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Economic Value of Stock Return Forecasts: An Assessment on Market Efficiency and Forecasting Accuracy Jing Tian ∗ Abstract This article explores the economic values of forecasts of stock returns in both emerging and developed stock markets for an investor in an emerging country. The investor is assumed to allocate her assets between one developed stock market, the domestic emerging stock market, and the local short-term bond market, according to her forecasts of excess stock returns in the two stock markets. She uses a recursive forecasting approach, and we assume that she adjusts her forecasting models when new information is publicly available, switching her asset portfolios across three assets according to a simple trading rule. The mixed results of both positive and negative net economic benefits in excess of returns under buy-and-hold strategies, obtained by the investor who follows our forecasting rule, cannot be used to disprove the efficient market hypothesis. This paper emphasizes the tight link between decision-making and forecasting evaluation in a situation in which economic profit is an appropriate measurement for forecast accuracy. Keywords: stock return forecasts, emerging stock markets, efficient market hypothesis, forecast evaluation, market timing, economic measurements. JEL code: C22, C53, G11. ∗ Correspondence to: Jing Tian, School of Economics, College of Business and Economics, The Australian National University, ACT, 0200, Australia. Phone: 61-2-61256126. Email: [email protected]. The author is grateful for the insight comments from Heather Anderson, Farshid Vahid and Martin Richardson from School of Economics, ANU and Tom Smith from School of Finance and Applied Statistics, ANU. 1 1 Introduction The predictability of stock returns has been a major issue in empirical finance since Kendall (1953) suggested that future short-term stock-exchange movement is almost impossible to forecast without extraneous information. Associated with the random-walk movement of stock prices observed in early works, the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) was based on the idea that unlimited economic profits would be generated if one could successfully predict stock returns constantly. Extended from the study of the evolution of returns based on its own historical information, a large amount of literature recently focuses on the predictability of stock returns based on state variables that can reveal the evolution of financial markets and the macro economy. With the usage of U.S. and international data, financial variables such as dividend yield, earning price ratio, different types of interest rates and macroeconomic variables such as aggregate-wealth ratio, inflation rate, and aggregate output are widely found to have predictive power for the variations of excess stock returns1 . However, the evidence of the predictability of stock returns shown in many of the previous studies only comes from the statistical significance found by using developed econometric techniques. To disprove EMH, those evidence from statistical tests is far less than sufficient. Jensen (1978) gives a comprehensive definition of market efficiency as: “A market is efficient with respect to information set Ωt if it is impossible to make economic profits by trading on the basis of information set Ωt .”. This definition points out that to examine the EMH, looking at the economic profits generated from trading in the markets based on an information set is a more appropriate approach than the statistical significance. Therefore, in this paper, we discuss the predictability of stock returns in the perspective of the economic profits produced by the forecasts. We also consider that the purpose of forecasts of stock returns in the real world by speculators is to earn economic returns. It follows that forecasting evaluation has to be linked with realized economic profits from forecasts and investment decisions based on those forecasts. However, in the academic literature, economic forecasting evaluation has still been dominated by statistical measures of accuracy, rather than economic measurements. Hence in this paper, by exploring the economic profits of different investments derived from different sets of forecasts, we demonstrate the importance of using economic measures for evaluating forecasting techniques. 1 For example, Campbell and Thompson (2005), Campbell and Shiller (1988a), Fama and French (1988), Hjalmarsson (2004), among others. 2 Only a few researchers have worked on the economic values of the predictable stock returns. Breen et al. (1989) found that the negative relationship between nominal interest rate and stock returns can be utilized by a fund manager to shift her portfolio between market index of stocks in the New York Stock Exchange and treasury bills, earning returns worth an annual management fee. Pesaran and Timmermann (1995) show that the predictability of S&P 500 stock returns can guide an investor to switch the asset holdings between market portfolio and treasury bill, and exploit net profits over a buy-and-hold strategy. An extended version based on this paper with the application on the UK stock returns has also been done by Pesaran and Timmermann (2000). The investors, in these papers, commonly switch their portfolios between one stock market portfolio and a shortterm treasury bill in their local developed markets, according to one set of forecasts on excess stock returns in each period. In this paper, we fit the structure of investors’ portfolio into a more realistic environment for modern investments. Since developing countries started financial liberalization that enables capital to flow into and out of other countries, emerging markets have attracted both investors and academics. With the evidence of low correlations between emerging countries’ stock returns and developed countries’ stock returns, one can expect that participation in both markets would diversify the portfolio risk and increase the chance of higher returns. Harvey (1995) and Bekaert and Urias (1996) find that portfolio opportunities do significantly improve with adding emerging market assets. In the real world, many fund managers are holding global equities for good investment performance. Hence, it would be more realistic to assume that a profit-pursuing investor’s portfolio comprises a fixed income, stocks in developed markets and stocks in emerging markets. After extending the components of asset holdings, the investor now operates two sets of forecasts for excess returns of stocks in both emerging and developed markets. Instead of focusing on one developed stock market, we address whether stocks returns from both emerging and developed markets are predictable in terms of gaining net profits for investors. This set-up also brings complication to investors’ decision-making process. The choice of asset-holdings made by an investor does not only depend on whether she obtains positive or negative forecasts of excess stock returns. If both forecasts of stock returns in emerging and developed markets are positive, the investor needs to compare the magnitudes of two sets of forecasts and decides the holdings on stocks. If we link the decision-making with forecasting evaluation as suggested in Granger and Pesaran (2000), then the market timing tests2 for the accuracy of forecasts are not sufficient for evaluating forecasts in this case. 2 See Henriksson and Merton (1981) and Pesaran and Timmermann (1992a). 3 A new test focusing on the correct relative size of predictions is required, and we expect this test will be discussed in a later chapter in my thesis. In this paper the investor is assumed to be located in Thailand. Her portfolio decision will be made between Thai saving deposits, stocks in Thailand and stocks in the U.S.. Recursive investment decisions are simulated according to the predictions of excess stock returns on both markets with a recursive forecasting rule. The investor faces model uncertainty in terms of the choices of predictors, the specifications of predictive models and the best forecasts. Hence, at each particular time, based on the available information, the investor needs to utilize model selection criteria to choose the preferred forecasting model among all possible specifications. With the assumption that the investor is fully confident in her forecasts of excess stock returns for the next month, she switches her 100% holdings across three assets based on her forecasts. To see whether excess stock returns are predictable to generate economic profits, we compare the final wealth calculated according to our portfolio decisions to the wealth based on some buy-and-hold strategies. Timmermann and Granger (2004) argue that to invalidate the EMH transaction costs should be covered by predictable patterns. Therefore, we consider transaction costs when making trading decisions and computing economic returns of the investments. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 explains the investor’s prior choice of the base set of regressors in the models for both markets, and provides a brief review of relevant literatures. The trading and recursive modelling strategies are discussed in Section 3. Section 4 describes the empirical results, followed by a brief conclusion in Section 5. 2 The Base Set of Predictors In this section, the choice of forecasting regressors that are considered by the investor is discussed. Investors only choose candidates predictors that can be accessed ex ante, since we attempt to undertake the exercise in “real time”. Based on her knowledge or prior belief, as well as the public information available to her before the investment decision has been made, the investor includes variables, which she believes to have certain power to explain the variation of the excess stock returns in each stock market, into her base set. Formal model selection criteria will help her choose specific variables among candidates to forecast stock returns in each time. We focus on investor’s prior belief on the sets of regressors to forecast excess stock returns of both emerging and developed markets in this section. The second step of regressor-selection associated in the model specification will 4 be discussed in details in the next section. It has been well documented that the predictability of stock returns can be identified based on models constructed with lagged financial and macroeconomic variables. Among financial variables, dividend yield is used as a popular proxy to the time-variance of expected stock returns. Fama and French (1988), for instance, estimate the portfolio returns of different horizons to the NYSE index by using dividend yields. They find that the variances of long horizon expected returns can be substantially explained by dividend yields due to the negative relationship between price-dividend ratios and expected returns with discount rates. Campbell and Shiller (1988a) argue that if a stock is underpriced compared with its fundamental value such as dividend, returns tend to be high consequently. Another so called price-ratio variable reported to predict stock returns is the earning yield (see Campbell and Shiller (1988b) and Campbell and Shiller (1988a)). However, it should be noted that recently a few papers have questioned the predicting power of these highly persistent price-ratio variables by applying advanced econometrics techniques3 . Several methodologies aiming at an appropriate correction on the bias caused by highly persistent regressor have been proposed in some papers4 , but there is still no convincing evidence on the predictive power of price-ratio variables. Overall, based on knowledge to these literatures, the investor decides to count dividend yield and earning yield as potential predictors to stock returns in both local emerging and foreign developed markets. A few researchers have become interested in examining the relationship between trading volume and the future price changes. Ying (1966) finds a lead-lag pattern between prices and volumes by looking at the S&P500 Composite Index and daily trading volume in the New York Stock Exchange, and suggests that dissociation from transaction volumes when modelling stock price changes or vice versa is incomplete. Extending her study, Gervais and Mingelgrin (2001) and Chordia and Swaminathan (2000) focus on individual stocks and address the influence of trading volumes on subsequent stock returns. The intuition of predicting power of trading volume believed by the investor could be that unusual transaction volumes might possibly attract investors’ attention and affect investment decisions, resulting in the change of future stock prices. Short-term interest rate is also expected to have a negative relationship with excess stock returns and will be taken as another potential regressor. Predicting power from short-term interest rates has been shown in many empirical works. For instance, Ang and Bekaert (2001) uses a present value model with earning growth, payout ratios and 3 4 See Elliot and Stock (1994), Stambaugh (1999) and Nelson and Kim (1993). See Goetzmann and Jorion (1993), Lewellen (2004), Campbell and Hamao (1992). 5 short rate as states variables to examine the predictability of stock returns. Working with international data, they show that the short rate is the only robust predictor for short-run stock returns. There is also a belief that macroeconomic indicators have an impact on the movement of stock prices. The investor chooses the change of narrow money supply in the base set of predictors because she hypothesizes that the unexpected variations of the growth rate of money supply will affect the stock holdings in investors portfolios, resulting in the changes of stock prices. The negative relationship between inflation and stock returns has also been studied extensively, which leads the investor to make the inflation rate as one of the potential predictors. If the variation of returns on emerging stock are explained only by local information, the intuition is that the emerging stock market is segmented from the world markets (Harvey, 1995). Under our assumption that the emerging stock market stock market is imperfectly integrated with developed markets, variables that contain information from the developed market might have predictive power for excess returns on the emerging market. For example, Hjalmarsson (2004) examines the U.S. effect on international stock returns and finds short-run predictive ability of the U.S. interest rates in many countries. Therefore, the rate of U.S. 3-month treasury bill is one of the predictor candidates. Another issue on the choice of regressors is the number of lags of the predictors. We assume that the investor is interested in the most recent information. Hence, only one lagged data will be considered for each variable. Based on the fact that monthly macroeconomic data are released 1 month later than the financial data, the investor who is collecting available public information from both countries at each time will use a 1-month lag for financial indicators and 2-month lag for macroeconomic indicators. To summarize, the base set of regressor for predicting excess returns on emerging stock market contains 1-lagged dividend yield, 1-lagged earning yield, 1-lagged trading volume, 1-lagged short-term interest rate, 2-lagged inflation rate, 2-lagged change of money supply, 1-lagged change of exchange rate and 1-lagged short-term interest rate in the developed country; except for the last two series, the base set of regressors for modelling developed market excess stock returns includes 6 variables from the developed country. 6 3 Trading and Modelling Strategy 3.1 Switching Portfolio Strategy The investor’s portfolio simulation combined with a recursive modelling and forecasting strategy in this paper extends the method proposed in Pesaran and Timmermann (1995) and Pesaran and Timmermann (2000). With free access to foreign capital markets, local investors in emerging market are able to take assets from foreign markets into account. We assume that the investor has a logarithmic utility function. Then a multiple-period decision problem with log-utility can be reduced to many independent single-period decision problems. To maximize her utility over all investment periods, the investor should choose the optimal portfolio for each individual period. In other words, instead of binding with one particular portfolio all the time, she might change her asset-holdings between stocks in the local emerging market, stocks in a developed market and a local risk-free asset over time. At time t, the investor uses the published information on the variables discussed in the above section, and tries to forecast both the excess emerging stock market returns and the excess developed stock market returns over the local risk-free return in t + 1, respectively. With two sets of forecasts at time t, the decision-making process becomes more complicated. If the forecasts of the excess domestic stock returns is positive and greater (less) than the forecasts of the excess foreign stock returns, the investor, who is fully confident in her forecasts, will decide to invest 100% of her wealth in the emerging stock market (developed stock market) in the next period; otherwise, she prefers the local risk-free asset. The same exercise is repeated at time t + 1 when information has been updated and forecasts for t + 2 are pursued. Since the magnitudes of forecasts of excess returns in both markets over returns of the local risk free asset might be different over time, the investment decisions determined by the relative magnitudes of forecasts and the signs of forecasts will change over time. Therefore, the optimal portfolio is switching across the emerging stock market, the developed stock market and the risk-free asset in the emerging country. 3.2 Model Selection Criteria and Recursive Forecasting Strategy With the portfolio-switching trading strategy as well as return and utility maximization over time, the investor needs to operate feasible modelling and forecasting strategies for 7 the portfolio switches. The standard approach is to set up a predictive model of oneperiod-ahead returns by using historical information and calculate future returns with that fixed model specification. Timmermann and Granger (2004) criticize some versions of definition of market efficiency for ignoring investors’ uncertainty about specifying forecasting models. They also point out that choosing forecasting models is a difficult task for investors in reality. Hence, this paper considers large uncertainties about model specification. We suppose that the investor does not know the true data generating process for excess stock returns and that she also does not have a strong belief in one particular model specification, although she conjectures that the variation of excess stock returns could be linearly explained well by the variables from the base sets 5 . Therefore, by the end of every period, she will carry on individual estimations based on the past information and undertake one-period-ahead forecasts from a model that might be different from the one she used in the last period. When the true data generating process is not known by the investor, it is common that the investor’s predictive models will be misspecified. In the case of misspecification, forecasts based on the estimators with a limited memory will often perform better than the forecasts based on estimators obtained with an expanding sample window (Giacomini and White, 2006). As one of the typical methods used to produce limited-memory estimators, rolling-window estimations with fixed sample size T will be utilized by the investor. When new information comes and she moves to the next period, she discards the oldest data and includes the newest data to reestimate and forecast the excess stock returns. Statistical methods are often implemented to select the relevant variables that have explanatory power in forecasting models. A simple approach could be a conventional t-test on individual regressors. However, highly persistent and unit-root nonstationary explanatory variables such as the dividend yield or short-term interest rate as regressors, imply that conventional t-tests or F-tests might be invalid. Focusing on this persistency issue, many recent papers have proposed “efficient” tests of the stock returns predictability with “valid” inference ( see Campbell and Yogo (2003) and Lewellen (2004)). However, the robustness of these tests is still under debate. In this paper, we avoid having to correct inferences by undertaking an alternative approach to specify the predictive models. We let i = 1, 2 represent the emerging stock market and the developed stock market, respectively. With Ki potential predictors, there are 2Ki possible sets of combinations of 5 In Pesaran and Timmermann (2000), they distinguish possible regressors by three types. Every model starts with all core variables in set A, allowing new variables introduced from set B and C into the predictive model. In our paper, we simply assume that the investor chooses predicting variables from the same set of regressors in every period. 8 regressor candidates. Therefore, at the end of each month t, the investor estimates 2Ki linear models for the one-period-ahead excess stock returns, for both the emerging market and the developed market, by using ordinary least squares(OLS). For each model j, we have 0 j = 1, 2, 3, ..., 2Ki ERi,t = βi,j Xi,t−l,j + ui,t,j , l = 1, 2. (1) where Xi,t−l,j is a (ki,j + 1) × 1 vector, consisting of a subset of kj lagged regressors in the model for excess stock returns in the market i. The OLS estimators are derived as 0 0 0 βi,t,j = (Xi,t−l,j Xi,t−l,j ) Xi,t−l,j ERi,t (2) Formal statistical model selection criteria assist the investor to find the “best” specification across 2Ki different models at each time. There are many selection criteria, both statistical and non-statistical, that have been developed and applied for model specifications in literatures. Our investor will adopt some representatives that can function in nonnested model comparisons. R̄2 , Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) (Akaike, 1974), and Schwarz’s Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) (Schwarz, 1978), incorporate a trade off between goodness-of-fit and the extent of parsimony in models, and are common choices. Bossaerts and Hillion (1999) investigate a wide range of the statistical model selection criteria when predicting stock returns. They comment on the validity of the Fisher’s Information Criterion (FIC) and the Predictive Information Criterion (PIC) even when predictors are nonstationary. At time t, after estimating model j for excess stock returns in both emerging and developed markets, the investor calculates T − 1 ESSi,j , T − ki,j T SSi,j (3) 2ki,j ESSi,j )+ , T T (4) ESSi,j ki,j ln(T ) )+ , T T (5) 2 R̄i,j =1− AICi,j = ln( BICi,j = ln( 0 F ICi,j |Xi,j Xi,j |(T − ki,j ) T ESSi = ESSi,j + ln( ), T − ki,j T − Ki ESSi,j (6) 0 P ICi,j = ESSi,j |Xi,j Xi,j |(T − Ki ) ESSi − ESSi + ln( ). T − Ki ESSi 9 (7) 0 0 where we define T as the estimation window size; ESSi,j = (ERi − β̂i,j Xi,j ) (ERi − 0 β̂i,j Xi,j ); ESSi is the sum of squared residuals (ESS) from the “full” model including all ¯ i )0 (ERi − ER ¯ i ). Ki regressors; T SSi,j = (ERi − ER For model criterion R̄2 , the investor chooses the model that maximizes the criterion function to forecast excess stock returns in the next period. For the other criteria, the next period forecasting model is the one whose criterion is the minimum. Apart from statistical criteria, the investor also considers the “Sign Criterion” (SC) (Pesaran and Timmermann, 1995), that keeps track of the proportion of correct signs predicted by the model over the sample up to time t. We follow the two-step procedure proposed in Pesaran and Timmermann (1995). Firstly, the investor computes the proportion of correct signs forecasted from model i at time t, given by i SCt,j = 1 T t X ˆ i,τ,j ) + (1 − I(ERτ ))(1 − I(ER ˆ i,τ,j ))] [I(ERτ )I(ER (8) τ =t−T +1 In this equation, I(ERi,τ ) = 1 if the realized excess stock returns at time τ = t in the ˆ i,τ,j , the forecast obtained from market i is positive, and zero otherwise. Similarly, if ER ˆ i,τ,j ) will be 1, the model j at time τ = t for the market i, is greater than zero, then I(ER and zero otherwise. The investor ranks the 2Kj SCs at each time t, and selects the model that generates the highest SC. When more than one model achieves the highest SC, the forecasting model for excess return at t + 1 chosen using R̄2j . 4 Empirical Results 4.1 Data In this study, we choose Thailand as the emerging stock market, and the investor is located there. In addition to local stocks, she would also like to invest in one of the most influential global stock markets, the U.S. stock market. The 1-month deposit in her bank in Thailand will be treated as her risk free asset6 . All the data used in this paper come from Thomson Financial Datastream. They are measured in local currency Thai Baht on the last trading day of each month from 1993(01) to 2006(05). For both stock markets, the total market return index RI including a discrete quantity of dividend paid is defined as t , where Pt is the price and Dt is the dividend payment. The Thai deposit RIt = RIt−1 PPt +D t−1 6 Note that the short-term treasury bill normally appears in the financial literature as the risk free asset. We use bank deposits, because Datastream only started recording Thai 3-month treasury bill returns from 2000, but we believe that this is a reasonable choice. 10 saving interest rate tds is taken as the midpoint between the bid and offered rates. Since it measures annual returns for deposit savings, we transform it into monthly returns by using 1 + tdst = (1 + T DSt )12 , where T DS is the monthly Thai deposit saving rate and it will be the returns from the risk free asset for the investor. Therefore the excess stock return in terms of Thai Baht at time t can be calculated as ERi,t = ln(RIi,t )−ln(RIi,t−1 )−T DSt−1 , where i = 1, 2 represents Thai and U.S stock markets 7 . T DSt−1 denotes the return that the investor can obtain at the end of this month t if she has money in the Thai bank at the end of month t − 1. Observing that the interest rate of Thailand deposit saving is very invariant, we use the 1-month Bangkok interbank interest rate measured with the offered rate as a potential predictor for excess returns on Thai stocks over the Thailand deposit saving rate. The rate of return of 1-month Treasury Bill in U.S. is a possible predictor in the U.S. model. In Datastream, the dividend yield is expressed as the anticipated annualised dividends per share in the following 12 months over the current share price. Similarly, the earning yield ratio is computed as the latest annualised earning rate per share in the last 12 months divided by the share price. Turnover by volume, expressed in the unit of 109 , shows the number of shares transacted. The inflation rates for each country were computed as the percentage changes of the CPI (consumer and retail prices) in this country. Narrow Money supply series (M1) are used to calculate the percentage change in nominal money supply. The exchange rates between the U.S. dollar and Thai Baht on the end of each month are also drawn from the Datastream. In this paper, we define the excess stock returns as the stock returns measured in Thai Baht over the short term Thailand deposit saving rate. This requires that all dollarmeasured variables in the U.S. predictive model have to be converted to Thai Baht by utilizing exchange rate series before conducting estimation. Therefore, the forecast of excess US stock returns in the next month is measured by Thai Baht, which is convenient for the investor to compare the relative sizes of two forecasts and make a trading decision. Suppose the investor is standing at the end of 1997(12) and decides to trade. The first estimations based on 5 years historical data from the end of 1993(01) to the end of 1997(12) will be done. With 8 regressors in the model for Thailand, she uses OLS to estimate 28 = 256 models with different combinations of those 8 regressors at the end of 1997(12). The forecasting model will be chosen using one of the selection criteria, and this will be followed by calculating one-step-ahead forecast of the excess returns in 1998(01) on Thai stocks over Thai deposit rates. The same approach using the same selection 7 When i = 2, RI series will be converted from dollar measured series into Thai Baht measured ones. 11 criterion will be applied to forecast excess returns in 1998(01) on U.S. stocks in terms of Thai Baht over Thai deposit rate, except that there are 6 regressors in the model, resulting in less OLS estimations. Given these forecasts, the investor rebalances her portfolio(if the forecasts suggest that it will increase her wealth) and then she reconsiders her situation at the end of 1998(01) when new data are published. She gets rid of the information in 1993(01) and adds new 1998(01) data, which keeps her estimation sample the same size. The whole procedure of estimation, forecasting, and rebalancing repeats until the last forecasts of excess stock returns in 2006(05) have been made and acted upon. 4.2 4.2.1 Predictability of Excess Stock Returns Specifications of Forecasting Models Table 1 shows the percentages of months for which each model selection criterion includes each variable in the forecast model. From December 1996 to April 2006, the investor needs to choose 2 forecasting models from 256 and 64 candidates for 1-month ahead excess stock returns in Thai market and U.S. market, respectively. FIC and PIC generate similar models for both excess Thai stock returns and U.S stock returns, and they are the only two that consistently pick up some of the variables every month. BIC prefers the least number of variables in the forecasting models, while the average number of variables chosen by FIC and PIC are the most. R̄2 and SC not only choose similar average number of regressors, but also share similar patterns in the choice of variables, particularly for the forecasting models of the U.S. excess stock returns. It possibly results from applying R̄2 to achieve forecasting models for SC. Regressors like the dividend yield and earning yield are often chosen for forecasting both excess stock returns. Trading volume in Thailand is rarely chosen by any of the criteria, while it is frequently selected in the forecasting models for the U.S. excess stock returns. Similarly, R̄2 and AIC favour the inclusion of inflation in the models for Thai excess returns more often than not, but they seldom choose it for the U.S. excess returns. The differences between the predictors selected for the Thai and U.S. models may indicate different features of information flows in emerging and developed stock markets. It can also been seen that U.S. 3-month treasury bill rate has not been chosen regularly in the U.S. forecasting model. The reason could be that we are interested in the forecasts of excess U.S. stock returns over Thai deposit rate, which might be less related to the U.S. short-term interest rate. [Table 1] 12 4.2.2 Forecasts of Excess Stock Returns and Forecasting Evaluation Forecasts of excess Thai stock returns and the U.S. stock returns based on the models selected by alternative criterion are illustrated in Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively. The forecasts obtained from the model that include all regressors are also shown. The last graphs on the right bottom are the realized excess returns from January 1998 to May 2006 on both markets. Most of the forecasts share the same pattern, except for those based on models selected by BIC. In this case, flatter and smoother forecasts of excess returns result from using less predictors in the forecasting models. FIC and PIC generate very similar recursive forecasts for both excess returns as applying all regressors over the whole sample periods, because except for volumes and earning yield, FIC and PIC constantly choose the other predictors for every forecast. [Figure 1] [Figure 2] The accuracy of forecasts is critical since our investor’s investment decisions are determined by her forecasts. According to our trading strategy based on recursive forecasts, failures of forecasts will lead to the loss of money. Measures of forecasting errors such as squared root of mean of squared errors (RMSE) are often utilized to evaluate forecasting performance. Table 2 lists the RMSEs of forecasts based on models chosen using various model selection criteria and the model that includes all regressors. 1-month ahead forecasts based on the model selected by R̄2 are the least accurate in terms of the magnitude of RMSE, while those based on BIC are the best. Also, each model selection criterion performs differently when modelling excess returns on Thai stocks and the U.S. stocks. [Table 2] To check the unbiasedness of forecasts, we regress the (recursive) forecasting errors on a constant. T-statistics show whether the means of forecasting errors are statistically equal to zero or not. In table 3, low t-statistics suggest that null hypothesis of zero mean of forecasting errors cannot be rejected with 10% test level for any of the forecasts, regardless of the underlying model selection criteria. [Table 3] 13 However, conventional statistics based on the size of forecasting errors do not necessarily guide users to gain profits (Leitch and Tanner, 1991). Recent forecast evaluation methods combine statistical and economic measures are now becoming popular. Since the correct prediction of market direction can inform an investor whether to enter or leave the market to gain or avoid losing money, the proportion of correct signs of excess stock returns has been used as a measure for forecasting evaluations. Pesaran and Timmermann (1992b) develop a formal nonparametric test on the correct predictions of signs. The standardized test statistics (PT statistics) have a asymptotical standard normal distribution. In table 4, it can be seen that forecasts in Thai markets based on models selected by FIC, PIC are more accurate than others in terms of the ability to correctly predict market directions. PT statistics are higher than the 10% critical value of a standard normal distribution8 . Models with all regressors can also achieve the same sign forecasting performance with FIC and PIC. However, models for Thai returns based on BIC predict wrong signs in more than half periods, and the PT statistic is too low to reject the null hypothesis of no predictive power. Because BIC chooses the least number of predictors and generates flatter forecasts, we conjecture that BIC has a poor ability to predict sign correctly on emerging stock markets that are well-known to have high volatilities. For the forecasts of the U.S. excess returns, the proportion of correct signs predicted is generally less than that from the forecasting models for Thai returns. We expect this weaker forecasting performance since the predictions of the U.S. excess stock returns measured in Thai Baht implicitly contain investors’ forecasts on the exchange rate growth. In contrast to the Thai case, forecasting models of the U.S. returns selected by BIC can predict correct signs more often than the other model selection criteria, and give the highest PT statistic. Overall, the forecasting performance of models selected by each criterion is not the same for an emerging market and a developed market, and this results from distinct features in each market. On average, FIC beats the other criteria and gives more accurate forecasts in terms of signs, while AIC provides the worst forecasts. Market timing tests generally show that the forecasting models have poor ability to predict correct signs.9 [Table 4] 8 We are using one-tail test here since rejection of null hypothesis with high positive PT statistics means forecasts and realized value are dependent in terms of the same signs. 9 Note that the market timing tests have weak power when the sample size is small. 14 4.3 Economic Returns under the Switching Portfolio Trading Strategy In this section, we compute the final wealth of the investor who fully switches her assetholdings between stocks in Thailand, stocks in U.S. and deposits in Thailand, according to her recursive forecasts over 101 months. Note that to apply this trading strategy, we need to assume that the investor has absolute faith in her forecasts and bears risks from stock markets and foreign exchange markets. Aiming at maximizing returns of assets and utility in every month, the investor’s optimal portfolio will be switched between markets. Transaction costs are associated with frequent trading, and they erode the returns of assets for the investor as well as change her investment decisions. Therefore, it is important to take account of transaction costs when computing the investor’s final wealth and utilizing economic profits to judge the EMH. We suppose that there are three types of transaction costs in stock markets: zero, 0.5% and 1% of the total value of stocks. However, depositing or withdrawing money from banks does not cost the investor any transaction fees. The efficient market hypothesis will be rejected if economic returns net transaction costs can be gained under this comprehensive trading and forecasting strategy. To show whether the forecasts generate net profits under the investor’s switching-portfolio strategy, we need to compare this net profit with those under some buy-and-hold strategies that do not require any forecast of stock returns. Table 5 reports the cumulative wealth measured in Thai Baht by the end of May 2006 under a portfolio-switching strategy and some buy-and-hold strategies. We assume that the investor has 100 Thai Baht as the initial endowment. Recursive forecasting models are chosen based on six alternative model selection criteria or all predictors. Under a buyand-hold strategy, benchmark wealth is obtained if the investor either deposits money, buys the U.S. stocks or buys Thai stocks at the end of December 1997. In addition, an equal weight of three assets portfolio is constructed at the end of December 1997 and rolls until the end of the sample period. With no transaction costs, the final wealth under various model selection criteria with a switching portfolio strategy exceeds all buy-and-hold investments. If the investor follows the “Sign Criterion” to choose forecasting models, she earns more returns than other criteria. Predictions under BIC are the most inferior ones in terms of the average return to the investor. The “All regressors” forecasts beat the model selection criteria, providing above 200% returns to the investor after 101 months. Increasing transaction costs to 0.5% on both the U.S. and Thai stock markets, we expect that the final wealth will be reduced when the portfolio is rebalanced often. Con- 15 sidering that transaction costs have to be paid twice if the investor moves from one stock market to another, she might not switch her portfolio very frequently. From table 5, it can be seen that predictions under BIC do not necessarily generate more profit than the passive portfolio strategies. R̄2 outperforms the other model selection criteria and the “all regressors” rule. Under the high transaction cost scenario, the investor can still earn more profits with switching portfolios based on R̄2 , AIC, SC and all regressors. However, forecasting models FIC, PIC and BIC based strategies are inferior to most of the buy-and-hold strategies. [Table 5] It is interesting to see the difference between statistical and pure economic measures when we evaluate forecasts accuracy. FIC and PIC are the best two criteria in that they can provide correct sign predictions in two markets for more than half of the time. However, they produce less money than other selection criteria and cannot outperform buy-andhold strategies with high transaction costs. The difference between the statistical and economic measures can also be found when using AIC. Average sign predictions under AIC are correct for less than 50% of the time; but the average returns generated when AIC facilitates the switching-portfolio strategy exceed all passive investments and some of the model selection criteria. Market timing tests generally display no forecasting power of the models to predict correct signs, but net economic profits in excess of returns from buy-and-hold strategies can still be generated based on those forecasts. We have looked at the investor’s decision and the corresponding benefit or loss from trading in each month. With the comparison of forecasts and realized excess returns, we see that the investor can still possibly earn positive profit in a month even though the sign of her forecast is incorrect in that month. In this case, it is the correct relative size of two forecasts that drives the investor to move to the higher-return market. For example, the investor forecasts of excess return of Thai and the U.S. stocks in December 1998 under BIC are 0.0326 and 0.0417, respectively; while the realized values are -0.0204 and 0.0748. The investor chooses to stay in the U.S. stock market because her forecast for the excess returns of U.S. stocks is higher. Excess returns realized in December 1998 prove her correct trading decision. This investment increases her wealth by 0.163 U.S. dollars (about 6 Thai Baht according to the exchange rate in that month) at the end of the month. On the other hand, if both of the forecasts are accurate in terms of market timing, the correct investment decision for making more money or avoiding loss will be guided by these forecasts. Therefore, the market timing test helps us to evaluate forecasts, 16 but cannot determine the results of the assessment if the target of forecasting is to produce money. This conclusion results from the decision-making rule in our paper. The investor’s trading decision is determined not only by the signs of the forecasts of excess stock returns, but also the relative magnitudes of two positive forecasts for two markets. Hence, without the consideration of decision-making aspects, simply applying statistical measures for point forecasts or directional forecasts are not appropriate. This idea matches the argument in Granger and Pesaran (2000). 5 Conclusion This paper assesses the economic significance of the forecasts of stock returns in both emerging and developed stock markets, and it addresses the importance of using economic measurement for forecasting evaluations from the perspective of an investor in an emerging country who is maximizing her asset returns on her local risky assets, foreign risky assets and a risk free asset. Extending previous literatures, we construct a more realistic and complex portfolio with three assets, a more complicating investment decision-making process, a recursive modelling strategy with a fixed estimation window size, and a forecasting strategy with the usage of model selection criteria. The investor is facing modelling uncertainties, so every month she is looking for the best forecasting models for excess returns of stocks in both markets according to various model selection criteria. Under the assumption that the investor is 100% confident in her forecasts, she enters or gets out of markets with her full funds. The economic profits generated from predictions are mixed across model selection criteria. Although there is evidence that some forecasts do not produce more returns than buy-and-hold strategies, the investor who chooses forecasting models with all regressors, or models based on R̄2 , AIC, SC can earn more returns net transaction costs than passive investment strategies. Therefore, whether economic profits in excess of profits from buyand-hold strategies can be obtained from forecasts of excess returns in both emerging and developed markets depends on the choice of model selection criteria for the best forecasting models in each month. Even if R̄2 outperforms over 101 months, this result is found ex post and it is not clear that the investor trusts this criterion ex ante. Therefore, the judge of EMH is inconclusive. The statistical measurements of forecasting accuracy show little predictability of stock returns in both markets, and doubtless this results from larger volatilities in emerging 17 markets and uncertainties from exchange markets when predicting Thai Baht-measured U.S. excess stock returns. However, a 100% economic profit can still be generated by “poor forecasts” with the switching-portfolio trading strategy. After tracking down the forecasting performance and the realized benefits or loss from an investment in every month, we find that according to our decision-making rule, good forecasts do not necessarily require a high proportion of correct sign predictions. Although the signs of forecasts of excess returns are opposite to the real, as long as the relative size of two sets of forecasts are correct as the realized ones, it is still possible that positive returns can be earned if the investor realizes her investment decisions. Two critical points follow this finding. Firstly, it is essential to use decision theory for forecast evaluation, even though most of the literature and forecasting textbooks are still applying conventional statistical accuracy measures of point forecasts for every forecasting target. Secondly, since comparing magnitudes of forecasts of future returns for different assets is a common process when investors decide their portfolio weights of asset holdings, a new test for measuring relative-size-accuracy of forecasts should be developed. 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The figures in this table show the percentages of months when each variable is chosen by the particular model selection criterion to forecast the next month excess returns. Predictors in Panel B have been converted to Thai Baht measured variables. 24 Table 2: Out-of-sample performance (RMSE) of forecasting models based on alternative model selection criteria from 1998(01) to 2006(05)a Selection criterion Thai excess stock returns The U.S. excess stock returns R̄2 0.140 0.066 AIC 0.133 0.059 BIC 0.122 0.054 FIC 0.139 0.064 PIC 0.139 0.067 SC 0.127 0.066 All regressors 0.144 0.065 a RMSE is computed based on 1-month ahead recursive forecasts under alternative model selection criteria and the model that includes all regressors. Table 3: Estimation of mean of recursive forecasting errors Thai Selection Criterion The U.S. Coefficient T-stats Coefficient T-stats R̄2 -0.0189 -1.3654 0.0027 0.4101 AIC -0.0170 -1.2860 -0.0059 -1.0002 BIC -0.0003 -0.0216 -0.0063 -1.1898 FIC -0.0147 -1.0631 -0.0098 -1.5475 PIC -0.0147 -1.0631 -0.0086 -1.2900 SC -0.0154 -1.2206 0.0019 0.2845 All regressors -0.0207 -1.4488 0.0030 0.4649 a The means of forecasting errors under alternative model selection criterion have been estimated. We regress forecasting errors on a constant. Null hypothesis of zero means cannot be rejected for all forecasting errors at 10% test level. 25 a Table 4: Predictive accuracy of excess return forecasts from 1998(01) to 2006(05) a Proportion of correct signs (%) PT statistics Selection criterion Thai The U.S. Averageb Thai The U.S. R̄2 52.5 47.5 50.0 0.035 -0.521 AIC 50.5 48.5 49.5 -0.354 -0.471 BIC 47.5 53.5 50.5 -0.558 0.815 FIC 58.4 51.5 55.0 1.350c -0.012 -0.251 PIC 58.4 50.5 54.5 1.350c SC 53.5 47.5 50.5 0.236 -0.581 All regressors 58.4 49.5 54.0 1.350b -0.046 a This table shows the proportion of correctly predicted signs over 101 months and PT statistics developed by Pesaran and Timmermann (1992). At the end of each month, the investor makes her investment decision based on the sign and the magnitudes of 1-month ahead excess return forecasts in two markets. b This is the simple average of the proportions of correctly predicted signs of Thai and U.S. excess stock returns using each model selection criterion. c PT statistics show statistical significance of market timing at 10% test level. 26 Table 5: Performance of the switching-portfolio strategy and other buy-and-hold trading strategies a Portfolio-switching under alternative model selection Final Wealth (Thai Baht) criterion and other Zero Low High trading strategies transaction cost transaction cost transaction cost Portfolio- R̄2 260.9 263.4 213.2 switching AIC 224.9 189.9 155.3 strategy BIC 159.1 117.3 102.7 FIC 205.7 158.7 114.1 PIC 206.0 151.4 114.1 SC 292.5 221.2 161.5 All regressors 338.5 247.4 185.3 Buy-and- Thai stocks 125.6 124.3 123.1 hold The U.S. stocks 107.9 106.9 105.8 strategies Thailand bank deposit 119.8 119.8 119.8 Equal investments 117.8 117.0 116.2 a The final wealth is the cumulative wealth that the investor owns at the end of May 2006, with an initial endowment of 100 Thai Baht at the end of December 1997. Portfolios of each month are switching among three assets according to the recursive excess return forecasts of Thai and the U.S. stocks. Three different transaction costs of stocks are applied. The low transaction cost rate is set at the rate of 0.5%, and the high transaction cost rate is set at 1%. 27