Credit Suisse AG Credit Suisse International
... The Issuers Securities under this Base Prospectus will be issued by either Credit Suisse AG ("CS"), acting through its London Branch, Nassau Branch or Singapore Branch, or Credit Suisse International ("CSi") (each, an "Issuer" and, together, the "Issuers"). This Base Prospectus contains information ...
... The Issuers Securities under this Base Prospectus will be issued by either Credit Suisse AG ("CS"), acting through its London Branch, Nassau Branch or Singapore Branch, or Credit Suisse International ("CSi") (each, an "Issuer" and, together, the "Issuers"). This Base Prospectus contains information ...
Trading in Secu
... “Malaysian Rules” means all relevant rules, bye-laws, customs, practices, notices, directives and regulations for the time being of the Securities Commission, Bursa Securities, Bursa Clearing, Bursa Depository, Bank Negara Malaysia and all other governmental or regulatory authorities, whether having ...
... “Malaysian Rules” means all relevant rules, bye-laws, customs, practices, notices, directives and regulations for the time being of the Securities Commission, Bursa Securities, Bursa Clearing, Bursa Depository, Bank Negara Malaysia and all other governmental or regulatory authorities, whether having ...
ESPP Prospectus 2016: 2nd offering period
... Important information Information to investors For certain definitions used in this prospectus, please see the section "Definitions". This prospectus has been prepared in compliance with the standards and requirements of the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act of 1991 (Sw. lagen (1991:980) om ...
... Important information Information to investors For certain definitions used in this prospectus, please see the section "Definitions". This prospectus has been prepared in compliance with the standards and requirements of the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act of 1991 (Sw. lagen (1991:980) om ...
Form ADV Part 2
... Assets of Wealthfront are managed as part of the Wealthfront Program (See Wealthfront Program Brochure attached). A Wealthfront Program account (technically known as a “wrap account”) is a professionally managed investment plan in which all expenses, including brokerage commissions, management fees, ...
... Assets of Wealthfront are managed as part of the Wealthfront Program (See Wealthfront Program Brochure attached). A Wealthfront Program account (technically known as a “wrap account”) is a professionally managed investment plan in which all expenses, including brokerage commissions, management fees, ...
asx release
... substantial value through synergies – ramping up to approximately US$100 million per annum of synergies within four years of closing. “It’s the synergy opportunities that help make this a highly compelling acquisition, and I am confident that we have the right team in place to bring together the two ...
... substantial value through synergies – ramping up to approximately US$100 million per annum of synergies within four years of closing. “It’s the synergy opportunities that help make this a highly compelling acquisition, and I am confident that we have the right team in place to bring together the two ...
LULD Plan 12th Amendment Plan Text (FINAL with markings)
... 4:00 p.m. ET, or in the case of an early scheduled close, during the last 25 minutes of trading before the early scheduled close, the Price Bands shall be calculated by applying double the Percentage Parameters set forth in Appendix A. If the Processor has not yet disseminated Price Bands, but a Ref ...
... 4:00 p.m. ET, or in the case of an early scheduled close, during the last 25 minutes of trading before the early scheduled close, the Price Bands shall be calculated by applying double the Percentage Parameters set forth in Appendix A. If the Processor has not yet disseminated Price Bands, but a Ref ...
exhibit 1 - New York Stock Exchange
... Limitations on Trades and Quotations Outside of Price Bands ...
... Limitations on Trades and Quotations Outside of Price Bands ...
Long-Short Commodity Investing - EDHEC
... context of highly volatile markets. The increased participation of financial investors on commodity markets has caused concerns about the latter’s possible increased integration with traditional financial markets, which could have weakened the diversification and hedging benefits from commodity inve ...
... context of highly volatile markets. The increased participation of financial investors on commodity markets has caused concerns about the latter’s possible increased integration with traditional financial markets, which could have weakened the diversification and hedging benefits from commodity inve ...
Firm boundaries and buyer-supplier match in market transaction: IT
... market transaction for software when firms produce DP in-house. This allows us to consider how the suppliers’ strategy in entering the market for both complete and semi-complete products may interact with firms’ degree of outsourcing. Finally, as compared to the existing studies on the effect of mar ...
... market transaction for software when firms produce DP in-house. This allows us to consider how the suppliers’ strategy in entering the market for both complete and semi-complete products may interact with firms’ degree of outsourcing. Finally, as compared to the existing studies on the effect of mar ...
Overnight Versus Intraday Expected Returns
... in our decomposition across news and no-news months, defined as months with and without an earnings announcement or news coverage in Dow Jones Newswire, respectively. As a consequence, we exploit a key difference between these two periods linked to investor heterogeneity, namely, the degree of insti ...
... in our decomposition across news and no-news months, defined as months with and without an earnings announcement or news coverage in Dow Jones Newswire, respectively. As a consequence, we exploit a key difference between these two periods linked to investor heterogeneity, namely, the degree of insti ...
... 1. The State Securities Commission is attached to the Finance Ministry and has the following tasks and powers: a/ To grant, extend, withdraw licenses and certificates related to securities activities and securities market; to approve changes related to securities activities and securities market; b ...
... 1. The State Securities Commission is attached to the Finance Ministry and has the following tasks and powers: a/ To grant, extend, withdraw licenses and certificates related to securities activities and securities market; to approve changes related to securities activities and securities market; b ...
The Misguided Beliefs of Financial Advisors
... advice. Using detailed data on financial advisors and their clients, however, we show that most advisors invest their personal portfolios just like they advise their clients. They trade frequently, chase returns, and prefer expensive, actively managed funds over cheap index funds. Differences in adv ...
... advice. Using detailed data on financial advisors and their clients, however, we show that most advisors invest their personal portfolios just like they advise their clients. They trade frequently, chase returns, and prefer expensive, actively managed funds over cheap index funds. Differences in adv ...
Stock Return Serial Dependence and Out-of
... mean-variance portfolios, we focus on norm-constrained portfolios that are similar to those studied by DeMiguel et al. (2009). Our empirical results show that the norm-constrained conditional meanvariance portfolios outperform the traditional (unconditional) portfolios only for transaction costs bel ...
... mean-variance portfolios, we focus on norm-constrained portfolios that are similar to those studied by DeMiguel et al. (2009). Our empirical results show that the norm-constrained conditional meanvariance portfolios outperform the traditional (unconditional) portfolios only for transaction costs bel ...
Rule Book Of Karachi Stock Exchange Limited
... regulatory framework of KSEL by providing a wider and deeper coverage to the securities market consequent to its corporatization and demutualization. The Rule Book will provide the regulated entities, investors, practitioners, educational institutions, associations, professional accountancy bodies a ...
... regulatory framework of KSEL by providing a wider and deeper coverage to the securities market consequent to its corporatization and demutualization. The Rule Book will provide the regulated entities, investors, practitioners, educational institutions, associations, professional accountancy bodies a ...
MSCI Equity Indexes February 2016 Index Review
... The Information should not be relied on and is not a substitute for the skill, judgment and experience of the user, its management, employees, advisors and/or clients when making investment and other business decisions. All Information is impersonal and not tailored to the needs of any person, entit ...
... The Information should not be relied on and is not a substitute for the skill, judgment and experience of the user, its management, employees, advisors and/or clients when making investment and other business decisions. All Information is impersonal and not tailored to the needs of any person, entit ...
The Cross-Sectional Dispersion of Stock Returns, Alpha
... Samuelson [2004] argues that broader use of inexpensive equity indexing would boost wealth overall and make equity investors better off. French [2008] attempts to quantify this loss of wealth; he estimates that pursuing active rather than passive equity strategies caused investors’ average annual r ...
... Samuelson [2004] argues that broader use of inexpensive equity indexing would boost wealth overall and make equity investors better off. French [2008] attempts to quantify this loss of wealth; he estimates that pursuing active rather than passive equity strategies caused investors’ average annual r ...
... and evolving trends in the markets for energy commodities trading. We believe that our demonstrated ability to develop and launch new products for both the futures and OTC markets provides us with several competitive advantages, including: • Multi-Product Trading: We operate a globally accessible pl ...
... and evolving trends in the markets for energy commodities trading. We believe that our demonstrated ability to develop and launch new products for both the futures and OTC markets provides us with several competitive advantages, including: • Multi-Product Trading: We operate a globally accessible pl ...
Understanding trading and investment warrants
... In the case of cash settled warrants, the difference between the exercise price (sometimes referred to as the exercise level) and the value of the underlying instrument at expiry is paid on settlement. The exercise price is generally fixed when the warrants are issued. However, the exercise price c ...
... In the case of cash settled warrants, the difference between the exercise price (sometimes referred to as the exercise level) and the value of the underlying instrument at expiry is paid on settlement. The exercise price is generally fixed when the warrants are issued. However, the exercise price c ...
Portfolio Comparisons. - Artex Component System
... In addition, the following results now appear with this new investment strategy: The investor now has: More options than just buying stocks A better chance of profiting in more investment sectors A better long term success strategy because of… …much less of a chance of “blowing up” the portfolio ...
... In addition, the following results now appear with this new investment strategy: The investor now has: More options than just buying stocks A better chance of profiting in more investment sectors A better long term success strategy because of… …much less of a chance of “blowing up” the portfolio ...
Select Risk Profile Portfolios – quarterly investment report
... years or more. Currently, each portfolio, except the Cautious Select Portfolio, is lagging behind its respective target risk range. The Select Risk Profile Portfolios are created based on long-term market analysis, so when market risk is lower than average, we would expect to see the portfolios fall ...
... years or more. Currently, each portfolio, except the Cautious Select Portfolio, is lagging behind its respective target risk range. The Select Risk Profile Portfolios are created based on long-term market analysis, so when market risk is lower than average, we would expect to see the portfolios fall ...
... gross commissions of at least $26,597. Only 93 of these trades were marked unsolicited. This trading occurred when MacDonald and Dipasquale knew or ought to have known that Pryde was out of the office and being treated for a mental health related issue. MacDonald and Dipasquale therefore knew, or ou ...
... gross commissions of at least $26,597. Only 93 of these trades were marked unsolicited. This trading occurred when MacDonald and Dipasquale knew or ought to have known that Pryde was out of the office and being treated for a mental health related issue. MacDonald and Dipasquale therefore knew, or ou ...
An Examination of Primary and Secondary Market Returns in Equity
... The apparent underpricing of common shares in IPOs is well documented in academic literature. The evidence indicates that this anomaly has been fairly persistent through time. For example, Loughran and Ritter (2002) find an average offer-to-close return of just over 14% for a sample of 3,025 firms f ...
... The apparent underpricing of common shares in IPOs is well documented in academic literature. The evidence indicates that this anomaly has been fairly persistent through time. For example, Loughran and Ritter (2002) find an average offer-to-close return of just over 14% for a sample of 3,025 firms f ...
Stock market liquidity and firm value
... value of equity (Compustat Annual Data #199 Compustat Annual Data #25) plus book value of assets (Compustat Annual Data #6) minus book value of equity (Compustat Annual Data #60) minus balance sheet deferred taxes (Compustat Annual Data #74) ...
... value of equity (Compustat Annual Data #199 Compustat Annual Data #25) plus book value of assets (Compustat Annual Data #6) minus book value of equity (Compustat Annual Data #60) minus balance sheet deferred taxes (Compustat Annual Data #74) ...
Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on Shanghai Stock Exchange
... information disclosure and ensure that its public inquiry telephone is not engaged. 2.17 Where the information to be disclosed by a listed company involves uncertainty, is a temporary business secret, or falls within other circumstances as recognized by the Exchange, and as a consequence, a timely d ...
... information disclosure and ensure that its public inquiry telephone is not engaged. 2.17 Where the information to be disclosed by a listed company involves uncertainty, is a temporary business secret, or falls within other circumstances as recognized by the Exchange, and as a consequence, a timely d ...
Trading room

A trading room gathers traders operating on financial markets. The trading room is also often called the front office. The terms ""dealing room"" and ""trading floor"" are also used, the latter being inspired from that of an open outcry stock exchange. As open outcry is gradually replaced by electronic trading, the trading room gets the only living place that is emblematic of the financial market. It is also the likeliest place within the financial institution where the most recent technologies are implemented before being disseminated in its other businesses.