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Dr. Jing Qian, Ph.D
Associate Professor of medicine
Institute of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology
Research building C817, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University
email [email protected]
Self-control questions_part I
01_General Properties of Viruses
1. Briefly describe the properties for viruses
2. Briefly describe the structure of a virus and the related chemical components
3. Please describe the steps for viral replication and the feature for each step
4. How does a virus replicate?
5. Term explanation: virus, viroid, prion
02_Pathogenesis & Control of Viral Diseases
1. Please describe the Sites of virus entry.
2. Please describe the mechanisms of virus transmission from person-person.
3. How does the virus spread throughout the host?
4. What determines the cell/tissue tropism for a virus?
5. Please describe the patterns in acute and persistent viral infections.
6. What are the mechanisms for the anti-viral activities of interferon?
7. Term explanation: Horizontal Transmission & Vertical Transmission;
03_Viruses Associated with Respiratory Infections
1. Please explain the molecular reasons related to sporadic outbreaks, limited epidemics or
pandemic of “flu”.
2. Where do where do “new” hemagglutinin & neuraminidase of influenza virus come from?
3. Please explain sub-acute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) as an example of persistent slow
infection for measles virus.
4. Term explanation: Antigenic drift and antigenic shift
04_Viruses Associated with Gastrointestinal Tract Infections
1. Please describe the general properties of picornaviruses.
2. What are the clinical findings as a result of rotavirus infection versus Norwalk virus infection?
3. What causes poliomyelitis? What is the route of infection? What is the global situation of the
disease? How about the vaccine?
05-06_Hepatitis Virus
1. Please summarize the similarities and differences of hepatitis viruses (Viral structure; Modes
of spread; Pathogenesis; Diagnosis; Prevention)
2. What is the structure of a complete HBV particle (Dane particle)?
3. What is the antigenic composition of a Dane particle?
4. How many ORFs (open reading frame) does a HBV gene (long form) have? What are the
gene products from each ORF?
5. What kinds of antigen and antibody can be detected in the sera of HBV infected patients?
What is the diagnostic value of each item?
6. Term explanation: Dane particle
07_Retrovirus and HIV
1. Please draw a schematic picture for the genome of retroviruses.
2. What are the receptor and co-receptor for HIV attachment?
3. Please describe the clinical course for a typical HIV infection.
4. What are risk factors for HIV infection? How can one be protected?
5. Why can’t HIV infection be cured?
08_Herpes virus
1. Please explain viral replication cycle of HSV and related clinical outcome.
09_prion and other viruses
1. How does BSE happen? Is infectious? Why?
2. What is the postexposure rabies prophylaxis regimen?
3. Please describe the relationship of HPV infection and cervix carcinoma. What types of HPV
are highly cancer related? How to prevent?
4. Term explanation: Negri body; Prion; PrPc ; PrPsc
Self-control questions: part II
01_General Properties of Viruses
Bacteria differ from viruses in several structural and chemical characteristics. Which one of the
following is LEAST accurate?
A. Bacteria are cells, whereas viruses are not
B. Most bacteria have mitochondria, whereas viruses do not
C. Bacteria have ribosomes, whereas viruses do not
D. Most bacteria contain peptidoglycan, whereas viruses do not
Viruses enter cells by adsorbing to specific sites on the outer membrane of cells. Each of the
following statements regarding this event is correct EXCEPT:
A. The interaction determines the specific target organs for infection
B. The interaction determines whether the purified genome of a virus is infectious
C. The interaction can be prevented by neutralizing antibody
D. If the sizes are occupied, interference with virus infection occurs
Many viruses mature by budding through the out membrane of the host cell. Each of the following
statements regarding these viruses is correct EXCEPT:
A. Some of these viruses cause multinucleated giant cell formation
B. Some new viral antigens appear on the surface of the host cells
C. Some of these viruses contain host cell lipids
D. Some of these viruses do not have an envelope
Each of the following statements concerning viral surface proteins is correct EXCEPT:
A. They elicit antibody that neutralizes infectivity of the virus
B. They determine the species specificity of the virus-cell interaction
C. They participate in active transport of nutrients across the viral envelope membrane
D. They protect the genetic material against nucleases
A. are defective viruses that are missing the DNA coding for the matrix protein
B. consist of RNA without a protein or lipoprotein outer membrane
C. cause tumors in experimental animals
D. require an RNA polymerase in the particle for replication to occur
Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites. Each of the following statements concerning this fact is
correct EXCEPT:
A. Viruses cannot generate energy outside of cells
B. Viruses cannot synthesize proteins outside of cells
C. Viruses must degrade host cell DNA in order to obtain nucleotides
D. Enveloped viruses require host cell membranes to obtain their envelopes
Each of the following statements concerning viruses is correct EXCEPT:
A. Viruses can reproduce only within cells
B. The proteins on the surface of the virus mediate the entry of the virus into host cells
C. Neutralization antibody is directed against proteins on the surface of the virus
D. Viruses replicate by binary fission
02_Pathogenesis & Control of Viral Diseases
Which one of the following statements concerning interferons is LEAST accurate?
A. Interferons are proteins influence host defenses in many ways, one of which is the induction
of an antiviral state
B. Interferons are synthesized only by virus-infected cells
C. Interferons inhibit a broad range of viruses, not just the virus that induced the interferon
D. Synthesis of several host enzymes is induced by interferon in target cells
Each of the following statements concerning interferon is correct EXCEPT:
A. Interferon inhibits the growth of both DNA and RNA viruses
B. Interferon is induced by double-stranded RNA
C. Interferon made by cells of one species acts more effectively in the cells of that species than
in the cells of other species
D. Interferon acts by preventing viruses from entering the cell
03_Viruses Associated with Respiratory Infections
The principal reservoir for the antigenic shift variants of influenza virus appears to be:
People in isolated communities such as the Arctic
Animals, specifically pigs, horses, and fowl
Soil, especially in the tropics
Each of the following statements regarding influenza virus is correct EXCEPT:
A. Influenza A virus causes more epidemics and more serious disease than influenza B and C
viruses do
B. Influenza viruses cannot be grown in cell cultures; hence, the diagnosis can only be made
C. Influenza A virus undergoes major antigenic changes in its hemagglutinin (antigenic shift),
which allow the virus to evade existing immunity
D. Influenza viruses are transmitted primarily by aerosol and primarily affects the lower
respiratory tract
Each of the following statements concerning the antigenicity of influenza A virus is correct
A. Antigenic shifts, which represent major changes in antigenicity, occur infrequently and are
due to the recombination (reassortment) of segments of the viral genome
B. Antigenic shifts affect both the hemagglutinin and the neuraminidase
C. The worldwide epidemics causes by influenza A virus are due to antigenic shifts
D. The protein involved in antigenic drift is primarily the internal ribonucleoprotein
Each of the following statements concerning influenza is correct EXCEPT:
A. Major epidemics of the disease are caused by influenza A viruses rather than influenza B and
C viruses
B. Likely sources of new antigens for influenza A viruses are the viruses that cause influenza in
C. Major antigenic changes (shifts) of viral surface proteins are seen primarily in influenza A
viruses rather than in influenza B and C viruses
D. The antigenic changes that occur with antigenic drift are due to reassortment of the multiple
pieces of the influenza virus genome
Biochemical analysis of a virus reveals the genome to be composed of eight unequally sized
pieces of single-stranded RNA, each of which is complementary to viral mRNA in infected cells.
Which one of the following statements is UNLIKELY to be correct?
A. Different proteins are encoded by each segment of the viral genome
B. The virus particle contains a virus-encoded enzyme that can copy the genome into its
C. Purified RNA extracted from the virus particle is infectious
D. The virus can undergo high-frequency recombination via reassortment of its RNA segments
04_Viruses Associated with Gastrointestinal Tract Infections
Each of the following statements regarding rotavirus is correct EXCEPT:
A. the infection mainly affects children younger than 3 years
B. it is a major cause of death in children in developing countries
C. a high viral concentration is necessary for a efficient transfer of the virus
D. in the northern hemisphere the virus is transmitted during the winter/spring season
Each of the following statements regarding norovirus is correct EXCEPT:
A. the infection mainly affects younger children and older people as well
B. epidemics occur every 2 to 3 years
C. the first line diagnostics is the detection of the virus by PCR from fecal samples
D. a vaccine is available that protects people from norovirus infection
Each of the following statements regarding the infectious dose of the viruses/bacteria is correct
A. noroviruses have an infectious dose lower than 100 particles
B. rotaviruses have an infectious dose higher than 1000 particles
C. campylobacter requires 1000 to 10.000 particles to become infective
D. Vibrio cholerae requires > 1.000.000 particles to become infective
05-06_Hepatitis Virus
Each of the following statements concerning hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis D virus (HDV)
is correct EXCEPT:
A. HCV is an important cause of post-transfusion hepatitis
B. Delta virus is a defective virus with an RNA genome and a capsid composed of hepatitis B
surface antigen
C. HDV is transmitted primary by the fecal-oral route
D. People infected with HCV commonly become chronic carriers of HCV and are predisposed
to hepatocellular carcinoma
A 35-year-old man addicted to intravenous drugs has been a carrier of HBs antigen for 10 years.
He suddenly develops acute fulminant hepatitis and dies within 10 days. Which one of the
following laboratory tests would contribute MOST to a diagnosis:
A. Anti-HBs antibody
B. HBe antigen
C. Anti-HBc antibody
D. Anti-delta virus antibody
The routine screening of transfused blood for HBs antigen has not eliminated the problem of
post-transfusion hepatitis. For which one of the following viruses has screening eliminated a large
number of cases of post-transfusion hepatitis?
A. Hepatitis A virus
B. Hepatitis C virus
Epstein-Barr virus
07_Retrovirus and HIV
Each of the following statements concerning human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is correct
A. Screening tests for antibodies are useful to prevent transmission of HIV through transfused
B. The opportunistic infections seen in AIDS are primary the result of a loss of cell-mediated
C. Zidovudine (azidothymidine) inhibits the RNA-dependent DNA polymerase
D. The presence of circulating antibodies that neutralize HIV is evidence that individual is
protected against HIV-induced disease
Each of the following statements concerning human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is correct
A. Patients infected with HIV typically form antibodies against both the envelope glycoproteins
(gp120 and gp 41) and the internal group-specific antigen (p24)
B. HIV probably arose as an endogenous virus of humans since HIV proviral DNA is found in
the DNA of certain normal human cells
C. Transmission of HIV occurs primarily by the transfer of blood or semen in adults, but
neonates are primarily infected transplacentally
D. The western blot test is more specific for HIV infection than the ELISA
Each of the following statements about human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is correct EXCEPT:
A. HIV is an enveloped RNA virus
B. The virion contains an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase
C. A DNA copy of the HIV genome integrates into host cell DNA
D. Acyclovir inhibits HIV replication
AIDS is caused by a human retrovirus that kills
A. B lymphocytes
B. Lymphocyte stem cells
C. CD4-positive T lymphocytes
D. CD8-positive T lymphocytes
Each of the following statements about human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is correct EXCEPT:
A. HIV is transmitted from mother to child
B. HIV is transmitted by kissing
C. HIV is transmitted by sexual intercourse
D. HIV is transmitted by intravenous drug abuse
Each of the following statements concerning human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is correct
A. Genotyping is the easiest way to predict drug resistance in patients treated with HAART
B. Monotherapy is superior to multiple drug therapy
C. The target enzyme for therapy is the RNA dependant DNA polymerase
D. The target enzyme for therapy is a viral protease
08_Herpes virus
Latency is an outcome particularly characteristic of which one of the following virus groups?
A. Polioviruses
B. Herpesviruses
C. Rhinoviruses
D. Influenza viruses
Each of the following pathogens is likely to establish chronic or latent EXCEPT?
A. cytomegalovirus
B. hepatitis A virus
C. hepatitis B virus
D. herpes simplex virus
Which one of the following outcomes is MOST common following a primary herpes simplex
virus infection?
A. complete eradication of virus and virus infected cells
B. persistent asymptomatic viremia
C. establishment of latent infections
D. persistent cytopathic effect in infected cells
HSV-2 establishes latency in
A. B cells
B. T cells
C. Epithelial cells
D. Neurons
09_prion and other viruses
Scrapie and kuru possess all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:
A. a histologic picture of spongioform encephalopathy
B. transmissibility to animals associated with a long incubation period
C. slowly progressive loss of brain function
D. prominent intranuclear inclusions in oligodendrocytes
A 40-year-old man was attacked by a street dog and bitten repeatedly about the face and neck. The
dog could neither be captured nor shot. Once YOU decide to immunize against rabies virus, how
would you proceed :
A. Use hyperimmune serum only
B. use active immunization only
C. use hyperimmune serum plus active immunization
D. use active immunization and follow this with hyperimmuneserum if adequate antibody titers
(>10 IU/mL) are not obtained in the patient's serum