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Phases of Matter Notes
Definite shape
Takes shape of
NO definite shape
Definite volume
Definite volume
Particles vibrate in
place; little movement;
strong attractive force
keeps the particles
Particles are free to
move past other
particles; more
movement than a
solid, not as much as
a gas
Attractive forces
weaker than those of
a solid but stronger
than those of a liquid
NO definite volumespread out to fill
entire container
Particles will move
quickly occupying any
space the particles
are given
Particle Motion
Forces between Particles
Attractive forces are
strong & hold particles
Lack attractive forces
between particles.
Attractive forces
between particles are
the weakest bc
particles are at
greatest distance
from each other as
well as moving quickly
Particles in a…
Special Characteristics
Strong attractive forces
& slow motion of
particles keep particles
tightly packed.
Particle motion of a
liquid is faster than a
solid. Increased particle
motion causes the
particles to move slightly
farther apart so
attractive force gets
Particles move faster
therefore move
farther apart. As
particles move farther
apart attractive forces
Diamond vs. Charcoal
arranged in a specific,
repeating order
structure-particles are
arranged randomly
Viscosity & Surface
Stronger attractive
force between
particles the higher
the viscosity
For most liquids,
viscosity decreases as
liquids become
What would prevent a
liquid from flowing?
Particle mass, particle
shape, & strength of
attraction between
particles of a liquid.
Vapor-the gas state of
a substance that is
normally a liquid at
room temperature
such as water,
rubbing alcohol,
iodine, mercury, &