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Unit 7
Lesson 4
The End of the Republic
Lesson 4 – The End of the Republic
1. A Roman legion is building a pen to hold their officers’ horses. A post is put every 6
feet along a rectangular fence that is 42 feet long and 36 feet wide. How many posts will
the legionaries need?
2. Hannibal is trying to estimate how money tone his elephants weigh before he
attempts to take them through the Alps. All together his elephants weight 10,145
pounds. Estimate the number of tons.
3. Gaius’s family is thinking about buying a family pass to the Flavian amphitheater. The
pass is 80 dinars for a family of 4. Individual passes are 25 dinars each. How much
money can Gaius’s family save by purchasing a family pass instead of 4 individual passes?
4. Scrolls at the Forum are being sold 3 for 7 denarius. If the merchant can place 400
scrolls on 5 shelves with an equal number on each shelf, how many scrolls are on each
5. A gardener is building a border for a flower garden with a row of red bricks. The row
is 136 ½ inches long. Each brick is 10 ½ inches long and cost $.35. How much will the
border cost?
Generalization: Leaders impact both their own people and other peoples
Big Idea – After changing from a republic to an empire, Rome grew politically and
economically, and developed a culture that influenced later civilizations.
- make generalizations – why was Caesar killed? Romans, especially
Senators, feared that Caesar was trying to make himself king
- drawing conclusions – why did Octavian turn against Marc
– summarizing – how did the Roman Republic become an empire?
After Marc Antony’s death, the Senate gave Octavian nearly limitless
powers and named him Augustus
Slaves and wealth pour in
Patricians become wealthier
gain more
land and
Rise of the middle class
Time of Disorder
- plebeians rioted to restored the power of the tribunes
Widespread unemployment among the plebeians
- jobs lost to slaves
- farms lost to Patricians
- more poor poured into the city
- the unemployed mob grew
- Pompey and Crassus
- overturned Sulla’s laws
- power away from the Senate and back to the people
- conflict between classes escalated
- Crassus stayed in Rome
- Pompey continued military campaigns
- added Bithynia in 68 BC
- added Syria in 63 BC
- enlarged province of Asia
- added Palestine
Gaius Julius Caesar
- from a poor patrician family
- saw the military as a path to power
- became a popular general for his victories in Spain
- started the Gallic War
- goal
- conquer Gaul and make it part of Rome
- empire now included Western Europe
- increase his own reputation and power
- De Bello Gallico
- became the govern of Cisalpine Gaul, Illyricum and Narbonese Gaul
- Did not believe that the Republic could rule effectively
- popular with the plebeians
- acted as their champion
First Triumvirate
- Pompey, Crassus and Caesar
- all three would share power equally
- response to insults and challenges from the Senate
- too ambitious to truly work together
- led to Civil War
Pompey – fearing his popularity with the people – ordered Caesar to disarm his troops
Caesar refused to accept this humiliation, marched his army into Italy
- this was illegal under Roman Law
- to Cross the Rubicon
- began the Second Civil War
Caesar drove Pompey out of Rome
Caesar and Pompey
Pompey flees to Greece
Caesar defeats him in Greece, Spain, and North Africa
Pompey fled to Egypt
Killed by Ptolomey
One of the big problems -- Cleopatra
Caesar in Command
- 46 BC declared himself dictator for life
- had the support of the plebeians
- Reforms
- made army and government more efficient
- increased size of Senate for better representation
- citizenship to more people in the provinces
- improved the tax system
- reduced unemployment
- establish colonies
- land for urban poor and ex-soldiers
- revised the calendar
Actions increased his popularity with the people, but incurred the hatred of the Senate
- feared he would make himself king of Rome
Dealt with the problem on the Ides of March, 44 BC
Led by Cassius and Marcus Brutus – all members of the Senate
Stabbed Caesar to death
- identify – how did most Romans feel about
the death of Caesar?
- recall – what happened to Caesar’s killers
after the assassination?
Marc Antony and Octavian defeated them and
the leaders killed them.
Battle for Control
- after Caesar’s death his main general, Mark Antony tired to take control
- so did Caesar’s heir – his nephew Octavian
To prevent more conflict, they, along with Lepidus, agreed to rule together as the
- Second Triumvirate
- went after and defeated Caesar’s murders
- decided to rule different parts of the Republic
- Octavian the west
- Antony the east
- he married Octavian’s sister- Octavia
Could not Rule Together
- Lepidus – forced to retire
- made the mistake of challenging Octavian
- Antony abandons his wife and takes up with Cleopatra
- both men want control of everything
-- Third Civil War
The Third Civil War
- Octavian and the Roman Army
- against Antony, Cleopatra and her Egyptian forces
- major confrontation – Battle of Actium
- Octavian the winner – now sole ruler of Rome
- Antony and Cleopatra flee back to Egypt
- Octavian follows
- both commit suicide rather than be taken back to Rome by
- results of the Battle of Actium
- end the Roman Republic
- Octavian became master of Greco-Roman world
- Rome dominated by the West, not the East
Birth of the Roman Empire
- Octavian now sole ruler – ruled 44 years
- did not make himself dictator
- appeared to work with the Senate and Assemblies and return to the
ways of the old Republic
- reality – he was completely in charge
- took the title Augustus
- Rome’s first emperor
- continued Roman expansion
- created the Pretorian Guard, as well as police and fire force in Rome
- new public buildings in Rome
- “ I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble”
- reorganized government administration
- Pax Romana – or Roman Peace
- time of peace and prosperity
- choose his successors
- only one outlived him – stepson Tiberius
- start of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty