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1. Organic Compounds (Macromolecules)
a. Name the monomers of Carbs, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids
2. The energy of exothermic reactions is____________________, while the energy of endothermic
reactions is ___________. Therefore reactions that have equal and opposite reactions
_________and __________ energy.
3. Ecology
a. Name and describe the levels of organization from species(organism) to biosphere
b. Photosynthetic vs chemosynthetic organisms
c. What is biomass?
d. Abiotic vs biotic w/ examples
e. Habitat vs Niche
f. Producer/autotroph
g. Consumer/heterotroph
h. In a food chain which is the 1st/2nd/3rd level producer/ consumer
i. Difference between herbivore/carnivore/omnivore
j. Pyramids-Energy/Biomass/Numbers and 90-10 rule
k. Carbon cycle
l. Nitrogen cycle
m. Water cycle
n. CO2-O2 cycle
o. Symbiosis
i. Mutualism
ii. Parasitism
iii. Commensalism
p. Predation
q. Competition
r. Succession - Primary vs. Secondary
s. Population
i. Factors that increase
ii. Factors that decrease
iii. Logistic growth
iv. Exponential growth
v. Carrying capacity
4. Biodiversity – Threats to biodiversity
5. Cells
a. Eukaryotes vs Prokaryotes
b. Organelles and the structure and function
c. Levels of Cellular Organization (Cell--> Organism)
d. Cell theory Schleiden/Schwann
6. Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
a. Reactants and Products of each rxn
b. Chlorophyll absorbs _____________ wavelengths of light and reflects
_______________ wavelengths.
c. Light dependent reactions take place in the _________________________
d. Light independent (Calvin cycle) takes place in the ___________________
e. Muscle soreness is caused by _____________________ fermentation.
f. Alcoholic beverages are produced by ___________________ fermentation.
g. What’s required for the conversion of pyruvic acid during fermentation?
h. What organisms carry out aerobic cellular respiration?
i. How does your body get more oxygen during exercise?
a. Explain the cell surface area to volume ratio concept
b. Reasons why cells need to divide
c. Cell cycle – phases and descriptions G1,S,G2, M cytokinesis
d. Mitosis – phases and descriptions PMAT
e. What causes normal cells to stop growing?
f. What role do cyclins have in the cell cycle?
g. Mendel – Father of ??
h. True breeding is? AKA
i. Hybrid is? AKA
j. Dominant/Recessive
k. Genotype/Phenotype
l. Gene/Allele
m. Allel combinations for TtSs
a. DNA vs RNA
b. Replication
c. Transcription
d. Translation
e. Gene mutation types
f. Chromosome mutation types
g. What does Gene regulation involve?
h. What do HOX genes control?
Genetic Engineering
a. Artificial (selective) Breeding
b. Hybridization
c. Polyploidy
d. Restriction enzymes
e. Polymerase chain reaction
f. Genetic markers in plasmids
g. Transgenic plants
h. Clone
a. Karyotype normal vs abnormal
b. Autosomal recessive Ex. PKU
c. ABO Blood group alleles IA, ii, etc.
d. DNA fingerprinting
e. Human Genome Project
11. Evolution
a. Darwin
b. Galapagos tortoises
c. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
d. Malthus
e. Origin of Species
f. Natural selection
g. Evidence of Evolution
i. Fossils
1. Relative dating
2. Absolute (Radiometric) dating
ii. Living Organisms
1. Common ancestor
2. Homologous structues
3. Vestigial structures
4. Embryology
5. Biochemistry (DNA/proteins)
6. Behavioral
7. Geographic
iii. Analogous structures-convergent evolution
iv. Adaptive radiation-divergent evolution
v. Coevolution
h. Directiona, stabilizing and disruptive l selection
i. Genetic drift
j. Genetic equilibrium
k. Speciation
l. Isolation types, behavioral, geographic, temporal