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Chapter 55: Ecosystems
Studying organisms in their environment:
List the hierarchy of an ecosystem from smallest to largest:
- all organisms in a community (all biotic things) plus the _____________ factors
Energy flow through an ecosystem: - remember, all of our energy originated from the sun
Sunlight captured by ____________________
Producers are eaten by _____________ ______________ (herbivores)
Primary consumers are eaten by _____________ ______________ (carnivores)
Food chains:
Trophic levels – feeding relationships
1st trophic level - ____________________
2nd trophic level - ____________________
3rd trophic level - ____________________
4th trophic level - ____________________
- all levels connect to _________________________ (bacteria and fungi)
Ecological pyramid:
What is the 10 % rule?
Why does only 10% of energy get transferred from one level to the next?
What is the difference between a food chain and a food web?
Draw and label the carbon, water, and nitrogen cycles: