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Kingdom Animalia PowerPoint Notes II
1. Symmetry
a. When an animal can be divided into right and left halves that are mirror images of each
other that animal is said to have _____________________ _____________________.
b. _____________________ _____________________ refers to animals such as sea stars
with appendages that radiate from one central axis.
2. Steps of Evolution by Natural Selection
a. Step 1:
b. Step 2:
c. Step 3:
d. Step 4:
e. Step 5:
3. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution: DARWIN’S BACKGROUND
a. Darwin was born in 1809 in _____________________.
b. At the urging of his father and grandfather, he first tried _____________________ school.
c. Because he found med school too repulsive, he switched to ___________________ school.
d. He joined the crew of the HMS _____________________, as companion to the captain.
e. The HMS Beagle set sail on a trip around the world: ___________ through 1836.
f. Observations and collections would eventually lead to a _____________________ theory.
4. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution: WHY REVOLUTIONARY?
a. People in Darwin’s day believed that the Earth is only a few ________________ years old.
b. Neither Earth nor ___________________ had changed!
5. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution: TRIP AROUND THE WORLD
a. Cape Verde Islands
i. Noted a band of white seashells interestingly located _____ feet above sea level.
ii. He posed a question:_________________________________________________
b. Rio de Janeiro, Argentina
i. Darwin collected _____ species of rainforest beetles in one day!
ii. He posed a question: _________________________________________________
c. Punta Alta, Argentina
i. Darwin found a series of large, fossilized animals: _____________________,
_____________________, and ____________________
ii. He posed a question:_________________________________________________
d. St. Fe Bajada, Argentina
i. He found a large ___________________ tooth, later found to be from a mastodon.
ii. He posed a question: _________________________________________________
e. Valdivia, Chile
i. He witnessed an ___________________ where rock rose above ___________ level.
ii. He posed a question: _________________________________________________
f. Villa Vicencio, Chile
i. He observed mountains interestingly composed of ___________________ lava.
ii. He posed a question:_________________________________________________
g. Galapagos Islands
i. These _____________ islands are close together but have different _____________.
ii. Darwin noted birds diverse in their _______________ and ______________ habits.
iii. Later Darwin would hypothesize that the birds share a common _______________.
iv. The process of several species evolving from one common ancestor is known as
__________________ _________________.
v. Darwin observed that several animals a similar streamlined body:
_____________________, _____________________, and ___________________
vi. The process of very different animals developing similar characteristics over time is
known as __________________ _________________.
h. Emu Ferry, Australia
i. Darwin was astonished by unique life such as the ___________________.
ii. He posed a question:_________________________________________________
i. Keeling Islands
i. Darwin observed that the islands were composed entirely of __________________.
ii. He posed a question:_________________________________________________
j. Madagascar
i. Darwin was intrigued with an orchid that has nectar at the tip of a spur ___ cm long.
ii. He posed a question:_________________________________________________
iii. The process of two organisms evolving together is __________________________.
6. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution: ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES
i. Upon return from the voyage, Darwin started writing about diversity and a process
that would eventually be called ___________________.
ii. Darwin finally published On the ___________________ of Species in 1859.
iii. His book laid out a mechanism for evolution called ____________ ____________.