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2016 – 2017
Book name- modern abc+of
LESSON No. 1 – Some basic consept of chemistry
LESSON No. 2 – Structure of atom
Q.1>Give one word :(1) Any thing that home mass and occupies space:(2) A drug which lower body temperature in high fever:(3) Name of life-saving dugs:(4) A matter which is the combination of two or more elements(5) An element which have both metal and non-metal character(6) SI unit of temperature(7) Empirical formula of glucose(8) Empirical formula of sucrose(9) The SI unit of molarity:(10) One mole=
(11) An Avogadro number :(12) On mole of oxygen gas at STP:(13) The prefix Pico Stand for:(14) Pascal are the unit for:(15) The mass of molecules of C-14 dioxide in gram:(16) The empirical formula of Benzene:(17) Name a monatomic gas:(18) S.I. unit of density:(19) Amu stand for:(20) Example of heterogynous mixture:(21) Nucleon are :(22) Charge on electron:(23) Atomic no. of Beryllium:(24) Atom having same number of neutron but different mass number:(25) Atom of different element having same mass number:(26) Who discovered anode rays:(27) Who discovered neutron:(28) Atomic no. is
(29) Mass no. is:(30) No. of unpaired electron inFe3+:(31) Value of e/m :(32) Wave number is
(33) Energy of photon(34) Radius of an orbit-
(35) Sequence of energy levels of an atom:(36) Angular momentum:(37) Energy of an electron in an orbit:(38) Fundamental particles:(39) Charge less sub-atomic particle:(40) Sub-atomic particle which mass = proton:-
Q.2>Short answer type question:(1) Difference between proton and photon?
(2) Write the property of cathode rays.
(3) Define isotones.
(4) Define iso electronic atom.
(5) An atom having A=13, has 7 neutron. What is Z of the atom?
(6) How are frequency and ware number related to each other?
(7) What is canal rays?
(8) Explain De-Broglie equation.
(9) Write the significance of De-Broglie relations.
(10) Differentiate between electromagnetic waves and matter waves.
(11) Difference between orbit and orbital.
(12) What will be the mass of one atom of C-12 in grams?
(13) What is the symbol for S.I. unit of mole? How is mole define?
(14) How are 0.50m Na2CO3 and 0.50 MNA2CO3 different?
(15) Calculate the molarity of pure water (D=1 gm L-1).
(16) Calculate the mass percentage of Co2.
(17) Calculate the molecular mass of NH3.
(18) Calculate the molecular mass of C6H6.
(19) What is empirical formula?
(20) Calculate the mass of 1 molecule of so2.
Q.3>Long answer type question:(1)
Explain the discovery of nucleus.
Write the property of cathode rays.
Explain the J. J. Thomson experiment.
Calculate the total number of electron present in 1.6 gm of methane.
Calculate the mass percentage of CuFes2.
The molecular mass of an organic compound is 78 and its percentage composition is 92.4% C and 7.6%
H find out the molecular formula of this compound.
(7) A compound contain 4.07% hydrogen, 24.27% carbon & 71.65% chlorine,2ts molecules mars is 98.96
what are its empirical & moleculas formula.
(8) Calculate the volume of oxygen at NTP that would be required to convert 5.2L of Co to Co2.
(9) Calculate the mars and charge of one mole of electron.
(10) Calculate the number of electrons which will togethers weight one gram.
(11) Calculate :-(a)The total number & (b)The total mars of neutrons in 7mg of 14c (mars of
(12) Explain electromagnetic wave theory?
(13) Explain Plank’s quantum theory?
(14) Explain Afbau principles.
(15) Calculate de-Broglie wavelength of an electron (mars = 9.1X10-31kg)moving at 1% speed of light (h =
6.63X10-34kg m2s-1).
Q.4>Very long answer type question:(1) Give the essential postulates of Bohr’s model of an atom. How did it explain.
(a)The stability of an atom
(b)Origin of spectral lines in hydrogen atom?
(2)What are quantum number? What permitted values can these have? Give the significance of each
quantum number.
(3)A certain particle carries 2.510-16c of static electric charge. Calculate the number of electrons present in
(4)Calculate the energy arsociated with the first orbit of He+. What is the radius of this orbit?
(5)Calculate the ratio of radius of2nd orbit of H atom & that of 3rd orbit.
(6)What is the relationship between the following atoms of strontium? 87
38𝑆𝑟 & 38𝑆𝑟
(7)The number of electrons, protons and neutrons in a secies are equal to 18,16&16. Assign proper symbol
to the species.
(8)State the law of conservation of mars. How is it verified experimentally?
(9)What are laws of chemical combinations? Discus any three laws in detail.
(10)Write short note on Dalton atomic theory.
(11)Define Avogadro number and mole. What is their importance?
(12)Explain empirical and molecules formula& relationship.
(13)Explain hilarity, molarity.
(14)Calculate the amounts in grams of :- (a)2.5gm atoms of nitrogen (b)3.6gm mole of Co2.
(15)How many moles of hydrogen, phosphorus and oxygen are there in 0.4 moles of phosphoric acid