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Judaism Beliefs
Part 1
Judaism Today
There are about 14 million people who practice Judaism today.
Most Jews in the world live in the areas of Israel, the United States, and Europe.
Rabbi- Someone who interprets Jewish Scripture
Synagogues- Jewish temples of worship. Like churches
13 Articles of Faith
Belief in these 13 articles is a minimum requirement for being a Jew
God Exists
God is one and unique
God is incorporeal
God is eternal
Only God should be worshipped
The words of God’s prophets are true
Moses was the greatest of the prophets
God gave his law (the Torah) to Moses on Mt. Sinai
There will be no other Torah
God knows the thoughts and deeds of men
God will reward the good and punish the wicked
The messiah will come
The dead will be resurrected
Common Jewish Traditions
A quest for meaning in human existence and in the nature of God
A belief that the Hebrews are God’s “chosen people”
The importance of history
More emphasis on practice than beliefs
More emphasis on life than on the afterlife
3 Jewish Sacred Texts
Tanakh (Which contains the Torah)
Refers to the entirety of the Hebrew Bible
The Torah is only the first part
Second Part: Nevi’im (Prophets)
Third Part; Ketuvim (Writings)
Mostly the same as the Christian Old Testament, but ordered differently
Same as the first five book of the Old Testament
Also called the Five books of Moses or the Pentateuch
Contains the Ten Commandments and other statements on ethics and proper worship of God
Five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.
Torah’s Major Events
The Creation of the world
God’s covenant with Abraham
The slavery of the Hebrews in Egypt and their exodus
The revelation of the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mt. Sinai
The Israelites’ 40 years of wandering in the desert, followed by their conquest of “Canaan”
(Modern day Israel)
A commentary on the Torah and how to interpret and apply it.
Passed down orally before being written
Two Parts: Mishnah and Gemara
Some believe it was taught to Moses by God
Others believe it to be a Human Invention
Large body of rabbinical material derived from homilies (Spoken Sermons)
Tradition established in the 4th to 6th centuries B.C.E.
Often in the form of stories
Many Midrash collections fill in gaps in the biblical narratives