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Chapter 2
Operational Amplifier
2.1 Bias Circuit Suitable for
IC Design
 The bias circuits used to bias discrete BJT need
large number of resistors as well as large
coupling and bypass capacitors
 Biasing in integrated-circuit design is based on
the use of constant-current sources
 On an IC chip with a number of amplifier stages
a constant dc current is generated at one location
and is then reproduced at various other locations
of biasing the various amplifier stages
The Diode-connected Transistor
 Shorting the base and collector of a BJT together
result in a two-terminal device having an i-v
characteristic identical to the iE-vBE characteristic
of the BJT
The Current Mirror
 The current mirror in its
simplest form consists of
two matched transistors
Q1 and Q2 with their
bases and emitters
connected together (same
 One of the transistors, Q1
is connected as diode by
shorting its collector to
its base.
 Since Q2 is identical to Q1,
IE2 = IE1 = Iref.
Therefore, Io is approximately equal to Iref
(as long as Q2 is maintained in the active
[ic=Is eVBE/VT (1+VCE/VA)]
Effect of Finite 
 IREF = (2+) / (1+) IE
 I0 =  / (1+) IE
 Therefore
I0 / IREF = /(+2) = 1 / (1+2/)
which approaches
unity for >>1.
  = 100 results in 2%
Practical Side
 Another factor that makes I0 unequal to IREF is
the linear dependence of the collector current of
Q2, which is I0, on the collector voltage of Q2.
 In fact, even if we ignore the effect of finite 
and assume that Q1 and Q2 are perfectly matched,
the current I0 will be equal to IREF only when the
voltage at the collector of Q2 is equal to the base
 As the collector voltage is increased, I0 increases.
The dependence of I0 on V0 is determined by r0
of Q2.
2.2 The Widlar Current Source
 Simple current source
 IREF, determined by a resistor R
connected to the positive power
supply VCC. The current IREF is given
 IREF = (VCC – VBE)/R
 The circuit will operate as a constantcurrent source as long as Q2 remains
in the active region-that is, for V0 
VBE. The output resistance of this
current source is r0 of Q2.
Current Steering Circuits
 IREF = VCC + VEE - VEB1 - VBE2/R
 IREF = I1.
 I3 = 2IREF
 Q3 sources its current to parts
of the circuit whose voltage
should not exceed VCC - VEB3.
 Q4 sinks its current from parts
of the circuit whose voltage
should not decrease below
–VEE + VBE4.
Improved Current Source Circuit
 I0/IREF  1/(1+2/2)
 which means that the
error due to finite  has
been reduced from 2/
to 2/2, a tremendous
 An alternative mirror
circuit that achieves both
compensation and
increased output
resistance is the Wilson
The Widlar Current Source
 VBE1 = VT ln (IREF/IS)
 VBE2 = VT ln (I0/IS),
 VBE1 - VBE2 = VT ln (IREF/I0)
 From the circuit,
 VBE1 = VBE2 + I0RE
 and so, I0RE = VT ln (IREF/IO)
The Widlar Current Source
 Widlar circuit allows generation of a small
constant current using relatively small
resistors which results in considerable
savings in chip area. Another
characteristic of a Widlar circuit is that its
output resistance is high due to the
presence of emitter resistance RE
Output Resistance Calculation
vx = -v - (gm + 1/RE')vr0
And a node equation at C provides
ix = gmv - (gm + 1/RE')v
Hence the output resistance is
R0 = vx/ix = RE’ + (1 + gmRE’) r0  (1 + gmRE’) r0
 Fig 2.10 shows two circuits for generating a constant
current I0 = 10 A. Determine the values of the required
resistors assuming that VBE is 0.7 V at a current of 1 mA
and neglecting the effect of finite .
2.3 The Differential Amplifier
 The output of a differential amplifier is
proportional to the difference between the
two input voltages
Rs = Rg + rb
v1 = ib1Rs + ie1re + ixRx
v2 = ib2Rs + ie2re + ixRx
ix = ie1 + ie2
ie1 = (+1) ib1
ie2 = (+1) ib2
these give
v1 - v2 = (ib1-ib2)[Rs + (+1) re]
or, ib1 - ib2 = (v1-v2)/Rs + (+1) re
vo =  ibRL- ib2RL
= RL (v1 - v2)/Rs + (+1) re
vo  v1-v2
Small Signal Analysis
 Assume two perfectly matched
transistors Q1 and Q2 (have
identical values of , re etc.)
connected in differential
amplifier configuration. Consider
a small signal vi1 applied to input
1, and input 2 grounded.
Assuming the constant current
source to be ideal, it presents an
infinite impedance (open circuit)
to an ac signal [since the current
has to be constant ac signal
cannot flow through it], so its
presence need not be considered.
Small Signal Analysis
 Take re1 = re2, then vbe1 = -vbe2 = vi1/2
[(vi1/2re) re]
 Vbe1 is in-phase with, and one half the magnitude
of vi1. vbe2 is out of phase with vi1. The output
voltage vo1 is amplified and inverted version of
the input vi1 [common emitter amplifier action].
 There will also be an output voltage at the
collector of Q2 (vo2) and it is out of phase with ve2
( out of phase with vo1). However, the
magnitude of vo2 is equal to that of vo1, because
the transistors Q1 and Q2 are matched.
Graphical Illustration
 By superposition principle, it
follows that, if both vi1 and vi2
were present at the same time, the
resulting outputs would be exactly
twice the level
 Note that the voltage at each
collector will be exactly 0, if the
inputs are driven by in phase
voltages of equal magnitude. In
such a case, the input differential
voltage as well as the output
differential voltage will also be 0
Derivation in terms of circuit
 With Q2 base grounded, the
resulting circuit is shown in figure.
Neglecting ro at the collector of Q1,
vo1/vbe1  -RC/re
 Therefore, the voltage gain,
 Hence, (vo1 - vo2)/(vi1 - vi2) =
-RC/re and vo1/(vi1 - vi2) = -RC/2re
DC analysis
IE = IE1 = IE2 = I/2
Vo1 = Vo2 = VCC - ICRC
With IC  IE = I/2,
Vo1 = Vo2 = VCC - I/2 RC
 RE = 0.026/IE = 0.026/(I/2)
2.4 Active Loads
 Transistors occupy much less silicon area than
resistors, so many BJT ICs use BJT loads in
place of the resistive loads, RC. In such circuits,
the BJT load transistor is usually connected as a
constant current source and thus presents the
amplifier transistor with a very high resistance
load (the output resistance of the current source).
Thus amplifiers that utilize active loads can
achieve higher voltage gains than those with
passive (resistive) loads
Circuit with Active Load
 Fig 2.16 shows the active load
differential amplifier circuit with
transistors Q1 and Q2 forming
the differential amplifier circuit
with transistors Q1 and Q2
forming the differential pair
biased with constant current I.
The load circuit consists of
transistors Q3 and Q4 connected
in a current mirror configuration.
The output is taken singleendedly from the collector of Q2
 Consider the first case when no input signal is
applied (that is the two input terminals are
grounded). The current I splits equally between
Q1 and Q2. Thus Q1 draws a current
approximately equal to I/2 from the diodeconnected transistor Q3. Assuming >>1, the
mirror supplies an equal current I/2 through the
collector of Q4. Since this current is equal to
that through the collector of Q2, no output current
flows through the output terminal. [In practical
circuits, the dc quiescent voltage at the output
terminal is determined by the subsequent
amplifier stage]
 Next consider a differential signal vd is applied at the
input. Current signals gm(vd/2) will result in the collector
of Q1 and Q2 with polarities indicated in figure. The
current mirror reproduces the current signal gm(vd/2)
through the collector of Q4. Thus at the output node we
have two current signals that add together to produce a
total current signal of gmvd. Now if the resistance
presented by the subsequent amplifier stage is very large,
the voltage signal at the output terminal will be
determined by the total signal current and the total
resistance between the output terminal and ground Ro;
that is
 vo = gmvd Ro
 Ro = parallel equivalence of the output resistance of Q2
and the output resistance of Q4.
 Since Q2 is operating in common emitter
configuration, its output resistance will be equal
to r02. Also, the output resistance of basic
current mirror is equal to ro of Q4, that is ro4.
  Ro = ro2||ro4 = ro/2
 and vo = gmvd(ro/2)
 voltage gain vo/vd = gmro/2
 Substituting gm = IC/VT and ro = VA/IC,
where IC = I/2,
 gmro = VA/VT = constant for given transistor.
 Typically VA =100v, leading to gmro = 4000 and
a stage voltage gain of about 2000.
 Without the current mirror (that is, using only a
simple current source) the voltage gain would be
half the value found above
2.5 Level Shifting
Circuit Calculations
2IE1 = (VEE-VBE)/RE1
IE1 = 0.988 mA
 IC1 = IC2
VC1 = VC2 = VCC - IC1RC1
= 7.83V
100 * IE3 + 15k * 2IE3 = 17.12
IE3 = 0.569 mA = IE4
VC3 = VC4 = VCC - RC3IC3 = 9.32V
VCE1 = VCE2 = 8.545V
VCE3 = VCE4 = 2.2V
 Because of direct coupling, the dc levels at the emitters
rises from stage to stage. This increase in dc level tends
to shift the operating point of the succeeding stages and,
therefore, limits the output voltage swing and may even
distort the output signal.
 The voltage at the output terminal of the second stage is
well above ground. This dc level is undesirable because
it tends to limit the p-to-p output voltage swing without
distortion and also contributes to the error in the dc output
 Therefore a final stage should be included to shift the
output dc level at the second stage down to zero volts.
Such a stage is referred to as a level translator of shifter.
Level Shifting Circuits
 There are a variety of level
shifting circuits. An emitter
follower with a voltage divider is
the simplest among them. The
output of the second differential
stage is input to Q5. Thus a
positive 9.32V at the output
terminal (VC4) of the second stage
can produce zero volts at the
junction of R1 and R2 with proper
selection of components.
Better Level Shifting Circuits
 RE = 0.7/3mA = 233.3 (use
 Taking I2 = IE6
 R2 = (VEE - 1.4)/IE6 =2.87k
(use 2.7k)
 Take VBE5 = 0.7V which gives
 VE5 = 9.32 - 0.7 = 8.62V
 IE5 = IC6  3mA; VC6 = 0V
 R = 8.62/3mA = 2.87k(use
3k potentiometer)
Better Level Shifting Circuits
 I2 = (VEE - 0.7)/R2
 R2 = 9.3/3mA
= 3.1k
 and R = 8.62/3mA
= 2.87k
 Better results are attained
by using an emitter
follower with a diode
constant current bias or a
current mirror instead of
the voltage divider.
2.6 Output Stages
 The purpose of the output stage is to
provide the amplifier with a low output
resistance. In addition, the output stage
should be able to supply relatively large
load currents without dissipating a large
amount of power in the IC.
Circuit Analysis of an
operational amplifier
 Q1 and Q2 form the input differential stage. The signal
inputs are grounded for the purpose of dc analysis and we
wish to verify that the output is zero V under those
conditions. The 50 resistor in the emitters of Q1 and
Q2 serve to increase the amplifier’s input impedance and
to make the stage less sensitive to variations in re. Q3 and
Q4 form an unbalanced differential stage that provides
additional voltage gain. Q5 performs the level-shifting
function. Q6 is an emitter follower whose output is the
output of the operational amplifier. Q7 and Q8 are
constant-current sources that bias the two differential
stages. These sources share a common voltage divider
across the transistor bases.
DC analysis
 The voltage divider across the base of Q7 sets the
base voltage to
 VB7 = [10k/(10k + 4.7k)](-15V)
= -10.2 V
 Therefore, the emitter voltage of Q7 is
VB7 - 0.7 = -10.9 V, and the emitter current is
 IE7 = (|VEE| - |VE7|)/RE7 = (15 - 10.9)V/10.2k
= 0.4 mA
DC Analysis Contd.
 Assuming matched conditions, this current
divides equally between Q1 and Q2, and, since
IC1 = IC2  IE2 = (0.4 mA)/2 = 0.2 mA, the
collector voltages at Q1 and Q2 are VC1 = VC2 =
VCC-ICRC = 15- (0.2 mA)(25k) = 10 V. Since
the bases of Q1 and Q2 are grounded, their
emitters are at approximately 0 - 0.7V = -0.7 V,
and the small drop across each 50 resistor
[(50) x (0.2 mA) = 0.01 V] sets the collector of
Q7 at about the same voltage (-0.71 V).
DC Analysis Contd2.
 We can now analyze the bias of the second differential
stage. Since VB8 = VB7 = -10.2 V, the emitter of Q8 is at
VE8 = VB8 –0.7 = -10.9V. Then
 IE8 = (|VEE| - |VE8|)/RE8 = (15 - 10.9)/2.27 k = 1.8 mA
 The 1.8 mA divides equally between Q3 and Q4, so the
collector voltage of Q4 is VC4 = VCC - ICRC = 15 - (0.9
mA)(3.3k) = 12 V. Since the bases of Q3 and Q4 are
directly-coupled to the collectors of Q1 and Q2, the base
voltages are VB3 = VB4 =10 V. The emitter voltages are
VE3 = VE4 = 10 - 0.7 = 9.3 V.
DC Analysis Contd3.
 The base of the level-shifting PNP transistor, Q5, is
direct-coupled to Q4, so VB5 = 12 V. Therefore, Q5 has
emitter voltage VE5 = VB5 + 0.7 = 12.7 V. The emitter
current in Q5 is
 IE5 = (VCC - VE5)/RE5 = (15-12.7) / 1.53 = 1.5 mA
 Since IC5  IE5, the collector of Q5 is at VC5 = (IC5)(10.47
k) - VEE = (1.5 mA)(10.47 k) –15 = +0.7 V.
 Q5 accomplishes level shifting because its collector can
go both positive and negative.
 Since the base of the output transistor, Q6, is at 0.7 V, its
emitter is at 0V, and we see that the amplifier output is
0V. The bias current in Q6 is (0 – VEE) / 5 = 15 / 5 = 3