Download Monkeys Are People Too Charles Darwin published his book “On

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Monkeys Are People Too
Charles Darwin published his book “On the Origin of Species by Natural
Selection” in 1859, and the scientific as well as religious worlds would never be the
same. At first the theory presented by Darwin was criticized by many people in the
scientific world, but was eventually accepted as the predominant theory for our
human existence. Religious leaders on the other hand did not feel the same way,
and even today evolution is a touchy subject, especially in schools and churches.
Darwin’s theory will always cause conflict, some people do not like the doubt it can
present to their religion, while others simply refuse to believe they are related to
Charles Darwin began school studying medicine, but it did not take long for
him to realize it was not for him. He transferred to Cambridge where he, ironically
enough studied theology. Darwin was later invited along on a 5-year voyage on the
Beagle (1831-1836). The voyage set out to explore and map the islands along the
coast of South America. While on board the vessel, Darwin served as a geologist,
botanist, zoologist, and general man of science (Landry).
Darwin was able to do a lot of research on the voyage, but his most pivotal
findings were subtle differences between birds found in the Galapagos Islands. He
noticed differences in beak shape that allowed birds to eat the food available on
their islands. This presented Darwin with the idea that present forms of life
descended, with modifications from previously existing forms. This developed into
Darwin’s theory of natural selection, which is based on 4 observations:
1. Individual members of a species show some variation from one another.
2. Organisms produce many more offspring than will survive to reproduce
3. Organisms compete for necessary resources such as food, sunlight and space.
Individuals with characteristics that help them obtain and use these
resources are more likely to survive.
4. The survivors that reproduce pass their adaptations for survival onto their
offspring. (Pearl, R., and W.)
These observations are all very logical, and have been proven time and time again.
One U.S. Geneticist stated that, “the concept of evolution is the cornerstone to
biology.” And Theodosius Dobzhansky claimed, “Nothing in Biology makes sense
except in the light of evolution.”(Pearl, R. and W.)
So with so much support for his theory why is there such debate about its
validity, still to this day? Protestants were the first religious group to oppose
Evolution with bitter resentment and denial of its validity. This lasted about 10
years and began to die down, but was rekindled when Darwin published his book
“The Descent of Man” in 1871. This is was his second book, which focused on the
evolution of humans as well as sexual selection. The second uprising began to settle
by 1885, when Sir Henry Chadwick, a Church of England Clergyman noted, “A steady
acceptance of evolution among educated Christians.”(R.)
Many major religions reject Evolution, because it does not support their idea
of creation. With certain variations, these religious groups believe that God, or some
form of higher power created the earth and everything on it, including the human
race. Some people have come to accept evolution as something simply guided by
God, or a higher being. Pope John Paul II acknowledged all the support of the theory
of evolution, but pointed out that the theory could not support an origin of the
For the most part well-educated people support evolution, even those with
strong religious beliefs. Evolution does not deny the existence of a higher being, it
simply gives an explanation for the diversity and complexity we see on our earth.
However anything that may shed doubt on any religious belief is sure to cause
The biggest conflict over evolution is weather or not it should be taught in
schools. There have been several trials, which have gained national attention over
the debate. The first major case was “the state v. John Scopes” or better known as
“The Scopes Monkey Trial.” This case took place in Dayton Tennessee when the High
School Biology teacher John Scopes admitted to teaching evolution in his classroom.
At the time Tennessee was one of the 15 states trying to pass legislation prohibiting
the teaching of evolution. (Linder)
The trial was very heated and included several powerful testimonies.
Everyone involved for the prosecution was very religious, and the judge himself
attended the same Methodist church as Prosecution Attorney William Jennings
Bryan. After Bryan made an extended speech criticizing the theory of evolution,
defense attorney Dudley Malone delivered a powerful speech. During which he
stated, “The prosecutions defense was born of the same ignorance which made it
possible for Theologians to bring Galilee to trial.” (Linder)
During the trial the Prosecution called their own William Jennings Bryan to
the stand to testify as an expert on the Bible. The defenses interrogation, used
questions referring to segments of the bible in a literal sense to challenge his
statement that, ”Everything in the Bible should be accepted as it is given there”.
Asking about the validity of a whale swallowing a man, and the world being flooded
in the story of Noah’s Ark. Bryan was flustered and went on to make a fool of himself
through out the questioning.
Despite several minor successes for the defense, the jury delivered a guilty
verdict. The case was later appealed to the Supreme Court and the verdict
overturned. This was not the last time Evolution would be put on trial.
A more recent case is the “Kitzmiller v. Dover” trial, which took place in 2005.
The plaintiffs requested that intelligent design be taught along side of evolution.
Intelligent Design is an attempt to justify creationism as science, by saying certain
things were put her by an “intelligent designer”. After a 2 month long trial the judge
delivered a 139-page decision. In which he stated that, “the religious nature of
Intelligent Design would be readily apparent to an objective observer, adult or
child.”(Page 24) He also went on to state, “The evidence at trial demonstrates that
Intelligent Design is nothing less than the progeny of creationism.”(Page 31)
The Dover case also took a good look at Darwin’s theory of evolution’s status
as a “theory”. A theory in scientific terms is simply an explanation of some aspect of
nature that unifies a vast array of knowledge. Theories can be tested and disproven,
Darwin himself stated that, “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ
existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight
modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. But I can find out no such
case." (Darwin). Darwin was very special, because he stood by his research and
statements. He made his own observations and was well educated. He built his
theory around work of former scientists, and paved the way for most of modern day
Biological thought.
In April of 1982 Christopher Booker delivered the article “The descent of
Darwin—100 years on” for the London times. The article was delivered in a “sour,
even surly, tone and is plainly derogatory as an accompanying cartoon
demonstrates.” (Marcy) The said cartoon depicts Darwin slipping on a Banana peel.
Booker goes on to admit Darwin’s fame, but also blames him for, “not discovering
what yet remains to be accomplished by biological science.” (Marcy) He goes on to
say that there is no doubting life has advanced from simpler forms to more complex,
but the reason for these advancements, “Remain God’s secret.”
This is one way many creationists use to accept evolution alongside their
own beliefs. No longer denying the process of Natural Selection took place, but
insisting it was and is guided by a higher being. Any time this “higher being” comes
into play the line between Science and religion is blurred. The existence of a higher
power can neither be proven, nor disproven. Many creationists will argue that
evolution is a form of religion, rather than science. Often times referring to those
who accept evolution as “Creationists or Darwinists.”
The debate within the scientific world eventually turned from, if evolution
occurred, to simply how it occurred. In 1980 this question was discussed in a fourday meeting in Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History. (Marcy) In attendance
were top geneticists and Evolutionary experts. No general consensus was reached,
and the debate to how exactly evolution occurred rages on today.
With most of the world willing to accept Darwin’s theory as fact, it seems silly
that it was ever doubted. Just as when the church first rejected Galileo’s findings
that our solar system is Heliocentric. In 2008 the Church of England issued an
apology to Darwin himself for, “misunderstanding his theory of Evolution, and by
getting their first reaction wrong causing others to misunderstand him still.” (Petre)
In the apology the church more or less admits to persecuting any ideas, which
challenge its beliefs, as with Galileo and Darwin. The church then goes on to say that
Darwin’s theory and those adopted by Christians are not entirely incompatible. The
simple fact that the church decided to issue a report 126 years after his death should
illustrate how ridiculous and selfish they are. Wanting nothing more than to erase
their reputation for making such asinine accusations.
In the end it is impossible for everyone to accept Darwin’s theory of natural
selection, and the theories validity will continue to be debated. As more people
begin to accept the theory it can only help with our societies overall knowledge of
Pearl, Eldra, Linda R., and Diana W. Biology. 8th. BrooksCole Pub Co, 2007. Print.
(Pearl, R., and W. )
Moore, James. Darwin : The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist. Norton, 1991. Print.
R., James. The post-Darwinian controversies: a study of the Protestant struggle to
come to terms with Darwin in Great Britain and America, 1870-1900. Cambridge Univ
Pr, 1981. Print.
Landry, Peter. "BluePete." Biographies. N.p., Jan, 2003. Web. 5 Dec 2010.
Linder, Douglas. "State Vs. John Scopes ("The Monkey Trial")." (2000): n. pag. Web. 5
Dec 2010.
Petre, Jonathan. "Church makes ludicrous apology Charles Darwin 126 years death."
12/13/2008: n. pag. Web. 5 Dec 2010.
Marcy, Sam. "Marx, Darwin, and the upheaval in the biological sciences ." Workers
World (2009): n. pag. Web. 5 Dec 2010.
Darwin, Charles. On the origin of Species. 1859. Print.