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Learning Targets: Cell Biology
Learning Targets: Viruses and Bacteria
On my
I can….
1. Define the word pathogen and provide examples.
2. Explain why viruses are considered non-living.
3. i.d. the parts of a virus and describe the functions.
4. differentiate between the lytic and lysogenic life cycle of viruses and
describe how these viral life cycles affect cells.
5. Compare and contrast viroids, prions and viruses.
6. Compare and contrast prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
7. I can i.d. the parts of a bacterial cell.
8. List the characteristics of bacteria.
9. Explain the importance of bacteria to human and describe how they can
be helpful or harmful.
10. i.d. the two major groups of prokaryotes?
11. Explain how gram positive and gram negative bacteria different?
12. discuss three ways that bacterial reproduce and adapt?
13. Name 2 ways bacteria cause disease?
14. Describe antibiotic resistance, explain how it developments and discuss
the impact it has had in treating diseases/infections.
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2. I am pretty good at these, but need to do a little review.
a. Learning targets I got wrong because of a misunderstanding or simple mistake.
b. What I can do to keep this from happening again…
3. I need to work on learning these.
a. Learning targets I got wrong and I’m not sure what to do to correct them:
b. What I can do to get better at them….
Cellular Biology Learning Targets
Viruses and Bacteria
Learning Targets: Cell Biology
Learning Targets: Organic Compounds
I can….
1. List the four organic compounds…the chemicals of life and i.d. the
structure and function of each.
2. i.d. the three types of carbohydrates and describe their functions.
3. i.d the role of carbs in cells.
4. Describe 6 functions of proteins.
5. i.d. the functional groups of organic compounds.
6. label the parts of an enzyme.
7. Describe the role of enzymes in living organisms.
8. i.d. the structures of lipids
9. describe at least 4 functions of lipids
10. differentiate between unsaturated and saturated fatty acids
11. i.d. the structures of the two types of nucleic acids.
12. Explain the role of nucleic acids.
13. discuss importance of organic compounds in my diet.
Cellular Biology Learning Targets
On my
Viruses and Bacteria
Learning Targets: Cell Biology
Learning Targets: The Cell and Transport Processes
On my
I can….
Analyze the similarities and differences among a. plant vs. animal cells
and b. eukaryotic versus prokaryotic cells
Describe the functions of all major cell organelles (nucleus, ER, RER,
Golgi, ribosome, mitochondria, microtubules, microfilaments. Lysosome,
centrioles and cell membrane.
Contrast the structure and function of subcellular components of
motitility (cilia, flagella, pseudopodia)
Explain how the cell membrane maintains homeostasis by controlling
movement of substances both into and out of the cell and within the cell.
Describe and contrast these types of cell transport: osmosis, diffusion,
facilitated diffusion and active transport.
Analyzing my Results
I Am good at these learning targets!
i. Learning targets I understand and why:
2. I am pretty good at these, but need to do a little review.
ii. Learning targets I don’t understand because of a misunderstanding or simple mistake.
iii. What I can do to keep this from happening again…
3.I need to work on learning these.
iv. Learning targets I need to work on and I’m not sure what to do to correct them:
b. What I can do to get better at them….
Cellular Biology Learning Targets
Viruses and Bacteria