basic process, but it has turned out to be much more complicated. It surely involves a larger n u m b e r of steps. T h e multiplicity of enzymes available in the cell's armamentarium offers a seemingly endless array of repair strategies. In m a n y cases, for instance, it is now clear that, in the removal of a thymine dimer, what appears to be the first step is at least a two-step process. As enzymologist Lawrence Grossman of Johns H o p k i n s first showed, before the endonuclease can cut a glycosylase, it must first cleave the bond that connects one of the thymines to its sugar. In E. coli the incision step alone requires the cooperation of three genes. " T h e collaboration of three genes in this m a n n e r , " S t a n f o r d ' s I. Robert Lehman points out, "suggests that DNA repair is under very strict genetic control indeed." In h u m a n cells, the incision step is n o w k n o w n to be controlled by at least seven gene products, as is evidenced by the existence of more than seven varieties of the XP defect. (Cleaver, working with Dirk Bootsma and his colleagues in Holland, was in on the discovery that by fusing the cells of two XP patients, each of whose defects may involve a different step or aspect of the incision process, a hybrid cell is produced which can carry out repair perfectly normally. T h e deficiency in each is overcome by the strength of the other.) It turns out, too, that there are several kinds of excision repair. Besides the excision and replacement of damaged segments of the DNA strand, there is also excision base excision repair Excision repair. To correct a thymine dirner in the absence of light... ...endonuclease enzymes cut the dimer out of the chain; exonucleases remove it... ...with the dlmer removed, polymerases build a new segment out into the gap from one end while ligases seal it into place at the other... ...providing normal thymines to order adenines into the complementary strand, thus permitting replication to proceed. SOS repair Sloppy repair. If none of the usual mechanisms can make the repair, and division is stalled... ...the sos repair system can be called into being, sos polymerases are built from scratch for the job. These enzymes jerry-build a rough patch, containing random bases, which permits the cell to survive and replicate. But a mutation may well have been born. repair, in which only the base is missing or damaged, and excision nucleotide repair, in which whole nucleotides—base, sugar, phosphate and all—are replaced, along with the areas immediately adjacent. Base replacement is carried out by what are called insertases, a process discovered by Stuart Lynn at Berkeley, while nucleotide repair is the work of the same DNA polymerases Stanford Nobelist Arthur Kornberg originally discovered. These are enzymes which, as Robin Holliday of London's National Institute for Medical Research has remarked, sometimes act as if they had minds of their own. Endless variations Of the various kinds of response to DNA damage, one of the most interesting is recombination, in which pieces of genetic material are traded from one DNA strand to another. (Chromosomes invented recombinant DNA well before scientists did.) Not infrequently, gaps appear in a just-replicated DNA strand—perhaps opposite damaged areas that have been passed over. Fortunately there are usually extra copies of DNA molecules, or pieces of them, in the immediate vicinity. Such an intact copy will move to overlap with the damaged strand so that the necessary pieces can be spliced into the damaged areas. The donor strand is then capable of repairing its own damage so that, thanks to the recombination process, all the DNA molecules are now whole and healthy. This recombinant capacity was not fully realized until Paul H o w a r d - F l a n d e r s and Dean Rupp of Yale noticed that cells that were deficient in excision repair still managed to survive after undergoing a considerable amount of DNA damage. It was Evelyn Witkin of Downstate Medical Center (now at Rutgers) who demonstrated that the ultraviolet-induced mutations, that remain unrepaired in spite of everything, stem from strand mismatching or copying errors made while recombination is going on. There are seemingly endless variations on the theme of DNA repair, and scientists have not yet begun to exhaust the catalog. If a base is put in the wrong place during replication, there are enzymes to rectify the mistake. Purines, without any errors and without damage inflicted from the outside at all, will still drop out by the thousands every day just from the ordinary wear and tear of existence in the hectic molecular c o m m u n i ties we call chromosomes. W h e n they do drop out, there may well be insertases to replace them. There are no insertases, so far as is k n o w n , to replace pyrimidines; they drop out less readily. What happens with reasonable frequency, however, is that a base will spontaneously undergo change; a cytosine, for instance, will deaminate (lose an amino group) and become uracil, another pyrimidine. Uracil would be perfectly at home in RNA, the other nucleic acid, but not in DNA. There do exist enzymes (uracil glycosylases) that recognize the uracil, remove it, and allow it to be replaced with a new cytosine. In case of a purine (adenine or guanine) dropout, if it isn't re- placed with reasonable s p e e d , the loosehanging sugar that no longer has its base attached may start forming other compounds. The result could conceivably be one of several kinds of cross-linking of the two strands of DNA, which would involve another, more difficult kind of repair. Besides pyrimidine dimers, purine modifications (purines don't form dimers) can also be formed—by the presence of mustard gas or other chemicals, for example. In fact, there are many kinds of damage caused by X rays, gamma rays, cosmic rays and potent chemicals. An a l k y l a t i n g agent such as a nitrosamine can add an alkyl group—say, a methyl or an ethyl group—where it doesn't belong, and there are enzymes equipped to remove those misplaced items. O n the other hand, there are places on the DNA chain where methyl g r o u p s do belong, for good reason. S u p p o s e that an error has occurred in one of the DNA strands—say, a T has been put across from a G, where a C really belongs. Well, there they are: two strands, one with a G and one with a T. The e n z y m a t i c a p p a r a t u s in the DNA-protein complex " k n o w s " that c a n ' t be correct, but how does it know whether to replace the C with a T on one strand, or the G with an A on the other? If the wrong strand were corrected, the result would be either the death of the cell or a mutation, the perpetuation of the genetic error. How can it be determined which is the authentic original? The answer was first suggested by Matthew Meselson of H a r v a r d . It appears that MOSAIC January/February 1981 15 the older strand—the parent strand, the one with the t r u e - b u t - m i s c o p i e d genetic m e s sage—processes strategically placed methyl groups. But the newly formed strand, the daughter strand, has not yet been methylated. So the enzymes " k n o w " that the correction is to be made in the new, unmethylated strand. T h e s e m e t h y l g r o u p s a p p e a r to serve other purposes as well. Hamilton Smith of Johns H o p k i n s and Werner Arber of the University of Basel, Switzerland, who shared a Nobel Prize in 1978, have s h o w n that bacteria can use methyl groups to distinguish their o w n DNA from foreign DNA. If foreign DNA intervenes, because it is unmethylated or has methyl groups in inappropriate places it is in danger of being chewed u p . Native DNA nucleases—more of the c h r o m o s o m e s ' in-house, at~the-ready apparatus—will dismember it. The chromosomes appear, then, to have a protective recognition system of their own, though how it works is still only dimly understood. There do exist recognition proteins, enzymes called methylases, which may place a methyl g r o u p on a DNA strand to protect the strand from rampaging nucleases. As Arthur Kornberg has observed, " Y o u can get cells to commit suicide in tissue culture by methyl-starving them." T h e DNA, in that case, is attacked by its o w n nucleases, just as the cells of a mature organism may be attacked by its o w n lymphocytes in autoimmune disease. The SOS system Under certain circumstances, some cells can switch on their SOS repair systems. T h e term SOS denotes literally a holler for help, for a rescue operation in an emergency. Much about the SOS system is speculative. It appears to be able to keep DNA synthesis going even u n d e r d a m a g i n g attack b y r a d i a t i o n or chemicals and in the absence of suitable defense enzymes. T h e n the cell seems to have the p o w e r to call u p SOS polymerases— enzymes which, in this case, it may synthesize ad hoc for this specific purpose. T h e SOS enzymes slap a patch or a splice over the damage so the cell will survive. Of course a lot of mistakes are made this way; the SOS system is also called the errorprone system or just " s l o p p y repair." But it does save the life of a cell that would otherwise die. It's as if a victim of a serious accident' is rescued, but winds u p with, say, a limp, a couple of severed fingers, a hacking cough and the loss or damage of some organ. T h o u g h his life has been preserved, he isn't functioning very well and, handi- 16 MOSAIC January/February 1981 capped or crippled as he is, his life may still be in jeopardy. But he is still alive, and if he h a d n ' t been rescued, he'd be dead. So it is with the SOSrepaired cell. It's a survivor with a number of mutations that may or may not ultimately prove to be deadly. Of course some kinds of damage left over from the error-prone repair system may still be repairable, post-replication, via the recombination process—just as the man saved from death may well undergo some post-rescue rehabilitation to improve his condition. And more Still another repair p h e n o m e n o n is one called host-cell reactivation. It is actually just excision repair, b u t it is carried out on a " g u e s t . " T h e cell repairs a DNA-damaged virus introduced into the cell by an experimenter; the cell's genetic machinery repairs the d a m a g e d viral DNA. In other c i r c u m stances, the guest can r e t u r n the favor. Bruce Alberts's g r o u p at the University of California in San Francisco is among those seeking to elucidate this relationship. Some cells are especially ultraviolet-sensitive—that is, repair-deficient—as first discovered by the late R u t h Hill at Columbia. Such repair-deficient cells have been used to good advantage by Bruce Ames of the University of California at Berkeley to test a variety of environmental mutagens and carcinogens. Other cells are particularly damage resistant, and genes from a damage-resistant cell can even impart their repair capacities to a cell otherwise defenseless. Stephen Lloyd of Philip Hanawalt's g r o u p at Stanford has now, via recombinant-DNA techniques, been able to clone a repair gene from a virus that infects—and sometimes repairs—ultravioletdamaged DNA in £. coll. Lloyd hopes to insert them into h u m a n XP cells that are repair deficient. T h u s the XP cells may be " c u r e d , " at least in tissue culture. Similar experiments are being carried out at other laboratories in Japan and the United States. There need not be a specific repair technique to go with each type of DNA damage. Some repair systems can fix more than one kind of damage, and some kinds of damage can be repaired by a n u m b e r of systems. As for repair enzymes, they seem to keep proliferating with virtually every issue of the relevant technical publications. The enzymologists keep proliferating too, despite the fact that enzymes are devilishly difficult to work with. Johns Hopkins's Lawrence Grossman, for instance, who with his collaborators has spent a good many man-years purifying repair enzymes, works with another bacterial model, Micrococcus luteus. This bacterium is highly resistant to DNA damage and possesses a very low level of nonspecific nucleases— hence very little b a c k g r o u n d noise—to interfere with the studies. Grossman has also isolated and purified a number of enzymes from h u m a n placentas. W h a t Grossman wants to do is to make antibodies to each of his purified enzymes to use as efficient probes. Radioactively labeled and dispatched into a system, each antibody will seek out the enzyme to which it is tailored and tell Grossman if any enzymes are absent, are different, or are functioning improperly, and where damage may be located geographically in the nuclear material. In this manner he hopes to be able to map repair-enzyme functions with a precision heretofore impossible. Another veteran worker is Michael Lieberman (veterans can still be quite young in this field) of W a s h i n g t o n University in St. Louis, who elucidated the role of chromatin in DNA repair in mammalian cells. And there are the groups at Stanford—Hanawalt's, for instance, and teams under Errol Friedberg who is particulary interested in the glycosylases, and I. Robert Lehman who has made a specialty of the DNA ligases. O n e could go on enumerating them, not only in the United States b u t in countries stretching from the United Kingdom and Scandinavia to Israel and the Far East. Firefighters or fire wardens Scientists—even those working actively in the still infant science of DNA r e p a i r even as they get a better idea each day of h o w much they still have to learn, are just beginning to realize the enormous potential of their explorations. As Hanawalt points out, it takes a few thousand nucleotides to make u p a h u m a n gene, and a single DNA molecule may contain many thousands of genes. All this m u s t be replicated every time a cell divides, and at a fairly rapid rate. The genes of £. coli replicate at the rate of 3,000 nucleotides per second. T h i n k of the fertilized egg of almost any multicellular organism; and think of the number of times it divides and reproduces its genetic information. T h i n k of the number of times, even in a mature organism, that the genes have to be switched on a n d off in order to carry out the cell's basic processes—particularly protein manufacture. And remember, Kornberg cautions, the DNA molecule is not the relatively straightforward and relatively static structure it was once thought to be. It is constantly coiling and supercoiling, changing its shape and configuration, moving dynamically in relation to its associated proteins, undergoing a "virtual orgy of recombination," with plasmids arriving and departing like New Yorkt o - W a s h i n g t o n shuttles. It is k n o w n n o w that genes " j u m p " and "cross over," that pieces of chromosomes are exchanged, that genes contain "silent" sequences of DNA a m o n g the sequences that are used, that DNA is being generated from RNA by means of the enzyme reverse transcriptase, that segments of the DNA molecule b u n c h u p in peculiar ways, raveling and unraveling. (See " G e n e Segments on the M o v e , " in this issue; "Split Genes: More Questions Than Answers," Mosaic, Volume 10, N u m b e r 5; " T h e Structures That M a k e DNA W o r k , " Mosaic, Volume 11, Number 1.) Friedberg and Cleaver believe that some failures of DNA repair may be due not to the absence or malfunction of enzymes, but rather to the d y n a m i s m of the DNA-protein, or chromatin, complex and its failure to open up at the appropriate times, thus perhaps making the requisite gene sites inaccessible. In any case, it is clear that in this frenetic i n t r a n u c l e a r s i t u a t i o n , o p p o r t u n i t i e s for damage and error are legion. And it becomes clear to Kornberg, the SOS system notwithstanding, that DNA repair is perhaps a misnomer. He proposes that it is not just a h a n d y system to call on when in trouble, but is rather a built-in part of DNA replication: It is an unresting surveillance-and-editing system that begins to work at the very beginning of life and does not stop until death, though there is some evidence suggesting that it declines with age. Even the tiny mycoplasma, he observes, an organism that hovers somewhere between virus and bacterium, an organism with very few genes, still reserves one of those genes for repair. It's been calculated that a bacterial gene still has a 50 percent chance of survival after having been duplicated 100 million times. As Hanawalt, Lehman, Grossman, Setlow, and others point out, life evolved on the earth while exposed to a lot of ultraviolet as well as other kinds of natural radiation and a variety of damaging substances. So repair s y s t e m s m u s t h a v e evolved along with the earliest forms of life and probably had an evolutionary influence of their own. Errol Friedberg believes, in fact, that the very reason for having DNA come in a double helix was to make repair possible; for mere replication, a single strand is quite sufficient, though not as easy. Does DNA actually repair itself? N o , says A unisexfish In the course of his research in excision and other types of dark repair, Richard B. Setlow performed an elegant experiment in collaboration with Brookhaven National Laboratory colleague Avery D. Woodhead and Ronald W . Hart of Ohio State University. O n e obstacle in the way of studying DNA repair with the desired precision is that most cells possess more than one repair capability, so it is usually difficult to tell what damage is being repaired by which method. In his search for a better way to study photoreactivation, especially as it might apply to cancer, Setlow ran across a remarkable experimental animal, a small fish called the Amazon molly (Poecilia formosa). It is so named not because it comes from the Amazon region (it is collected in northern Mexico and southern Texas), but because it always seems to come in the female gender. But it does not reproduce parthenogenetically— asexually; it requires the presence of male sperm, which it can pick up from the water. T h e presence of males of the common tropical fishtank variety of black molly serves the purpose adequately. The sperm, though it is needed to activate fertilization, does not contribute any genetic material to the union. Thus only the female's hereditary instructions are passed on to the offspring. So mother, daughter, granddaughter, siblings, and all the other relatives through many generations are "isogenic"; they are, genetically speaking, identical twins, a multigenerational clone. T h e y do n o t , for i n s t a n c e , reject one another's transplanted tissues. To render P. formosa an even more desirable model, the fish turn out to possess large quantities of p h o t o r e a c t i v a t i o n e n z y m e b u t very little of any other kind of DNArepair capability. Here, then, is the experiment Setlow did with Hart and W o o d h e a d : They took thyroid cells from the Amazon molly and irradiated them with carefully measured amounts of ultraviolet light. Then they injected the damaged thyroid cells into a number of healthy mollies. Virtually every one of the recipient fish developed thyroid tumors. T h e experiment was then done over; only this time the damaged cells were exposed to visible light so that their photo- r e a c t i v a t i o n e n z y m e s y s t e m s could be activated before the cells were injected into the recipients. This time only 5 percent of the fish developed tumors. Finally the procedure was reversed, letting the photoreactivation enzymes go to work before the ultraviolet irradiation. This had no protective effect; again the tumor incidence went back up to 100 percent. One could hardly ask for a more clear-cut demonstration. This does not necessarily prove anything about h u m a n cancers, of c o u r s e even about h u m a n skin cancers. But it surely suggests an important link of some kind. N o one believes that ultraviolet radiation damage, or DNA damage of any kind, in itself causes cancer, but it makes sense that such damage sets in motion a series of events that can be carcinogenic. Needless to add, Setlow is cultivating his A m a z o n mollies for further experiments, some already in progress. • MOSAIC January/February 1981 1 A r t h u r Kornberg. It is the nuclear proteins, especially the enzymes, that actively carry out the repair on the passive DNA molecule. DNA represents the library of information that needs to be maintained with the greatest possible accuracy. Historians of contemporary genetics like to smile at the old notion that the directive substance in the genes was not the nucleic acid but the protein. Yet here are proteins not only carrying out DNA repair, but " d e ciding" when to turn genes on and off at the proper times to perform their daily functions. Is protein the directive substance, after all, that controls the DNA? If DNA is the library, is protein the librarian? Kornberg believes the question is academic. " W e need b o t h , " he says. "Protein can't exist or replace itself without DNA's instructions. So it's a question like, ' W h i c h came first, the chicken or the egg?' " The lusty new science of DNA repair, then, not only is making important contributions to knowledge of DNA in particular and genetics in general, but it also offers new insights into life's fundamental processes and raises profound philosophical questions. Disease and aging Nevertheless, perhaps of greater interest to the average citizen is the great potential for medicine. Xeroderma pigmentosum is not the only genetic disease in which a DNArepair deficiency is implicated. There are at least two other such diseases—ataxia telangiectasia and Fanconi's anemia—both with varied symptoms but both producing a greatly increased susceptibility to cancer. Here the connection is not as clear cut as in XP, nor is the specific repair deficiency the same as inXP. Repair deficiencies are also suspected in a number of other genetic diseases—among them D o w n ' s syndrome, hereditary retinoblastoma, Bloom's syndrome, H u n t i n g t o n ' s disease and two diseases that mimic premature aging processes: Cockayne's syndrome and progeria. Aging itself is believed in some quarters to be associated with DNA repair. There is a proposition that holds the decline in DNA-repair capacity to be the major cause of aging. As astute a student of the subject as jerry Williams of George W a s h i n g t o n University believes that the contention is not incompatible- with the k n o w n data. Evidence certainly points to the fact that DNA repair does decline with age, but it is more generally believed to be a s y m p t o m rather than a cause of aging. Setlow and Ronald Hart of Ohio State ran, among their other experiments, a series on the cells of a 18 MOSAIC January/February 1981 n u m b e r of species of v a r y i n g life s p a n s (shrew, mouse, rat, hamster, cow, elephant, h u m a n ) and concluded that in general the longer-lived species had greater DNA-repair capacities. Certainly DNA damage and repair are important in cancer. And repair studies will surely constitute an indispensable tool for all environmental medicine. DNA repair, as it b e c o m e s better u n d e r s t o o d , may finally tell, for instance, whether or not there really is a safe threshold for radiation damage. It m a y offer clues, too, to h i t h e r t o - u n s u s pected causes of birth defects. Walderico M . Generoso and his colleagues at Oak Ridge have s h o w n that, when a mouse egg is fertilized with a s p e r m a t o z o o n the DNA of which has been deliberately damaged, DNA repair begins right there in the egg. A major hope, certainly, is that as understanding of DNA-repair mechanisms grows more sophisticated, scientists may acquire the ability to impart repair capability to cells and organisms that are repair-deficient—or even to those that aren't. Such an ability could be important in addressing birth defects, cancer and possibly even aging. Jerry Williams has already suggested that DNA damage, caused for instance by free radicals, might be reversed or minimized by substances such as superoxide dismutase or antioxidants. And Joan SmithS o n n e b o r n of the University of W y o m i n g recentlv did a series of experiments in which she found, not surprisingly, that ultravioleti n d u c e d d a m a g e reduces the life s p a n of paramecia. But when she followed the ultraviolet t r e a t m e n t s with p h o t o r e a c t i v a t i o n , and did so time after time after time, she significantly increased the longevity of those paramecia compared to that of unirradiated controls. The only logical explanation seemed to be that, while she was repairing the ultraviolet-induced damage, she was at the same time repairing some of the ravages of aging. While science seeks to make DNA-repair systems more efficient, Michael Lieberman w a r n s , the efficiency should stop s h o r t p e r h a p s far short—of 100 percent. T h o u g h repair systems do need a high level of proficiency, he suggests, the imperfections in the system may well be necessary too. For if DNA-repair capacities were to become flawless, he reasons, then mutations would never occur. If that were the case, h u m a n evolution would be brought to a screeching halt. • The National Science Foundation contributes to the support of the research discussed in this article through its Genetic Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry Programs,