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Cell Structure and Function
Unit 2
What things do cells need to live?
Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Textbook handout
Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Many of the small structures inside a cell act like
specialized organs, and are therefore known as
The cytoplasm is everything in the cell outside of
the nucleus.
Eukaryotic Cell Structure
The nucleus contains most of the cell's DNA, and is
surrounded by a nuclear envelope, which controls what
enters/exits the nucleus.
Most nuclei also contain a small, dense region known
as the nucleolus. This is where the assembly of
ribosomes begins.
Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Chromosomes, which are threadlike structures
made of DNA, contain the genetic information
passed from one generation to the next.
Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Ribosomes are very small organelles that make
proteins, using instructions from the nucleus.
They are like little machines in the cell, and may
appear like small, dark dots under the microscope.
Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER):
The ER is where lipid components of the cell
membrane are assembled, along with proteins and
other materials that are exported through the cell.
It is like as assembly line where materials are made
and transported through the cell.
Two types: RER - "rough"; ribosomes on surface
SER - "smooth"; no ribosomes
Eukaryotic Cell Structure
The Golgi apparatus looks like a stack of pancakes;
it is really a series of layered membranes in which
proteins and other materials are modified, sorted and
packaged for storage and secretion from the cell.
Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Small organelles filled with enzymes which break down
old organelles or food particles for use by the cell.
They can recycle materials, or several may release their
contents in order to kill the cell. ("suicide sacs")
Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Saclike structures that are used to store materials.
The vacuoles in plant cells are very large and filled
with water.
Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Mitochondrion: (pl. mitochondria)
Mitochondria convert the chemical energy stored in
food into components that the cell can use for energy
like a "generator"
Chloroplasts capture energy in sunlight and convert it to
chemical energylike "solar panels"
Eukaryotic Cell Structure
The cytoskeleton is a network of protein filaments and
tubes that help the cell maintain its shape.
The cytoskeleton is also involved in movement of the
cell, and transport of materials within the cell.
Two types of protein strands - microtubules
(thicker, tubular) and microfilaments (fine, thin
Organelle Match Up!
Eukaryotic Cell Structures Review
Grudge Ball
Question #1
Question #2
Question #3
Question #4
Question #5
Question #6
Question #7
Question #8
Question #9
Question #10