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FCA #3 Study Guide
Human Reproduction—Packet, Chapter 34
Male and Female comparative anatomy
-know the similarities and differences between the structures’ functions
Embryo development—from meiosis to embryo
Chromosomes—Chapter 6
Crossing Over—Section 6.6
Haploid v. Diploid cells—Section 6.2
-gametes and somatic cells
Fertilization—joining of gametes
Mitosis and Meiosis—Chapter 6
Sexual v. Asexual reproduction
-know the division used by each type of organism
Properties mitosis and meiosis [lab worksheet]
-type of cells
-number of divisions
-end results of division
Punnett Squares—Section 6.4, 6.5
Law of independent assortment—Section 6.3
Homozygous & Heterozygous
Modes of Inheritance—Sections 7.1, 7.2
-Complete dominance, codominant, incomplete dominance, sex-linked
Molecular Biology—Chapter 8
DNA Structure—Section 8.2
-DNA base pairing
-Parts of a nucleotide
Replication—Section 8.3
-DNA polymerase
Transcription—Section 8.4
-RNA types [mRNA, tRNA, rRNA]
-RNA base pairing
Translation—Section 8.5
-RNA to protein
-Translating codons to amino acids
Biotechnology—Chapter 9
Gel Electrophoresis—Section 9.1
Polymerase Chain Reaction[PCR]—Section 9.2
Clone—Section 9.4
-How are clones made?
Genetic Engineering
-Recombinant DNA
Gene Therapy—Section 9.6