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3.3.5 Blood Transport of Nutrients FMQuiz Homework Solution
Q. True or False. Urea is formed in the kidneys.
Q. Give one digestive function of the pancreas.
A. Produces enzymes trypsin, amylase, lipase
Q. Name a process by which soluble foods are
absorbed into the blood from the small intestine.
A. Diffusion or Passive transport
Q. The stomach secretes hydrochloric acid onto the
ingested food. Give one function of this acid.
A. Provides medium for pepsin
Q. What type of food is mainly absorbed into the
lacteal of the villi?
A. Fatty acids and glycerol
Q. The colon contains many symbiotic bacteria –
mostly ‘good’ bacteria. State two benefits we get
from these bacteria.
A. Synthesise vitamins; Out-compete pathogens;
Complement immune system; Break down fibre
Q. State a role that the liver plays in the digestive
A. Produces bile; Emulsification; Produces NaHCO3;
Neutralizes acid
Q. Where does the partially digested food go when
it leaves the stomach?
A. Duodenum
Q. Name a substance transported to the liver by
the blood in the hepatic portal vein.
A. Glucose, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, etc.
Q. What is the pH of the stomach contents?
A. 1 – 2
Q. Name the blood vessel that brings oxygenated
blood to the liver.
A. Hepatic artery
Q. What is meant by peristalsis?
A. Muscular contractions in the walls of the
alimentary canal to move food
Q. Where is bile stored after it has been made in
the liver?
A. Gall bladder
Q. What is meant by egestion?
A. Getting rid of undigested food waste
Q. Proteins are digested to simpler substances.
What are these simpler substances called?
A. Amino acids
Q. Give one role that the bile salts play in the
digestive process.
A. Emulsify fats or Neutralise acidic chyme
Q. Where in the human alimentary canal is most
water absorbed?
A. Colon or Large intestine
Q. Give two functions of the liver, other than the
manufacture of bile.
A. Storage of minerals & vitamins; Deamination;
Heat generation; Detoxification
Q. What is meant by a ‘balanced’ diet?
A. One which contains all the food types in the
correct proportions
Q. The hepatic portal vein carries blood from the
alimentary canal to the …
A. Liver
Q. State one digestive function of the pancreas.
A. Produces enzymes or Neutralises chyme
Q. Where in the digestive system are the products
of digestion absorbed?
A. Small intestine
Q. Name the blood vessel that joins the small
intestine) to the liver.
A. Hepatic portal vein
Q. TRUE or FALSE. The liver produces bile.
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