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Chapter 3 Lesson 3: Europeans Arrive in the Americas
Christopher Columbus: -Italian
-explores for Spain
*has to ask King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella multiple times to get
money to explore
*takes 6 years to get the money
-1492: 3 ships to find a way to Asia across the Atlantic Ocean
*ends up exploring the Caribbean Ocean islands
-he makes multiple trips back between Spain and the islands
Columbian Exchange:
-Ferdinand and Isabella continue to fund his trips to the Americas because
they like the benefits they are getting
1. claim new land for Spain
2. get new resources/trade "partners"
-this exchange of goods becomes known as the Columbian Exchange
coffee, horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, bananas
corn, potato, squash, peanuts, cacao, tomato
-not all the exchange was positive-->Europeans also have a negative impact
on the Native American peoples
1. disease
2. take over their land
3. take their natural resources
4. try to modernize/civilize them (clothes, religion, language)
5. kill them sometimes
Exploration Continues: -Pedro Alverez Cabral
*explores for Portugal
*explores eastern coast of South America (Brazil)
-Vasco Nunes de Balboa
*explores for Spain
*explores modern day Panama--claims the Pacific for Spain
-Ferdinand Magellan
*explores for Spain
*his crew is the first to circumnavigate the globe--he dies in the
Philippines and does not make it back to Spain