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Ninette Garcia
Believe in one God, or monotheistic
Judaism traces its heritage to the covenant God made
with Abraham and his lineage — that God would make
them a sacred people and give them a holy land
refer to the Bible as the Tanakh, an acronym for the texts
of the Torah, Prophets, and Writings
Judaism is more concerned about actions than beliefs
one of the oldest religions in the world today,
whose history extends back through the ancient Israelite
and Hebrew people
Formed 2000 BCE
Rooted from a region of Canaan (which is now Israel
and Palestinian territories)
Moses was the main founder of Judaism, but Jews can
trace their history back as far as Abraham
The following are prohibited:
1. idolatry
2. murder
3. theft
4. sexual promiscuity (including adultery, incest,
bestiality, homosexuality
5. blasphemy
6. eating meat taken from a live animal
7. Requirement of setting just laws
G-d exists
G-d is one and unique
G-d is incorporeal
G-d is eternal
Prayer is to be directed to G-d alone and to no other
The words of the prophets are true
Moses' prophecies are true, and Moses was the greatest of the prophets
The Written Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) and Oral Torah (teachings now contained in
the Talmud and other writings) were given to Moses
There will be no other Torah
G-d knows the thoughts and deeds of men
G-d will reward the good and punish the wicked
The Messiah will come
The dead will be resurrected
Shabbat- 25 hour
observance, begins on
Friday during sundown
and ends on Saturday
during nightfall. On
Friday evening candles
are lit and they have a
meal. (Kabbalat
During Shabbat they
are only allowed to do
Torah study, eating,
relaxing, and sleeping
Use “code of holiness”- the
dietary laws, or kashrut, that
prohibit the consumption of
any of the species of animals,
birds, and fish classified by
scripture as unclean; and the
laws of family purity (taharat
ha-mishpacha) that require
menstruating women to avoid
intimate contact with their
husbands until a week after
the end of their period and
following their immersion in
a mikvah, or ritual bath
The very most important
ritual of the Jewish is the
circumcision of all baby
boys at the age of eight
days old
Stared when God
commanded Abraham to
circumcise himself and all
the male members of his
household as an eternal
sign of the Divine
Covenant between God
and Abraham’s progeny,
or “the chosen people”
During the loss of a loved one the relatives enter a week of
mourning (or shiva) in where they do not participate in any
Mourners are not supposed to work or even to cook for
themselves during this week so visitors come and cook for them.
After the week of shiva, a period of less intense mourning is
continued during which the bereaved are prohibited from
participating in public celebrations, such as weddings parties
or musical concerts.
Men are prohibited from shaving during the first thirty days of
mourning, known as sheloshim
•the seven-pronged
Menorah, or candelabra,
and an image of the
tablets of law
•very popular image
that recalls the height
of the Kingdom of
David (c. 1000 B.C.E.)
•The beanie that covers a
Jewish man's head or Kippah in
Hebrew covers their heads
during prayer, eating and
studying as a sign of respect
toward God, who is above you.
Religious Jews will wear it all
the time
•Orthodox Jewish women
shop in stores like Macy's
and H&M to find modern
versions of their
traditional dress