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Chapter 2.1 Notesheet - - Textbook page 34
Name: _____________________________
Define Ecology:
1. Most ecologists use both __________________and ___________________research.
2. Hi… I’m an ecologist… I study _____________________________of the planet…
3. The ____________________is the portion of Earth that supports living things.
It extends from high in the atmosphere to the bottom of the oceans.
4. The _______________ supports a diverse group of organisms and includes both _________
and _____________________ things
5. The nonliving parts of an organism’s environment are_________________________.
Examples of abiotic factors include ________currents, temperature, moisture,
__________, and__________________.
Abiotic factors effect living things and often determine which species _____________in
a particular environment.
6. All the living organisms that inhabit an environment are called__________________.
A key consideration of ecology is that living organisms ____________other living
All organisms _____________on others directly or indirectly for food, shelter,
reproduction or protection.
Ecologists have organized the living world into ________________…
the organism by itself populations, communities, and ecosystems.
7. Organism: An ___________________living thing that is made of cells, uses energy,
reproduces, responds, grows, and develops.
8. Population: a group of organisms, all of the__________________________, which interbreed
and live in the same area at the same time.
Members of the same population may ____________ with each other for food, water,
mates, or other resources.
9. Biological Community: A biological community is made up _________________________ in
a certain ____________at a certain________________.
A _________________in one population in a community may cause _____________in
the other populations.
The changes may be small like a small increase in the number of individuals of one
The changes might be extreme, as when one population grows so large it affects the
_______________________________for another species in the community.
10. Ecosystem: ________________of plants and animals that interact with each other in a
given area and with the _______________ components of that area
There are two major kinds of ecosystems - _______________ecosystems and
___________________ ecosystems include ponds, lakes, and streams.
____________________ecosystems, also called marine ecosystems, make up
approximately 70 percent of Earth’s surface.
11. Many organisms coexist in an ecosystem… each in its special place.
A _____________________is the place where an organism lives out its life.
Habitats can______________________, and even disappear. Habitats can change due
to both _________________and ____________________causes.
A _________________is the role or position a species has in its environment—how it
meets its specific needs for food and shelter, how and where it survives, and where it
reproduces in its environment.
A species’ niche, therefore, includes all its __________________with the
________________and _______________________parts of its habitat.
It is thought that two species can’t exist for long in the same community if their niches
are the same. Why???
12. Organisms live in their environment in close relationship. This relationship between
organisms of different species is called_______________________.
Symbiosis means ________________________. Three kinds of symbiosis are
recognized: mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism.
A symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit is called____________________.
_________________________is a symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits
and the other species is neither harmed nor benefited.
A symbiotic relationship in which a member of one species derives benefit at the
expense of another species (the host) is called______________________.
______________________is found in all ecosystems and includes organisms that eat
plants and animals.
The animals that predators eat are called_________________________.
WORD BANK: qualitative
living part
biotic factors
abiotic factors
interacting populations
food supply
living together
Chapter 2.2 Notesheet - - Textbook page 46
13. One of the most important characteristics of a species’ niche is how it obtains _________________.
Producers = also known as _____________________...they make their own food
The ultimate source of energy for life is the ________.
Plants use the sun’s energy to manufacture food in a process called ___________________________.
Consumers = also known as ____________________...they feed on other organisms
14. Types of heterotrophs:
Feeds only on plants = _________________________
Eats other heterotrophs = __________________________
Feeds on plants & animals = __________________________
Eats animals that have already died = ______________________
Breaks down dead & decaying plants & animals = ______________________
15. Sketch a food chain and label producer/autotroph, primary consumer/1st order heterotroph, secondary
consumer/2nd order heterotroph, tertiary consumer/3rd order heterotroph:
16. Sketch the trophic levels and label producer/autotroph, primary consumer/1st order heterotroph,
secondary consumer/2nd order heterotroph, tertiary consumer/3rd order heterotroph:
17. Sketch a food web:
18. Sketch/label: Pyramid of energy:
Pyramid of numbers:
Pyramid of
19. Sketch the water cycle: include- clouds, trees, ocean/lake, land, rain/snow, precipitation,
condensation, transpiration, groundwater, runoff, evaporation
Have you ever left a glass of water out and a few days later observed there was less water in the glass?
This is the result of _____________________. Water also evaporates from lakes and oceans and becomes
__________ __________ in the air. Water vapor condenses on dust in the air and forms
______________. Further precipitation makes small drops that build in size until they fall from the clouds
as _______________________. The water falls back to the Earth and accumulates in oceans and lakes
where ____________________ continues. Plants pull water from the ground and lose water from their
leaves through _____________________.(aka: tree sweat…haha!) This puts ___________ ___________
in the air. Animals breathe out __________ _________ in every breath! Also, when they ___________ or
____________, water is returned to the environment!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20. Sketch the carbon cycle: include- trees, fire, lake with fish & dead fish, an animal such as a raccoon,
fossil fuels, tractor/car/etc, atmospheric carbon dioxide, dissolved carbon dioxide, photosynthesis,
respiration, death & decay, fuel combustion
The carbon cycle starts with an _________________. During photosynthesis, energy from the _______ is
used by autotrophic organisms to convert carbon dioxide gas into energy-rich carbon molecules that
organisms use for _________ & a source of ___________. _____________________ feed directly or
indirectly on autotrophs & use the _________________ ____________________. When the autotrophs &
heterotrophs use the carbon molecules & release ____________, carbon dioxide is released & returned to
the atmosphere!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21. The nitrogen cycle: If you add nitrogen fertilizer to a lawn, houseplant, etc you may see that they
become greener, taller, etc. Even though the air is ____ percent nitrogen, plants seem to do better when
they receive nitrogen fertilizer. This is because most plants cannot use the nitrogen in the air! They use
nitrogen in the _________ that has been converted into more usable forms. Certain ________________
convert the nitrogen from the air into these more usable forms.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22. The phosphorus cycle: Short term cycle = Plants obtain phosphorus from the ________. Animals
obtain it by eating _____________. When animals ______, they decompose & phosphorus is returned to
the soil to be used again. Long term cycle = Phosphate weathers from _______ & is washed into
________ to become incorporated into rock. Millions of years later, the rock containing phosphorus is
exposed. As the rock erodes, the phosphorus again becomes part of the local ecological system!