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Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Darwin Presents his Case Chapter 16-3 Image from: Biology by Miller and Levine; Prentice Hall Publishing©2006 http://groups.wfu.edu/ModelUN/images/Cover/Oranges.jpg http://www.fx.clemson.edu/~ablank/126436919.Broccoli.jpg http://www.butterball.com/en/images/plan_n_prep/preparing/carving1.jpg THINK ABOUT IT What do oranges, broccoli and Butterball turkeys have to do with EVOLUTION? (Answers to come in this slide show!) After Darwin returned to England in 1836 he filled notebooks with his ideas species diversity and the process about _____________ evolution that he would later call _______. He did not rush to publish his ideas disagreed with the because they ________ beliefs of his fundamental scientific ______ day. He asked his wife to publish his ideas when he died ___. http://www.elsie.brandeis.edu/images/journals.gif In 1858 another naturalist, Alfred Russel Wallace wrote an _________________, Malaysia that essay describing his work in _______ summarized the same ideas Darwin _____ had been thinking about for 25 years! http://www.thesecondevolution.com/wallace&darwin.jpg Suddenly Darwin had incentive to publish the results of his work! In 1859 On the Origin of Species ____________________ evidence presented _______ and proposed a mechanism ________ for evolution that he called NATURAL SELECTION __________________ http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/world/images/s125.jpg Isn’t evolution just a theory? A theory is a well-supported ____________, _______, testable explanation of phenomena that have occurred in the natural world, like the theory of __________________, gravitational attraction cell ________, theory and _____________. atomic theory http://www.avgoe.de/StarChild/DOCS/STARCH00/questions/apple_falling.gif http://sixthsense.osfc.ac.uk/chemistry/atomic_structure2/atom.gif WHAT IS DARWIN’S THEORY? OVERPRODUCTION of OFFSPRING More offspring are produced than can survive. http://www.biospheres.com/photogallery2ag/images/ladybugs_jpg.jpg http://atthecreation.com/DEER/too.many.deer.jpg WHAT IS DARWIN’S THEORY? GENETIC VARIATION is found _________________ naturally in all populations http://www3.nationalgeographic.com/animals/images/primary/zebra-herd.jpg WHAT IS DARWIN’S THEORY? ______________________ STRUGGLE FOR EXISTANCE means that members of each species must COMPETE ________ for food, space, and other RESOURCES __________. http://www.wasatchcomputers.net/gallery/elk_fight.jpg WHAT IS DARWIN’S THEORY? Some organisms in a ________ population less likely to survive. are ________ http://www.cartoonstock.com/newscartoons/cartoonists/rrs/lowres/rrsn69l.jpg WHAT IS DARWIN’S THEORY? SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST _____________________ organisms which are better adapted survive and to the environment will ______ reproduce passing on their _____. genes ________, http://www.poster.net/bedard/bed202.jpg VOCAB http://www.cartoonstock.com/newscartoons/cartoonists/cga/lowres/cgan170l.jpg Ability of an individual to survive ______ and reproduce in its specific ____________ environment = fitness ______ VOCAB inherited characteristic that Any ___________________ of survival increases an organism’s chance ______________ ADAPTATION = _____________ http://www.wildlife-traps.com/skunks.html http://www.atomtigerzoo.com/photos/images/20060421233733_duckfeet.jpg http://www.3kitty.org/travelrama/Photos/123-21-4x6.jpg ADAPTATIONS CAN BE PHYSICAL ___________ Beak shapes BEHAVIORAL _____________ Spider web building Bird mating dances http://ez002.k12.sd.us/060%20Bird%20beak.jpg WHAT IS DARWIN’S THEORY? Over time, natural selection CHANGES in the results in ________ inherited characteristics of a POPULATION __________. increase a These changes ______ species’ fitness _____ in its environment. How Does Evolution Really Work? IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER ! •POPULATIONS evolve NOT INDIVIDUALS. •NATURAL SELECTION only works on heritable traits. •A trait that is favorable in one environment may be useless or detrimental in another. WHAT IS DARWIN’S THEORY? DESCENT WITH MODIFICATION ____________________________ suggests that each species has DESCENDED with CHANGES ___________, ________, from other species over time. This idea suggests that all living TO EACH OTHER species are RELATED ____________________, and that all species, living and extinct, COMMON ANCESTOR share a _________________. EVIDENCE OF EVOLUTION: Artificial selection 1. ________________ 2. ________________ Fossil record Geographic Distribution 3. _______________ Homologous structures 4. _______________ 5. _______________ Embryology DNA 6. _______________ 7. _______________ See Natural selection happen NATURE variation __________provides the _________ mutation through _________ and _________________________ sexual reproduction HUMANS select traits that they find ________________ ______. useful EX: cows that produce more milk, turkeys with more breast meat, etc. http://www.pp3moo.com/hm2cow.jpg http://lazerbrody.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/turkey.gif WE’VE DONE IT WITH PLANTS BIOLOGY by Campbell and Reece Prentice Hall Publishing©2005 WE’VE DONE IT WITH ANIMALS If humans can select for beneficial traits, why can’t nature? If artificial selection can achieve so much change in relatively short time, why can’t major changes happen over thousands of generations? http://www.windows.ucar.edu/earth/geology/images/dogs_sm.jpg http://groups.wfu.edu/ModelUN/images/Cover/Oranges.jpg http://www.fx.clemson.edu/~ablank/126436919.Broccoli.jpg http://www.butterball.com/en/images/plan_n_prep/preparing/carving1.jpg THINK ABOUT IT Now you know what broccoli and Butterball turkeys have to do with evolution! (Answers about oranges to come in this slide show!) How Do We Know Evolution Happens? 2. Fossil Record – Fossils are the _______ remains ______ _________________ of ancient organisms found in layers of rock in the Earth. How Do We Know Evolution Happens? The layers of rock tell the history of the Earth while the fossils _____, _____ found within life the rock tell a history of ___. age as The fossils are same ________ the rock they are found in. Movement of Earth’s Crust Section 16-2 Earthquakes and volcanoes cause uplifting of the layers of the Earth, taking the fossils along Sea level Fish die in the ocean and are covered in sediment. Over time and under increasing pressure, the remains becomes fossilized Go to Section: Sedimentary rocks form in horizontal layers. When part of Earth’s crust is compressed, a bend in a rock forms, tilting the rock layers. As the surface erodes due to water, wind, waves, or glaciers, the older rock surface is exposed. Fossils of marine fish found on the mountainsides of southwest Wyoming, which at one time was covered by an inland sea If Darwin’s theory is correct you would expect to find fossils that show change over time sequential __________________ and _____________ transitional fossils that show relatedness between organisms That’s EXACTLY what we do see! If evolution has happened, we should be able to find evidence of evolution in the fossil record AND WE HAVE ! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Tiktaalik_BW.jpg Tiktaalik video http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evosite/lines/IAtransitional.shtml Fossil record shows change over time SD dinosaur fossils http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/98/398-004-411B88E5.gif TRANSITIONAL FOSSILS HAVE BEEN FOUND Scientific American; Dec 2005; Vol 293; p100-107 TIK-TAALIK TIK-TAALIK http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/images/news/tiktaalik_reconstruction.jpg Intermediate between fish and early tetrapods Fins have basic wrist bones and simple fingers Earliest fish with a neck Discovered by Neil Shubin and Ted Daeschler in 2004 If Darwin’s theory is correct you would expect to find closely ____________ related yet _______________ different species living in a _________ geographic region as they spread into nearby habitats and evolve. That’s EXACTLY what we do see! http://www.newtonswindow.com/problem-solving.htm REMEMBER THE GALAPAGOS TORTOISES Intermediate vegetation Intermediate necks Little vegetation Long necks Image from: BIOLOGY by Miller and Levine; Prentice Hall Publisher©2006 Lots of vegetation Short necks Tortoises adapted to different habitats as they spread from the mainland to the different islands. = DIVERGENT EVOLUTION = ADAPTIVE RADIATION DARWIN’S FINCHES Darwin collected 14 species of finches and hypothesized that the Galapagos had be colonized by organisms from the mainland that had then diversified on the various http://images.encarta.msn.com/xrefmedia/aencmed/targets/illus/ilt/T014608A.gif GALAPAGOS FINCHES The _____ beaks of Galapagos finches have adapted ______ to eating a variety _____ of foods _____. If Darwin’s theory is correct you would species also expect to find different _______________ living in far ________ apart geographic regions but similar habitats becoming more ________ alike similar ecosystems as they adapt to ______________. That’s EXACTLY what we do see! BOTH LIVE IN FOREST ECOSYSTEMS Adapted to similar environments, but evolved independently from different ancestors. SUGAR GLIDER in Australia is a marsupial more closely related to Kangaroos than North American FLYING SQUIRRELS because its ancestors were marsupials. http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/gallery/descript/TigerShark/scars.JPG http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/guides/456900/456973/html/nn1page1.stm Whales and sharks have a _____ similar body design different organisms even though they are very _______ (one is a fish; the other, a mammal) because they have _________________ independently adapted to living in a _____ similar environment. = CONVERGENT EVOLUTION Whales are closely related to wolves, but don’t look or act much like them = divergent evolution Conclusion: The pressure of the environment drives evolution Whales are distantly related to sharks, but look and act more like them = convergent evolution HOMOLOGOUS STRUCTURESForelimbs of all mammals share same arrangement of bones that can be traced to same embryological origin BIOLOGY by Campbell and Reece Prentice Hall Publishing©2005 EVOLUTION explains why certain characteristics in related species have an Section 15-3 underlying similarity. Turtle Alligator Ancient lobe-finned fish Bird Mammal amnion /am·ni·on/ (am´ne-on) bag of waters; the extraembryonic membrane of birds, reptiles, and mammals, which lines the chorion and contains the fetus and the amniotic fluid http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/27/117227-050-E1C9ABEE.jpg http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/amnions VESTIGIAL ORGANS Some homologous structures are vestigial and have no useful function even though they are still present. Examples: Hipbones and pelvis in whales and boa constrictors Cecum (appendix) in humans Skink legs http://www.txtwriter.com/backgrounders/Evolution/EVpage12.html Most mammals have a pouch between their small and large intestine that contains bacteria cecum to digest plants called a _____. In humans the cecum is shrunken and unused. appendix It is our _________ http://www.medicalgeo.com/images/appendix.gif Why grow a tail and then lose it? HUMAN EMBRYO _________________ has a tail at 4 weeks _________________ Tail disappears at _________________ about 8 weeks tail http://www.suite101.com/files/topics/6234/files/tail_HumanTail.gif Skinks are a type of lizard. In some species, legs have become so small longer they no _______ function ______ in walking. Why would an organism possess organs with ___ little or no function ________________? One explanation: code is present to make the organ, but The gene ________ function has been lost through ______________. change over time _________________ If the organ is not vital to survival, then natural selection would not cause its elimination. http://www.medicalgeo.com/images/appendix.gif 5. _____________________ Similarities in Embryology ________ Embryos of many animals with backbones are very similar. Image from: http://calspace.ucsd.edu/virtualmuseum/litu/03_3.shtml It is clear that the same groups of _____________ undifferentiated cells develop in the same order to produce the same tissues and organs of all vertebrates, evolved from suggesting that they all _______ a _______________. common ancestor Image from: http://io.uwinnipeg.ca/~simmons/16cm05/1116/16anim3.htm Similarities in DNA 6. _______________ Similarities DNA and in ____ PROTEIN ________ sequences suggest relatedness Image from: BIOLOGY AP EDITION by Campbell and Reece; Prentice Hall Publishing©2005 Similarities in protein sequences suggests similarities in DNA Image from: Modern Biology by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston MOLECULAR HOMOLOGIES • All life forms share same genetic machinery (DNA & RNA) • Universal genetic code • Important genes share highly conserved sequences Human- 46 chromosomes Chimpanzee- 48 chromosomes karyotypes suggest an Similar _________ evolutionary relationship ___________________. Human: http://www.nationmaster.com/wikimir/images/upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/18/300px-Human_karyogram.png Chimpanzee: Middle School Life Science , published by Kendall/Hunt. Human- 46 chromosomes Chimpanzee- 48 chromosomes Even differences show relatedness Chimpanzees have 2 smaller chromosome pairs we don’t have Humans have 1 larger chromosome pair (#2) they don’t have. Human: http://www.nationmaster.com/wikimir/images/upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/18/300px-Human_karyogram.png Chimpanzee: Middle School Life Science , published by Kendall/Hunt. PATTERN MATCHES 1. BANDING ________________________ If you take the two smaller chromosomes apes have that we don’t, and place them banding end to end, the ______ _______________ pattern is identical to the we #2 human chromosome __ have that they don’t ________________. http://www.evolutionpages.com/chromosome_2.htm IN MIDDLE 2. TELOMERES ____________________ Chromosomes have special sequences called telomeres _______ at their ends to protect the strands during replication. http://joannenova.com.au/Speaking/Morslids.html 2. TELOMERES IN MIDDLE Telomere sequences are the ends and found at __________ ALSO IN THE MIDDLE _____________________ of human chromosome #2 suggesting it was made by fusing _____ two other chromosomes together. → → → http://www.evolutionpages.com/chromosome_2.htm EXTRA CENTROMERE 3. _________________ Chromosome #2 has a INACTIVE second __________ CENTROMERE region _____________ → http://www.evolutionpages.com/chromosome_2.htm http://groups.wfu.edu/ModelUN/images/Cover/Oranges.jpg http://www.fx.clemson.edu/~ablank/126436919.Broccoli.jpg http://www.butterball.com/en/images/plan_n_prep/preparing/carving1.jpg THINK ABOUT IT What do oranges, broccoli and Butterball turkeys have to do with EVOLUTION? (Answers to come in this slide show!) Did you ever wonder why dogs and cats don’t need to eat ________, fresh fruit but YOU _______? DO http://www.naturescornermagazine.com/NaturesBlog/images/dog%20care%20in%20summer.jpg http://www.alpo.com/where.aspx Fish, amphibians, reptiles, and most mammals can make their own VITAMIN C but humans need to eat _________, fresh fruit or they end up with ________. SCURVY http://www.med.uc.edu/departme/cellbiol/Image7.gif http://www.rachelleb.com/images/2005_02_22/scurvy.jpg Human DNA contains the gene that codes for the enzyme to make vitamin C, but it is ________________. NONFUNCTIONAL Guess what other group of organisms lack the ability to make their own Vitamin C? PRIMATES… which includes chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas, and other apes. http://groups.wfu.edu/ModelUN/images/Cover/Oranges.jpg Humans have many other nonfunctional vestigial genes called ________________. PSEUDOGENES EX: Humans have more than 99 different odor receptor genes, but more than 70% of them are nonfunctional ___________. http://www.animationplayhouse.com/new/dogs2.html http://unraveling.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/nose_1.jpg Why does evolution matter now? 7.____________________________ Can see Natural selection happen EX: Peppered Moths There is a natural variation in populations of peppered moths. Typica Carbonaria Typica form - lighter ________________ Carbonaria form - darker ___________________ http://www.hipusa.com/eTools/webmd/A-Z_Encyclopedia/tuberculosis.jpg http://www.hhmi.org/askascientist/images/hiv.gif The ___________ light colored form was the predominant form in England _____________________________. prior to the Industrial Revolution Around the middle of the 19th century the ______ darker form began to appear. It was first reported in 1848. By 1895 98% of the moths in Manchester were the dark ____ variety. In recent years, the burning of cleaner fuels and Clean Air regulations has reduced the pollution there and the lighter ______ colored moths have increased in numbers. http://www.hipusa.com/eTools/webmd/A-Z_Encyclopedia/tuberculosis.jpg BIOLOGY by Campbell and Reece We can see Natural selection happen BIOLOGY by Campbell and Reece We can see Natural selection happen 7.____________________________ Can see Natural selection happen EX: Changes in disease-causing microbes that produce new organisms and new __________. diseases Bird flu _______ HIV ___ http://www.hhmi.org/askascientist/images/hiv.gif Antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis __________________________ http://www.hipusa.com/eTools/webmd/A-Z_Encyclopedia/tuberculosis.jpg WE CAN SEE NATURAL SELECTION HAPPEN Mosquitos Crickets Slide by Kim Foglia@ http://www.explorebiology.com/ Should the Use of Antibiotics Be Restricted? Read the Issues in Biology article on p. 403 in your text. Then watch the video Why Does Evolution Matter Now? and discuss the question: Should the use of antibiotics be restricted? Evolution is dumb Nipples Slide by Kim [email protected] PBS EVOLUTION VIDEO CLIPS Who Was Charles Darwin? Isn't Evolution just a theory? How does Evolution really work? How do we know evolution happens? Why does evolution matter now? SOUTH DAKOTA SCIENCE STANDARDS NATURE OF SCIENCE Indicator 1: Understand the nature and origin of scientific knowledge. 9-12.N.1.1. Students are able to evaluate a scientific discovery to determine and describe how societal, cultural, and personal beliefs influence scientific investigations and interpretations. (EVALUTION) • Recognize scientific knowledge is not merely a set of static facts, but is dynamic and affords the best current explanations. • Discuss how progress in science can be affected by social issues. SOUTH DAKOTA SCIENCE STANDARDS NATURE OF SCIENCE Indicator 1: Understand the nature and origin of scientific knowledge. 9-12.N.1.2. Students are able to describe the role of observation and evidence in the development and modification of hypotheses, theories, and laws. (SYNTHESIS) • Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and models. • Evaluate the scientific accuracy of information relevant to a specific issue SOUTH DAKOTA SCIENCE STANDARDS NATURE OF SCIENCE Indicator 1: Understand the nature and origin of scientific knowledge. 9-12.N.1.2. Students are able to describe the role of observation and evidence in the development and modification of hypotheses, theories, and laws. (SYNTHESIS) • Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and models. • Evaluate the scientific accuracy of information relevant to a specific issue Core High School Nature of Science Performance Descriptors High school students performing at the ADVANCED level: High school students performing at the PROFICIENT level: given a scientific discovery, evaluate how different societal, cultural, and personal beliefs influenced the investigation and its interpretation given a scientific discovery narrative, determine and describe how societal, cultural, and personal beliefs influenced the investigation and its interpretation; given a scientific discovery narrative, identify the High school cultural and personal beliefs that influenced the students performing investigation. at the BASIC level: SOUTH DAKOTA SCIENCE STANDARDS LIFE SCIENCE Indicator 2: Analyze various patterns and products of natural and induced biological change. 9-12.L.2.2. Students are able to describe how genetic recombination, mutations, and natural selection lead to adaptations, evolution, extinction, or the emergence of new species. (SYNTHESIS) Examples: behavioral adaptations, environmental pressures, allele variations, bio-diversity • Use comparative anatomy to support evolutionary relationships . • Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and models. • Evaluate the scientific accuracy of information relevant to a specific issue Core High School LIFE Science Performance Descriptors High school students performing at the ADVANCED level: High school students performing at the PROFICIENT level: High school students performing at the BASIC level: •predict the impact of genetic changes in populations (mutation, natural selection and artificial selection, adaptation/extinction); •predict how life systems respond to changes in the environment; • identify DNA as the structure that carries the genetic code; • identify that genetic traits can be transmitted from parents to offspring;