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Final Exam Study Guide Answers 2017
Human Growth and Development
1. Mitosis – Produces new body cells with a complete set of
chromosomes. (My Toes Grow) same 46 chromosomes in every cellcopies
Meiosis- forms reproductive cells (Me and My Sis are similar but
not exactly the same) 23 chromosomes
2. Zygote-1st seven to ten days, embryo-tenth day until eighth week,
Fetus 8th week -birth Infant-Birth-two, Early childhood-3 to 8, Middle
childhood, 9 to 11, Adolescence, 12-18 Young Adulthood, 18-21
Adulthood, Older Adulthood 65+
3. 40 Weeks
4. Stages of pregnancy 1st Trimester-All Organs a full term baby has
(Just not Fully Developed), Functioning Heart, and Teeth Buds 2nd
Trimester-Heartbeat can be heard with Stethoscope, Movement can
be felt by mother, 3rd Trimester-Starting to prepare to live outside
5. Puberty is physical and mental changes that occur during the stage of
development known as Adolescence.
6. Zygote – (First 7-10 days) a fertilized egg cell that has begun cell
division, Embryo-7-10th day until 8th week
7. 46, 23
8. At 30
9. a part of an organism that is typically self-contained and has a specific
vital function, such as the heart or liver in humans. (Largest organ is
the Skin)
10.To send messages throughout the body. (Main organ of Nervous
System is Brain)
11.Asexual reproduction (Only 1 Parent Cell) Form of reproduction in
which a new organism is produced without the joining of a sperm cell
and an egg cell, Sexual reproduction the joining of an egg cell with a
sperm cell (pollen)
12.Sunlight water and carbon dioxide
13.Water, sunlight, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients
14.Process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight
to make foods from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis in
plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates
oxygen as a byproduct.
15.Runners, tubers and grafting
16.Vascular has roots, stems and leaves, nonvascular - grows close to the
ground have root like structures called (Rhzoids)
17.Xylem – the vessels in a vascular plant that carry water and nutrients
from the roots to the leaves. Phloem – the vessels in a vascular plant
that carry food from the leaves to the other parts of the plant.
Pollination – the depositing of pollen on the stigma of a flower
19.Gymnosperm means naked seed. Example pine tree, Angiosperm
produces flowers. Example: Dandelion
20.Needle like leaves, Sloping Branches, Wax Coated Needles, Produces
an Anti-freeze type chemical
21.Annual completes its life cycle in one year. Perennial comes back
every year.
22.Male reproductive part–stamen (Contains Anther and Filament),
Female reproductive structure–pistil (Contains Stigma, Style, Ovary)
23.When pollen lands on the (sticky)stigma of a flower
24.95 percent
25.Mosses, liverworts, Hornworts (very small low to the ground)
Chemistry and Physical Science
26.The connection needed for current to travel between the poles of two
electric energy sources.
27.A Conductor-Metal example: tin foil
28.Like poles Repel, opposite poles attract
29.Series and parallel, Series if one light goes out they all go out. In
parallel, one can go out and the rest will stay lit
30.Melting – Solid to liquid, Boiling – liquid to a gas, Freezing – liquid
to a solid
31.Energy cannot be created or destroyed
32.Potential – stored energy, kinetic energy – moving
33.Gravity (position and condition)
34.Potential Chemical Energy Converts to heat and light
35.Conduction- heat from a fire is colliding (TOUCH) with a pot,
radiation- because heat is being transferred in waves, Convectionheats Liquids and Gases
36.Mass is the amount of matter in an object. Weight is the measure of
37.The less distance between two objects the stronger the gravitational
force between them.
38.A force(Push or Pull), inertia
39.Newton's first law –An object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an
object in motion tends to stay in motion in a straight line until an
outside force acts upon it. The second law explains how the velocity
of an object changes when it is subjected to an external force. The law
defines a force to be equal to change in momentum (mass times
velocity) per change in time. The third law states that for every action
(force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.
40.Inertia is the tendency of an object at rest to stay at rest.
41.A force that stops motion. (Example-Tires gripping the road)
43.Solid, liquid, gas, and plasma
44.Atomic number – number of protons, element – pure substance
(Example Oxygen), molecule – a group of atoms bonded together
(Example O2), compound – two elements combined together to make
a new substance (Example NaCl)
45.Oxygen – O, Carbon C, Hydrogen H
46.Dimitri Mendevlev
47.Neutron– No charge, Electron – Negative charge, Proton – Positive
48.Mark out the last question on study guide