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UNIT 8: Digestive System
Clicker Review!
Which of the following is NOT a function of
1) enables taste
2) helps bind food
3) moistens food
4) begins chemical digestion of carbohydrates
5) cleanse the mouth
6) all are functions of saliva
What do proteolytic enzymes (proteases)
chemically digest?
1) carbohydrates
2) lipids
3) nucleic acids
4) proteins
TRUE or FALSE: The mucosa layer of the
alimentary canal increases the surface area in
the intestines.
Where is bile produced?
1) gallbladder
2) pancreas
3) stomach
4) liver
What is the main function of the large intestine?
1) absorb fats &lipids
2) absorb water
3) absorb proteins
4) digest carbohydrates
The appendix is an extension of the?
1) cecum
2) ileum
3) transverse colon
4) sigmoid colon
Which of the following is NOT part of the large intestine?
1) sigmoid colon
2) ascending colon
3) descending colon
4) ileum
Where does mechanical digestion begin?
1) pharynx
2) esophagus
3) mouth
4) stomach
Where does chemical digestion of PROTEINS begin?
1) mouth
2) small intestine
3) stomach
4) esophagus
Where does chemical digestion of carbohydrates begin?
1) mouth
2) small intestine
3) stomach
4) esophagus
Where does chemical digestion of lipids begin?
1) mouth
2) small intestine
3) stomach
4) esophagus
What is the function of the epiglottis?
1) stabilize the glottis
2) keep air from entering the esophagus
3) keep food from entering the trachea
4) vibrates to produce sound
What is the name of the sphincter that food passes through from
the stomach to the small intestine?
1) pyloric
2) cardiac
3) anal
4) esophageal
Which of the following cells is not matched to the correct secretion?
1) chief cells secrete pepsinogen
2) goblet cells secret mucus
3) parietal cells secrete pepsin
4) intestinal cells secrete CCK
What are gallstones?
1) cystallized lipids
2) cystallized protein
3) cystallized cholesterol
4) cystallized bile salt
What is the name of the mashed up food leaving the stomach?
1) chyme
2) bolus
3) feces
4) bile
What structure increases surface area of the small intestine
1) lacteal
2) ileum
3) villi
4) pancreatic duct
What term means “rhythmic waves that move along the alimentary
canal that move food/chyme along?”
1) rugae
2) peristalsis
3) secretin
4) bolus
If you have Celiac disease, why can’t you eat wheat, rye, or barley?
1) they contain sugar
2) they contain lactose
3) they contain corn
4) they contain gluten
Which of the following is/are true about ulcers?
1) they are located in your stomach or small intestine
2) they are aggravated by acidic foods/drinks
3) they can be caused by a bacteria
4) All of the above are true
5) Only 2 and 3
6) Only 1 and 3
What protects the stomach against being digested?
1) HCl
2) pepsin
3) chief cells
4) mucus
What does secretin, which is released from the wall of the small
intestines, cause the pancreas to release?
1) digestive enzymes
2) bile
3) bicarbonate ions/solution
4) insulin
Which salivary gland is the “gleeker?”
1) parotid
2) submandibular
3) sublingual
4) there’s no such thing as a “gleek”
What do parietal cells produce?
1) Mucus
2) HCl
3) pepsinogen
4) pepsin
What causes hemorrhoids?
1) enlarged anal artery
2) enlarged anal capillary
3) enlarged anal vein
4) a virus
What causes the Inflammatory Bowel Disease called Crohn’s
1) person’s immune system attacks their colon
2) person’s immune system attacks their alimentary canal
3) bacteria causes open sores in their stomach/duodenum
4) E. coli bacteria from undercooked beef or unpasteurized milk
What do they think causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?
1) not enough water is absorbed in the large intestines
2) too much water is absorbed in the large intestines
3) bacteria (“live and active cultures”) found in yogurt
4) intestines being squeezed too hard or not enough
If a person’s insulin receptors are not responding to insulin, what is
the consequence?
1) not enough glucagon in the blood
2) too much glucose in the blood
3) not enough glucose in the blood
4) bile is not released from the gallbladder
What forms a bolus?
What purpose does cellulose serve in
digestion if humans don’t have the enzyme
needed to digest it?
1) No purpose.
2) It is the fiber that keeps peristalsis going.
3) It digests cellulose.
4) Protects the lining of the small and large
Colace is an over the counter medicine that
keeps water in your large intestine. What
condition will this treat?
1) Food poisoning
2) Heart burn
3) Diarrhea
4) Constipation
5) Malnutrition