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Atoms Family Story
In the center of Matterville, there is a place called the Nucleus Arcade, where two members of
the Atoms Family like to hang out.
Perky Patty Proton, like her sisters, is
quite large with a huge smile and eyes that
sparkle (+). Patty is always happy and has a
very positive personality. Patty spends all her
time in the arcade.
Favorite Activity
Nerdy Nelda Neutron is large like
Patty, but she has a boring, flat mouth and eyes
with zero expression (o). Her family is very
apathetic and neutral about everything. Like
Patty, Nelda, and their sisters spend all their
time in the arcade.
Favorite Activity
Around the Nucleus Arcade, you will find a series of roadways that are used by another member
of the Atoms Family, Patty and Nelda’s VERY little brother, Enraged Elliott Electron.
Favorite Activity
Elliott races madly around the Arcade
on his bright red chrome-plated HarleyDavidson. He rides so fast that no one can be
sure where he is at any time. Elliott is much
smaller than Patty and Nelda and he is always
angry because these bigger relatives will not
let him in the Arcade. He has a frown on his
face, eyes that are squinted with anger, and a
very negative (-) attitude.
MM/MG 09-10
The morale of Matterville is stable as long as each negative Electron brother is balanced out by one
positive Proton sister. The number of residents in Matterville depends on the Proton and Neutron
Morale of Matterville
Morale Challenge: What would happen to the morale of Matterville if one Elliott Electron was
Morale Challenge: What would happen to the morale of Matterville if one Elliott Electron moved to
The first energy street can only hold only two Electron brothers. The second energy street, called
the Energy Freeway, can hold 8 brothers. The third energy street, called the Energy Superhighway, can
hold 18 of the brothers.
MM/MG 09-10
Chapter 17 Atoms and the Periodic Table
17-1 Define and describe protons, neutrons and electrons. (Mass, location, charge)
17-2 Draw a Bohr model showing the correct number and placement of electrons.
17-3 Know where to find atomic number and average atomic mass for an element on a periodic table.
17-4 Calculate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons for an element.
17-5 Calculate the number of atoms of each element in a chemical compound.
17-6 Differentiate between atoms and isotopes.
17-7 Identify the subatomic particle that determines the identity of the element.
Section 1 - Structure of the Atom
Relative Mass
Models of Atom
MM/MG 09-10
History of the Atomic Model
Democritus – 4th century BC philosopher  thought atoms were whole
In 1808 John Dalton came up with a theory that was developed with a scientific basis.
Dalton’s Theory
• Matter was made up of atoms that could not be divided.
• All atoms of a given element are exactly the same.
• Atoms of given elements could join to form compounds.
More Theories
In 1877 JJ Thomson theorized on particles smaller than an atom. Electrons
In 1911 Ernest Rutherford theorized a nucleus in an atom with a positive charge.
History of the Atomic Model
• In 1913 Niels Bohr proposed a model of the atom where electrons moved in definite orbits around
the nucleus.
Bohr’s Model
MM/MG 09-10
Drawing an Atomic Model
# of protons
 Equal to
# of neutrons
 Equal to
atomic mass (rounded) atomic #
# of electrons
 Equal to # of protons
– 1st energy level holds
_______ e– 2nd energy level holds
______ e– 3rd energy level holds
_______ e– 4th energy level holds
_______ e-
MM/MG 09-10
Chapter 17 Section 2 - Masses of Atoms
Atomic Mass
Atomic Number
Sum of masses of the
_____________________ and
The number of _____________________
 Concentrated in the
 Identifies each ___________________.
in the nucleus.
If you change the number of
 Extremely small
protons, then you change the
 Atomic mass unit is smaller than
_____________________ you have.
a _________________.
 Masses of
Proton = _____________
Neutron = ____________
Electron = ___________
Where to find it
on the periodic
 Calcium – Ca –
 Zinc – Zn –
 Tungsten – W –
 Lithium – Li -
MM/MG 09-10
Mass Number
Average atomic
Sum of
Weighted average of
Atoms of the same element
have different number of
but the same number of
in the nucleus of an isotope.
of all naturally occurring
 Have different
 Different
for each isotope
Due to different
number of
 Can have different
(variety) of an element.
 Depends on
______________ and
_______________ of
 Based on the
Round to a whole
 Showing Isotopes
Name + mass
Where to
find it on
the periodic
 Hydrogen –
 Nitrogen – N –
 Beryllium – Be –
 Hydrogen –
 Neon – Ne–
 Iron – Fe -
MM/MG 09-10
What’s the difference between Average Atomic Mass and Mass Number?
o Average Atomic Mass is based on ______________________ isotopes of the element.
o Mass number is for just _____________________ isotope of the element.
Counting Atoms
 During chemical reactions you need to know how many atoms are involved.
 Remember, more than one element bonded together is a compound. – H2O
O2 = 2 Oxygen atoms bonded together.
It’s now a molecule.
The 2 is called a____________________________________.
The 7 is called a ____________________________________.
This means there are 7 water molecules, each molecule having 2 Hydrogen and 1 Oxygen
How many Carbon atoms are present? ___________________
How many Oxygen atoms? ___________________
 How many Oxygen atoms? ___________________
 How many Sulfur atoms? ___________________
 S(H20)2
o S = __
o H = __
o O = __
 12H2SO4
o S = __
o H = __
o O = __
 8Na2(OH4)6
o Na = __
o H = __
o O = __
 10C6H12O6(OH)12
o C = __
o H = __
o O = __
 3(Mg,Fe)7Si8
o Mg = __
o Fe = __
o Si = __
 Periodic Acid – 12H5IO6
o I = __
o H = __
o O = __
MM/MG 09-10