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Variabilidad climática y antropización del espacio en la Meseta durante los últimos
3000 años: estudio paleoambiental de las lagunas de Somolinos (1240 m, Sierra de
Pela, Guadalajara)
A. Currás1, E. García-Soto2; L. Zamora3 , F. Mezquita3, J. Armengol3, , R. Julià4, S.
Riera1, M.A. Marqués5, S. Ferrero2; E. Pascua6, J. M. Reed7, E.Sánchez8
Seminario de Estudios e Investigaciones Prehistóricas. Departamento de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y
Arqueología. Universidad de Barcelona. Barcelona.
Grupo de Arqueología de Los Casares. Sigüenza.
Departmento de Microbiología y Ecología. Universidad de Valencia. Burjassot.
Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra Jaume Almera CSIC. Barcelona.
Departmento de Geodinámica y Geofísica. Universidad de Barcelona. Barcelona.
Dpt. of Mediaeval History & Institute for Environmental History. University of St. Andrews. Scotland.
Dpt. of Geography. University of Hull. Hull. UK.
Departmento de Historia Antigua, Historia Medieval y paleografía y Diplomática. Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid
HIDRAM 4000 is a interdisciplinary project that integrates archaeology, history and
palaeoenvironmental data with the main objective to decipher past interactions between
environmental and cultural changes and to elucidate the causes and repercussions of
these changes. The research tries to determine the environmental changes and their
impacts on the socio-economic structure of ancient societies in central Spain during the
Late Holocene (during the last 3,000 years). Paleoenvironmental data were obtained
from pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs, charcoal, ostracoda, diatoms, cladocera and
sedimentological analyses carried out in lacustrine sediments of the Somolinos karstic
Somolinos lake system is located at 1240 m a.s.l, in a mountain region of Sierra de
Pela, (Guadalajara province), characterised by a sub-continental Mediterranean climate.
The sediment record was obtained in a dried carbonated lake and it reached 380 cm
depth. 14C based chronological model idicates that the core covers a lapse time between
900 cal BC and 700 cal AD. The high sedimentation rate (ca. 2mm/yr) allowed high
resolution palaeoenvironmental analyses.
Pollen record shows a first environmental phase, from 9th to the end of 1st century BC,
characterised by a forested landscape dominated by pines and evergreen oaks. Early
signals of human management are witnessed at the 8th century BC. From the 6th to the
1st century BC, successive oscillations of AP curve together with the increase of
macrocharcoal and anthropogenic indicators suggest the prevalence of itinerant human
activities, resulting in local deforested areas.
Large forest clearances in the area started at the 1st century BC. Anthropogenic pollen
indicators suggest the expansion of farming and grazing activities. This process of
deforestation resulted in an open landscape between the 2d and the 5th century AD, when
AP curve reaches the lowest values of the sequence. In addition, crop pollen and
secondary human indicators record highest percentages, suggesting extensive farming
and grazing in the region.
Even if this open landscape changed at the 5th century AD with the regeneration of
evergreen oak forests, pine did not recover in the area. This period of reforestation is
otherwise coincident with the decline of farming and grazing activities. Lastly, the
pollen diagram records the lake drying during the 8th century AD.