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Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______________ Period: ______ Assign#:______
Unit 7 #1 - Darwin’s Idea
Chapter 15
For each person listed below describe their ideas
Their Theory/Idea
Hutton / Lyell
What did Darwin notice about the finches on the Galapagos islands?
The differences in beak allowed some finches to:
What was the name of Darwin’s book?
The essence of Darwin’s ideas (5 items)
: ___________________________________
Evolution by Natural Selection
Darwin had three main points to his theory of evolution by natural selection. Thoroughly explain, in 3-5
sentences each of Darwin’s observations.
“The struggle for existence”
“Survival of the Fittest”
FITNESS: ____________________________________________________________________
ADAPTATION: _______________________________________________________________
“Descent with Modification”
2 main sources of variation: ______________________ + _________________________________
The main difference between Darwin and Lamarck explaining a giraffe’s neck: