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Jim McCafferty is a world-class, award-winning inventor, licensor and entertainment marketer.
McCafferty serves as President/CEO of JMP Creative, a product invention powerhouse which
has developed concepts resulting in over a billion units of product to reach the marketplace.
Tapped into the world of licensing, he assumes the role of licensor through both his product
development and entertainment marketing ventures.
McCafferty’s organization is regarded by toy companies as a leading invention and marketing
resource, having created products achieving Toy of the Year status in multiple countries. In this
capacity, he and his team develop toys across multiple categories for the purpose of licensing to
manufacturers. Many of these inventions are placed for application within an entertainment
property’s consumer products universe.
He is also well-established in the world of entertainment, as JMP has contributed product
development services to numerous successful licensing programs. In addition, McCafferty
develops original entertainment with a focus on product-driven content. He also makes frequent
television appearances including series in which he mentors aspiring inventors.
Most recently, McCafferty has earned first-mover status in the virtual reality sector, applying
tangible, toyetic elements to complement virtual content and deliver dynamic play experiences.
In addition, he and his team are emerging as a go-to social media resource for toy companies
wishing to achieve greater visibility for their products and brands.
For his licensing initiatives, whether on the product development or entertainment marketing
side of the table, McCafferty is committed to the creation of products that leverage core property
equities to enrich the consumer experience. He works tirelessly in deterring licensors and
licensees from engaging in “logo-slapping” practices in which an entertainment property’s mark
or character is simply applied to off-the-shelf commodities.
McCafferty’s success within the licensing marketplace is shaped by his experience as an awardwinning illusionist, dynamic entertainer and one of the world’s most prolific brainstorming
talents. He has performed hundreds of shows, speaking engagements and creativity workshops
throughout the world. McCafferty’s penchant for exploring the unexpected earned him the
coveted Siegfried and Roy Silver Lion Award for international stage magician of the year. And
he has crafted the development of a versatile range of brainstorming techniques including Guru
Channeling, Creative/Competitive Ideation and Playstorming.
This experience paved the way for an impressive list of credentials in the worlds of product
development, licensing, entertainment and marketing. As the leader of an agency that
generates thousands of concepts each month, McCafferty’s career is shaped by the belief that
the value of a great idea—one that’s on-target, on-trend and on-strategy—prevails across all
business sectors.