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Unit II- Cell
A. Structure and Function
1. Diagram, label, and describe the chemical composition and structure, and list the functions
a. Plasma membrane
b. Cytoplasm
c. Nucleus
d. Chromosome - A structure in the cell nucleus that contains DNA, histone protein, and other
structural proteins
e. Mitochondrion
f. Ribosome
g. Golgi body
h. Lysosome
i. Centriole
2. Describe the chemical make up and structural organization of the Fluid Mosaic Model of the
plasma membrane
3. Describe the function and give examples of plasma membrane proteins:
Channel, Cell Recognition, Carrier, Receptor, Enzymatic
4. Recognize examples of each of the following and explain their significance in movement across a
a. Isotonic solutionb. Hypotonic solution
c. Hypertonic solution
5. Identify and describe a concentration gradient-describes the regularly changing amount of one material dispersed in another over a distance
6. Identify the factors that influence
a. Passive Transport ( no energy)
1. Diffusion- from high to low concentration
2. Osmosis- diffusion of water , example is tonicity
3. Facilitated transport- molecule is moved from high to low concentration by a protein
b. Active Transport – low to high concentration
1. Exocytosis- transports molecules outside the cell via fusion of a vesicle with the plasma
2. Endocytosis -transports molecules or cells into the cell via invagination of the plasma
membrane to form a vesicle
a. Pinocytosis - material enters a cell through its membrane and is incorporated in
vesicles for digestion
b. Phagocytosis - process of ingesting and destroying a virus or other foreign matter
1. Define Mitosis and explain the significance of mitosis as it relates to development and growth
Is a type of duplication division in which a cell makes an exact copy of itself
This process is used for growth and repair of tissues
Used by body cells (cells other than sex cells)
3. Distinguish between normal mitotic cell division and cancerous cell division
-normal cells will stop division in the presence of genetic (DNA) damage, cancer cells
will continue to divide.
Unit III. Tissue
A. Human Organization
1. Define the following
a. Tissues - A collection of cells of the same type that perform a common function
b. Organ - An organ is 2 or more tissue types working towards a particular function
c. Organ systems- An organ system is a combination of organs that work together to carry out
a particular function
2. State the main function of the four major animal tissues
a. Epithelial- Lines body cavities, covers body surfaces and found in glands
b. Connective - Binds and supports parts of the body
c. Muscular - Allows for movement in the body
d. Nervous - Allows for communication between cells through sensory input, integration of
data and motor output
4.Differentiate the following connective tissues by structure, function and body location
a. Bone
- Matrix is solid and rigid that is made of collagen and calcium salts
- Function
- location – compact( Shafts of long bone) , spongy (Ends of long bones)
b. Cartilage
- Cells are in chambers called lacunae
-Matrix is solid but flexible
-3 types are distinguished by types of fibers
1.Hyaline cartilage – fine collagen fibers
Location: Nose, ends of long bones and fetal skeleton
2.Elastic cartilage – more elastic fibers than cartilage fibers
Location: Outer ear
3.Fibrocartilage – strong collagen fibers
Location: Disks between vertebrae
c. Fibrous ( areolar, dense: regular and irregular)
d. Adipose
e. Bone Marrow
f. Blood
- Made of a fluid matrix called plasma and cellular components
that are called formed elements
3 formed elements:
1. Red blood cells – cells
that carry oxygen
2. White blood cells – cells that fight infection
3. Platelets – pieces of
cells that clot blood
B. Integumentary system
1. Differentiate the three layers in skin and explain their function
a. Epidermis
-The thin, outermost layer of the skin
-Made of epithelial tissue
- The thick, inner layer of the skin
-Made of dense fibrous connective tissue
c. Subcutaneous
2. Name, Locate, and State the functions of the three accessory Integument Structures
a. Suboriferous glands
b. Sebaceous glands
c. Hair
Unit IV- Nervous System
1. Indentify the structural subdivisions of the Nervous system and their functions
a. Central Nervous System ( CNS : brain and spinal cord)
b. Peripheral Nervous System ( PNS : somatic and autonomic)
c. Autonomic Nervous System ( ANS : parasympathetic and sympathetic)
2. Label a diagram of a Neuron with the following
a. Axon
b. Dendrite
c. Cell body
d. Myelin sheath
e. Nodes of Ranvier
6.a. Describe the basic structure and function of a synaptic region( synaptic cleft, terminal knob, vesicles,
transmitter substances and postsynaptic receptors)
6b. Explain how drugs may affect synaptic region activities
7. Describe a Relex Arc using the following terms
a. Receptor
b. Sensory neuron ( afferent)
c. Association neuron ( efferent)
d. Effector ( muscle or gland)
8. Differentiate between a neuron and a nerve
11. Give a diagram, description or function, identify the brain parts
a. Cerebrum
b. Hypothalamus
c. Medulla oblongata
e. Thalamus
f. Pons
g. Pituitary gland
14. Differentiate the Effectors of the Somatic and Autonomic nvervous system
15. Explain how the Parasympathetic (during normal resting conditions) and sympathetic ( during
emergency situation) nervous systems function Antagonistically
17. Define Addiction ( physiological and psychological)
Unit V. Endocrine System
1. Compare and contrast the ways in which the nervous system and the endocrine system
coordinate various activities of the body
2. Define hormone and target organ
Hormone - Any substance, produced by one tissue and conveyed by the bloodstream to
another to effect physiological activity
Target organ- The specific body organ that a particular hormone affects
4.Explain the concept of negative feedback and how it relates to the control of the
production of hormones
5. State the location of the following endocrine glands, the hormones they produce and
their functions:
b. Pituitary (anterior and posterior)
d. Thyriod
g. Pancreas ( Islets of Langerhans)
h. Adrenal
Unit VI Meiosis and Human Genetics
A. Meiosis
1. Compare mitosis with meiosis in the following ways
a. Purpose
b. Location in the body where the process occurs
c. Results
- Mitosis:
Is a type of duplication division in which a cell makes an exact copy of itself
This process is used for growth and repair of tissues
Used by body cells (cells other than sex cells)
Is a type of reduction division in which a cell halves the number of chromosomes
This process is used to form eggs and sperm
Used by gametes
Unit VII Reproduction and Development
A. Reproduction
1. State the components of the Male reproduction system and each of their functions,
to include
a. Seminiferous tubules – where sperm cell mature
b. Interstital cells - ecrete male sex hormones
c. Accessory glands
d. Testes - produce sperm and male sex hormones
e. Epididymis - Sperm mature and are stored here
f. Vas deferns - Transports sperm to the urethra
g. Ejaculatory duct - One of the two passageways that carries semen from the prostate
gland to the urethra
h. Urethra - Transports sperm out of the body
i. Penis - organ used for sexual intercourse and urination
3.State the functions of Testosterone in the male
- important for normal development and functioning of the male reproductive organs
7. State the organs of the female reproductive tract and their functions
a. Ovaries - produce eggs and sex hormones
b. Fallopian tubes - passageway for eggs and sperm
c. Uterus - normal site of implantation and fetal development
d. Vagina - birth canal and the copulatory organ of the female
e. Mammary glands - organs which produce milk to feed young, breasts
9. Define Ovulation
- is the monthly release of an oocyte from the ovary when a follicle ruptures
12. a. state the location of fertilization and implantation
Fertilization- oviduct
Implantation- Uterus
b. Define zygote - The single cell formed by when a sperm fertilizes an egg
15. state the functions of estrogen and progesterone in the female
Estrogen- responsible for typical female sexual characteristics
Progesterone- prepares and maintains the uterus for pregnancy
19. Identify the name of the cycle and using objectives 14-18 explain the sequence of events for
one month in the female reproductive tract for the following
a. If a pregnancy occurs
b. If no pregnancy occurs
25. Distinguish between a virus caused STD and a bacterial STD
Viral diseases: cannot be treated with antibiotics but there are a few antivirals
HIV, Genital warts, Genital Herpes, Hepatitis
Bacterial diseases: can be treated with antibiotics
Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphillis
B. Development
1. a. Define Growth, Differentiation, and Morphogenesis
Growth – cells undergo division as well as increase in size
Morphogenesis – the embryo begins to take shape as cells migrate
Differentiation – when cells take on specific structure and function (the nervous system
is the first visible system)
4. Explain the significance and placement of extra embryonic membranes in human
development. Include the functions of the chorion, amnion, allantios, and yolk sac
Allantois – gives rise to the bladder and the blood vessels of the umbilical cord that carry
blood to and from the fetus
Yolk sac – contains many blood vessels and where blood cells first form (little yolk in
Amnion – contains amniotic fluid that cushions and protects the embryo
6. Define Embryo and Fetus
Embryo - a fertilized egg from conception to the eighth embryonic week
Fetus - A developing human from approximately eight weeks after conception until the time of its
8. state the functions of the placenta
- produces peptide hormones that makes cells resistant to insulin so diabetes can result
11. Describe the three theories of aging and give support for each
Genetic origin: suggests mitochondrial activity is involved with aging
Whole body processes – suggests aging may be a result from body systems or
type of tissue (such as the loss of hormonal activities or cross-linking in support
Extrinsic factors: suggests that aging may be due to years of poor health habits
such as a poor diet and lack of exercise
Unit VIII Circulation
A. Blood Circulatory system
1. State the general purpose of the circulatory system and name the three principal
components of the human circulatory system
4.Trace the path of blood as it flows through the
a. Pulmonary Circuit
b. Systemic Circuit
6. Describe the heart’s conduction system which coordinates the heartbeat
a. SA node
b. AV node
c. Septum fibers
d. Purkinjie fibers
9. Describe and compare the structure and function of the following types of blood vessels
a. Artery
b. Vein ( including valves)
10. a. Define Blood Pressure
b. Differentiate and state the cause of diastolic pressure and systolic pressure
c. Indentify values for an average blood pressure reading
B. Lymphatic system and immunity
1. a. Define Lymphatic system and identify various components(spleen, thymus,
tonsils, lymph nodes, vessels, and capillaries)
c. Describe three functions of the lymphatic system
1. Fat absorption
2. Immunity
3. Return of excess interstitial or extracellular fluid
4.Define antigen and antibody
5. differentiate and recognize examples of passive and active immunity
6. compare the body’s primary and secondary response to the same antigen
Unity IX . Respiration
1. Indentify the two gases that must be exchanged between organisms and their
2. Given a description or diagram of respiratory structures in humans:
a. Indentify the pharynx, trachea, lungs ( bronchi and bronchiole), and alveoli
b. Describe the function of each
c. State the location and function of the epiglottis and pleura
6. describe how blood transport oxygen away from the lungs and carbon dioxide to the lungs
Unity X. Digestion
1. Define the following
b. Digestion - mechanically or chemically breaking down food into their subunits
c. Absorption - movement of nutrients across the GI tract wall to be delivered to cell via
the blood
2. Name the structures through which food passes in the alimentary canal of man from
entrance to exit include sphincters
4. For the following secretion state where they are produced and what they help digest:
a. Saliva - carbohydrate digestion
b. Gastric Juice - breaks down proteins, and HCl and mucus
c. Bile - emulsify fats
d. Pancreatic Juice - starches and proteins and fats
Unit XI - excretion
1. Define excretion
- the process of eliminating waste products of metabolism and other non-useful materials. It is
an essential process in all forms of life. It contrasts secretion, where the substance may have
specific tasks after leaving the cell.
2. Explain the three processes involved in urine production
a. Filtration - Water and small molecules move from the glomerulus to the glomerular
capsule while large molecules and formed elements remain in the glomerular blood
b. Re absorption - Many molecules and ions are reabsorbed from the nephron into
the blood
c. Secretion - A second way to remove substances such as drugs, H+ and creatinine
from the blood
3. Given a diagram, label and state the function of the following parts of the excretory
a. Kidneys
b. Ureters
c. Urinary bladder
d. Urethra
6. For the following hormones, antidiuretic and aldosterone
a. Name the gland which secretes it and its function
aldosterone- adrenal glands secrete aldosterone to help regulate water-salt balance
antidiuretic -The posterior pituitary gland, helps control body water balance by reducing urination
Unit XII Musculosketal system
A. The Skeleton
2.State the function and location of red bone marrow in an adult
4. State the function of cartilage and give examples of where it is found, including cartilage that
is found between the vertebrae.
9. Differentiate between the function of tendons and ligaments
10a. Explain the difference between freely moveable joints( diarthrosis/ synovial), slightly
moveable joints (amphiarthrosis) and immoveable joints ( synarthrosis).
10b. Describe and indentify a diagram or example of the following types of synovial joints (
freely moveable joints): hinge, sliding, ball, and socket, and pivot
B.The skeletal muscles
1. Describe cardiac, skeletal( body), and smooth (visceral) muscle using the following terms:
a. Cardiac
Appearance: branched cells with a single nucleus, striations with darker
striations called intercalated disks between cells
Location: heart
Nature: involuntary movement
b. Skeletal
Appearance: long, cylindrical cells, multiple nuclei, striated fibers
Location: attached to bone for movement
Nature: voluntary movement
Appearance: spindle-shaped cell with one nucleus, lack striations
Location: walls of hollow organs and vessels
Nature: involuntary movement
c. smooth
3. Discuss the importance of a nerve impulse in initiating skeletal muscle contraction
-Nerve impulses travel down motor neurons to a neuromuscular junction (contraction is
4. State the ion and energy molecule necessary for muscle contraction and explain their
5. state the action of the actin and myosin filaments in the present theory of muscles
-ATP bind to the myosin heads and is used as energy to pull the actin filaments towards the
center of the sarcomere = contraction now occurs ( end of contraction)
6. Explain the all of non principle of muscle cell contraction
- When a motor neuron is stimulated, all of the muscle fibers in that motor unit contract to
their fullest extent or they do not contract at all.
7. Explain how glycogen in muscle (and liver) cells is used as an energy source