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Belief in G-d: Is There A Mitzvah to Believe?
The cornerstone of Jewish belief is that G-d created the universe ex nihilo with the Torah as
His Divine plan, and that He continually guides and supervises His creation. The goal of this
class is to examine whether or not Judaism features a specific mitzvah commanding us to believe
in G-d. Since some students may find the topic of why believe in G-d as too intimidating, this
class analyzes whether or not there is a mitzvah to believe in G-d and allows the students to ask
“why believe” on their own.
This presentation is based on a class previously developed by Rabbi Gidon Moskovitz.
Class Outline:
1. Definition of the Mitzvah to Believe in G-d
3. The Approach of the BeHag
2. The Approach of Maimonides in his List of Mitzvos
4. The Approach of the Nachmanides
5. The Approach of Maimonides in his Mishna Torah