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Language learning in
bilingual infants
Similarities and differences in learning
one or two languages in the crib
Speaker: Prof. Nuria Sebastian Galles
Vice President, European Research Council
Department of Technology
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
10:00am – 11:30am
Dr. Nuria Sebastian is currently the
director of Speech Acquisition and
Perception research group at the
Universitat Pompeu Fabra. She was
member of the advisory group of the
“Brain and Learning” initiative of the
OECD from 2002 to 2006. She has been
president of the European Society of
Cognitive Psychology from 2010 to 2012.
Her research focuses on the study of
learning and language processing with a
special emphasis on bilingual populations.
She is interested in understanding how
humans, both infants and adults, manage
to learn a new language, and how leaning
language is affected by constraints of the
cognitive system and the social
environment. She is also interested in
comprehending how language acts as a
strong social cue, cueing what information
has been acquired.
She is currently associated editor of
The presentation
Language Learning and Development,
Cognitive Neuroscience Series and
member of numerous editorial boards
including Development Science,
Bilingualism, and Language and cognition.
Sep 7 (Mon), 2015
心理所南楼一层 VIP 会议室
Studies of preverbal infants exposed to a
bilingual environment have unveiled the
existence of important similarities, but also
significant differences in the way
monolinguals-to-be and bilinguals-to- be
solve the problem of language acquisition.
In this talk I will review the evidence that
shows how very young babies can
differentiate the languages of their
environment, how they learn the sounds of
their languages and how they learn their
very first words. These studies provide
important clues on the nature of the
successful solutions bilingual babies
develop to learn two languages and to
become competent adult bilingual