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Hormone therapy programs aren't only for women. Men experience a more gradual loss of
hormones, mainly testosterone. The result is andropause, known as the "male menopause."
Andropause can make daily life feel like an uphill battle, and because men are living longer,
more active lives they are seeking and finding relief from the serious symptoms of hormone
imbalance with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for men.
The signs of andropause and related hormonal issues include:
Muscle Loss
Weight Gain
Sleep Problems
Hot Flashes in Men
Night Sweats in Men
Lower Sex Drive
Hair Loss
Erectile Dysfunction
Urinary Problems
Memory Loss
The rest of this eBook will seek to help you understand each of these hormonal issues in
more detail, and offer potential solutions to these problems which inhibit quality of life as you
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Muscle Loss
What exactly is Muscle Loss?
Male muscle loss is a common symptom of
andropause and it manifests itself in the loss
of muscle strength and overall muscle mass.
Age related muscle loss, or sarcopenia can
start as early as 20 or 25 but is most drastic
after age 60. Over time, muscle cells atrophy
and start converting muscle fibers into fat as
a result of motor neurons no longer sending
signals to your brain to move the muscles.
Causes of Muscle Loss:
There is a proportional relationship between
declining levels of testosterone and muscle
loss in men. Testosterone is vital to
producing strong muscles, they go hand in
hand. The hormone binds to receptors in
your muscle cells, telling your muscles to
contract and grow. When your body is
experiencing a loss of testosterone it can
cause male muscle loss because there is not
enough of the hormone to bind to your
muscle cells.
adds up quickly. After the age of 60, male
muscle loss doubles to about 1% every year.
After 70, muscle mass and muscle strength
declines by 2% every year. This doubling
continues every ten years until death.
Poor nutrition is also a key factor in male
muscle loss. Muscles need protein to grow
and if your diet is high in sugar and low in
protein, your muscles will not have the fuel
they need to regenerate resulting in male
muscle loss.
The Solution
Contact Renew Health and Wellness to
schedule an appointment and learn more
about male muscle loss treatment that
includes bioidentical hormone replacement.
Richmond: 804-212-1990
St. Louis: 314-529-1155
Muscles will naturally experience atrophy if
the body is largely inactive; if you don't use
the muscles, you will likely lose them. Every
year between the ages of 25 and 60, the
physically inactive male will lose muscle
mass and muscle strength at a rate of .5%
and although this number may seem low, it
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Weight Gain
While the cause and effect relationship is not
clear, it is apparent that there is a strong
connection between weight gain in men and
andropause related hormonal imbalances.
Low testosterone and high cortisol seem to
increase body fat, especially in the
midsection, and decrease muscle mass in
men. This body fat seems to further the
hormonal imbalance by converting
testosterone into estrogen. Male weight gain
coupled with muscle loss means more weight
to carry and less muscle to carry it with,
resulting in fatigue and low energy levels.
Specific Hormonal Causes or
Contributors to Male Weight Gain
Weight gain in men is affected by high stress
or cortisol levels in the body. Prolonged and
heightened levels of cortisol put the body into
survival mode and induce the production of
fat cells and the decline of metabolism to
store food for later use. The cortisol also
increases appetite in order to procure energy
for "fight or flight". Male weight gain naturally
low levels of the human growth hormone
(HGH) often cause weight gain by way of
decreasing the body's metabolic rate.
The Solution: Male Weight Loss
The imbalances of several hormones come
into play when talking about weight gain in
men. It makes sense that balancing these
hormones has a big impact on weight loss.
With the help of bioidentical hormones, we
can bring your testosterone, cortisol,
estrogen, HGH and thyroid hormones,
among others, into more optimal levels. This
balance will provide the platform for weight
loss to be much more attainable.
High cortisol levels further diminish levels of
testosterone, which already suffer during
andropause. Low testosterone can cause low
energy and fatigue, meaning less physical
activity and weight gain in men. Thyroid
disorders, particularly hypothyroidism, and
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A common symptom of andropause is fatigue
in men, which results from the combination of
many other symptoms of hormonal
imbalance. Fatigue is a condition in which
you feel tired or worn out over an extended
period of time. You often experience a
waning capability for work or every day
activities and overall reduced efficiency and
sense of achievement.
What Causes Fatigue in Men?
Testosterone plays an important role in
energy production. During andropause,
diminished testosterone levels are a major
cause behind insomnia or sleep apnea, both
of which contribute to fatigue in men. In
addition to diminished testosterone,
interruption of sleep in men can be caused
by symptoms such as night sweats,
depression, irritability, weight gain and
tired. Stress and high cortisol can leave men
feeling overwhelmed and frustrated which
clearly affects energy levels. Eating the
wrong foods can also leave little energy for
the body. While exercise itself is tiring, men
with fatigue often feel an energy boost after a
workout. Not enough exercise can make
fatigue in men worse.
The Solution: Treatment for Fatigue in
When a man's hormones are balanced,
many things fall into place. Balancing
testosterone and cortisol levels with natural
bioidentical hormone replacement therapy
can relieve the many symptoms of
andropause that men experience. Once your
hormone levels are more balanced, these
symptoms begin to lessen and disappear,
your energy levels increase and your mood
improves, effectively reducing or eliminating
the fatigue you have been experiencing.
Night sweats in men with fatigue add to
insomnia and fatigue because they make it
difficult to get a good night's rest. Having to
get up in the middle of the night over a period
of time can lead to sleep deprivation and
ultimately fatigue. Irritability and depression,
two very frequent symptoms of andropause,
can be very draining emotionally, causing
feelings of weariness and exhaustion.
Additional weight gain and loss of muscle
mass can leave men feeling sluggish and
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Sleep Apnea and Insomnia
The cause of insomnia in men often varies
significantly from the causes of insomnia in
women. The low testosterone associated
with andropause or the male menopause can
contribute to sleep apnea in men, leading to
insomnia or sleeplessness. Sleep apnea is
the interruption of or difficulty breathing
during sleep. It affects approximately 9% of
adult males and is more common in obese
males. The inhibited breathing and loud
snoring common of sleep apnea tends to
disrupt sleep many times throughout the
night. The disruptions affect both the person
suffering from sleep apnea as well as anyone
who might be trying to sleep near them.
Testosterone therapy has been shown to
improve the symptoms of sleep apnea.
Furthermore, when testosterone levels are in
the optimal range, slow wave or deep sleep
is easier to achieve. Thus, there is
improvement in sleep in various ways when
testosterone levels are optimal in men.
Insomnia in men resulting from low
testosterone and sleep apnea can lead to
several other problems including fatigue,
reduced insulin sensitivity, low human growth
hormone levels and high cortisol levels.
Cortisol, the stress hormone, will increase
with prolonged insomnia because of the
stress on the body. Constant high levels of
cortisol can create a hormone pattern that
further reduces testosterone production. It
can also lead to adrenal fatigue, which often
worsens the fatigue and insomnia.
Human growth hormone is naturally made
during the first 90 minutes of sleep.
Therefore, if your sleep is disrupted, your
growth hormone production is reduced. This
can lead to lower levels of testosterone and
reduced lean muscle mass. Sleep is also
very important for proper insulin sensitivity
and glucose control. If sleep is disrupted, the
body stops utilizing insulin as effectively and
the body begins to need more and more
insulin to control blood sugar. This leads to
weight gain and a pre-diabetic state that, if
not well managed, can lead to diabetes.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea vs. Central
Sleep Apnea
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is caused by
obstructed breathing, either due to too much
tissue as seen in obesity or decreased
muscle tone which may be seen with low
testosterone. This inhibits the air flow in the
mouth and nose which causes snoring and
decreased ability for adequate oxygenation
during sleep. As a result, men often wake up
numerous times during the night and rarely
achieve deep sleep. Central Sleep Apnea
(CSA) is a central nervous system disorder in
which the brain signal for breathing is
delayed. CSA if often caused by injury or
disease affecting the brain stem. Most cases
of sleep apnea caused by low testosterone is
obstructive sleep apnea.
What is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is the atypical breast
enlargement of one or both breasts in men.
The process usually begins with a small
lump underneath the nipple which causes
uneven swelling. Enlarged breasts in men
are not uncommon, especially as a newborn
or during puberty. In newborns, the
gynecomastia may include minor lactation or
milk flow (also referred to as galactorrhea)
and often disappears within a couple of
weeks. During puberty, the condition usually
lasts for just a couple months.
What Causes Gynecomastia?
The enlarged male breasts associated with
gynecomastia are caused by a hormonal
imbalance. This explains why the condition
occurs in newborns and during puberty. In
newborns, gynecomastia is an after-effect of
the mother's estrogen in the infant's system.
Commonly in these cases, the hormones
naturally correct themselves and the male
breasts diminish.
The Testosterone and Male Estrogen
Specifically, enlarged breasts in men occur
when the balance between testosterone and
male estrogen is drastically altered. While
mainly considered to be a female hormone,
every man possesses low levels of estrogen
to regulate sperm production, bone density
and mood.
Breast enlargement in men often occurs
after the age of 50 and is frequently
associated with andropause. Andropause
causes testosterone levels to drop, which
leaves less of the hormone available to
balance out the estrogen. Increased
estrogen production and severe
hyperthyroidism can also cause the
gynecomastia. Enlarged male breasts are
more likely to occur in overweight men due
to the effects that obesity has on the body.
Furthermore, weight gain is also a symptom
of andropause, so it is not uncommon for a
man to experience both concurrently.
Other Causes
The swollen breasts in men can also be
caused or contributed to by external factors
like poor diet, estrogen containing herbal
products, street drugs and alcohol.
Malnutrition, steroids, amphetamines,
marijuana and heroin can alter hormone
levels and result in gynecomastia. The low
levels of estrogen (found in plant oils like
lavender and tea tree) in certain soaps,
shampoos and lotions can lead to enlarged
male breasts especially if testosterone levels
are depleted by andropause.
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Male Hot Flashes
Male hot flashes by definition are the same
as female hot flashes; the difference lies in
the cause. A hot flash is an abrupt and
intense sensation of heat affecting the face,
neck and upper body, resulting in a cold,
clammy sweat and discomfort. In regards to
frequency, male hot flashes often occur six to
ten times throughout the day and last
anywhere between a couple minutes to an
hour. The feeling can cause anxiety, a
quickened heart rate, irritability and nausea.
The Cause: Andropause Hot Flashes
While it is true that hot flashes are more
common in women, hot flashes in men are
not unusual. Male hot flashes are caused by
a severe testosterone deficiency that can
occur in andropause (male menopause) and
in androgen deprivation therapy for prostate
Since testosterone can stimulate prostate
cancer growth, a key treatment to the
disease is androgen deprivation therapy.
While this is an effective method for inhibiting
cancer growth, it can result in side effects.
The therapy effectively places a man into
andropause and nearly 80% of the time
results in male menopause hot flashes.
The Solution
Andropause hot flashes can be effectively
treated and relieved with bioidentical
testosterone replacement therapy. Treatment
without hormone testing by an expert
hormone specialist is not suggested; you
can't fix the problem without knowing the
Andropause hot flashes occur because the
low levels of testosterone confuse the
hypothalamus (the thermal control center of
the brain) into believing that the body is
overheated. As a result, the hypothalamus
sends signals to widen blood vessels in the
skin in order to force this fictional excess
heat out of the body. Male menopause hot
flashes represent your body's attempt to
keep cool and not overheat.
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Night Sweats
Night sweats in men are considered to be severe hot flashes that occur in the night. Male
night sweats often result in extreme sweating which drenches a man's night wear and bed
sheets. These night sweats interrupt sleep and leave a feeling of intense heat or a slight chill.
What Causes Night Sweats in Men?
Night sweats in men are not caused by external heat, but instead by the malfunctioning
hypothalamus (the temperature control center in the brain). The hypothalamus receives false
signals (caused by a hormonal imbalance) that the body is overheated and causes the body
to react immediately to expel this non-existent excess heat.
The low testosterone levels that are found in andropausal men are commonly the cause of
the false signals sent to the hypothalamus. High cortisol (stress) levels and poor diet and
fitness may contribute to night sweats in men.
The Solution
Since night sweats in men are often caused by a hormonal imbalance of testosterone and/or
cortisol, treatment with natural bioidentical hormones is suggested. Once the hormones are
put back in balance, the male night sweats are likely to end. Bioidentical hormone
replacement therapy with Renew Health and Wellness can balance your hormones get you
relief from your male night sweats.
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Low Sex Drive in Men:
Testosterone and Libido
Low libido in men or low sex drive is a common symptom of andropause. Just as low levels
of testosterone can inhibit erectile function, testosterone has a strong effect on sex drive in
men. In a man's brain there exist testosterone-stimulating nerves. Sex drive in men starts
with the release of testosterone which stimulates the receptors in the brain to release nitric
oxide. Nitric oxide in turn relaxes the muscles of the penis to allow blood flow for an erection.
Low testosterone levels common in andropause result in reduced levels of the hormone
available to stimulate the nerves in the brain and induce sexual desire and in turn erectile
function. Essentially, without adequate testosterone, low sex drive in men is common.
Other Causes of Low Libido in Men
A man's lifestyle, particularly nutrition and fitness also has a large impact on sexual desire.
Smoking and drinking are infamous for their negative impact on libido in men. A healthy diet
and regular exercise not only contribute to better blood flow and hence sexual function, but
also supply energy and an overall feeling of wellness that increase sexual desire. High levels
of estrogen in men can also have a negative impact on male sexual desire. Additionally, it is
important to note that a healthy and happy relationship with your partner is also vital to
sexual desire.
The Solution
Natural bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy is an effective treatment for low sex
drive in men. Andropause related testosterone deficiencies are easily replenished with
bioidentical hormone replacement therapy offered by Renew Health and Wellness.
Call us to schedule an appointment and learn more about male low libido treatment that
includes bioidentical hormone replacement.
Richmond: 804-212-1990
St. Louis: 314-529-1155
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Irritability and Mood Swings
Mood swings in men are a primary symptom
of andropause. Irritability as a result of a
hormonal imbalance is a reality, especially
for men between the ages of 40 and 60.
Irritable Male Syndrome
Irritable Men Syndrome or Irritable Male
Syndrome (IMS) is the term used to
describe the mood swings in men. Irritability
in men is often a result of high stress cortisol
levels and low testosterone levels. Some
men respond by acting out while others hold
these feelings in and become depressed.
Behaviors characteristic of men with
irritability syndrome include:
Although Irritable Male Syndrome is most
often caused by high stress and/or low
testosterone; high estrogen levels can also
cause irritability in men. The main source of
this imbalance is a declining level of
testosterone associated with andropause
and aging. Other factors can contribute to
the andropause-related mood swings in men
including weight gain. This creates fat cells,
which produce estrogen from testosterone.
The higher the estrogen levels and the lower
the testosterone levels, the greater the
likelihood of irritability in men. Furthermore,
high levels of the stress hormone cortisol
diminishes testosterone levels, causing the
same increased likelihood of mood swings in
men. Certain medications can also cause
hormonal imbalances.
The Solution: Treatment for Irritable Male
Men experiencing Irritable Male Syndrome
are often in denial and find fault everywhere
except themselves. As a man, it is difficult to
recognize and admit that there is something
wrong with yourself, or that something has
changed; hormonal problems are too often
viewed as a feminine issue. The truth is that
you are not crazy, something is wrong and
something can be done to fix it. Male
hormone testing is the first step to determine
your hormone levels. Bioidentical hormone
therapy integrated with a customized
nutrition and fitness program has been the
solution for many men. Feeling better is
within your grasp.
Can Hormones Cause Depression? Male Menopause Depression
Of the many symptoms related to andropause, depression is among the most threatening.
Male menopause depression is commonly caused by deficient testosterone levels.
Testosterone is an integral component of many of the body's functions. Low levels of this
hormone may cause an overall sense of ill-being, known as hypogonadism. In fact, men with
low levels of this vital hormone are 400% more likely to be diagnosed with depression. Low
thyroid levels or hypothyroidism may also contribute to male menopause depression. This is
due to the low levels of the thyroid hormone T3 which decreases serotonin (the "happy
hormone"), an essential neurotransmitter for moods and behavior. In addition, some studies
show that men with higher levels of B-12 and folic acid respond better to the treatment of
Can hormones cause depression?
The answer in short is yes. Hormones have an enormous impact on mood, sleep and many
other factors that are essential for quality of life. While depression certainly can have a
number of emotional and psychological causes, the role of hormones cannot be overlooked.
Depression in men is more likely to occur when hormone levels are imbalanced; hormones
may both contribute to and cause depression. The emotional effect of the other symptoms of
andropause including erectile dysfunction, loss of muscle mass, weight gain, hair loss, etc.
can be enough to push a man into depression.
The Solution: Treatment for Male Menopause Depression
The strong relationship between hormones and depression makes natural bioidentical
hormone replacement therapy an effective treatment for male menopause depression.
Renew Health and Wellness will balance your testosterone levels to the optimal stability for
your body.
Richmond: 804-212-1990
St. Louis: 314-529-1155
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Hair Loss
Your hair is actually an excellent biomarker
of your overall health. There are a variety of
factors - from illness to hormonal
imbalances to poor nutrition to major stress
- that can contribute to hair loss. If you're
experiencing thinning hair or baldness, you
need to get to the root of the problem to
determine the best treatment.
The medical term for hair loss is alopecia,
and there are two main types of alopecia:
telogen effluvium and alopecia areata.
Telogen effluvium is more common, but
less severe. This is where the hair follicles
stop growing and lie dormant, only to fall
out a few months later. Fortunately, hair is
typically restored within 6 to 9 months. On
the other hand, alopecia areata occurs
when white blood cells attack hair follicles,
causing the hair to thin and fall out, usually
in patches. This type of hair loss may
require treatment as hair may not grow
back on its own.
hair growth. Fluctuating levels of
testosterone resulting from stress and poor
diet can impact the body's ability to
regenerate hair follicles. The relationship
between testosterone and hair loss is due
to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a derivative
of testosterone. DHT can cause hair
follicles to regress and die, resulting in
premature balding. Specifically, DHT
shortens the growth cycle of your hair and
increases the resting cycle. So, over time,
hair in these locations grows less and
becomes shorter until it simply does not
grow anymore.
Genes can make certain hair follicles
(usually in the front and crown of the head)
especially sensitive to this hormone.
Furthermore, excess levels of testosterone
often result in higher levels of the DHT and
hence the greater likelihood of hair loss or
baldness. DHT is also partly responsible for
adolescent and adult acne in men and for
prostate enlargement in older men.
Hair Loss and Hormones
Hair loss in men and hormones are closely
related. Men go through a similar decline
and shift in hormones that women go
through during menopause, for men, it's
called andropause, also known as "the
male menopause." Hormones regulated
nearly every function in the body, including
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Hair Loss (cont’d)
Stress and Hair Loss
Stress forces the adrenal glands to
produce excess amounts of cortisol - the
stress hormone. High levels of cortisol
deplete collagen, counteract insulin,
decrease bone density and can also lead
to hair loss. High and constant levels of
stress cause the adrenal glands to become
overactive due to the increased need for
the stress hormone, cortisol. When the
male body is stressed, it also produces
additional testosterone and adrenaline.
Additional testosterone means more DHT
which in turn, can cause hair loss in men.
Hair Loss and Thyroid Imbalance
Hair loss is a typical symptom of thyroid
disorders. Thyroid disease a form of
hormonal imbalance and when the thyroid
gland isn't functioning properly, other
hormones throughout the body are
affected as a result. Thyroid-related hair
loss is oftentimes preceded by changes in
the hair's texture, usually becoming dry,
coarse and easily tangled. Facial and body
hair growth can also be stunted by a
thyroid imbalance. In fact, a symptom
unique to hypothyroidism (underactive
thyroid gland) is thinning of the outer edge
of the eyebrows.
Nutrition Deficiencies and Hair Loss
Balanced nutrition is the key to optimal
overall health. It's crucial that we're getting
enough of the essential vitamins, minerals
and nutrients that our bodies need to
ensure that the body's organs, tissues and
cells are functioning the way they should.
Protein, iron, zinc and biotin deficiencies
have all been linked to hair loss in men. In
addition to deficiencies, having too much
of certain nutrients, such as vitamin A or
carotenes can also cause premature male
pattern baldness.
Hair Loss Due to Medication
Hair loss is a common side effect for a
variety of medications. Blood-thinning
medications (anticoagulants),
antidepressants, beta blockers, NSAIDS
and vitamin A-based drugs (retinoids) have
all been linked thinning of the hair or
baldness. Chemotherapy is also known for
causing hair loss - oftentimes the loss of
body and facial as well. However, as with
chemotherapy, the hair follicles will re-grow
once you've stopped using whatever
medication was causing the hair loss.
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Erectile Dysfunction?
What exactly is Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is the inability to keep
and maintain an erection firm enough for
sexual intercourse or activity. ED can be the
total inability to reach erection, an
inconsistency to do so, or the inability to
sustain it for extended periods of time.
There are several causes of erectile
dysfunction in men, several of which are
influenced by hormones.
Hormones and Erectile Dysfunction
Hormones regulate the functions in your
body. They work in concert to help your
body function optimally, if one is not at
optimal levels, it will affect the others. So
when there is a deficiency or excess of a
particular hormone in your body, you will
experience any number of the symptoms of
hormonal imbalance.
In andropause, low testosterone levels
create a chain effect that causes several
symptoms including in some cases,erectile
dysfunction. Testosterone affects both the
ability and capability of men to produce
erections. Diminished testosterone reduces
libido or sexual drive and in turn can affect
the ability to develop and sustain an
erection. In some cases, the sexual desire
is there but men are incapable of an
erection. This is because the brain is
supposed to signal the release of nitric
oxide which relaxes the muscles of penis,
allowing blood flow. If nitric oxide is not
released, like in the case of too much
plaque in the arteries where nitric oxide is
produced, it is difficult for a man to achieve
an erection.
High levels of the stress hormone cortisol
can have a detrimental effect on
testosterone. Prolactin, a chemical secreted
from the brain's pituitary gland, is a player
erectile dysfunction. High levels of prolactin
can cause testosterone levels to decrease.
Overactive thyroid hormones, or
hypothyroidism, also stimulate the
production of prolactin and diminish
testosterone levels. Low testosterone that
causes andropause in men could also be
caused by hypogonadism or testicular
failure. This testicular abnormality creates
an extreme testosterone deficiency, leading
to erectile dysfunction. Other contributors to
erectile dysfunction include liver and kidney
disease which can create hormone
imbalances. For example, liver disease can
causes high levels of estrogen in the male
body, effectively contributing erectile
dysfunction. The constriction of the veins,
diabetes and blood pressure medication are
also leading causes of erectile dysfunction.
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Take Action
Make an appointment today
Renew Health & Wellness specializes in bio-natural hormone
replacement therapy. We provide physician-supervised hormone
replacement therapy and adhere to the highest standard of
professionalism. At your first visit and throughout your therapy, our
goal is to provide exceptional customer service so you receive support
and guidance during your journey to improved well being.
Our mission is two-fold: to help women and men regain their vitality
and quality of life, and to deliver exceptional care with integrity.
Richmond Location
10120 West Broad St., Suite F
Glen Allen, VA 23060
St. Louis Location
1066 Executive Parkway,
Suite 120
Creve Coeur, MO 63141