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Plants For Food and Fibre
Topics 1-3 Wrap-up
Fill in the Blank
1. ___________ is the loss of water from a plant by evaporation.
2. The large, single root in a plant is called the ________________.
3. ______________ is a type of diffusion that occurs when two solutions are
separated by a barrier through which only some materials can pass.
4. ____________ is the tissue of plants from the stem, leaves, seeds or
5. In ____________ _____________ a grower chooses and breeds plants
with particular characteristics.
6. Layering is a form of ___________________ reproduction.
Short Answer
7. Describe the role(s) of each plant structure.
8. Explain how each structure does its job.
9. Describe how water moves through a plant, using the terms: diffusion,
osmosis, root hairs and transpiration.
Label each numbered flower part. Then write a note in the space provided
indicating the function of each.
Fill in the Blank
____________________ occurs when pollen has been transferred from
the anther to the stigma. When the pollen grain germinates on the stigma
it creates a burrow called the ____________________
____________________ as it travels toward the ovary.
When the sperm cell from the pollen grain reaches the
____________________ the ____________________ joins with the egg.
This is called fertilization.
____________________ must take place before ___________________
can take place.
The fertilized embryo will become a tiny new plant inside the seed. We call
this tiny new plant the ____________________.
List four plants grown in Alberta that are used for food and/or fibre. Which
part(s) of each plant is used?
Describe three ways in which plants can reproduce asexually.
Describe the process of photosynthesis. Provide a drawing.