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Course Code:
3 Credits:
Period of teaching:
E 00 EC 273
3(2 - 0 - 3)
First semester
Course objectives:
To explore and develop one’s understanding of the concepts, principles, and processes
of ecology, the study of the relationships between organisms and their environment,
emphasizing an evolutionary perspective.
To study current issues in the major subdisciplines of modern ecology.
To observe and analyze ecological principles in action in natural ecosystems.
To communicate in ways appropriate to the biological and environmental sciences about
the processes studied and results obtained.
Course Synopsis:
3 undergraduate credits. This lecture-lab course covers basic principles of ecology including
evolution, natural selection, ecosystem components, population, and community, terrestrial
and aquatic ecosystems. Fieldwork demonstrates ecological sampling techniques. Labs
include some physico-chemical analyses and use of computers for statistical analyses.
Course Structure:
This course consist of 9 major chapter:
Introduction to Ecology.
Energy transfer
Biogeochemical cycles
Individual and species
Major Terrestrial Ecosystem
Freshwater Ecology
Teaching and Evaluation methods
Assignment or/ and case study
Class participation
Final examination
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E 00 EC 273
Course Outline
240 BI 111 (General Biology)
3 (2 - 0 - 3)
1. Introduction
Definition, history, roles, scope of Ecology, and relationship
with other disciplines
• Structure: Abiotic components, biotic components
• Limiting factor: Law of limiting factors, Temperature,
Humid, light, Soil and Nutrient, fire and Gases
• Productivity,
• Pattern of energy transfer
• Trophic structure and ecological pyramid)
• Water Cycle
• Asmospheric Cycles
- Carbon Cycle
- Nitrogen Cycle
- Oxygen Cycle
• Lithospheric Cycles
- Phosphorous Cycle
- Sulfur Cycle
• Individuals
• Ecological equivalence
• Character displacement
• Natural selection and Behavior
• Population density
• Factors affect on population density
• Population growth
• Biotic potential and environmental resistance
• Population fluctuation
• Population age distribution
• Internal distribution patterns
• Population aggregation
• Interaction between two species
• Ecological dominance
• Species diversity in communities
• Pattern in communities
• Ecotone
• Ecological succession
8. Major
9. Freshwater
2. Ecosystem
3. Energy in the
4. Biogeochemical
cycles in the
5. Individual and
species in the
6. Population
7. Community
Soil: Main component of terrestrial ecosystem
Terrestrial Community Structure
Ecosystem of Lao and National Protected Area (NPA)
Phisico-chemical factors
Ecology of Lotics, Lentics and wetlands.
living organisms in fresh water and there’s
Summary, Final examination
Time total (75 hours)
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RUC, October 2 2007
Core course: Ecology.
A plan for 9 chapters has been delivered covering 35 - one-hour - lectures. Further more
40 hours are arranged for laboratory work and excursions.
8 chapters have been translated to English and submitted for comments. Chapter 8 is
missing for unknown reasons.
Important ecological aspects are defined and presented in the 8 chapters and references
are in the text so the students have a possibility to read more. A reference list is missing.
The flow in the lecture note is traditional in international ecological literature going from
inorganic aspects, to individuals/species, populations, communities and ecosystems.
Important ecological concepts like energy flow, and ecological cycles, biodiversity,
ecological succession and climax are presented in a qualified way.
The society and its activities play a minor role in this core course material and the
possibilities to use the interdisciplinary ecology as a link to other core courses are not
used sufficiently. For example in chapter 9 about freshwater ecosystems it could be
mentioned that invertebrates in lotic water can be used in a water quality management,
and that could be a reference to the pollution core course. Many of such kind of links
could made and in that way raise the quality of the environmental bachelor program.
The English language is sometimes difficult to understand revealing that a person not
familiar with ecological science has performed the translation.
Compared to what has been available in English about lecturing in ecology at NUOL this
lecture note represent a great step forward and after a minor revision it should be printed.
Even chapter 8 is missing I got a good impression of the core course material and it is
certainly acceptable.
Henning Schroll
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Chapter I
Organisms are open systems that interact continuously with their environment.
The scientific study of the interactions between organisms and the environment is called
ecology. Ecologist also study how interactions between organisms and the environment
affect phenomena such as the number of species living in a particular area, the cycling of
nutrients in a forest or lake, and the growth of populations.
Because the term ecology is so often misused in popular writing to refer to
environmental concerns, it is important to clarify the different between ecology and
Miline (1957) gave detailed “Every things in the world are affected to organism’s
need”. Before this many scientist believe that environmental in the world is necessary for
the organism such as radiant from the sun, light of the moon are also necessary for the
behavior and reproductive of life.
To study organisms and the environment were interested for long time, and
defined it in other sciences such as St. Halaire (1859) defined it for the first time as
“Ethology” which investigates organisms in relation in sociology or in family.
Mivart (1864) defined ecology as “Hexicology” which study the relations of the
organisms with their environment can be considered at various levels: how the particular
component of the environment (as light, temperature etc.). In Greek there are many
scientists such as Aristotle and other scientist wrote the articles about “relations of the
organism with their environment” at that time the word ecology are not well known in the
world. However, Ernst Haeckel, another German biologist, defined it in 1869, as
“Ecology” and used it up to now.
The word “Ecology” (from the Greek Oikos = home, habitat, and logos = study,
science) was coined over a century ago. The word ecology is widely to define, because it
investigates organisms in relation to their environment. And it is necessary to reduce a
study of the non-living environment to understand property the inter-relationships.
Ecology is concerned with ranges organisms, population, communities,
ecosystems, biome and biosphere. Ecology is can be started to study from population that
means to study in population and community. A population is a group of individuals of
the same species living in a particular geographic area; a community consists of all the
organisms of all the species that inhabit a particular area; it is an assemblage of
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populations of many different species; and an ecosystem consists of all the biotic factors
in addition to the entire community of species that exist in a certain area. An ecosystem-a
lake, for example may contain many different communities. Many ecosystems combine to
gather become ecosphere or biosphere.
Bio systems
The study of ecology can be made in several ways and accordingly, ecology is
divided into various sub-divisions.
According to the species is divided into various sub-divisions:
1. Plant Ecology
2. Insect Ecology
3. Microbial Ecology
4. Vertebrate Ecology etc.
According to the habitat is divided into various sub-divisions:
1. Freshwater Ecology
2. Marine Ecology
3. Estuarine Ecology
4. Terrestrial Ecology etc.
Beside of these, ecology can also be divided into many ways depend on the
habitat and extent such as grassland, rain forest, ponds, desert, etc.
v Ecology study in two levels:
1. Autecology which study of individuals of the species such as mammal
animal, insect, bird or some plant species. This study is emphasis on live cycle and
adaptation behavior.
2. Synecology which study about group of organisms living in the same
habitat such as study of group of organisms in forest or group of organisms in water etc.
this study emphasis on relationship between organisms and environment.
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Studying of ecology to be understanding, it is necessary to get the knowledge in
science especially the field of biology (Fig. 1.1). The figure compares with a cake of
science which relating to organism or biology. When we cross-section or cut a cake into
two pieces: basic division layers and taxonomic division slices, the pieces of a cake in
horizonal are divided into various sub-division of biology such as: molecular biology,
developmental biology, physiology, genetics, ecology and morphology etc. However, the
pieces of cake in vertical are taxonomic division such as zoology, botany and
microbiology. And it can be divided into sub-division such as phycology, protozoology,
mycology, entomology and ornithology etc.
Because of its great scope, ecology is an enormously complex and exciting area of
biology, as well as one of critical importance. And it is the basic of the biological science
that is emphasizing on some species organism such as zoo ecology, plant ecology,
entomology ecology etc.
Figure 1.1
Diagram of relationship in the field of biology (Odum.E.P. 1997).
Chapter II
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The Ecosystem
An ecosystem consists of all the abiotic factors in addition to the entire
community of species that exist in a certain area. In ecosystem ecology, the emphasis is
on energy flow and chemical cycling among the various biotic and abiotic components.
The term ‘ecosystem’ was coined by Tansley (1935) who stated his ideas in the
following words: ‘The more fundamental conception is the whole system in the same of
physics, including not only the organism complex but also the whole complex of physical
factors forming what we call the environment of biome the habitat factors in the widest
sense. The word ecosystem however has also the advantage of laying emphasis on the
functional integration of the biological components into a stable whole unit which is
inherent in the word system. Like any other system, then the ecosystems have certain
structural components (the organisms and the physical environment) interacting among
themselves (through the processes of energy flow and cycling of materials) to accomplish
the goal of continuance of life.
The outer layer of the planet Earth can be divided into several compartments: the
hydrosphere (or sphere of water), the lithosphere (or sphere of soils and rocks), and the
atmosphere (or sphere of the air). The biosphere (or sphere of life), sometimes described
as "the fourth envelope", is all living matter on the planet or that portion of the planet
occupied by life. It reaches well into the other three spheres, although there are no
permanent inhabitants of the atmosphere. Relative to the volume of the Earth, the
biosphere is only the very thin surface layer which extends from 11,000 meters below sea
level to 15,000 meters above. However, according to the characteristics of all ecosystems,
the components of ecosystem can be defined into two major components: biotic
components and abiotic components.
2.1 Structure of the ecosystem
The ecosystems consist of two major components: abiotic component and biotic
component. Both components exhibit definite structural organization of which some
features are given below:
2.1.1 Abiotic components
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The abiotic component of the ecosystem consists of 3 majors such as: energy,
chemical components and physical components.
a. Energy: The energy used for all the life processes is derived from solar radiant
energy. Plants and other photosynthetic organisms convert solar energy to chemical
energy, but the total amount of energy does not change. The total amount of energy stored
in organic molecules plus the amounts reflected and dissipated as heat must equal the
total solar energy intercepted by the plant. During the digestion of the food by the
animals, the complex organic molecules are broken down to simpler molecules and new
compounds are resynthesised. As a result a large part of the energy is again lost as heat
and a small fraction is stored in the animal tissues.
b. Chemical components: Chemical components can be divided into 2 categories
such as: inorganic substances for example: water, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and other
minerals. Organic substances: protein, carbohydrate, vitamin and other chemicals that is
necessary for organism.
c. Physical components: It has important part of abiotic component to determines
the structure and function of the ecosystem and can be used for indicating kinds of
ecosystem and
2.1.2 Biotic components
The biotic components of the ecosystem can be divided into 2 categories depend
on the organisms such as: Producer and consumer
Producers or autotrophic organisms: Most autotrophs are photosynthetic
organisms that use light energy to synthesized sugar and other organic compounds, which
they then use as fuel for cellular respiration and as building material for growth. Plants,
algae, and photosynthetic prokaryotes are the bioshere’s main autotrophs, although
chemosynthetic prokaryotes are the primary producers in certain ecosystems, such as
deep-sea hydrothermal vents.
Consumers or heterotrophic organisms, which directly or indirectly depend
on the photosynthetic output of primary producers. These can again be divided into two
kinds: Macro consumers and Micro consumers.
v Macro consumers also divided into three kinds:
Primary consumers refers to some animals feed directly on the plants and
other primary producers. These are called herbivores. For example: cow, sheep, buffalo,
rabbit, glass shopper and zooplankton.
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Secondary consumer refers to some animals feed on animals which eat
plants or eat herbivores. These are called carnivores. For example: some insects, frog,
bird, etc. That means animals in this consumer are consuming only herbivores, for
example: caterpillar → bird, zooplankton → insect larvae.
Tertiary consumers refers to some animals feed upon both the plants and
animals or carnivores that eat other carnivores. These are called omnivores. For example:
chicken, duck and including human.
v Micro consumers are consumers that get their energy from detritus, which is
nonliving organic material, such as the remains of dead organism, feces, fallen leaves,
and wood. The prokaryotes, fungi, and animal that feed as detritivores form a major link
between the primary producers and the consumers in an ecosystem. They are also known
as decomposers because of their role in decomposition of dead organic matter.
Detritivores decompose the organic material in an ecosystem and transfer the chemical
elements in inorganic forms to abiotic reservoirs such as soil, water, and air. Producers
can then recycle these elements into organic compounds. All organisms perform some
decomposition, breaking down organic molecules during cellular respiration, for example.
But an ecosystem’s main decomposers are prokaryotes and fungi which secrete enzymes
that digest organic material; these decomposers then absorb the breakdown products.
Decomposition by prokaryotes and fungi account for most conversion of organic material
from all trophic levels to inorganic compounds usable by primary producers, there by
closing the loop of an ecosystem’s chemical cycling.
To consider of ecosystem components, the size of ecosystems are different depend
on their sizes such as ponds, lakes, rivers all of these are ecosystems. Homeostasis is
means ecosystem consists of most components and can be control the ecosystem to be
stable for a short times or a long times. For example, the density of predators are always
depends on density of preys. When the preys are increasing due to predators have
increased sharply. When predators have increased sharply due to preys had decreased
slightly, finally predators are also decreasing because of insufficient food. These are
called feed back. On the other hand, the parameters can be changing the ecosystem
components such as: season change and time. Changing on time can be caused
succession, which caused from different adapted of organisms. Who can adapted to
environment are can be survived, who can not adapted have to move or disappear. Odum
(1971) suggested that succession can be induced more equilibrium and stability.
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The important thing to study ecosystem should be understand the components of
that ecosystem. For example ecosystem suitable for initial studying is pond (Fig.2.1).
Pond is kinds of ecosystem and can be divided the components into two types such as:
Abiotic components: organic mater and inorganic mater, for example water,
carbon dioxide, oxygen, cesium, nitrate, and phosphorus including amino acid and humic
acid. These components provide important nutrient and physical components to organism
in the river. Some of nutrients that plant can be used directly almost become to the
sedimentation or residue fall down on the bottom.
Biotic components: producer, consumer and decomposer in the pond. Producer in
pond ecosystem can be divided into two majors such as plant has got roots, or big or
small floating plants. Big floating plants living on the riverbank or shallow such as lax
sedge, lesser reedmace, water orchid, taro etc.
Some these plants can be floated on the
water such as gooseweed, neptunia, water lettuce, water weed etc. Small floating plants
are distributed around the light pass through we call phytoplankton.
Consumers can be divided into three majors such as: animal that consumes plant
for example zooplankton, some insects, some fish, and turtle and amphibian larvae.
Canivore is an animal that eating herbivore such as: insect, fog, snack, fish, bird and otter
Detritivore is kinds of animal that eating organic digested for example mollusca, shrimp
and worm species.
Decomposers consist of flagellate bacteria and fungi and can found every where in
the water especially surrounding the bottom that contains a lot of dead organic substance.
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Figure 2.1
Diagrammatic of pond ecosystem
1. Abiotic components
B. Phytoplankton
II.A. Producer has root
I.B. Zoo plankton
III.IA. Primary consumers
2. Secondary consumers
3. Tertiary consumers
IV. Decomposers
2.2 Limiting factors
Limiting factor is one that controls a process, such as organism growth or species
population size or distribution. The availability of food, predation pressure, or availability
of shelter is examples of factors that could be limiting for a species population in a
specific area. Limiting factors are the abiotic factors that mean physico-chemical factors.
These factors are one that controls a process, such as organism growth, reproductive or
species population size or distribution. For example of these factors: light, temperature,
humidity, acid and base, oxygen and other minerals, etc,
2.2.1 Law of limiting factors
As early as 1840, Justus von Liebig had purposed a law of minimum. It
was shown in a study on the growth of crop plants that the growth I dependent on the
amount of the nutrient that is available in minimum quantity. Later, Blackman (1905)
observed that the rate of photosynthesis is governed by the amount of the factor that is
operating at a limiting level. For example, the photosynthesis is affected by the light
intensity and the availability of carbon dioxide. If all other factors are at the optimum, a
small quantity of carbon dioxide would be limiting and simply increasing the light
intensity will not enhance the rate of photosynthesis. This is now known as the principle
of limiting factor. Shelford (1913), an animal ecologist, discovered later that a factor may
be limiting not only in low quantities or intensities but too light quantity or too high
intensity of that factor may also be limiting to the growth or other physiological activity
of the organism. This maximum limit was incorporated in the law of tolerance formulated
by Shelford. Thus, each environmental factor which affects an organism has a minimum
and a maximum limit to which the organism can respond or tolerate. These are the limits
of tolerance of that organism towards that factor. This concept is shown diagrammatically
in (Fig. 2.2). It must be pointed out here that the various environmental factors do not
affect the organism independently. The intensity and quality of each environmental factor
are modified by other factors, and thus, the organisms respond to the totality of the
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There have been numerous studies on the effects f various environmental factors
and their interactions on the morphology, growth and reproduction of plants and animals.
Preferendum; centre
of distribution;
greatest abandance
of Optimum
Organisms absent
Upper limit of tolerances
Zone of physiological stress
Organisms infrequent
density tress
of physiological
Organisms infrequent
Zone of intolerance
Organisms absent
Population density
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Lower limit of tolerances
Minimum population density
Figure 2.2
Limiting Factors
Range of tolerance for an organism
v General meaning of the law of tolerance:
1. Some organism may be tolerant to some limited factors in widely, but can be
tolerant to the other factors in narrow.
2. If the living can be tolerant to the limited factor in the widely, which can be
widely expanding.
3. Each limiting factors are relating to the organisms such as some grass species, if
the lack of nitrogen is induce to water stress. Whereas if enough of nitrogen it is tolerance
to water stress.
4. The limiting factors is not suitable for the organism that can be survived but
depend on which organism can be adapted to the environment where they live.
5. The effect of limiting factors on the reproductive of organisms in their life
cycle. For example the adult stage is tolerance to limited factors than larva stage.
There are some specific words that used in the front of limited factor such as steno
= narrow, eury = wide. If related to temperature changing is using the word stenothermal-
eurythermal; if related to salinity is using the word stenohaline-euryhaline; if related to
water or humidity is using the word stenohydric-euryhydric. For example: Trematomus
berracchi is a fish in the South Pole that is stenothermal between -2 °C to
2 °C or 4 °C,
while Cyprinodon macularius is the fish live in the desert that is eurythermal between
10 °C to 40 °C.
The limiting factors that necessary to the organism are temperature, light,
humidity, mineral and gas etc.
2.2.2 Temperature
Temperature is a measure of heat energy content in an object, and it is noted
against a centigrade scale on which the freezing and boiling points of water are taken as 0
and 100 respectively. The temperature which organism can survive is between -200 °C to
100 °C, and thus most of the organism can tolerate these narrow rages of temperature. For
most animals can tolerate temperatures up to 50 °C. A few blue-green algae also occur in
hot waters at 73 °C, Certain bacteria, blue-green algae and lichen are among those which
can tolerate sub freezing temperatures. In the North Pole also found some species of algae
occur at -200 °C.
The animals are grouped into two categories on the basis of their ability to
regulate the body temperature. The homoiotherms (warm blooded animals) maintain their
body temperature at about 37 °C irrespective of the atmospheric temperature. The birds
have a body temperature of about 42 °C. On the other hand, poikilotherms (cold blooded
animals) are unable to regulate their body temperature and become inactive at
temperatures below 8 °C and above 40 °C. None of the animals can tolerate a temperature
beyond 60 °C. The desert locusts (up to 60 °C), the larvae of nematoceran Scatella (50
°C), protozoan Hyalodiscus, and the snail Bithynia thermalis (53-54 °C) are among the
most tolerate taxa. Some rotifers are known to survive for a few minutes at temperatures
near absolute zero and also above boiling point of water.
The temperature is an important factor in the life processes of all the organisms
because water is a major constituent of the cytoplasm, and the proteins, particularly
enzymes, are highly sensitive to temperature changes. Indirectly, the increase and
lowering of the temperature affect the availability of moisture in the soil and atmosphere.
At near freezing temperatures and at high temperatures the water becomes unavailable to
the organisms. In plants the dry winds cause rise in transpiration losses of water.
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The effect of temperature on various physiological processes is expressed in terms
of temperature coefficient (Q10) which is the ratio between the rate of a process at a
particular temperature and the rate at a temperature higher by 10 °C. In general, the rate
of most physiological processes increases to a certain temperature (optimum temperature)
and decreases thereafter. The optimum temperature for photosynthesis is much below that
for respiration and therefore at high temperatures, the respiration exceeds the
photosynthesis resulting in retarded growth or even death.
Temperature affects the germination of seeds and sprouting of buds considerably.
Most of seeds germinate at temperatures between 25 °C and 35 °C, but the leguminous
seeds require in general a higher temperature. In some seeds a pre-treatment to lower
temperature (stratification) is necessary before they germinate at a relatively high
temperature e.g., Sisymbrium irio. The lower temperatures affect the root growth and
water absorption adversely. Like light, the temperature changes during the day have great
influence on vegetative and reproductive growth. The plants differ in their temperature
requirements for flowering; they may flower at specific low or high temperatures or may
remain unaffected by it. In many temperate plans, subjecting them to very low
temperatures for a short duration may result in rapid and more flowering when returned to
normal temperatures. It is referred to as vernalisattion.
The rise and fall in temperature affect the poikilothermic animals most. In the
homoiotherms the changes in the respiratory rate regulate the body temperature. Different
birds have ability to compensate for low temperature (sub-freezing) up to different levels.
Within the same species, races may also exhibit preferences to different temperatures
(e.g., Drosophila funebris). In poikiotherms, the development is accelerated by rise in
temperature. Various animals adapt themselves to unfavorable temperature conditions in
various ways. Most poikiotherms go under a state of hibernation (no activity) at low
temperatures. The reptiles adjust themselves by frequently moving under sun and shade.
The desert animals are burrow dwelling and nocturnal so that during the day they remain
at relatively low temperatures in their burrows. Among birds and animals, the
development of feathers, fur and a subcutaneous layer of fat are important adaptations to
2.2.3 Humidity
One of the most variable characteristics of the atmosphere, humidity is an
important factor in climate and weather: it regulates air temperature by absorbing thermal
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radiation both from the Sun and the Earth; it is directly proportional to the latent energy
available for the generation of storms; and it is the ultimate source of all forms of
condensation and precipitation. Humidity varies because the water-holding capacity of air
is determined by temperature.
Water is the most important factor in the life of an organism as it is the major
constituent of the protoplasm. The water becomes available to the organisms in the form
of rainfall, snow, dew, etc. The total amount of the precipitation and its distribution over
time is highly variable in different part of the world and this result in the diversity of
distribution patterns. Large amounts of water are lost in run-off, percolation and
evaporation, and only the amount of free water available in the soil, and the water vapors
in the atmosphere are of importance to the organisms. The amount of water vapors in the
atmosphere is referred to as absolute humidity. However, of greater significance is the
relative humidity which is the ratio of the actual amount of water vapors in the
atmosphere to the amount that can be held in the air at a particular temperature and
Water affects all life processes directly. In plants, the rate and magnitude of
photosynthesis, respiration, absorption of nutrients, and other metabolic processes are
influenced by the amount of water available. Low relative humidity increases water loss
through transpiration and affects growth. The germination of seeds and establishment of
seedlings are directly affected by water. In lower plants, water is essential for fertilization,
and among higher plants, pollination and dispersal are effected through the agency of
water in many cases. The availability of water is largely affected by temperature, and
their interactions govern the type of vegetation developing in an area.
The plants which have the ability to maintain growth under conditions of water
stress (and also high temperature) are true xerophytes. The plants are woody trees, shrubs
or herbs. The leaves are generally small or absent. Among grasses, the leaves roll inward
to protect stomata and help in reducing water loss. The resin and latex cells are present.
The cuticle is thick, and the hypodermis is sclerenchymatous or may possess some
chlorophyllous tissues.
Like plants, the animals in dry habitats are also adapted to conserve moisture. The
adaptations are mostly behavioral. Most desert animals are nocturnal and suck dew drops
on the surface of soil and plants. Like the annual plants, many animals pass through a
long period of aestivation underground. They are also able to develop from the eggs into
mature adults within a short period. The animals which remain active throughout the year
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have several other physiological adaptations. Many of these animals obtain their water
supply from their own metabolic processes. They do not possess any sweet glands. Their
urine is highly concentrated and the faces are in form of dry pellets. During the day, these
animals remain in the burrows where the temperature is much lower and the humidity is
2.2.4 Light
Light is defined as the visible part of the spectrum of solar radiant energy. It
comprises radiations of wave-lengths ranging from 390 nm to 760 nm, and constitutes
about 48 % of the total energy received on the earth’s surface. Light is among the most
important factors for life, and in fact, life could not exist without light. Light is directly
essential for photosynthesis on which all other organisms depend for their energy supply
(as food). The light affects the daily and seasonal activities of plants and animals in many
ways. Te effects depend upon the intensity, quality (wave-length of the radiations) and
duration of light.
The effect of light intensity and quality on photosynthesis is well known. The red
light is absorbed by chlorophyll and only in certain marine algae other regions of the light
spectrum are utilized. Recent studies have shown that the photorespiration is enhanced in
blue light and hence the C4 plants can utilize blue light also for photosynthesis.
The light affects the movements in plants (phototropism) and the growth of the
shoot towards light has been found to be affected by blue light. The blue light has also
been found to affect the respiration, protein synthesis, cytoplasmic movement and
opening of stomata. The most important influence of light in plants is on reproduction.
Several investigations have shown that the flowering is controlled by the light duration.
The light also affects the animals in several ways. The growth, coloration of
plumage, migration, reproduction and diapauses are affected by light in various insects,
birds, fish, reptiles and mammals. Many animals prefer to remain in dark while others
like hydroids fail to survive in absence of light. While the plants respond to light with the
help of several pigment systems as chlorophyll and phytochrome, among the animals
various kinds of photo-receptor systems exist. These include ‘eyespots’ consisting of
amylum granules as in protozoa; flat ocelli in jellyfish; pit eyes in gastropods; vesicular
eyes as in polychetes, mollusks and some vertebrates, and compound eyes of arthropods.
Light has been also observed to influence the development of these visual organs.
Besides, the light is responsible for the skin coloration of most of the animals. In several
animals, the color changes occur in response to light. These changes may be
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physiological or morphological, and they help in protection from damaging radiations or
predators and in thermoregulation.
Another response to light among the animals is seen in their orientation and
movement. The movement of insects and some coelenterates towards light is positive
phototactic movement. Several insects (hymenoptera, caddis flies, and butterflies) and
birds maintain a sense of direction from the angle of sun’s rays and this helps them in
returning to their nests. Low light intensities particularly the decreasing light levels
influence the behavior of such animals as owls, bats and nocturnal rodents which come
out of their hiding places in the night.
The reproduction is also affected by light in numerous animals. Among the
insects, the feeding, mating and development to maturity are governed by light. The
gonadal activity of birds and mammals, and also the duration of refractory period in birds
(period of little gonadal activity) are controlled by light duration.
Mention may be made here of the biological clock or circadian rhythm (or
endogenous rhythm). In many organisms, both plants and animals, certain physiological
processes are observed to follow a definite rhythmic pattern. For example, the flowering
in Partulaca, the bending of inflorescence axis in water hyacinth, migration in birds,
nocturnal activity off many animals, emergence of insects as Drosophila from pupae are
known to observe a circadian rhythm in which a definite time lapse occurs. Since the time
requirement of the rhythm is definite, the mechanism is known as a biological clock. The
rhythmic activity is considered to be in response to light involving a phase of light
favored activity and another phase of light inhibited activity. However, there are also
rhythmic phenomena which cannot be correlated with environmental stimulus and are
truly endogenous.
v Photoperiodism and Control of Flowering
An early clue to how plants direct seasons came from a mutant variety of tobacco,
Maryland Mammoth, which grew tall but failed to flower during summer. It finally
bloomed in a greenhouse in December. After trying to induce earlier flowering by varying
temperature, moisture, and mineral nutrition, researchers learned that the shortening days
of winter stimulated this variety to flower. If the plants were kept in light-tight boxes so
that lamps could manipulate “day” and “night” flowering occurred only if the day length
was 14 hours or shorter. It did not flower during summer because at Maryland’s latitude,
the days were too long during last season.
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The plants produce flowers only when grown in light of certain duration in daily
cycle. This light period is called critical photoperiod. The plants are classified into two
major categories on the basis of their photoperiodic requirements. The long-day plants
require photoperiod longer than the critical day length and the short-day plants flower at
photoperiods below the critical.
The researchers called Maryland Mammoth a short-day plant because it
apparently required a light period shorter than a critical length to flower.
Chrysanthemums, poinsettias, and some soybean varieties are some other short-day
plants, which generally flower in late summer, fall, or winter. Another group of plants
will flower only when the light period is longer than a critical number of hours. These
long-day plants will generally flower in late spring or early summer. Spinach, for
example, flowers when days are 14 hours or longer. Radish, lettuce, iris, and many cereal
varieties are also long-day plants.
2.2.5 Soil and Nutrients
The soil may be defined as the upper layer of earth’s crust to which most of the
plant are anchored and from where they derive their water and nutrient supply. Soil is also
the main source of nutrients for all water plants, rooted or submerged or free-floating. The
soil is also important for the animals. Many of them like nematodes, polychaetes, insects,
rodents, etc., live under the soil. A close examination of the soil reveals that it comprises
numerous mineral particles of various sizes, organic substances and a large variety of
micro-organisms as bacteria, algae, fungi, protozoa etc. This soil develops over very long
periods from the rock material by the action of several physical, chemical and biological
As said earlier, the soil influences more directly the plants than the animals. The
nature of the parent material determines the availability of nutrients to plants and also the
physical properties of the soil. The alluvial soils are more fertile as minerals and organic
matter are added to them along the river course. On the other hand the aeolian soils are
unstable and poor in nutrients and hence support very little vegetation.
2.2.6 Fire
Fire is an essential element in our ecosystem as natural management technique to
control species dominance, noxious invasion, healthy plant production, and successful
germination. Fires do not have a natural detrimental effect on grasslands. There are
factors however that can influence the change in vegetative response to fire. Grazing and
fuel loading impacts fire behavior and vegetation changes after fire. Grazing can reduce
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the amount of biomass and potential fuel, resulting in fire suppression. Weeds can be
introduced, making it difficult for the perennials to compete for space.
The new growth after a fire is more productive and palatable for herbivores than
prior to the burn. These new sprouting plants are not only nutritious but they are also
greener, larger, and higher in water content. Animals grazing burned areas gain more
weight and have less problems with ticks, mites, and flies.
The ecological benefits of wildland fires often outweigh their negative effects. A
regular occurrence of fires can reduce the amount of fuel build-up thereby lowering the
likelihood of a potentially large wildland fire.
Fires often remove alien plants that
compete with native species for nutrients and space, and remove undergrowth, which
allows sunlight to reach the forest floor, thereby supporting the growth of native species.
The ashes that remain after a fire add nutrients often locked in older vegetation to the soil
for trees and other vegetation. Fires can also provide a way for controlling insect pests by
killing off the older or diseased trees and leaving the younger, healthier trees. In addition
to all of the above-mentioned benefits, burned trees provide habitat for nesting birds,
homes for mammals and a nutrient base for new plants. When these trees decay, they
return even more nutrients to the soil. Overall, fire is a catalyst for promoting biological
diversity and healthy ecosystems. It fosters new plant growth and wildlife populations
often expand as a result.
Disadvantages: Fire can cause soil damage, especially through combustion in the
litter layer and organic material in the soil. This organic material helps to protect the soil
from erosion. When organic material is removed by an essentially intense fire, erosion
can occur. Heat from intense fires can also cause soil particles to become hydrophobic.
Rainwater then tends to run off the soil rather than to infiltrate through the soul. This can
also contribute to erosion. In actuality, the negative effects of fires on soils are often
exaggerated, and many fairly intense fires in western United States forests cause little soil
damage. There is also the potential for alien plants to become established after fire in
previously uninfested areas.
2.2.7 The important gases for the organism
Earth's atmosphere is a layer of gases surrounding the planet Earth and retained by
the Earth's gravity. It contains roughly (by molar content/volume) 78% nitrogen,
(normally inert except upon electrolysis by lightning and in certain biochemical processes
of nitrogen fixation), 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon 0.038% carbon dioxide, trace
amounts of other gases, and a variable amount (average around 1%) of water vapor. This
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mixture of gases is commonly known as air. The atmosphere protects life on Earth by
absorbing ultraviolet solar radiation and reducing temperature extremes between day and
night. Carbon dioxide is an end product in organisms that obtain energy from breaking
down sugars, fats and amino acids with oxygen as part of their metabolism, in a process
known as cellular respiration. This includes all plants, animals, many fungi and some
bacteria. In higher animals, the carbon dioxide travels in the blood from the body's tissues
to the lungs where it is exhaled. In plants using photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is
absorbed from the atmosphere.
Carbon Dioxide is present in water in the form of a dissolved gas. Surface waters
normally contain less than 10 ppm free carbon dioxide, while some ground waters may
easily exceed that concentration. Carbon dioxide is readily soluble in water. Over the
ordinary temperature range (0-30 C) the solubility is about 200 times that of oxygen.
Calcium and magnesium combine with carbon dioxide to form carbonates and
bicarbonates. Aquatic plant life depends upon carbon dioxide and bicarbonates in water
for growth. Microscopic plant life suspended in the water, phytoplankton, as well as large
rooted plants, utilize carbon dioxide in the photosynthesis of plant materials; starches,
sugars, oils, proteins. The carbon in all these materials comes from the carbon dioxide in
water. When the oxygen concentration in waters containing organic matter is reduced, the
carbon dioxide concentration rises. The rise in carbon dioxide makes it more difficult for
fish to use the limited amount of oxygen present. To take on fresh oxygen, fish must first
discharge the carbon dioxide in their blood streams and this is a much slower process
when there are high concentrations of carbon dioxide in the water itself.
Natural sources of atmospheric carbon dioxide include volcanic out gassing, the
combustion of organic matter, and the respiration processes of living aerobic organisms;
man-made sources of carbon dioxide come mainly from the burning of fossil fuels for
heating, power generation and transport. It is also produced by various microorganisms
from fermentation and cellular respiration. Plants convert carbon dioxide to carbohydrates
during a process called photosynthesis. They produce the energy needed for this reaction
through the photolysis of water. The resulting gas, oxygen, is released into the
atmosphere by plants, which is subsequently used for respiration by heterotrophic
organisms, forming a cycle.
All of the limiting factors that are mention above can be found in common. Another
important limiting factor that is necessary for growing and distribution such as humidity, pressure,
salinity etc.
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Chapter 3
Energy in Ecosystem
The energy used for all life processes is derived from solar radiant energy. The
sun is far from the earth about 1,490 billions km or 93 million miles. Energy come from
nuclear reaction is similar to hydrogen reaction. It is the combination from atom to
become the macromolecules such as to combine hydrogen (1.008 g) to become the helium
(4.003 g). When combine 4 atoms hydrogen to be helium, each atom has a different mass:
(4 × 1.008) – 4.003 = 0.029 g. Some of them are converted to energy. The rule of
equation given by Einstein can explain the process:
E = Mc2
E = energy (ergs)
M = mass (gram)
c = speed of light = 3 x 1010 cm/s
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The estimated that there is about 120 million ton of hydrogen had burn in the
universe in a second. The earth receive energy about 5.5 × 1023 Cal per year or 100.000
Cal/cm2 /year. From calculator a half of these are used by transpiration and about 67.000
Cal/cm2 /year are used for photosynthesis and activities of organisms.
The radiant energy produced in the sun travels through the space in form of waves
ranging in wavelengths from 0.03 A to several km. While most of the radiations are lost
in space, those of wavelengths from 300 mm to 10 m and above 1 cm (radio waves) enter
the earth’s outer atmosphere. Even as the radiations pass through the atmosphere, some of
them-the ultraviolet (300-390 mm) are absorbed by the ozone layer in the outer
stratosphere. The energy reaching the earth’s surface consists largely of the light (390760 mm) and the heat radiations (infra-red). The dust and water vapors in the atmosphere
also cause great changes in the amount of energy reaching the earth as some of it is
absorbed or refracted back to the space.
Wavelengths (λ) in Nanometers
Wavelengths (λ) in Meters
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Figure 3.1
Demonstration of light wavelength 390-760 mm
pass prism
(Hancy, A.W. 1978).
The radiant energy produced in the sun travels through the earth in form of
electromagnetic radiation by pass the space in the universe. This radiation is energy that
calls photon or quantum and can be calculated by the equation below:
E = hv
E = energy (HZ)
h = Planck’s constant = 6.62 × 10-27 HZ/s
v = hertz/s
c = vl (speed of light = hertz × long wave)
It is equivalent 3 × 1010 cm/s. So, if the long wave is longer it caused the hertz is
shorter and the quantum also decreasing. Quantum can be reaction when their energy
higher than critical reaction. For example quantum X can be shoot the electron of atom
and can be produced ionizing radiation. The quantum of light that we can see it is lack of
the energy to produce ionizing radiation. But it can be reduced CO2 by using H2 from
photolysis which in form of component in high energy during photosynthesis. The
infrared can not produce this reaction, but can be the molecular excitation that contains
less energy.
The energy used for all the life processes is derived from solar radiant energy. It is
fixed by the green plants during photosynthesis by converting the light energy to
chemical (potential) energy in the form of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) and NADH
(Nicotine adenine dehydrogenase). Plants are the most obvious examples of producers;
plants take energy from sunlight and use it to convert carbon dioxide into glucose (or
other sugars). The mechanism of the process is explained below:
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The energy is fixed by the green plants during photosynthesis move through
ecosystem via the trophic structure of feeding relationships.
All of these can be explaining by thermo dynamic’s law:
First law of thermodynamics: Energy can be changed from one form to another,
but it cannot be created or destroyed. The total amount of energy and matter in the
Universe remains constant, merely changing from one form to another. The First Law of
Thermodynamics (Conservation) states that energy is always conserved; it cannot be
created or destroyed. In essence, energy can be converted from one form into another.
The second law of thermodynamics states that "in all energy exchanges, if no energy
enters or leaves the system, the potential energy of the state will always be less than that
of the initial state." This is also commonly referred to as entropy. A watchspring-driven
watch will run until the potential energy in the spring is converted, and not again until
energy is reapplied to the spring to rewind it. A car that has run out of gas will not run
again until you walk 10 miles to a gas station and refuel the car. Once the potential energy
locked in carbohydrates is converted into kinetic energy (energy in use or motion), the
organism will get no more until energy is input again. In the process of energy transfer,
some energy will dissipate as heat. Entropy is a measure of disorder: cells are not
disordered and so have low entropy. The flow of energy maintains order and life. Entropy
wins when organisms cease to take in energy and die.
3.1 Productivity in Ecosystem
The energy used for all life processes is derived from solar radiant energy. It is
fixed by the green plants during photosynthesis by converting the light energy to
chemical (potential) energy and making it available to other organisms as food. We can
calculate the energy storage in trophic level organisms. We can determine energy that is
containing in each trophic level by measured productivity in 4 levels:
3.1.1 Gross primary productivity (GPP) is the amount of light energy that is converted
to chemical energy by photosynthesis per unit time. Not all of this production is stored as
organic material in the growing plants, because the plants use some of the molecules as
fuel in their own cellular respiration.
3.1.2 Net primary productivity (NPP) is equal to gross primary production minus the
energy used by the primary producers for respiration (R):
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Both gross and net primary productions are in units of mass / area / time. In
terrestrial ecosystems, kg of carbon / m2 / year is most often used.
3.1.3 Secondary productivity
The amount of chemical energy in consumers’ food that is converted to their own
new biomass during a given time period is called the secondary production of the
3.1.4 Net community productivity (NCP)
Net community productivity that means the rate of organic collection that is not
used during a given time period, normally it calculated in the period of 1 year or 1 season.
The NCP is equal to total organic substrate that consumer used minus the net primary
productivity of the community:
Energy flow through an ecosystem is follow by the second law of thermodynamic.
Time table 3.1
The relationship between radiant energy produced in the
sun travels through the earth and rate of secondary productivity (%).
(Odum, E.P. 1971)
Energy from
Fixed by the
Gross primary
Net primary
the sun
green plants
Highest rate
Average of
community in
suitable condition
Average of
Much of the solar radiation that reaches Earth’s surface lands on bare ground and
bodies of water that either absorb or reflect the incoming energy. Only a small fraction
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actually strikes plant leaves, algae, and photosynthetic prokaryotes, and only some of this
is of wavelengths suitable for photosynthesis. Of the visible light that does reach
photosynthetic organisms, only about 1 % is converted to chemical energy by
photosynthesis, though this yield varies with the type of organism, light level, and other
factors. Although the fraction of the total incoming solar radiation that is ultimately
trapped by photosynthesis is very small, primary producers on Earth collectively create
about 170 billion tons of organic material per year.
Figure 3.2
The distribution of primary productivity rate in the major
ecosystems (kcal/m2/year).
(Kormondy, E.J. 1979)
3.1.5 Measurement of primary productivity
It is difficult to measure of primary productivity from solar radiation that reaches
Earth’s directly. So we can measure by indirect such as measuring of organic material or
measuring of crude material that used for synthesis. There are many ways to measure for
a. Harvest method
This method is suitable for measuring of crops that can grow in one season such
as rice, sugarcane, maize, and soybean. This method can start from initial growing until
harvest. The primary productions rate is in units of mass / area / time. And then measure
of energy from fresh weight.
b. Oxygen method
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In aquatic systems, primary production is typically measured by using oxygen
method: This technique uses variations in the concentration of oxygen under different
experimental conditions to infer gross primary production. Typically, three identical
transparent vessels are filled with sample water and stoppered. The first is analysed
immediately and used to determine the initial oxygen concentration; usually this is done
by performing a Winkler titration. The other two vessels are incubated, one each in under
light and darkened. After a fixed period of time, the experiment ends, and the oxygen
concentration in both vessels is measured. As photosynthesis has not taken place in the
dark vessel, it provides a measure of respiration. The light vessel permits both
photosynthesis and respiration, so provides a measure of net photosynthesis (i.e. oxygen
production via photosynthesis subtract oxygen consumption by respiration). Gross
primary production is then obtained by subtracting oxygen consumption in the dark vessel
from net oxygen production in the light vessel.
The technique of using
C incorporation (added as labelled Na2CO3) to infer
primary production is most commonly used today because it is sensitive, and can be used
in all ocean environments. As
C is radioactive (via beta decay), it is relatively
straightforward to measure its incorporation in organic material using devices such as
scintillation counters. Depending upon the incubation time chosen, net or gross primary
production can be estimated. Gross primary production is best estimated using relatively
short incubation times (1 hour or less), since the loss of incorporated 14C (by respiration
and organic material excretion / exudation) will be more limited. Net primary production
is the fraction of gross production remaining after these loss processes have consumed
some of the fixed carbon.
2. Energy transfers in ecosystem
Organisms can be either producers or consumers in terms of energy flow through
an ecosystem. Producers convert energy from the environment into carbon bonds, such as
those found in the sugar glucose. Plants are the most obvious examples of producers;
plants take energy from sunlight and use it to convert carbon dioxide into glucose (or
other sugars). Algae and cyanobacteria are also photosynthetic producers, like plants.
Other producers include bacteria living around deep-sea vents. These bacteria take energy
from chemicals coming from the Earth's interior and use it to make sugars. Other bacteria
living deep underground can also produce sugars from such inorganic sources. Another
word for producers is autotrophic. Energy flow through an ecosystem by two ways: food
chain and food web.
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2.1 Food chain
A food chain is the path of food from a given final consumer back to a producer.
Another definition is the chain of transfer of energy (which typically comes from the sun)
from one organism to another. A simple food chain is like the following:
Producer → Herbivore → Carnivore → Omnivore
Rose plant → aphids→ beetle → chameleon → hawk
Grass → grasshopper → mouse → snake → hawk
In this food chain, the rose plant and grass is the primary producer. The aphids
and grasshopper are the primary consumers. The beetle and mouse is the primary
carnivore because it eats the aphids and grasshopper. The chameleon and snake are
secondary carnivore, eats the beetle and mouse. The hawk is the tertiary carnivore
because it eats the secondary carnivore, the chameleon and snake. The hawk eventually
dies and its remains are broken down by decay-causing bacteria and fungi.
v Food chain consists of 4 types such as
a. Predator chain or grassing food chain
This food chain, the energy fixed by producers (green plants) passes along the herbivorecarnivore-omnivore. This kind of chain consists of predator and prey.
Phytoplankton → zooplankton → fish larvae → fish → hawk
b. Parasitic chain
This kind of chain consists of host and parasite, the energy pass along host
through parasite-hyper parasites.
Host → parasites → hyper parasite
Chicken → chicken mite → protozoa → bacteria → virus
c. Detritus chain
This kind of chain start from decay and the dead organic substance (detritus) is fed
upon by certain detritivores which in turn are consumed by other carnivores and then by
higher carnivores. Thus most of the energy is passed through detritus to other organisms
and such a food chain is calling the detritus food chain.
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Warm → bird → snake
Dead organic
Fungi → mite in soil
d. Mixed chain
Mixed chain consists of many kinds of organisms such as producer, predators, and
Producer → consumer → parasite
Algae → snail → snail parasite
Ficus → bird → bird mite
2.2 Food web
In an ecosystem there are many different food chains and many of these are crosslinked to form a food web. Ultimately all plants and animals in an ecosystem are part of
this complex food web. Hawks don't limit their diets to snakes, snakes eat things other
than mice, mice eat grass as well as grasshoppers, and so on. A more realistic depiction of
who eats whom is called a food web; an example is shown below:
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It is when we have a picture of a food web in front of us that the definition of food chain
makes more sense. We can now see that a food web consists of interlocking food chains,
and that the only way to untangle the chains is to trace back along a given food chain to
its source.
The food webs you see here are grazing food chains since at their base are producers
which the herbivores then graze on. While grazing food chains are important, in nature
they are outnumbered by detritus-based food chains. In detritus-based food chains,
decomposers are at the base of the food chain, and sustain the carnivores which feed on
them. In terms of the weight (or biomass) of animals in many ecosystems, more of their
body mass can be traced back to detritus than to living producers.
v The food web stable because;
• Producers are usually larger than consumers.
• Some consumers can be consumed more than one trophic level.
• So, if the size of the individuals’ consumer is changing quickly it will cause the
food web change.
In ecosystem consists of energy flow and inorganic nutrient flow in each trophic
level. The inorganic nutrient flow is a circuit; the flow of energy is linear (Fig.3.3 and
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Figure 3.3
Energy flow through the ecosystem
Figure 3.4
Inorganic nutrients flow through the ecosystem
The diagram above shows how both energy and inorganic nutrients flow through the
ecosystem. We need to define some terminology first. Energy "flows" through the
ecosystem in the form of carbon-carbon bonds. When respiration occurs, the carboncarbon bonds are broken and the carbon is combined with oxygen to form carbon dioxide.
This process releases the energy, which is either used by the organism (to move its
muscles, digest food, excrete wastes, think, etc.) or the energy may be lost as heat. The
dark arrows represent the movement of this energy. Note that all energy comes from the
sun, and that the ultimate fate of all energy in ecosystems is to be lost as heat. Energy
does not recycle!!
The other components shown in the diagram are the inorganic nutrients. They are
inorganic because they do not contain carbon-carbon bonds. These inorganic nutrients
include the phosphorous in your teeth, bones, and cellular membranes; the nitrogen in
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your amino acids (the building blocks of protein); and the iron in your blood (to name just
a few of the inorganic nutrients). The movement of the inorganic nutrients is represented
by the open arrows. Note that the autotrophs obtain these inorganic nutrients from the
inorganic nutrient pool, which is usually the soil or water surrounding the plants or algae.
These inorganic nutrients are passed from organism to organism as one organism is
consumed by another. Ultimately, all organisms die and become detritus, food for the
decomposers. At this stage, the last of the energy is extracted (and lost as heat) and the
inorganic nutrients are returned to the soil or water to be taken up again. The inorganic
nutrients are recycled, the energy is not.
To summarize: In the flow of energy and inorganic nutrients through the
ecosystem, a few generalizations can be made:
1. The ultimate source of energy (for most ecosystems) is the sun
2. The ultimate fate of energy in ecosystems is for it to be lost as heat.
3. Energy and nutrients are passed from organism to organism through the food
chain as one organism eats another.
4. Decomposers remove the last energy from the remains of organisms.
5. Inorganic nutrients are cycled, energy is not.
2.3 Trophic efficiency
Trophic efficiency is the percentage of production transferred from one trophic
level to the next. Trophic efficiencies must always be less than production efficiencies
because they take into account not only the energy lost through respiration and contained
in feces, but also the energy in organic material in a lower trophic level that is not
consumed by the next trophic level. Trophic efficiencies usually rage from 5% to 20%,
depending on the type of ecosystem. In other words, 80-95% of the energy available at
one trophic level is not transferred to the next. And this loss is multiplied over the length
of a food chain. For example, if 10% of energy is transferred from primary producers to
primary consumers, and 10% of that energy is transferred to secondary consumers, then
only 1% of net primary production is available to secondary consumers (10% of 10%).
When energy is transferred to the next trophic level, typically only 10% of it is
used to build new biomass, becoming stored energy (the rest going to metabolic
processes). As such, in a Pyramid of Productivity, each step will be 10% the size of the
previous step (100, 10, 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 etc.).
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3. Ecological pyramids
An ecological pyramid (or trophic pyramid) is a graphical representation designed
to show the biomass or productivity at each trophic level in a given ecosystem. Biomass
pyramids show the abundance or biomass of organisms at each trophic level, while
productivity pyramids show the production or turn-over in biomass. Ecological Pyramids
begin with producers on the bottom and proceed through the various trophic levels, the
highest of which is on top. Trophic levels and the energy flow from one level to the next
can be graphically depicted using an ecological pyramid (Fig. 3.5). Three types of
ecological pyramids can usually be distinguished namely: pyramid of number, pyramid of
biomass and pyramid of energy.
Figure 3.5
Ecological pyramid
The above energy pyramid shows many trees & shrubs providing food and energy
to giraffes. Note that as we go up, there are fewer giraffes than trees & shrubs and even
fewer lions than giraffes ... as we go further along a food chain, there are fewer and fewer
consumers. In other words, a large mass of living things at the base is required to support
a few at the top ... many herbivores are needed to support a few carnivores.
3.1 The Pyramid of Numbers
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Small animals are more numerous than larger ones. This graph shows the pyramid
of numbers resulting when a census of the populations of autotrophs, herbivores, and two
levels of carnivores was taken on an acre of grassland.
The pyramid arises because;
• Each species is limited in its total biomass by its trophic level.
• So, if the size of the individuals at a given trophic level is small, their numbers can
be large and vice versa.
• Predators are usually larger than their prey.
• Occupying a higher trophic level, their biomass must be smaller.
• Hence, the number of individuals in the predator population is much smaller than
that in the prey population.
Figure 3.6
Comparison between two ecosystems of pyramid of numbers
P = Producer
C1 = Primary consumer
C2 = Secondary consumer
C3 = Tertiary consumer
3.2 The Pyramid of Biomass
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Ecological pyramids demonstrated of each trophic level expressed in Dry weight
or Fresh weight or Calorie value/m2 or /m3.
This pyramid indicated that the relation of organism in terms of energy flow
between one trophic level to the next is clearly (Fig. 3.5).
Figure 3.7
Comparison between two seasons of pyramid of biomass
Biomass is fresh weight of living tissue or dead tissue, but can still working per
area or volume.
Dry weight is means that we take the sample of living thing to dehydrate by
drying until constant such as dry weigh of rice.
Fresh weight is means after we collect the sample and we can weigh it directly.
Normally the sample contain water differ depend upon the kinds of sample, so fresh
weight almost more weigh than dry weight.
3.3 The Pyramid of Energy
The Energy pyramid indicates the total amount of energy present in each trophic
level. It also shows the loss of energy from one trophic level to the next. An energy
pyramid shows clearly that the energy transfer from one trophic level to the next is
accompanied by a decrease due to waste and the conversion of potential energy into
kinetic energy and heat energy. The energy pyramid is more widely used than the others
because comparisons can be made between trophic levels of different ecosystem. It is,
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however, more difficult to compile an energy pyramid than it is compile the other types of
The pyramid of energy represents net production at each trophic level expressed in
kcal/m /yr (Fig. 3.7).
Figure 3.8
Pyramid of Energy
P = Producer
C1 = Primary consumer
C2 = Secondary consumer
C3 = Tertiary consumer
S = Saprptrop
Chapter 4
Material Cycles in the Ecosystem
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The growth and life processes of the organisms require about 30-40 elements.
According to the necessary can be divided into three majors such as:
1. Macronutrient: that means element contain in the dry weigh of organic in the
tissues. It varies from 0.2 – 1 % up such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur,
chloride, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and copper. The amount of necessary is
different depend on the species. So elements in this group were divided into two groups
such as major macronutrient and minor macronutrient.
2. Micronutrient: that means element contain in the dry weigh of organic in the
tissues. It is lower than 0.2 % such as aluminum, boron, brome, chromium, cobalt,
fluoride, gallium, iodine, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, silicon, strontium, tin,
titanium, vanadium, Zinc.
Table 4.1 Comparison of materials
(>1% dry weigh)
(0.2-1% dry weigh)
(<0.2% dry weigh)
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A biogeochemical cycle consists of three general categories such as:
(1) Hydrologic cycles.
(2) Atmospheric cycles
(3) Lithospheric cycles
4.1 Hydrological Cycle
It has been estimated that the total quantity of water on the earth is 1,385,984,640
Km of which 97.54 % is in the sea, 1.8 % in polar ice caps, and 0.63 % in the most
important cycle among all the materials is that of water. Water is not only vital for life; it
determines the structure and function of the ecosystem. It has important interactions with
the energy resulting in the variations of physical and biological environment. The cycling
of all other elements is also dependent upon water as it provides the solvent medium for
their uptake, and H+ for reduction of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis. The water cycle
unites the various components of the ecosphere (hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere
and biosphere) into a whole. The water cycle is show diagrammatically in Fig. 2.17. The
water from the oceans, lakes and rivers, etc. is evaporated by the solar energy. The water
vapors gather in form of clouds and move with the wide over the earth. Later, these
vapors condense and precipitate in the form of rain, snow, hail, dew, etc. over the earth’s
surface. A large part of the rainfall occurs over the oceans themselves. While most of the
precipitation as rain runs off over the ground through rivers and streams back to the
oceans, some of it gets evaporated back to the atmosphere and some infiltrates in to the
soil. Under the ground the water becomes accumulated over hard impermeable rocks
from where it is extracted by man for his various needs. A very small fraction of water
absorbed by the plants and consumed by animals, cycles through the food chain in the
combined form. It is released again as vapors during respiration and also the transpiration
of plants. The cycle operates at a very fast rate but the large differences in the distribution
of water over the earth’s surface are responsible for the great diversity of life in different
parts of the globe.
Water collection
Total water (%)
Fresh water (%)
Liquid of fresh water
Ground water
Lake, stream and river
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divided into two:
Marin water
Fresh water
Figure 4.1
Water cycle
4.2 Element cycle in atmosphere
Element cycle in atmosphere almost inform of gas. The distributions of these
gases are slightly changing or constant. For example the cycle of these elements: oxygen,
carbon and nitrogen.
4.2.1 Carbon Cycle
It is among the simplest cycles of all others (Fig. 4.2). The carbon dioxide is
present in the atmosphere in small quantities about 0.03 % which is the source of all
carbon that passes through the organisms along the food chains. The carbon dioxide on
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being reduced during the photosynthesis gets incorporated in a variety of organic
compounds which form the food of all the organisms. Some of these substances are
oxidized during respiration to release back the carbon dioxide. The rest are oxidized in
the decomposition process after death (or being wasted in excreta). The composition is a
comparatively slow process and releases carbon dioxide gradually. During the earth’s
long history, huge quantities of carbon were incorporated into the tissues of giant plants
and animals that once inhibited the earth. However, their death did not result in complete
decomposition of all the organic matter but their remains are now available in the form of
fossil fuels (coal, petroleum). These storages of the past have undoubtedly created
problems for man who is drawing on the atmosphere’s oxygen reserves to burn these
fuels. It has resulted in increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The
carbon dioxide has the unique property of absorbing infra-red radiations. While the small
quantities of CO2 were helpful in keeping the earth warm, the increased quantities have
resulted in rise in the atmospheric temperature which affects the organisms adversely.
Carbon is found in great quantities in Earth's crust, its surface waters, the
atmosphere, and the mass of green plants. It is also found in many different chemical
combinations, including carbon dioxide (CO2) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3), as well as
in a huge variety of organic compounds such as hydrocarbons (like coal, petroleum, and
natural gas).
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Figure 4.2
Carbon cycle (
In addition to the above noted relatively simple carbon cycle, there is yet another
significant part of the cycle that operates in the oceans. The oceans play an important role
in regulating the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere. The oceans contain about 50
times more CO2 than in the atmosphere, in the form of carbonates. The carbon dioxide
dissolves in water to form carbonic acid which converts carbonates to bicarbonates. As
the bicarbonates are dissociated during photosynthesis, the carbonates get precipitated.
HO2 + CO2
H3O+ + HCO3 -
HCO3- + HO2
H3O+ + CO3 - -
The sea water being rich in calcium and being alkaline helps accelerate this
process of carbonate deposition. Such deposits in the form of coal reefs and calcium
carbonate rocks are common in the tropical regions of the oceans. In warm climates, high
temperature and greater salinity and alkalinity favor the process and it is also reflected in
thicker shells of mollusks.
4.2.2 Nitrogen cycle
The nitrogen cycle is among the most complicated and significant cycles of the
ecosystem. Nitrogen is a component of amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids and is a
crucial and often limiting plant nutrient. Through present in abundance in the atmosphere,
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the gaseous nitrogen cannot be used by any organism unless it is converted to a reduced
(NH4+) or oxidized (NO3-) water soluble form. Animals can utilize only organic forms of
nitrogen (such as amino acids or proteins). During the cycle, both the reduced and
oxidized forms are involved at one or the other stage. Only a few bacteria and blue-green
algae are able to convert the gaseous nitrogen into nitrates and make it available for other
organisms. The nitrates are reduced in the plant tissues to amino form and are then
converted to amino acids and then to proteins. Both the plant and animal proteins are
oxidized during decomposition of the dead organic matter, to nitrates or gaseous nitrogen.
Thus, the cycling involves several steps which may be looked into some details.
1. Nitrogen fixation. The conversion of gaseous nitrogen into nitrates is termed
nitrogen fixation. And it divided into two ways:
1.1 Electrochemical and photochemical fixation: it is partly done through electrochemical means during lightning. In the tropics where thunderstorms and lightning are
more common, greater quantities of nitrogen are turned into nitrates.
1.2 Biological fixation: the other more important conversion is by the agency of
micro-organism. Biological fixation is divided into two types:
a. Symbiotic nitrogen fixers: the symbiotic bacteria Rhizobium is among the most
important nitrogen fixers. It is associated mostly with the root nodules of leguminous
plants. Similar symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria are also associated with the roots of
species of Pinus, Ginkgo, etc.
The most important major in mechanism of nitrogen fixation is enzyme
nitrogenase, which is converted nitrogen into ammonia
N2 → 2N
2N + 3H → 2NH3
The experiment found that used of energy to converted nitrogen into ammonia at
less 147 kcal. The first reaction has to use energy at less 160 kcal. And the second
reaction can produce energy 13 kcal. In nature is not necessary to use a lot of energy,
because of enzyme nitrogenase can do it quickly.
b. Free living nitrogen fixers such as blue-green algae, bacteria and yeast.
- Blue-green algae such as: Anabaena, Nostoc, Tolypothrix, Thrichodesmium,
Osicillatoria and Lyngbya.
- Bacteria such as: Azotobacter, Clostridium, Rhodosperillum and Bacillus.
- Yeast such as: Rhodotorula and Pullularia.
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Azotobacter is the most active of the bacteria fixation. It is estimated by
Hutchinson, 1944 that the biological fixation adds up to 140-700 mg/m2/year, biological
fixation is the major. And fixation by electrochemical and photochemical fixation is 35
2. Ammonification. The proteins in the dead organic matter are decomposed by a
group of micro-organism to produce amino acids and ammonia. Each molecule of amino
acid (as glycine) yields 176 kcal energy for the decomposer organism. The ammonia so
formed is either released into the atmosphere or retained in the soil to be absorbed by the
plants. Under certain conditions, it is oxidized to nitrates. High pH, low cation exchange
capacity, dryness and high temperature favour release of ammonia as gas into the
atmosphere. The organisms responsible for ammonification are mostly actinomycetes and
species of Bacillus (B. subtilis, B. mesenterilus).
Important bacteria responsible for ammonification from organic compound are
ammonifying microorganism. The reactions given below explain the process:
(1) From glycine
2CO2 + H2O + NH3
(2) From alanine
3. Nitrification. The conversion of ammonia to nitrates again mediated by a group
of micro-organisms is termed nitrification. It is completed in two steps. Firstly, the nitrites
are formed and later nitrites are converted to nitrates. The first phase is accomplished by
bacteria like Nitrosomonas, Nitrosocytis and Nitrosococcus, and the second phase is
brought about by Nitrobacter and Nitrosococcus. Both the steps yield energy as shown in
the equations below:
2NH2 + 3O2
2HNO2 + 2H2O + 66 Kcal
HNO2 + ½ O2
HNO3 + 17.5 Kcal
4. Denitrification. Some nitrates in the soil are reduced again to gaseous nitrogen
or oxides of nitrogen or ammonia. Mostly in the anaerobic conditions, the oxygen in the
nitrate molecule is used by the micro-organisms to oxidize carbohydrates. Some sulfur
and iron bacteria also utilize this oxygen for their chemosynthetic activity. Some of
reactions given below explain the process:
C6H12O6 + 6KNO3
5C6H12O6 + 24KNO3
6CO2 + 3H2O + 6KOH + 3N2O + 545 Kcals
30CO2+ 18H2O +24KOH+12N2+ 570 Kcals/mole of glucose
The process of denitrification and other related steps of nitrogen cycle are shown
in the (Fig. 4.3).
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Figure 4.3
Nitrogen cycle (
4.2.3 Oxygen cycle
Oxygen, like carbon and hydrogen, is a basic element of life. In addition, in the
form of O3, ozone, it provides protection of life by filtering out the sun's UV rays as they
enter the stratosphere. In addition to constituting about 20% of the atmosphere, oxygen is
ubiquitous. It also occurs in combination as oxides in the Earth's crust and mantle, and as
water in the oceans. Early in the evolution of the Earth, oxygen is believed to have been
released from water vapor by UV radiation and accumulated in the atmosphere as the
hydrogen escaped into the earth's gravity. Later, photosynthesis became a source of
oxygen. Oxygen is also released as organic carbon in CHO, and gets buried in sediments.
Oxygen is highly reactive. A colorless, odorless gas at ordinary temperatures, it
turns to a bluish liquid at -183° C. Burning or combustion is essentially oxidation, or
combination with atmospheric oxygen. Figure 4.4 shows a very broad overview of
oxygen cycling in nature. The environments of oxygen in numerous reactions make it
hard to present a complete picture. Oxygen is vital to us in many ways (beside the most
obvious--for breathing). Water can dissolve oxygen and it is this dissolved oxygen that
supports aquatic life. Oxygen is also needed for the decomposition of organic waste.
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Wastes from living organisms are "biodegradable" because there are aerobic bacteria that
convert organic waste materials into stable inorganic materials. If enough oxygen is not
available for these bacteria, for example, because of enormous quantities of wastes in a
body of water, they die and anaerobic bacteria that do not need oxygen take over. These
bacteria change waste material into H2S and other poisonous and foul-smelling
substances. For this reason, the content of biodegradable substances in waste waters is
expressed by a special index called "biological oxygen demand" (BOD), representing the
amount of oxygen needed by aerobic bacteria to decompose the waste.
Figure 4.4
Oxygen cycle (
4.3 Lithosphere Cycle
4.3.1 Sulfur cycle
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The sulfur cycle is very much similar to the nitrogen cycle in as much as it also
involves the oxidized (SO2) and reduced (H2S) phases and that the plants can use it only
in the form of sulfates. However it differs from the nitrogen cycle by the fact than the
residence time of sulfur in the atmosphere is too small, and the reserve pool of the
element is in the soil. Sulfur is gradually made available to the plants in the soil by the
activity of sulfur bacteria which can use elemental sulfur. Some quantities are added to
the atmosphere by the burning of the fossil fuels. Later sulfur dioxide and hydrogen
sulfide return to the soil as sulfate (or sulfuric acid) with the rain. Only certain lichens can
use gaseous sulfur dioxide.
The sulfur is incorporated in the tissues of organisms in the form of proteins. The
decomposition of proteins releases sulfur. Under aerobic conditions Aspergillus and
Neurospora, and under anaerobic conditions the bacteria like Escherichia and Proteus are
largely responsible for the decomposition. Under anaerobic conditions as are common in
submerged or waterlogged soils, sulfides particularly hydrogen sulfides are formed. Here
the bacteria like Desulfavibrio, Echerichia, and Aerobacter utilize the oxygen in the
sulfur molecule to oxidize carbohydrates and other organic compounds to obtain energy.
These bacteria used sulfate to fix hydrogen, the reactions involved can be
expressed by the following equation:
4H2 + H2SO4
H2S + 4H2O
Another step in the cycle is the oxidation of elemental sulfur and sulfides into
sulfates by bacteria like Beggiatoa and Thiobacillus. Thiobacillus thio-oxidans remains
active under highly acidic conditions (up to pH 0.6) and can convert sulfur to sulfuric acid
of 10 % concentration.
A generalized sulfur cycle is shown in Fig. 4.5
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Figure 4.5
Sulfure cycle (
4.3.2 Phosphorus cycle
The phosphorus cycle (Fig. 4.5) is relatively simple but assumes great importance
for the reasons that phosphorus is mainly the energy carrier (in form of ATP) and it is
now known to create many environmental problems. The phosphorus is made available to
the plants from the phosphoric rocks by show weathering process. The phosphates are
metabolized in the plant body and pass through the food chain. The decomposition of the
organic matter releases the phosphates in the soil for reutilization. The element has no
gaseous phase and at no time occurs in the atmosphere except in the form of solid
particles. The water soluble phosphate is lost through runoff to the deep sediments of the
oceans from where the return to the earth is not well understood so far. It has been said
that some quantities of phosphorus are returned back to the earth in the form of bird
guana (excreta) and fishes. The excessive use of phosphoric fertilizers and the detergents
are considered responsible for accelerated loss of phosphorus to the oceans and other
fresh water bodies. The harmful effects of this increased supply of phosphorus will be
discussed later.
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Figure 4.6 Phosphorus cycle (
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Chapter 5 Species and Individual in Ecosystem
Species and individual is a little unit of the community, the different community will have
species and individual of the different life or at the same community, it isn’t necessary to
consist from the same species life. The things that importance to be both consider as:
habitat and ecological niche of that life.
Habitat means the area of the life lives there, such as Donex sp. lives at beach that
water up and down. Achatina fulica lives in underground which highest wet.
Ecological niche or ecology limited is significant more than habitat out of it
means to habitat area , it still means to position, niche in community and include the
situation of that life on conditional environment that will be able to live there.
So, according to ecological niche, they divided into three types such as:
1. Spatial or habitat niche
2. Role that concern with the energy moving and reaction behavior to environment
physical and biology, including these changing
3. All environment s have good condition to be a life can able to live and
5.1 Ecological Equivalent
In the different geography, if there is the same physical situation. It will be
happened the same system, but the species consists in the same ecological niche in the
different geography, it is not necessary the same all, such as: the grass field ecosystem
species of grass and grass consumers are not necessary to the same, that these difference
will be more different between the geography area that divide many ways or the different
Example: we can see in these cases such as: grass- eating animal in grass field of four
other continents, we can see that herbivore that live nearly border continent, it will be
contacted to taxonomy each other. In opposite way, if in the continent that far away it will
contact, the living thing that live in different geography, but there is the same ecological
niche, these life beings have ecological equivalence.
Kind of herbivores
North American
bison, pronghorn antelope
horse, saga antelope
zebra, antelope
5.2 Character Displacement
The two species that a characteristic is quite similarity and also their lineage,
when they are separate geography or they are allopatric to each other they will be similar,
whereas when they are living at the same geography or they are sympatric to each other
they will be different. This evolution is call character displacement.
For example of this case we can see in the bird nuthatches; Sitta spp of two strains
(Vaurie, 1951) explained that bird nuthatches two strains are homologous and they are
similar and difficult for identifying. If the bird two strains are sympatric its can be
different and easy to identify, especially their lips and black line on their faces are
different, one strain has a small line and another one is bigger (Fig. 5.1). The different in
size of their lip is good for find different food.
As descries above character displacement can cause in term of adaptation such as:
To reduce competition and to increase different ecological niches.
To produce species diversity and genetic segregation
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Figure 5.1 shown the two strains of bird character displacement (Odum, E.P. 1971).
They have more the same appearance when they have been allopathic to each other and
they will be clearly difference, when they have been sympatric to each other, as we will
see from ‘mouth and black line on their faces of birds.
5.3 Natural selection and speciation
The speciation is happened when it changes the appearance in genetic has
prevented from isolating mechanism. Casual, they are happened two cases such as: when
they divide from ancestor by geography situation (allopatric speciation) and are happened
by not to be divided from geography, because of sympatric speciation.
Charl Darwin has summarized the knowledge that he got from his survey: the
closing life in blood will be from the same ancestor .then he has done the theory of
natural selection that has explained motivate point that happen development and happen
the other life. This theory has summarized contents that: which the life has adjusted to
more natural , it can be able to live in general .until able to descend from to the future and
the life has not adjusted, it will be disappeared in natural
Variations of lineage are happened through process natural selection when it has a
lot descend ages it will be happened a new life.
As in case of Eohippus that has the same appearance with horse right now, but
there are short legs , when they have given children and some one is new appearance as
its legs are more longer than one and new appearance children can adjust with
environment better than on, they can live and descend until now , when they have
mutation appearance and they have rapid result to children, because they can expand to
hybridize very much and more rapid so these appearance are expanded to population and
finally have new species horses as nowadays . Horses (Mesohippus), these horses have
different from Eohippus that are ancestor of them for a long generation time.
The producing of new species that we had explained above. It is a new sympatric
species in general, they will happen with high level vegetable. Nowadays the human have
a role to do these species by adjustment the genetic for response to themselves.
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The happening a new allopathic species, is able to happen when they are separated
from the old earth of parents thus happen from external barrier such as :mountain and sea,
so there are adjustment with new environment in the same time there are always new
union of gene combination and genotype until there are different appearance from the old
and finally became a new species life
In fact, the old separated species may be opportunity to reunion with the old
population as the Fig.5.2.
For example , the becoming a new species are development of birds on Galapagos
finch, as Darwin discover that: the happening a new allopathic species, nowadays these
birds have fourteen species, every species have ancestor are sparrows that eating weed on
the earth , they immigrate from America continent, as picture 5.3 means to the appearance
of other species birds that there are adjustment from the same ancestors, but there are
adjustment to find the food in different location , such as : the group that eating vegetable
, weed in the ground , there are three species , find the food on cactus , two species ,
group that find vegetable weed in the ground and on the cactus one species , out of that
find the food on the other trees , and there is one species as camarhynchus pallidus find
the food along the trees like a Huakhuan bird they use its mouth to bite cactus pin and
then use its mouth along to cactus hole and then insects come out there and the birds
immediately eat them. These cases are adjustment on behavior of survival to become a lot
species that we call adaptive radiation
Figure 5.2 the way to be population isolated
When the population are isolated and separated from the old completely population on
preventing external barrier.
B.C.D. when the barrier is finished, it make the population that are separated come back
to be union more, perhaps it still does not has changed appearance in genetic (B) or it will
be changing genetic appearance when they have union they become hybridization in some
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group (C) or it will become union in genetic appearance had completely changed when
the living areas are together, it become to sympatric (Suthers, R.A. & Gallant, 1973).
Figure 5.3 to show radius in adjustment of rice bird in fourteen species, this makes
structure of their mouth different, including habit to find food differently to avoid
conflict. (Suthers, R.A. and Gallant, 1973).
5.4 Behavior
All species of life beings have how to react environments happen differently. It
begins from the prokaryotic that they are reacting to environmental in many ways,
sometimes it look more difficult than we think.
Their reaction might happen quickly or slowly depending on their special
character of species. Reaction to the change of external and internal environment of the
life beings that is called behavior. So, behavior of life beings have changed all the time
because life beings have to process adjustment to environment changed quickly.
5.4.1 Behavior of plant
Plant can also show the behavior to the change of the environment but there is
different from behavior of animal in common. Behavior of animal is happened by
coordination among nervous, bone and muscular systems, including the out and in glands.
Plant show reaction by moving growth slowly, it is not able to see clearly and quite the
same, even different species. Such as the leaning for bright (positive phototropism).
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Growth of root according to pulled power of the earth ( positive geotropism).growth of
stem along with way opposite to pulled power of the earth
( negative geotropism)
while it is seen clearly because of pushed power such as going down of the sunk grass
Behavior to the change of environment in the plant is divided into two sorts, they
are (1) reaction because of growth that happen from difference in the expansion rate of
stem cell in all the sides and (2) according to not concerned growth that happen from
pulling cell bigger , response like this happen after growth fully. response because of
growth happen from difference in stretching cell in each side , there is concern with
hormone level in each cell in some parts of different plant such as bending of branch and
leaf which is caused from cell in the above side of branch that there is more expanse that
the below quickly. Becoming angle of branch and stem to become bush in many ways of
the tree happen each place. Which is defined as response to environment to grow up and
expand itself reaction of plant is not concerned with growth which it can be seen in
general such as going down of the sunk grass at night and going up at day, going down
and up of leaf in this case, it night be caused from the change of pressure in melting of
leaf cell which it has reaction to bright .for example if the pressure of melt element in leaf
cell is high, it will bloom, becoming fragrant of night flower at night and stopping
fragrant at day , that is reaction to bright and temperature together , in this case of evening
blooming flower , this flower will be up in the evening and at night, noon blooming
flower will be up fully at noon , going down of leaf at less bright or at dark is also
reaction to the change of bright quantity
The blooming of plant is the response to environment which it is defined as a
behavior of plant. Environment such as photoperiod or day length, temperature etc, all of
them have key role for blooming of plant. Some plants are short day plant such as
strawberry need a little photo period for stimulating bloom. Some plants are long day
plants for example wheat, potato and onion must need photoperiod much every day for
stimulating bloom, behavior of bloom reaction photo period of plant s are not equal, this
behavior can be seen as usual in the plant of warm zone and cold zone because of
photoperiod in each season has much difference, therefore, plant in these zones have
difference from tropical plant namely corn, custard, cucumber, coconut, carambola and
others also. During blooming of these plants must not depend on photoperiod.
Reaction to the change of environment has another sort that is open-close of cell (
stomata) where it is a place for changing the air whenever cell is strong it will open and
whenever cell is weak it will close , that the stem soak water , that the leaf become torn,
dried leaf and wax cover bark and other sorts . All happen according to the nature to
adjust an existing in the different environments for example drought, flood, pollution,
being interrupted or damaged and etc.
5.4.2 Behavior of animal
Behavior of animal is result from coordination between heredity and environment
which gene is heredity unit and control expanse of parts of animal that become key factor
causing behavior for example nervous, hormone, muscular systems and others also, while
environment or experience are met by animal, behavior will be changed later much or
little, it depends on its case and each body of species, we can not define heredity and
experience, which will show key role more to cause behavior.
What a difficult behavior depends on key factor of growth as shown in graph that
cause that behavior. example growth level of receptor unit , data processing center , order
and sense responded unit in animals , behavior of animal will happen as procedure as
summarized in graph below.
Sense receptor unit means cell react other things very quickly and it will change
energy received from stimulating of environment to sense current through nervous lines
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and send sense to central nervous system or data processing center and order . there are
many forms of sense receptor unit , it may consist of little cell until it may consist of
many cell to gather and become sense organ for example ear, eye , nose , tongue and skin
in high level animal, for low level animal for example protozoa , sponge ,they have not
still nervous system that bring sense current quickly but some parts of body that it has
duty as nervous system such as coordinating fiber of paramecium, sense receptor unit of
high level animal will connect nervous system, if it is stimulated by sense receptor unit
which each has duty and react quickly to only a stimulated power such as chemoreceptor
will be stimulated by appreciate chemistry in quantity of two or three molecule.
Basic physiological behavior
Almost behavior of animal is related to daily living for achieving good life. As the
example of basic behavior as follow:
Maintenance behavior
Daily living of animal , bright is key external stimulation to make animal start
their activities , animal which find out food at day , it will start its activities early morning
(sunrise) while animal find out food at night , it will start its activities at sunset ( shine
less until mid night) , however , its activities of daily living is not only for finding food , it
also rest , sleep or not any more , while its time leave it will use for finding food , eating
and clean its body , behavior of taking care of itself of bird and mammal have many ways
and very interesting which all behavior shown is adjusted with environment and living
such as preening and grooming of mammals . mammals like to rub its body with things
using mouth lick or bite and nail scratch , for the bird like to use beak peck at its feather,
shake feather, use oil from gland above anus to help preening , bathing , dust covered and
sun feather. There is also have many behavior concerning to taking care for itself of
mammal such as covering its stool, putting out tongue to relieve hot.
2. Habitat selection
All kinds of animals have behavior to select habitat to escape danger and being
suitable for living, engendering for generation to generation, this can be seen from low
level animal such as protozoa until mammal. It is believed that it is heredity to show by
nature and imprinting is first .learning, especially experience when it was born which
crisis phase was remembered with environment in touch well. This is key role to select
habitat and it is transfer to generation to generation for example fish remember river
where it leave roe every year. There are many factors to select habitat namely force with
other groups. there is enemy a hunter, climber violate , factor of physiology and
chemistry in each place , some animal like to live in the place where it was born forever
but some move to other places , mammal which move to other places , most of them are
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males , while the bird move to other place , it is female . Because o avoiding breeding
with the same group (in breeding) and avoiding taking by force in the same group
Habitat selection of animal nay depend on heredity which become key controller, but
showing behavior can change when it is forced by environment long time enough until
3. Foraging behavior
Foraging and eating food behavior is important behavior in living of animal which
there is impact for escaping to exist its group. Animal like to adjust its body and behavior
to forage as amount as energy used, besides it think about safety at foraging, including
fighting may happen at the time as well. So animal has to find out the appreciate place to
forage and the most convenient factors .example , there is Great tit par us major study that
it will hide to forage in general areas later, it will forage at the place with most food , this
is behavior of usefulness ( exploitation) so bird has to find information about where the
food is much first and then it will forage there, in fact , plenty of food in the places are not
the same and difference of food that animal must choose food what it like less or not
suitable for hunting and big food will not be seen in general, so most of them will hide to
forage in most appreciate areas, besides it can select the place to forage already , it also
think about its safety , so animal like to forage in the place covered or it is necessary to
forage open air , it spend the shortest time, taking food by force in the some species or
different species is a problem for animal to adjust and free from competing with
behaviors for example foraging different time distribute food at the shortage and gather to
find food
Another factor which hunter meet when it start namely plant and animal as food
change kind and amount according to season , it make animal adjust after, at least , it has
to adjust to find many kinds of food and in the long time , there will be adjustment along
with food changed until it make adjustment permanently in the shape and behavior
example hiding and catching bait, dissimulate or copy lesson from dangerous less animal
to trust bait and ease to catch bait and keep some food for at the shortage , eating many
kinds of food
4. Social behavior
Social behavior expresses relationship with other members in the same group
which consists of showing itself as leader, protecting boundary and behavior about all
engendering examples flirting, choosing partner and having sex, bringing baby up and
other behaviors, to transfer its group successfully
Competition and aggression like happening among members in the same group
and different group but showing off in the same group reduce violation to avoid danger to
life which may damage its population by stopping of leader, proclaiming itself as leader
cause order and confess leader ‘s power , most leaders are strong animals , having good
experience in living and be able to win other ones in the same group because of this ,
leader has chance to choose partner, sex, food and other resource first
5. Dominance hierarchies
Fighting among members in the same group cause from need of living as the
same. Such as food and habitat, fighting will happen between males and barrier boundary
or not expressing behavior in protecting boundary will often happen when living
condition change such as food and habitat conclusively animal will protect boundary for
object in key renderings three types
1. The place where food can serve long time
2. Increase the chance to have sex
3. Increase the chance to bring up baby in the place with food perfectly
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As the case above can conclude that behavior in protecting boundary concern with
ecology very much including habitat and density of population so behavior in protecting
of boundary is the same as adjustment itself to ecology to use habitat existed effectively
6. Reproductive behavior
Process of reproductive by using gender, it is seen that male has chance to produce baby
more than female because male can produce sperm much every time that have sex and
can connect to egg from female a lot during life. So male will find female to cross-breed
and can choose more than one , there fore , there is cross breeding in many systems which
the type of cross breeding cause looking after type of cross breed in animal are following
1. Monogamy is cross breeding between a male and a female (only a husband and
a wife) which they may live together forever or only breeding season in this case, parents
help each other to bring up roe and baby example hornbill and gibbon
2. Polygyny is a male with more female together or one by one, in the female will
bring up egg and baby example rice bird, most mammals, lion.
3. Polyandry is female with male more than one at the same or different time. In
this case, male bring up baby example bird under water, pond bird, bird with short neck
and quick feet
4. Promisculity, in this case male and female can have sex in group; any gender
can bring up egg or baby. Behavior of a animal impact to another or others in the same
Social behavior is communicated behavior in the same group of animal.
Communication behavior helps descending a lot. Example showing its art before having
sex, communication can be used many ways example communicating by sound, action,
touching or chemistry
Bee will communicate with dance along with vertical side around beehive if the
food is nearby. It will dance round which it will dance round a direction then it will dance
round another direction, other worker bee will fly out of beehive every direction to find
food near beehive
Communicating by chemistry of many kinds of animals will put out chemistry to
stimulate other animals in the same species, this chemistry is called pheromone, this
element may be used by encouraging sex or used for lead-way example moth has
pheromone which female send out, it can stimulate male far away 3 km, ant is seen that it
climb after each other, as line in the group of moth by making pheromone of queen
In high level animal , some mammals make pheromone which it has bad smell , it
has specific gland near gender organ , example rabbit and deer which people brew them
for perfume , in reproductive season, male dog use its nose smell female gender organ
area to stimulate having sex
Physical contact, this behavior has most importance in mammal because mother will hold
baby to keep warm always to cause more development in emotion then baby is feed with
milk and baby bring up well. They will not cause social problem.
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Lesson 6
The life consist of ecological niche as the life population of any group, thus it will be
producer role, consumer and digestion. The study of population is a basic knowledge to
study and be able to know about the word “population” mean is a group of individuals of
the same species live together in the same place on one distance, say that “population”
such as: a crowd of turkey, shoal of tilapia, crowd of buffalo, population usually is
composed from each individual of living thing in the same kind. The basic style can
measure population is size and density of population. Motivate density of population
chance it such as natality, mortality and migration, thus migration composes immigration
and emigration.
The populations have to living thing in the single species some population should live
in some place, some distance time, they create population density which perhaps it
changes by the size of population maybe increase or decrease. The populations will
distribution of age which means that has a difference age in the each other group of
population mien with total population.
Which populations communicate with another population in one style such as: hunter,
parasite and helpful together.
6.1 Population Density.
Population density means that member of population for place, as goat is 50 per
1600 maters for. Living things live in the water and land, which calculate population
density with evolume unit as Frankton 3 billion per raise up third maters, which
biological measure style of weight die who act to be able to find population density
maybe species, so that population density separate 2 styles. Thus it has crude density
mean of the number or atom.
A: Crude density means number or metric system biological metric system per all surface
units or volume.
B: Ecological density means number or metric system per surface unit or volume that
population live
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(Habitat). For sample: a area in forest 50 kilometers have Tonchard about 10.500 but total
analyses see Tonchard born in area only 30 kilometers, so Tonchard density have as
all number of Tonchard
Population density =
All surface
all number of Tonchard
Population desity =
= 210 Tonchard/ Km3
Place for live
= 350 Tonchard/ Km3
When aalyde for fish density meet: when water decrease in dry season, total
density decrease too, but density ecology increase, because fish come to joinly and live in
smal pont that have a little water.
Hundred birds will hatch in distance high eclogy density, because they have
enough food for their baby.
6.2 Density Mearsurement
There are many ways tofind population density, which up on characteristic of
populatiion what kind of them or movement and what activity.
Analyse for population density by calcute from 2 bigs rule as: absolute densityof
population by directcount or by randomsampling population relative density is to
search for density of the same kind but live in other place.
6.2.1 Real population density.
This model can count many ways as:
1. Total count: when they have a tittle population, don’t move or move slowly such as:
teak wood in forest, wild eleplant, people in bus, student in class or census population.
This way is so long, use a lot of expense because we have to count every body of
animals, but certainly
maybe drive census or aerial photographs, and aerial surveillance.
A: Drive census is driving foole road that we want surway then count animal which we
meet when the car passed.
B: Aerial photographs by photographs in plane, usually use to count wild animal in wide
field. From photographs we will see every animal then take tthat photograph to look and
count in lab.
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C: Aerial surveillance is usually use to count wild animal in wide field, and there have a
little tree.
D: random sampling is random from each place then compare to all surface. This model
usually use but counter or randomer must not bias such as: don’t random sampling only
bueatiful place or perfacet place.
Random sampling will be diferance follow each kind of population and how to
spreading such as:
A: Small quadrate
Population distribute equal such as: search for grass population by separate lines on
schedule 1 m. If grass field have 8000 m we will get 8 square, then take number of each
square and draw lots next begin count only square that draw lots then search for avreage
of that squarehow many grasspopulatrion of grass in this square then multiply with 800
after that we will get grass population in that field.
Case population not distribute equal. If population not distribute equal have to separate
count by density such as: couting population in separate that have difference density as:
place that high density and low density, by pick a sample to average than mutiply with all
B: bacteria couting
Because bacteria is very high density that difficult to count. So, counting bacteria
population we can make bacteria dilute as: stock 1.1ml put in to botle stock 2 which have
sterillized water 9 ml so stock will gradually insipide 1/10. If make many time prevalence
rate 1/10, 1/100, 1/1000,1/10000, 1/100000 as asample.
Supposing that: count stock 5 get 40 cells from 1 ml that show stock 5 must have 40
cells per 1 ml because it can make bottle insipide 1/10. So that when we have 5 stocks.
Bacteria population = 40 × 10 = 4,0 × 10 cells / 1 ml.
C: capture and recapture method.
Technical to make symbol than recapture and then capture for reinspect is a general use
surway for assess animal populatiion size that usually move don’t stay usualand wide
distribute for sample: fish, turtle, bird. This way we catch animal then stick symbol and
then release to live with old group, after that catch they again, when we catch they again
some of them have symbol and some of them don’t have any symbol. Finally, this is a
information to use to average for population size that we had assess. There are many
average and it is diferance ways to average assess for population number, some average
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or this average give information about live and immigration or emigration with some
population. Each average and each way were explain indetial ( in Heyer E.T A.L 1994).
By use this average.
Number that have symbol × Number of all catched
Population =
Number that have symbol all catched
For example: catch fish from pond in a school 50 fishs, stick symbol in their body then
release to old pont and then catch again we get 30 fishs. In 30 fishs only 5 fishs that have
symbol , so population of fish in that pont.
50 × 30
All population of fish =
= 300 fishs
For stick symbol have to follow the rule as below:
1. Time (distance) between : First search population number and next time shouldn’t
long as first, the population wont increase or decrease in that time.
2. Long time to release the fish for make population which have symbol can combine to
live with general population in old group.
3. Animal that have symbol and don’t have symbol have a chance to catch too.
4. The symbol have to adhesive and easy to see.
5. If population die, the population that have symbol or don’t have symbol has the same
6.2.2 Search for population density compare.
This way can not tell about population density, but can use to comparing that have
many method such as:
1. Count the clue that animal live such as: Earthworm excrement, Crab hole, Chrysalis
2. Count the fish that catch in each time for use to tell about size of fish population on
water that they live, how many or little of them.
3. Count excrement heap such as: rabbit, dear, pig and elephant excrement for sample. It
can use to mark indicator to tell body size of population.
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4. Use snare to catch them such as: mouse trap, firelight can tempt insect.
5. Look for food quantity that they eat such as: looking for pig population by leave some
food quantity in a distance then watch the food in at last, there are many or little food.
6.3 Factor that effect to change population density.
Population density maybe usually change, because of many factor such as: natality,
motality, migration.
Population density change can show by communicate map between each factor that
disturb population to change as below:
Natality and immigration can make population density increase, show by (+)
Mortality and emigration can make population density decrease, show by (-)
6.3.1 Natality
Natality mean natural ability of population may increase in demography, number of
population increase in a distance call: natality rate, this natality including increase number
by any way such as: hatch, born germinate and divide.
Birth rate of population show from symbol below.
B: Mean birth rate.
ÄNn: Mean number of new mumber make from all population.
Ät: Mean past time.
Or when b =
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b: mean birth rate per one unit of population.
N: mean all population or just one part to make new member
v Birth of population has two ways:
A: Maximum or absrute or physiological natality
Mean birth underneath a environment don’t have limit factor.Just maximum increase
population in theory this birth rate can looking by observe engender rate of each
population, which they live in suitable environment at testrom or maybe assess value of it.
From natural, because by natural the population usual have maximum birth rate in a
distance of year, thus distance time have suitable environment.
B: Ecological or realized natality mean increase rate of populatiion underneath
environment factor limit also, this birth rate often move and maybe change follow size
and consistency of population, include environment anatomy.
To analyse main birth rate will analyse in one year .For population that have long
round life, for short round life part maybe use one day for living or more it is up on
suiable. For the factor that communicate with birth rate, there are many part such as:
distance time can make hybridize, number of eggs or baby born in each time, give egg
rate or give birth, ratio of sex that communicate with animal hybridize. Monogamous
animals but polygamous animals maybe have difference hybridize rate.
6.3.2 Mortality
Death is a natural event of population, a cause to decrease population density.
Death number of population in a distance can call: death rate. In populatism symbol show
about death rate in mathematics use the same of birth rate and the same style death of
population maybe separate to 2 parts.
A: Minimum mortality decrease population just only theory, that have real value
in each population , according they era determind by length of life physioligical longevity
livingthing that specy especially they era not contact with any limit factor.
B: Ecological or realized mortality mean death rate of population underneath
limit factor environment, the death happen under natural environment. Thus, this death
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rate often move and maybe it will change by size and population consistency, hold with
anatomy environment.
This is other kind, which usual use such as: specific mortality mean number of
population death under limit distance, that average to percent of population when we
start surway. Death rate of population in each period age really difference, maybe can
show by table call: life table or can show by curve call: survivorship curve, usually use
because we can look easier. Analyse for living which useful then analy for death, curve of
living can draw from number of livingthing information that the livingthing stay at
verticalcoordinate with each distance time thus stay at horizontalcoordinate as a Figure at
Figure 6.1 show about the kind of living draw from number of living population per
1,000 log scale verticalcoordinate, average to percent of age: A. convex curve, B1.
stairstep curve, B2. Theoritic curve, B3. Sigmoid curve, C. concave curve.
(Odum, E.P.
6.3.3 Migration
Migration mean population moving from this place to other place. Normally will
feeding ground and breeding ground,that is a activity which we always see in many kind
of animals such as: bird, mammal and fish era for sample sometimethese animal travel
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very long for many hundred and thousand killometers, then reture that call: reture
Usual many kind of animal have their boundary to live and look for food especailly
their own boundary, which we can call: home range and they have their special boundary
which tight protact we call: territory.
6.4 Population Growth
The population have their own grouth model or increase certainly number, they can
seerate to many
model and can mesure the population grouth as :
When we have measure population of livingthing then analyes it, after that we will
get each curve as Figure 6.2 below.
Figure 6.2
population growth curve.
First distance like a “ S “ that the distance have a bit livingthing and lag phase.
Then increase population number, birth rate higher than death rate which we can lok easy
the curve very steep ( II ) log phase if we take population change in this distance to
change to curve in log then get straight curve that increase like Geometrical, next
population increase very slow and stationary phase or dynamic equilibrium which birth
rate and death rate era equal because limit environment and ( IV ) at last exlinetion the
population decrease very fast, death rate higher than birth rate maybe all of them will die.
Birth rate and death rate is a factor that control population growth. Birth increase
population but death decrease population, if birth rate more than death rate population
increase only and if death rate more than birth rate population will decrease. Relation
btween birth and death are not certainly, population are often increase like Geometric
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progression and they wont increase when population stay at some level, the curve will
straight follow horizontally beside that population release and collect poison is a cause to
decrease birth rate to equal with death rate, population only stay at level don’t move up
and down ( like a Figure 6.3 A, B and C )
Figure 6.3 population growth curve
A: Show population increase like Geometric stay at some level don’t move.
B: Drosophila growth that feed all the time .
C: Show sheep population in anniversary 120 years.
The drosophila when population density increase eggs rat will decrease and
population stable but, if drosophila which we try to feed in bottle and continue feed on,
Population will decrease and all of them die because of they missed food or infection
disease on the Figure show about feeding Frangton by two kinds of food ( Figure 6.4 )
In natural the livingthing have their own control population size at when they stay at
some level population are not increase for sample: flour of bug
if they are have high
population density they will release poison to their baby and adult will lose hybridize , so
if they have a lot of population the poison is a lot too it is good control of population size.
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Figure 6.4 Increase plankton population curve
Figure 6.4 Graph shown increasing of plankton populaation.
Population size not change or Biology factor control in some population group
such as: flour bug for sample, but only abiotic factor. Result to change population size
such as: bird, fish, butterfly they migration when the weather cold to look for food in
warmer place John Emlon does a test with mouse by giving food 250 Kram
everyday,mouse increase very fast and food not enough the mouse begin emigration util
birth rate equal with escape migration rate is a result to stationary phase population show
food is a result to emigration of population.
Next the same test but mouse can not emigration when mouse increase a lot util food
not enough birth rate decrease and population not increase last time give food to they
until they be lelf the mouse increase a lot and they can not emigration, the mouse begin to
bite each other because place to stay is narrow all baby are die population decrease
because of they are do not have enough place to live.
From summarise test result: population size make factor below:
1. Food is livingthing need enough energy from food for living, if food is not enough for
the growth livingthing can not live, maybe weak and at last they will die.
2. Place: the livingthing is porsible place for their routine such as: for searching food, for
living, reproduce and look after their baby.
3. Environment and other such as: quantity of water, temperature, weather and acid-base
of that place.
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6.5 Biotic potential and environmental resistance
Small population livingthing such as: bacyllus and amiba can always separate from
one to two ( binary fisson ), they have very hihg growth rate population. If enviropmet
has suitable population ability that can increase their size under suitable environment and
don’t have any limit say that: biotic potential.
This ability is only in theory, which in the natural has environmental resistance for
control population growth is not too much, so environmental resistance make result to
decrease birth rate or increase death rate or maybe both birth rate and death rate, if draw a
limit line which natural resistance is K. so from logistic show about population growth
rate we will get logistic logistic below:
rN ( K – N )
= population growth rate
r = increase rate per one population unit ( r only birth, not about death and migration
that maen: b = r )
rN =
So that, state has under the miscellaneous environment it will have result for extent of
population will not receive equality timitation highest inagnifiction of population which
has under environment said that “ carrying capacity that environmental has limit occur
cause from missing food and residance, beside that it is occur suddenly limit that will do
model make magnificaton of population is Figure (J) because of biology enery decrease
suddenly after highest but perhape ability magnification of population size extent
population increase and decrease oscillating pattern which has high increasion first time,
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there are complet food and decreasion when the food wil miss food, so that there are
increasion sometime such as: 6.5 which have this magnifiaction as we see the number of
insect and vegetation
for communicating between biology energy magnification of
population and resistance of environment as it is show S in Figure 6-6.
Figure 6.5 population growth curve like “ J “ folow by increase and decrease
population in ability level perceive that show by a curve ( from Boughey )
Figure 6.6 Show about relation between biotic potential population growth and
environmental resistance ( from Boughey, A.S. 1968 ).
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6.6 Population Fluctuation
When population growth perfect population density will change up and donw
direction folow ability
level recince that maybe get result from conduct fluetualation enviroment or each other
againstion in population group or both two reasons in natural maybe separate population
size change to two styles as below:
1. seasonal flutuation, which is almost adaptation with change of enviropment follow
seasonal fluctuation.
2. Annual fluctuation which maybe happen from difference between enviropment annual
fluctuation has happen from each other againstion in populatipn such as: hunter, snatch
and disease. Populatiuon density change fluctuation happen with most living things that
season hybridize limit especial short circle of life and migration that animal eats only one
kind food, animal population make decrease when food nearly does so we can see
contract curve between hare and lynx as Figure 6.7
Figure 6.7 Hare and lynx population fluctuation curve. ( from: Odum, E. P. 1971 )
Hare population fluctuation curve show if hare population ( bait ) increase lynx
population ( hunter ) increase too. If hare population decrease, lynx population decrease
too. As cyclic oscillation
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6.7 Population Age Distribution
When we talk about population structure one thing that important is population ages
make mean with animal ability reproduce that population live.
In priciple population separate ages to three parts such as:
Pre - reproductive
Post - reproductive
• If compare with people
Beginning of age 1 – 15 years is beginning pre-reproductive, middle of age 15 – 40
years is reproductive, the end of age 40 and more than is post - reproductive.If we hold 3
distance ages to draw line up curve by pre-reproductive first the Figure as age pyramid.
1. Population are increasing because of birth rate as pre-reproductive have a bit
population than reproductive.
2. The population desn’t move is a time that birth rate equal with death rate.
3. The population increase is a time that birth rate higher than death rate as Figure 6.8.
Figure 6.8 Pyramid of age ( From: Odum, E. P1971 )
A: Declining stage
B: Stable stage
C: Growing stage
6.8 Spread in population group
Characteristic spread in population group member can divide to 3 parts as Figure 6.9
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Divide random this divide quite rare meet in natural if we compare with other
divide we can see this divide random when environment have one model or have rare
limit factor come to concerning and they don’t make a group by themselve of number.
Divide uniform is order divide of member maybe happen when strong snatch
between member or all member kill each other that live in the same place such as: small
tree in forest have to snatch sunshine for live, bush grass in dessert have to snatch for wet
as sample.
Divide clumped when member make group by difference size or the same size
and this population group maybe divide clumped or uniform or two, three smalls group
make other group as below:
Random clumped, uniform clumped and aggregated clumped.
Understood divide member has a resilt for population structure, useful for analyse that
population group.
Figure 6.9 Divide population maybe model ( From: Odum, E. P. 1971 )
6.9 Population Aggregation
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Population aggregation because of many cause such as: ( 1 ) place difference in each
place, ( 2 ) weather change in everyday and season, ( 3 ) descend model and ( 4 ) scial
communication of high level animals.
Some kind of plant and low level animals aggregation is up on distribute
chalacteristic of organ that use to disseminate such as: seed and SAPOR as sample. Plant
that have disseminate structure which and not more often density aggregation around their
mother plant or aggregation around the place that bird aet seed and pour out, but for some
grass that have solf seed or can fload in the wind easy, will general distributio, do not
aggregation. When we consider about result of aggregation number which live see that
the plant live by aggregation can make good defend to the wind more than stay a lone,
and can save the water better, but when they aggregation of seed have the result by snatch
sunshine and food but for crow aggregation some kind of animal maybe have more
advantage, because good lasting for poison environment more than stay a lone.
For human, have many evolution about this story and aggregation or human social
like to importance for living Alee’s research, he make a rule call: population growth and
live will up on member size when they live with each other in group is importance, some
kind of population have good growth and high ability for live when they have a little
population, but some kind of population growth and have good ability for live when
population stay at middle level, this rule call: Alee’s principle, which show by curve as
Fig. 6.10.
Figure 6.10 Show about growth rate and live when they have difference population
A: Some kind of population grow and live when they have small size of population.
B: Some kind of population grow and live when population stay at middle level.
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6.10 The communication between 2 livingthings in a community
In livingthing group when two species of them live together, ofcourse they
communicate with each other in some chalacteristic , that show by this symbol:
+ mean get useful from some part of them.
mean lose useful to some part of them.
0 mean don’t get or lose useful ( equal )
Communication between 2 species of livingthing have many style as follow:
1. Predation (+ ; Œ)
In predation, the predator kills the prey and directly feeds on it. Predation consists of
predator and prey such as: rat is hunted by the cat, dear is hunted by the tiger but some
time predator maybe hunt by other livingthing such as: insect was eaten by frog , but frog
was eaten by hawk. This communication who predator are got useful, but who is hunted
prey lose useful.
2. Protocooperation (+ ; +)
These intereactions are beneficial to both the organisms in lesser or greater degree.
The communication of two species are get useful too and when they separate from each
other they don’t lose any useful such as: singing mina on buffalo back singing mina eat
tick on buffalo back, for buffalo geet useful from singing mina as alarm by shout or fly
away when anemy come.
3. Mulualism (+ ; +)
Communication between two species which different part get useful too but they both
can not separate from each other, if separate from each othe they will die such as: the
symbiosis associations between fungus and algae, that we called lichen. Fungus give wet
and mineral for algae, algae will produce organic metter for fungus to eat with or termite
eat wood but can not digest they have to rely up on prokaryotic which live in intestine of
termite help to digest first, after that termite intestine will suck for using.
4. Commensalism (+ ; +)
It is a relationship between two organisms of which one is benefitted by the other who
remains unaffected. Among the plants the orchids and epiphytic ferns are the best
example. The orchid which live in big tree, orchid get place for living, but big tree do not
get recieving and will not lose useful.
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5. Parasitism (+ ; Œ)
The parasite derives its food from the host and may live inside (endoparasite) or
outside (ectoparasite) its body. The parasite does not inten to kill the host but gradually
the host certainly dies. The pasasite may then die or change its host.
A: Endoparasite
This parasite which is parasite will eat food and live in host body of parasition such
as: each kind tape worm, round worm and each other bacyllus.
This parasite stay with out side parasition such as: louse, flea, tick, scrub thyphus,
dermatitis, plenyasisversicdlor.
6. Saprophytism (+ ; 0)
This living is fungus and bacteria that live in corpse of livingthing by pour enzyme
out for digest that corpse then they intentine chemical that get from digest in to cells in
form of liquid.
Livingthing that live like this can call: Decomposer. Indigestion is not communication
between livingthings two species but it is living between who digeste
with livingthing
corpse, so that corpse is mean 0.
7. Antibiosis (0 ; Œ)
This communication is livingthingone part will leave chemistry out side of cells,
which chemistry has result for growing up livingthing each specy such as: paramecium
releases antibiosis out, it stop resulting from growth bacyllus, especially paramecium will
not lose useful from releasing that chemistry but bacyllus is lost useful their part.
Microcystis release chemistry name: hydroxylamine releaase out to pont when animal
drink water in that pont they will death.
8. Amensalism (0; Œ)
This communication has happen when a livingthing one species can do other
livingthing not grow up but it is not leave chemistry out such as: big tree hide small tree,
it is a result for small tree do not grow up and big tree do not get or lose any useful.
9. Competition (Œ; Œ)
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It includes all those interactions among two organisms of the same species or different
species which affect their growth and survival. The effect may be due to proximity of the
individuals or availability of a common resource in short supply such as: animal snatches
place, food and female for hybridize.
This communication has happen in the same kind, they will be violenter than
between difference kind of animal.
10. Neutralism (0 ; 0)
This communication is a communicate that 2 parts of livingthing live together but
each part do not have any useful such as: In the field of grasses have rabbit and Outh bird
live together but they both do not communicate with each other.
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Chapter 7
Biotic community
The most visible part of the ecosystem is the biotic, the vegetation and animal life.
The assemblage of plants and animals in any given physical environment is a community.
Thus a community can be considered not only as the combination of populations of
different species, but also as the assemblage of organisms whose interrelationship
involves various patterns such mutualism, commensalisms, predators, or parasitism.
Organisms form integrated community of varying sizes. In ecology, community can be
divided into two groups as following:
1) Autotrophic or major community: This group is not dependent on other
organisms for nourishment and require from the outside only the energy of the sun ray.
For such instances, deciduous forest communities, rain forests, and oceanic communities
in various area.
2) Heterotrophic or minor community: This group is dependent on the major
community for its energy source. This type of community includes the organisms inhabit
in rotten log, community in the hollow of a tree, and community in aquatic environment.
Although communities are varying in sizes, but they are similar in common
features including dominant species, species richness, community structure, community
development and succession, and metabolism.
7.1 Dominant species
In general, the biotic community consists of the living organisms of ten, or
hundreds, or thousands species, but all these organisms do not equally interact on each
other. Some species are more importance on the other lives, some are less. The common
species are often considered the dominants, and in the community they may exert some
influences over other organisms. The organisms called dominants, in a community, may
a) the most numerous
b) possess the highest biomass
c) Preempt the space
d) make the target contribution to energy flow
e) control or influence the rest of the community.
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In a practical sense, it’s difficult to define the role of the dominant organisms to
those that are numerically superior. But numerical abundance alone is not sufficient. A
species of plant, for example, can be widely distributed over the area and yet exert little
influence on the community as a whole. In a forest the small or understory trees can be
numerically superior, yet the nature of the community is controlled by a few large trees
that over shadow the smaller ones. In such a situation the dominant organisms are not
those with the greatest numbers but those with the greatest biomass or that preempt most
of the canopy space and thus control the distribution of light. Ecologists measure such
dominants by biomass or basal area. Or the dominant organism may be relatively scarce
yet by its activity control the nature of the community. In many situations dominance
may result from the coactions between two or more species that have got similar
ecological requirement and function of ecological niche. Thus in order to determine the
dominance, it must consider the individual community in each situation. For instance, the
community might change along with changes the seasons.
Some species could be
dominant in specified season, but disappear in others, such plankton.
In addition,
dominance is considered as species more specified in their environmental requirements
and more tolerant on the limited factors than the other species.
To determine dominance, ecologists have used several approaches.
One can
measure relative abundance of the species involved, comparing the numerical abundance
of one species to the total abundance of all species.
Or one can measure relative
dominance, which is the ratio of the basal area occupied by one species to total basal area;
or one can use relative frequency as a measure.
Relative abundance =
Numerical abundance of A species
x 100
Total abundance of all species
Relative dominance =
Frequency =
Basal area occupied by A species
x 100
Total basal area
Numerical spot occupied by A species
Total spots in which all samples are collected
Relative frequency =
Frequency of A species
Total frequencie s of the total species
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7.2 Species diversity
From equator to the earth poles, it appears that numerical species are decreased as
the equatorial lines increased. This point of fact gives the origin of the phrases such
species abundance, species diversity and species richness that have the same meaning.
These phrases mean the number of species found in a given space. So it’s obvious that a
community that contains a few individuals of many species will have a higher diversity or
richness than will a community containing the same number of individuals but with most
of the individuals confined to a few species. Thus a biotic community in the tropical
region usually has a higher diversity of species and lower in the cool region. At the
higher latitude, species diversity is usually higher than at the lower latitude, as showing in
the table 7.1. Some organisms increase along with the increase of latitude such penguine,
pine tree, and salamander (stiling, 1992).
The common features of a community are: there are only 2-3 species to be found
in a great number and are common but others are scarce. There are many studies in the
nature that implies the fact, viz the study of moth using light-trap. In England, 1935, the
rare species found reached up 37 species, but only one individual could be found as a
representative of each rare species. For the common species, there were 1,097 individuals
from the total number of butterflies collected, 6,814 butterflies. All butterflies were
confined to 197 species in which only 6 species were assumed to be common species
occupying 50% of the total number of collected butterflies.
Table 7.1 The diversity index in different species, comparing with the position of
latitudes. (Source: Brown and Gibson, 1983 cited from Nitiya Laohachinda,
Geographic region
of species
Land mammals
North America
8° - 66° N
160 - 20
North America
8° - 66° N
80 - 1
Breeding land birds
North America
8° - 66° N
600 - 50
United States
30° - 45° N
60 -10
United States
30° - 45° N
40 -10
Marine fish
California coast
32° - 42° N
229 -119
South America
25° - 55° N
220 - 2
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Calanid Crustacea
North Pacific
0° - 80° N
80 -10
Gastropod mollusks
Atlantic coast of North America
25° - 50° N
300 -35
Bivalve mollusks
Atlantic coast of North America
25° - 50° N
200 - 30
Planktonic Foraminifera
World oceans
0° - 70° N
16 - 2
In order to quantify species diversity for the purpose of comparison, a number of
indexes have been proposed, but the most common one are Simpson’s index and Shannon
- Winner index. Both means have different values when the quantity of species, or the
distribution of the individuals of species, have changed.
If using index from both
formulas for comparison of two types of communities, it must use random sample or if it
needs to count directly the number of population, must operate in the same size of the
area of both communities as following:
Simpson’s index
N(N - 1)
n(n - 1)
D = Diversity index
N = Number of the total individuals in a community
Shannon − Wiener
of a
H ' = −∑ Pi log e Pi
i =1
Pi = Proportion of species i and the total species (=
H ' = Shannon − Wiener
Modified formula:
D = 3.322(log10 n. .n1 log 10 ni )
( Smith, 1974)
D = Diversity index
ni = Number of individuals of each species.
n = Number of the total species.
By using this formula, diversity index decreases, if the species distribute not even,
as illustrating in table 7.2.
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Table 7.2 Comparison of diversity index of species distributed not even within a
Number of species in a community Relative density of species in a community H’
Species 1
Species 2
Species 3
2 species
2 species
3 species
3 species
The maximum value of H’ or the maximum diversity index of each community could
quantify, if the density of all species within the community are the same, then using the
maximum value of H’ for counting the evenness of biotic community.
J '=
H ' max
J’ = evenness ranging from 0 -1
There are many theories, on the species diversity in a community, written by
Smith (1974) and Stiling (1992). They are as following:
The time theory:
According to this theory, species diversity of living
organisms is related to their evolutionary time. Thus a community with more time for the
evolution has experienced sufficient time for species to diverge, adapt to, or occupy
completely the changed environment.
For that reason, communities in the tropical
regions have more species than those in the glacial regions.
On the other hand,
environmental conditions in the tropical regions are more stable that result in wide range
of species distribution and diversity.
2) The theory of spatial heterogeneity: This theory holds that the more complex
the structure of the community, the more potential niches it possesses. That allows a
greater opportunity for speciation among organisms to exploit those niches. Thus a
tropical rain forest, with its complex vertical structure, provides many more niches and is
able to support many more species, for instance a variety of birds.
3) The climate stability theory: Diversity is related to the physical environment.
In the stable climate, the number of species is increased. This theory has got evidence
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from the studies on the biotic communities in the tropical regions through out the world.
The studies show that, in duration of evolution of the biotic organisms in the tropical
regions, the conditions of physical environment are more stable. Thus natural selection
resulting in existence of new species is caused from competition among species in the
same habitats.
4) The competition theory holds that in a more variable environment such as the
Arctics, the natural selection forces come from the physical environment. In a more
stable environment such as the tropics, selection forces are largely biotic, especially
intraspecific competition. Competition favors specialization, resulting in smaller niches.
5) The predatory theory involves in population relationship. This theory holds
that a random or selective removal of prey species by a predator reduces the level of
competition among them. That allows more species to coexist locally than would do so in
the absence of predation, because populations of competitors are held low enough to
prevent anyone from becoming dominant. Especially, in the tropical region there are
more predators and parasites than in the grazing region.
6) The stability-time hypothesis holds that diversity is inversely related to stress
and extreme environmental conditions. Only the few species of organisms capable of
resisting such conditions or specially adapted to them will be present in a stressed
community. Thus the diversity of a polluted stream bed is low compared to that of
nearby undisturbed areas.
7) Productivity theory: This theory was proposed by Wright, 1983. It states that
the more resources available in the form of nutrients, plants, or prey species, the more
species are able to specialize. The tropical rain forests, with a long growing season and a
large variety of plant species, have a high primary production. For that reason they are
able to support many more animal species than temperature or arctic regions, with their
much lower productivity. The more energy available in a usable form for organisms, the
more species the ecosystem can support.
Above all there is the direct relation between factors providing the high
productivity and the numerous species, viz the evapotranspiration related to the primarily
productivity of the community.
8) Area theory: It holds that diversity is inversely related to isolation. Islands
tend to be much less diverse than ecologically similar continental areas. This is due
partly to the difficulty that many species have in reaching the island. Many species of
organisms also may become locally extinct (and can not be readily replaced) as a result of
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random events. Moreover, isolated areas are likely to be small and to possess a low
variety of habitats and potential ecological niches.
9) Animal - pollination theory in the tropical area and high wet, less and not
severe winds. The plants exist continuously and densely. The pollination of these plants
exerts the animals including insects, bats, and birds. Both plants and animals exist in
However, It is quite difficult to test the hypothesis on these diversities, especially
in the real environment but the study has showed obviously that species diversity has
closely relation to the structure or the condition of their habitats, physical environment,
climatic condition, quantity of foods distributed in the community, quantity of the
minerals and raw material, and duration of the community development.
7.3 Community structure
Different patterns of community structure occur because of the existence of
distribution of living organisms and variety of influence on the environment, Odum, 1971
concluded the patterns of the community structure as following:
1) Stratification patterns.
A distinctive feature of a community is vertical
stratification, example: forest community consists of variety of plant size and has several
layers of vegetation. From the bottom to top, they are the herb or ground layer on which
there are small mixed herbaceous or seeding, the understory which consists of tall shrubs
and understory trees, and the canopy. The variety of life in the forest related directly to
the number and development of the layers of the forest. Distribution of living organisms
in these patterns contributes coexistence. This is due to the competition for the shelter,
and other factors are reduced. For the animals such insects and birds forage in different
vegetative strata, wren are found on the understory trees with dense leaves, but hawk on
the top of tall shrubs. In addition, aquatic community as pond, lakes and sea or ocean has
similar stratified structure, as minnow and other small fish like to forage in the surface
water, while catfish is in the bottom stratum.
2) Zonation patterns. This type of community structure is caused primarily by
differences in climatic conditions, the nature of the soil, its structure and moisture
conditions. For example, the distribution of plant in the marsh from the shallow water to
deep water is in such order: shallow-water emergent as grass, deep-water emergent,
floating plants, and submerged plants.
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3) Activity patterns. This is caused from distribution which is resulted from the
response of living organisms to the environment and then brings about variety of
activities. Example, response of living organisms to the physical factors such light and
temperature results in carrying out the activities or behavior.
4) Food web patterns. That is structure occurring by transferring energy in the
food web.
5) Reproductive patterns. This is occurred from distribution which results from
6) Social patterns. This is a community structure resulting from coexistence as a
group or troop.
7) Coactive patterns.
8) Stochastic patterns.
Distribution of life in different pattern, as said above, results in complexity of
community structure. In any community where the stratified distribution is more, the
living conditions is higher
7.4 Ecotone
Ecotone is the zone where two or more different communities meet and integrate,
for example, a zone between a field and a forest or a zone between muddy land by the
river and sandy. Organisms living in this zone are often similar of characteristics to those
of adjacent community. The variety and density of life are often greatest in ecotones.
This is called “edge effect”, and the species found in greatest number in this zone are
called “edge species”.
Example, the study showed that birds found in the ecotone, between forest and
field, reach up 22 species, but only 14 species found in the forest.
7.5 Naming the community
Ecologists have two views of natural communities exist.
One regards
communities as distinct natural units or associations, and boundaries between
communities should be fairy sharp. Another holds that, the community is as a collection
of species surviving under similar environmental conditions. To give order to the study
of communities, some systems of classification are needed. There are a number of
approaches to classify the communities. Communities classified are usually named after:
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1) The dominant form of life found in the community.
2) Habitat being well defined
3) Activities of the community such metabolism.
This classification may be controversial for some communities, but suit to others.
Example for naming after the dominant form of life, Ecologist’s viewpoint holds
that the composition of any one community is determined in part by the species that
happen to be distributed in the community, thus the community classification should be
after the dominant specie. This classification system is suitable, if the community consist
only of 1-2 species. Nevertheless, in some cases the dominant specie could not be welldefined and still has seasonal change. Examples for such cases are community of pine,
Reason of naming the community after the habitat is that the habitat has less
change, so naming by this system might more suitable and understandable such as sandy
community, muddy community, freshwater community.
Based on the above attribution, community in each area has its own characteristic
and develops until stable state, then changes along with the changes of the environment
over period of years. These changes are resulting from the exploitation of resources by
the species in the community. This brings to the instability of the community in which
species face the inadequate environment and finally death. When any one species was
depleted, other new species succeeded.
7.6 Ecological succession
Biotic community has constantly changed, such as abandoned cropland is a
common sight in agricultural regions, particularly in areas once covered with forest. No
longer tended the lands grow up in orderly in grasses, shrubs, and then trees. Many years
later, the abandoned croplands will be back in forest. The changes involved in the return
of the forest are not haphazard but orderly, and barring disturbance by man, or natural
events. This orderly and progressive replacement of one community by another until a
relatively stable community occupies the area is called ecological succession. Each of the
changes that take place in the successional process is called a seral stage. The whole
series of communities, from grass to shrub to forest, that terminate in a final stable
community is called a sere. As succession proceeds, one community replaces another in
part because of the modification in the physical environment brought about by biological
community. The change is gradual by variety of activities such as: metabolism, growth,
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reproduction, and death. These influence on the environment that are inadequate for
species. Thus, species are invaded and finally death. Another species that more fitted to
the new conditions of environment are succeeded the preceded species. There are two
types of ecological succession such following:
1) Primary succession is that took place in the habitat not substantially influenced
by previous biotic communities, often on new existed isolated lands, bare rock surface or
in anywhere that was not supported by preceded living organisms.
2) Secondary succession is that took place on the old field and proceeded from a
state in which other organisms and some form of soil were already present, but disturbed
by man, animals, or natural forces.
Ecologists, on the studies of succession, concluded that early stages in succession
characterized by relatively few species, by low biomass, and dependence on an abiotic
source of nutrients, by high ratio between gross primary production and biomass, by
higher net community production than respiration. Energy is channeled through relatively
few pathways to many individuals of a few species; a production per unit is high. Food
chains are short, linear, and largely grazing. The matures stage in the succession are
characterized by greater diversity of species, by higher biomass and a nutrient source
largely organic in nature, by high net production and a low ratio between gross
production and biomass, and by gross community production that about equals
respiration, as shown in the table 7.3
Table 7.3 Comparison of the early and the complete stages in succession
(source: Mc Naughton and Wolf, 1973)
Stage in ecosystem development
Early stage
Mature stage
Gross production / community respiration
> 1 or < 1
Gross production / biomass
Biomass supported per unit of energy flow
Food chains
Short, grazing
Long, complex
Species diversity
Niche specialization
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Feeding relations
Size of individuals
Life cycles
Short, simple
Long, complex
Population control mechanisms
More pronounced
Less pronounced
Mineral cycles
However, all indicators shown in the above table are more pronounced for the terrestrial
ecosystem, but not usually, to the aquatic or ecosystem bearing the fluctuations and being
controlled by limited factors such in desert with high temperature, low wet; or in the fast
stream. Only few species could survive in such ecosystem since they could adapt to such
kind of environment. In addition, in the water sources, distribution of planktons in
different seasons changes with seasonal change. As the terrestrial communities expend
over 10 years in order to the succession take place. Succession mostly takes place in one
direction and generally ends with a community whose populations remain stable until
disrupted by disturbance.
This late successional community is called the climax
community. Fig. 7.1 shows the level of succession happened in the community that
consists of 1 to 10 species.
Changes of population
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Figure 7.1 Level of succession of variety species against the time
Figure above shows the population size against time.
Low figure shows the rate of population increased against time unit.
The graphs shows obviously, while the increasing rate declined to the point of
extinction and on that point new specie developed to the maximum point.
Different forms of succession consist of similar sub-stages such following:
pioneer stage or colonization, site modification and species replacement.
7.6.1 Pioneer or colonization stage.
Pioneer stage is the first step in succession. This stage includes colonization of the
earliest forms of life and increases in species diversity. Different communities have
different changes. Generally, in a community where the climatic conditions are not much
stresses, the numbers of species increase faster than those the climatic conditions are
extremely unstable. First colonization of new species may take place by the natural
events such wind, stream or other organisms, especially animals.
Species diversity
increases through the time. In the same time, some species, unable to adapt to the new
environment, would died.
Pioneer species grew up on the terrestrial land are usually in the long time of
When adequate environment is available species diversity developed
concurrently again with reproduction.
7.6.2 Site modification
Colonization of pioneer species on an area brings about modification of the area.
It is caused from exploitation of resources by the pioneer species, excretion of waste, and
releases the energy to environment. This results in increase of organic substrates. This
process facilitates the existence of new species on the area. The most common pioneer
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specie is likely variety of microorganisms including moss, lichen such penicillium
simplicissium that is able to digest the rock by releasing organic acid like citric acid.
Then the microorganisms exploit these minerals such silicon, aluminum, magnesium and
ferric on the decay rock for their growth.
In the terrestrial succession, plants are mostly important factors in modification of
environment, especially the quality of soil as follows: modify acid-base of the soil,
composition of the nutrients; and finally new species of plants exist to succeed the earlier
ones in the community. New species modify the environment in such a way that it
becomes less suitable for themselves and more suitable for species characteristic of later
successional stage. In addition, the pioneer species of plants developed largely and
related to evaporation. Generally, evaporation in the early stage of succession is about
2.5 more than that in the mature stage. Thus, the pioneer plants developed in this
community have grossly affected on the environment and the behavior of the new arrival
animals in the community as well. In succession, the plants have importance that brings
about modification of niches and other environmental factors. All these changes result in
existence of species to succeed the others.
7.6.3 species replacement
Replacement of early succissional species by later succissional species could take
place when the earlier environment was modified by the earlier species themselves
colonizing the area in the relevant stage. These result in increase of population,
competition between them, and accumulation of different substrates from life activities of
early species.
Eventually the outcome facilitates colonization by later succissional
species. In other words, the early species modify the environment in such a way that it
becomes less suitable for themselves and more suitable for species characteristic of later
successional stages. Early successional species disappear as they make the environment
less suitable for themselves and more suitable for other species. Replacement of early
successional species by later succitional species continues in this way until resident
species no longer facilitate colonization by other species. This final stage in a chain of
facilitations and replacements is the climax community whose average species
composition reaches an equilibrium.
For instance, succession in different environment in early stage may take place in
the xeric condition such in rocky, Lava rocky, or sand dune; or in the hydric condition
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such in puddle, pond, swamp, and ect. When both conditions are under some changes,
their environment changes to the mesic condition.
(a) Xerosere. Succession in the xeric conditions such in rocky, the pioneer species
mostly are cyanobacteria who modified the rocky to be able getting some wets, and
crustose lichen contributes to absorb moisture and dust from air. In the same time,
lichens release acids to decompose the rocky. The decomposed rocky becomes probably
the soil. When this lichen species die out, it causes an increase in nutrients and moisture
that favors the foliose lichens to develop and then the latter succeed the earlier organisms.
Thus, this stage of succession is called lichen stage.
The later one is moss stage. Modified environment in the earlier stage supports
the development of moss. These species are usually found in a break or an open of rock.
In this stage, apart from moss, organisms such earthworms and other insects are also
Afterwards, moss stage succeeds by weed stage, fern o r ²õ©ìí´ì÷¡.
Development of successional plant species depend on the amount of light and moisture,
for instance, fern develop well under the condition of more light and high moisture; but
weed of more light, less moisture.
Tree stage is a final stage preceded the climax stage. This stage consists of shrubs
and tree of different sizes. Generally, this stage lasts no longer time, however it depends
on limited factors of each geographic area.
Many animals migrate more to the area in order to rely on the thick canopy. For
instance, terrestrial succession following the volcanic eruption in Krakatua, Indonesia, in
1883, occurs gradually and up to 1995. It takes 112 years to become the forest (Fig. 7.2).
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Fig. 7.2. Primary succession in island Krakatua, following the volcanic eruption
1883, becomes the stable forest in 1995.
(b) Hydrosere. Instance for hydrosere is shallowness in a pond and a swamp,
resulting in existence of terrestrial community. In common water resources, evaporation
and precipitation increased gradually more and more through the long time, bring about
Accumulation of the soil along the edge of the ponds, or swamps results in growing
newly the grass, small shrubs, big shrubs, and then trees. Finally, it becomes completely
a terrestrial community. (Fig. 7.3).
Stages of shallowness to become the complete terrestrial community can be
divided as follows:
(1) Submerged vegetation stage. This stage consists of different kinds of algae
such: red algae, ..........
(2) Floating stage. It is consists of floating plant such morning glory, ........
(3) Emerging vegetation stage. It consists of plants that have parts of the stem
emerge the water surface, but the another parts of stem and their roots are found in the
water, such ...............
(4) Marsh or temporary pond stage. The soil accumulated in water that makes
probably the ponds or swamps dry or muddy in the dry season, or poorly drained in the
rainy season in a stage.
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(5) Tree stage or climax stage. It is a final stage in conversion of water basin to
the complete soil. Plants existing in the first stage are gradually sequent succeeded by
tree in this stage, and then become completely the terrestrial forest. Development of
species diversity occurs when the soil condition modified.
Biotic communities in different geographic region have its own characteristics.
Consequently, a community is mostly named after its characteristics. Population having
great effects on other population in utilization of energy and its life activities becomes
dominant. In development of a population to be dominant in society, the population
structure must be stable and increases in population could mostly occupy the natural
resources. These communities are considered as natural broad biotic units called biomes
that will be introduced in next chapter.
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Fig. 7.3
Gradual succession of the aquatic communities to the forest in the
climax stage.
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Chapter 8
Terrestrial community
The terrestrial habitats are mostly familiar to the human since they exploit the soil
to be their shelter and to survive. Terrain is assumed as habitat, the environment of which
are great variable to aquatic. Differences of significant environment between terrestrial
and aquatic are following
Organisms live in a moisture environment, ranging from
environments entirely aquatic to those deficient in moisture, either physically (as in arid
regions) or physically (as in saline habitats. Terrestrial organisms, however, are usually
faced with a severe problem of water balance that is rarely happened with aquatic
Evaporation or evaporative water loss from terrestrial plant leaves is a
process utilizing lots of energy, compared to that from aquatics. For instance, in order to
uptake 1 g of carbon dioxide, terrestrial plants needs to pump the water approximately
100g from the soil, using lots of energy. The water absorbing from the soil passes into
the plant tissues then evaporates. But for the aquatic organisms, evaporation occurs less.
Temperature. Air temperature generally fluctuates more than water
temperature resulting partly from high capacity of water to absorb heat energy without
changing temperature (more details will be discussed in next chapter that concern with
freshwater community). Air temperature fluctuate both daily, in period of 24 hours, and
(3) Essential gas for living organisms. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are inorganic
molecules and abundant in the earth’s atmosphere. These element and compound are less
in the water and in depth soil, or unwell-drained soil.
(4) Soil. Soil is the foundation upon which all terrestrial life and much aquatic
life depend. It is a medium in which organisms grow, and the activities of those
organisms, in turn, affect structure.
(5) Isolated land. It is the land separated from the continent and surrounded by
aquatic environment. Distribution of organisms is limited by isolation of the terrestrial
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(6) mineral-rich soil.
Soil is rich of variety of minerals both elements and
compounds that make the soil different in each area. Soil has the major influence on the
growth of the living organisms, especially directly on plants, and indirectly on the
animals since the latter, in survival, rely on the plants.
In conclusion, terrestrial communities in different geographic region or biome
have existed by 2 cooperative factors: The first is climatic such temperature, moisture or
quantity of rain, and light. The second is the soil conditions, in which the living
organisms survive.
8.1 Soil - the major component of the terrestrial community.
Soil is the collection of the natural bodies at the earth’s surface that is comprised
of minerals and organic matters, which are derived from decomposition of the minerals
themselves following disintegration of the rocks, and organic debris, respectively.
Composition of the soils in each area is different, depending upon the rocks as the source
of inorganic matter, and organism debris.
Composition of the soil and soil horizons.
The composition of the soils have four major parts, being the important factors
that affect the growth of plant communities. These parts are an inorganic matter, organic
matter, water in the soil, and air in the soil.
Inorganic matter. These matters are derived from the weathering, disintegration
of rocks and follows by decomposition of the minerals themselves. All these processes
take place by the chemical, physical, and biochemical methods. Inorganic matters are the
nutrient resources for the plants and soil microorganisms. In addition, this inorganic
component also indicates the characteristics of the soil texture, and identifies the sort of
Organic matter. It is the soil component derived from decay organisms and
decomposition of the living organism debris. A part from inorganic matter, organic is a
resource for the soil microorganisms as well. The major elements that play important
roles in growth of plants are such nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur.
Water in the soil. Water molecules as a resource of moisture are dispersed
between the particles of the soil. In the soil, water contributes to dissolve the minerals, so
that plants could absorb them to utilize.
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Air in soil. Air in soil is in gaseous state that disperses among the particles of the
The air comprises nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.
Plant roots and
microorganisms utilize the oxygen in soil for respiration. Reaction of carbon dioxide and
water results in formation of carbonic acid which plays important role in the
Chemical process of the soil:
microorganisms in the soil.
Carbon dioxide is a source of carbon for the
Nitrogen is another one element that is important to
microorganisms as well. Chemical composition of the soil is shown in the following
figure (fig. 8.1). The figure shows the composition of the soil that is adequate for
agriculture. Based on the figure 8.1, the inorganic matter comprises 93% of total dry
mass, and the rest is organic matter - 7% that consists of both death and lively organisms
(fig. 8.2). In the composition of the living organism in soil (edaphon), 40% is fungi, and
algae; another 40% - bacteria and actinomycetes; and the rest 20% other organisms
inhabiting in the soil (the details of these organisms will be discussed in the topic related
to the under ground community).
Organic matter 5%
Fig. 8.1 Composition (in volume) that is adequate for the growth of the plants.
The ratio of organic
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( Department of soil science, 2541)
fig. 8.2 Composition of the soil expressed as percentage of the dry mass, and
the portion of edaphon.
Soil structure can be observed by digging a soil pit. In a soil pit you see one of the
most significant aspects of soil structure, its vertical layering (fig.8.3). In general soils are
divided into several discrete horizons as following:
The surface soil lies on the top of the profile. This layer characterized by major
organic matter accumulation, decomposition of which is different with depth.
The subsoil contains a mixture of mineral materials, such as clay, iron, aluminum,
silt, and sand, and organic material derived from the surface soil.
The parent material is the third layer in the soil pit. It consists of weathered
parent material. Weathering slowly breaks the parent material into smaller fragments to
produce sand, silt, and clay-sized particles. Because weathering is incomplete and less
intense than two layer above, this layer may contain many rock fragments.
The bed rock is the layer containing the unweathered parent material, which is
often bedrock.
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Fig. 8.3 The soil profile comprised the surface soil, subsoil, the parent material,
and bed rock.
(Department of soil science, 2541).
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Fig. 8.4 Comparison of the soil profile of 3 biomes: rain forest, pine forest, and
The layer comprised the parent material, and the above layer next to the parent
material is called regolith; and the layers are above the parent material are called solum,
which is, in the nature, divided to several horizons such as:
The A horizon lies on top of the profile. The most superficial layer of this horizon
is made up of freshly fallen organic matter. Sometimes this horizon is called O horizon.
The A1 horizon, in which organic matter is decomposed and becomes humus.
The A2 horizon is the layer that humus leached slowly through the soil profile
until it is deposited in the B horizon. A2 is light-colored horizon,
In different communities of plant, soil structure is usually different with depth of
each horizon. Fig. 8.4 shows the difference of thickness of the horizons between 3 types
of communities. The community that has the most thickness of A horizons is the weeds,
the second after weeds is pine forest, and the last one which has smallest A horizon is rain
The B horizon contains the clays, humus, and other material that have been
transported by water from the A horizon.
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The C horizon consists of weathered parent material broken into smaller and
smaller fragments.
The R horizon is the layer of consolidated bed rock.
Each horizon varies in thickness, color, texture, structure, consistency, porosity,
and composition. The soil profile is, however, essentially a continuum, often there is no
clear-cut distinction between one horizon and another. Horizon subdivisions, lowercase
letters, are used to indicate significant qualitative departures from the central concept of
each horizon. Of all the horizon of the soil, none is more important or ecologically more
interesting than the forest floor or the organic horizon. Soil in different geographic region
varies in the composed horizon. In the studies of the soil, the soil sort is identified by its
organic and inorganic composition.
Development of different horizons will not be
discussed here.
In conclusion, soil is the foundation of terrestrial communities and much aquatic
life. It is the medium in which plant life is rooted, a reservoir of mineral nutrients needed
by plants upon which, in turn, animal life depends. Vegetational activities of these
organisms influence the development of soil, its chemical and physical properties, and its
organic matter content.
8.2 Climate
Climate in each geographic region is an essential factor to identify types of
biomes or terrestrial communities.
Climate in each region usually include sunlight and
temperature, air circulation and precipitation.
The earth is a sphere, thus the sun’s rays are most concentrated where the sun is
directly overhead. Consequently, the earth is always immersed in uneven heating by the
However, the latitude at which the sun is directly overhead changes with the
This seasonal change occurs because the earth’s axis of rotation is not
perpendicular to its plane of orbit about the sun but is tilted approximately 23.5° away
from the perpendicular. Because of this tilted angle of rotation is maintained throughout
earth’s orbit about the sun, the amount of solar energy received by the Northern and
Southern Hemispheres changes seasonally. During the northern summer the Northern
Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun and receives more solar energy than the Southern
Hemisphere. During the northern summer solstice on approximately June 21, the sun is
directly overhead at the tropic of Cancer, at 23.5° N latitude. During the northern winter
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solstice, on approximately December 21, the sun is directly overhead at the tropic of
Capricorn, at 23.5° S latitude. During the northern winter, the Northern Hemisphere is
tilted away from the sun and the Southern Hemisphere receives more solar energy. The
sun is directly overhead at the equator during the spring and autumnal equinoxes, on
approximately March 21 and September 23. On those dates, the Northern and Southern
Hemispheres receive approximately equal amounts of solar radiation. The seasonal shift
in the latitude at which the sun is directly overhead drives the march of the seasons. At
high latitudes, in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, seasonal shifts in input of
solar energy produce winters with low average temperatures and shorter day lengths and
summers with high average temperatures and longer day lengths. Meanwhile, between
the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, seasonal variation in temperature and day length is
slight, while precipitation may vary a great deal. Variation in climates, especially
prevailing temperature and precipitation, bring about species diversity of plants in the
region of low attitude (near the equator) and in that of high latitude (near the earth’s
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Fig. 8.5 The seasons in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
8.3 Biogeographical regions
The earth’s area consists of 7 continents: North America, South America, Europe,
Asia, Australia, Africa, and Antarctica. These continents possess the difference, may be
less or more, in climate resulting in species diversity. Biologists in the studies of plants
and animals in different area through out the world separated all these continents into the
biogeographical regions or realms, based on the living organisms found. Botanists, in
time, noted that the world could be divided into great blocks of vegetation including
deserts, grasslands, coniferous, temperate, ant tropical forests.
These divisions they
called formations, even though they had difficulty drawing sharp lines between them.
Later, in 1964 Good separated the geographic region, based on the flowering plant, into
six regions (fig. 8.6) as following:
(1) Boreal includes continents as North America and North Europe, and the North
of Asia.
(2) Paleotopical include the geographic tropics in a part of Asia and Africa,
subdividing as following:
(2.1) Africa embraces Africa continent and Madagascar island, excluding
the south part of the continent.
Indo-Malaysian includes the area of India, Sri Lanka and the
countries in South East Asia including Laos.
(2.3) Polynesian contains the Islands of South Pacific.
(3) Neotropical contains Central and South America continent.
(4) South Africa includes the extremity of the Africa continent.
(5) Austrlian contains the Australian continent and Tasmania.
(6) Antarctic includes the area of South Pole of the earth such the extremity of
South America continent, Fordland islands and New Zealand.
Geographical division based on the zoogeography began to study by the earlier of
20 century. Divisions, mostly, are carried out with terrestrial animal species, especially,
birds and mammals. The master work in zoogeography was done by Alfred Wallace,
even several parts are modified. These geographical areas, dividing on the major animals
found in the area, include 6 regions (fig. 8.6 b).
Palearctic region contains the whole of Europe, all of Asia north of the
Himalayas, northern Arabia, and a narrow strip of coastal North Africa. In this region,
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the major animals found are wolf, the moose, the caribou, the bison, different species of
birds such loon and tit.
2. Ethiopian (African) region includes the continent of Africa south of the Atlas
Mountains and Sahara Desert. It contains the most varied endemic vertebrate fauna such
Gorilla, chimpanzee, lion, zebra, giraffe, hypothalamus, Africa elephant, antelope, and
Fig. 8.6
a. Geographical separation based on the endemic fauna
b. Geographical separation based on the means of Alfred Russel
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3. Oriental region includes India, Indochina, South China, Malaya, Philippines,
and the western islands of the Malay-Archipelago. The majority of Oriental animals are
Indian elephant, tiger, orangutan, gibbon, and peacock.
Australian region includes Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea, and a few
smaller islands of the Malay Archipelago. The endemic animals are such kangaroo, kiwi,
duck-billed platypus, spiny anteater.
This religion is separated from Oriental by
Wallace’s line, which runs between the Philippines and the Moluccas in the north, then
bends southwest between Bomeo and the Celebes, then south between the islands of Bali
and Lombok. Although these two religions are 32km in distance, but species diversity of
animals found are more than in those between British island and Japan which both located
in different hemisphere.
5. Nearctic region contains North America and Greenland. The endemic animals
are such caribou, musk-ox, raccoon, puma, and skunk.
6. Neotropical region includes all of South America, part of Mexico, and the
West Indies.
The fauna of the Neotropical are anteater, sloth, alpaca, marmosets,
vampire, kiwi.
Two regions, the Palearctic and the Nearctic, are quite closely related; they used
to be combine in the region of Bering canal. In fact the two are often considered as one,
the Holarctic. Both are quite alike in their faunal composition.
8.4 Terrestrial community structure.
Living organisms in the terrestrial community are very diverse comparing to
those, in the aquatic community. Consequently, identification of the terrestrial organisms
is unable to carry out in the same way as that of the aquatic organisms. Ecologists
recognize and contrast the terrestrial communities, based on the predominant source of
their nutrition, as producers, consumers and decomposers.
Each groups have been discussed in the previous chapter on ecosystem. Thus,
some common characteristics of them will be proposed in this topic.
Producers belonging to the terrestrial communities contain largely green
plants. The big green trees manufacture not only food, but are also a shelter for other
organisms. Plant species developing in different area of the earth contribute to regulation
of the climatic conditions of the area where they inhabit. Consequently, species diversity
on the earth is often developed and has its own characteristics that correspond with the
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environment conditions, under which they survive. Such characteristics can be used to
describe the growth forms such as woody plants, herbaceous plants, trees, shrub, grass,
and forbs.
In addition, the plants are able to be divided, based on their ability in
adaptation with the environment conditions such the quantity of moistures or other
factors, as hydrophytes, mesophytes, xerophytes, and halophyte. Perhaps a more useful
system is the one designed in 1934 by Raunkiaer. Instead of considering the plants’
growth forms, and the amount of the moisture, he classified plant life by the relation of
the embryonic or meristemic tissues that remain inactive over winter or a dry period
(perennating tissue) to their height above-ground. Such perennating tissue includes buds,
bulbs, tubers, roots, and seeds. He recognized six principle life forms as shown in the
Figure 8.7.
Figure 8.7 Classification by Raunkiaer’s life form. Number 1-6 is representative
plant group classified by considering the height of the perennial tissue
Plant classification by Raunkiaer indicates that all the species in a region or
community can be grouped into these six classes providing a life form spectrum of the
area that reflects the plants’ adaptations to the environment, particularly climate. Life
forms of the plants in the first group are characterized by the plants growing on other
plants; roots up in the air. For the second group, perennial buds carried well up in the air
and exposed to varying climate conditions; tree and shrubs over 25 cm; typical of moist,
warm environments. The third and fourth groups characterized by the perennial buds at
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the surface of the ground, where they are protected by soil and leaves. Many plants are
characterized by rosette leaves and are characteristic of cold, moist climates. The fourth
group, perennial shoots or buds are on the ground to about 25 cm above the surface.
Buds receive protection from fallen leaves and snow cover. For the fifth group, perennial
buds are buried in the ground on a bulb or rhizome, where they are protected from
freezing and drying. Plants are typical of cold, moist climates. . The last group: annuals,
with complete life circle from seed to seed in one season. Plants survive unfavorable
periods as seeds and are typical of deserts and grasslands.
Terrestrial consumers are divided into several levels.
species adapt differently to their environment that result in variety of shelter and life
condition forms. Primary consumers or herbivores range small organisms such plankton,
different species of insects to organisms of big size such as cow, buffalo, elephant, horse,
and etc. Within these organisms, a part from insects, other animals such centipede,
millipede, scorpion, tick, and etc. are most abundant. These animals are essential
components of the terrestrial ecosystem as well. Since the number of organisms is large
and species are diverse as well, ecological studies are carried out on specific group of
animals such: ecology of insects, ecology of birds, ecology of mammals, etc. It appears,
however, that terrestrial producers are mostly large size and manufacture, thus, more
foods but less in use, because of that some animals are unable to digest cellulose and
These part, therefore, of manufactured foods are used by decomposers and
detrivors that are abundant in many types of forests.
(3) Decomposers: The decomposers make up the so-called final feeding group of
organisms, plant and animals. These organisms utilizes the food stored by autrotrops,
rearrange it, and finally decomposes the complex materials into simple, inorganic
compounds. These organisms include microorganisms, yeast, mold, unicells, and other
small animals. Microorganisms playing the roles in decomposition of dead organisms are
divided into 4 groups:
- Fungi, mold, yeast.
- Heterotrophic bacteria
- Actinomycetes
- Protozoa as amiba, cilia, colorless fragellates
These may be found on the surface aboveground, in the pile of fallen leaves. The
steps of decomposition by these organisms might take place orderly as following:
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Yeast, mold, and microorganisms bearing spore
Microorganism not bearing spore
The first groups of microorganisms digest the simple organic compounds such as
sugar, amino acid, and proteins of small size. Afterwards, microorganisms enabling to
digest cellulose are active; and finally, Actinomycetes are the last one that continues in
decomposition of the compounds to produce humus.
8.5 Underground community structure.
The number of different species found in the soil is enormous, representing
microorganisms, and practically every invertebrate phylum. Thus, in the studies of fauna
community in the soil, these organisms are divided into 3 groups as shown in the Figure
(1) Microbiota: The representatives of this group are green algae and blue-green
algae in the soil, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. The size of these organisms is less than
0.16 nm.
(2) Mesobiota: The organisms belonging to this group are wireworm, white
worm (enchytraeids), insects of small size, and small arthropod as oribatis mites,
springtail, and others whose size is approximately 0.16 -10.24 mm. Their representatives
are shown in the Figure 8.9.
(3) Macrobiota: This group contains plant roots, larger soil insects as soil beetles,
and other larger arthropod such millipedes, centipedes, land isopod, earthworm, snail, and
includes several species of vertebrates such rats, salamander, etc.
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Figure 8.8. Identification of animals found in soil (Leadley Brown, 1978)
There are a number of ways to study on the relationship between organisms in the
terrestrial community, based on the efficiency of energy transfer.
A. One useful measure of efficiency of energy transfer is net primary production
(NPP) or net production. Net primary production is gross primary production minus the
amount utilized by producer respiration. Net ecosystem production is expressed as net
production minus total energy dissipation by consumers including both animal and
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decomposer respiration. It’s apparently that all production of 5-10% in the abandoned
crop field or in the most forest is exploited by herbivores. The rest is approximately 90%
or more are utilized and accumulated underground. In the field, although, there are
numerous numbers of herbivores, the rest of energy reaches up 40-50% transferring to the
underground community.
Figure 8.9 The representatives of arthropod, the size of which ranges from 0.16 10.24 mm. 1A - Oribatis mites, 2- Proturan, 3- Japigid, 4- thrips,
5- Symphylan, 6-Pauropod, 7- Rovebeetle, 8- Springtail,
9-pseudoscorpion, millipedes, 11- centipedes and 12- Grub. (saurce:
Odum, 1971).
B. Another one way used to measure the efficiency of energy transfer is
calculation of the rate of the decomposed fallen leaves on the ground. By this mean, the
nylon plastic bag is used to collect the fallen leaves. After weighing, the bag with the
leaves is left to stand for decomposition naturally of the leaves. The bag is periodically
weighted in order to recognize the rate of decomposition of the fallen leaves in a period.
This mean excludes the utilization or respiration of living organisms in soil.
C. One more method is to measure the number of carbon dioxide in soil. The
measure is gained from respiration of organisms surviving in the soil. The results of the
studies on the forest of oak, maple, and pine, showed that the rate of utilization of carbon
dioxide in summer is accounted for 3 littres/m2, in winter-1.2 littres/m2; the annual
average is approximately 766 l/m2. Energy can be calculated by using these values, when
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it’s known 1litre equal 5.3 kcal. Consequently, the average of energy utilization of
terrestrial organisms through a year is about 766 x 5.3 = 4.060 kcal/m2/year.
8.6 Types of terrestrial community
Biotic communities, ranging from logs in the nature to large matters such grass
land, forest, and desert, may possess different sizes.
Classification which embraces
several plant communities, but includes all animal life associated with them is called a
biome. A biome is a broad ecological unit characterized by the distinctive life forms of
the climax species, plants or animals. Biomes are characterized by their predominant
plants and associated with particular climates. In this chapter, each type of biomes will
be discussed. Figure 8.10 shows classification of biomes proposed by Odum, 1971.
Figure 8.10 Distribution of biomes in different area on earth.
8.6.1 Tundra biomes
The tundra rings the top of the globe, covering most of the land north of Arctic
Circle, about 15% of the earth’s land area; three fourth is a soil area that is often underlain
by a layer of permafrost that may be many meters thick. The tundra climate is typically
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cold and dry. Average annual temperatures are less 0°C. The tundra usually doesn’t get
quite as cold in the winter or quite as warm in the summer. As a consequence, though
winter temperatures are less severe, the summers are shorter. The season supporting the
well-growth is summer that last only 2 months. Precipitation on the tundra varies from
less than 200 - 300 mm/year to a little over 600mm. Generally, water is not a limited
factor for tundra, but the prevailing climate in which the number of species tends to be
The open tundra landscape is dominated by a richly textured patchwork of
perennial herbaceous plants, especially grasses, sedges, mosses, and lichens. The lichens
are eagerly eaten by reindeer and caribou. The woody vegetation of the tundra consists of
dwarf willows and birches along with a variety of low-growing shrubs. The tundra is a
biome on earth that still supports substantial numbers of large native mammals, including
caribou, reindeer, musk ox, bear, and wolves. Small mammals such as arctic foxes,
weasels, lemmings, and ground squirrels are also abundant. Resident birds like the
ptarmigan and snowy owl are joined each summer by a host of migratory bird species.
Insects are also very abundant. Each summer, swarms of mosquitoes and black flies
emerge from the many tundra ponds and streams.
Ecosystem in tundra, may exist on the high mountain in the warm area of the
world, and is called alpine tundra.
In general the alpine tundra is a more severe
environment for plants than arctic tundra. The atmosphere is thinner in the alpine tundra,
and because of this, light intensity, especially ultraviolet, is high on clear days.
8.6.2 Taiga, coniferous forest
The largest vegetation formation on Earth is the Taiga or coniferous forest. Taiga
is confined to the Northern Hemisphere. It extends from Scandinavia, through European
Russia, across Siberia to central Alaska, and across all of central Canada in a band
between 50° and 65° N latitude. There are two types of climates: a cold continental, the
temperatures of which ranges from about -70 °C in winter to over 30°C in summer; an
average temperatures is about -5°C. The second type is cold maritime in which an
average temperatures is higher then in continent. Precipitation is moderate, more than
that in tundra, ranging from about 250mm to 500 mm/year or may reach up 800 mm/year.
Taiga is generally dominated by evergreen conifers through the year. There are 2
types of vegetation: One is the main coniferous forest including different gymnosperm
such as spruce, fir, tamarack, and, in some places, pines. The shrubs and herbaceous
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developed unwell in this type of forest. Another type of coniferous forest is that growing
in the coniferous-mixed forest ecotone where the coniferous forest grades into mixed
forest of Southern Canada and the northern United States. This type of the mixed forest is
called moist coniferous forest biomes. In this area, the temperatures are low, precipitation
and fog are more dense. Most of the plants in this area are cold-tolerable. Decomposition
occurs slowly that causes the accumulation of plant debris converted, finally, to Mire or
peat bog. Taiga soils tend to be of low fertility, thin, and acidic. Low temperatures and
low pH impede decomposition of plant litter and slow the rate of soil building.
Taiga is home to many animals. This is the winter home of migratory caribou and
reindeer and the year-round home of moose and woodland bison. The wolf is the major
predator of the coniferous forest. This biome is also inhabited by black bears and grizzly
bears in North America and the brown bear in Eurasia. A variety of smaller mammals
such as lynx, wolverine, snowshoe hare, porcupines, and red squirrels also live in
coniferous forests. This forest is the nesting habitat for many birds that migrate from the
tropics each spring and the year-round home of other birds such as crossbills and spruce
grouse. For most of history, human intrusion in the Taiga forest was relatively light.
More recently, however, harvesting of both animals and plants has become intense.
8.6.3 Deciduous Forest Biome Temperate deciduous forest biome
Temperate deciduous forest on the earth can be found between 30° and 55°
latitude. However, the majority of this biome lies between 40° and 50° . In Asia,
temperate deciduous forest originally covered much of Japan, eastern China, Korea, and
eastern Siberia.
In Western Europe, this type of forests extended from southern
Scandinavia to northwestern Iberia and from the British Isles through eastern Europe. In
the Southern Hemisphere, temperate deciduous forests are found in southern Chile, New
Zealand, and southern Australia.
Deciduous forests occur where temperatures, generally, are not extreme and where
annual precipitation averages anywhere from about 650mm to over 3000 mm. Deciduous
trees usually dominate temperate forests, where the growing season is moist and at least 4
months long. In deciduous forests winters last from 3-4 months. Though snowfall may be
heavy, winters in deciduous forests are relatively mild. The few deciduous trees are
largely restricted to streamside environment, where water remains abundant during the
drought-prone growing season. While the diversity of trees found in temperate forests is
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lower than that of tropical forests, temperate forest biomass can be as great, or greater.
Like tropical rain forests, temperate forests are vertically stratified. In addition, in the
driest habitats, all trees drop their leaves during the dry season; but in an area the forests
consisting more of pines may be evergreen. Tropical deciduous forest
Tropical deciduous forests are different from rain forests by possession obviously
of rain season and drought season, which affect on the plant species and their living. In
drought season leaves are fallen in order to keep the water in the plants.
Tropical deciduous forests occupy a substantial portion of the earth’s surface
between about 10° and 25° latitude. In Africa tropical deciduous forests are found both
north and south of the central African rain forests. In the Americas, tropical deciduous
forests are the natural vegetation of extensive areas south and north of the Amazon rain
forests. Tropical deciduous forests also extend up the west coast of Central America and
into North America along the west coast of Mexico. In Asia, tropical dry forests are the
natural vegetation of most of India and the Indochina peninsula including most area of
The climate of tropical deciduous forests is more seasonal than that of tropical
rain forests. For instance, a dry season lasting for 6 to 7 months followed by a season of
abundant rainfall. This wet season lasts for about 5-6 months. The seasonal rains in the
tropical deciduous forests come during the warmer part of the year.
The plants of the tropical deciduous forests are strongly influenced by physical
factors. For example, the height of the tropical deciduous forest is highly correlated with
average precipitation. Trees are tallest in the wettest areas. In the driest places, where the
trees are smallest and the landscape more open, the tropical deciduous forest may appear
similar to the tropical savanna or even desert. The tropical deciduous forests shares many
animal species with the rain forest and savanna.
The number of people settling in the tropical deciduous forests is higher than
tropical wet and rain forests, especially, in the development countries. Heavy human
settlement has devastated the tropical deciduous forests. Tropical deciduous forests are
more vulnerable to human exploitation for settlement and agriculture than tropical rain
forests because the dry season makes them more accessible and easier to burn.
8.6.4 Temperate Grassland Biomes
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Temperate grassland is the largest biome in North America such Perry, and Steppe
in Eurasia. Temperate grasslands receive between 300 and 1,000 mm of precipitation
annually. Though wetter than deserts, temperate grasslands may experience occasional
drought, and drought may persist for several years. A rate of evaporation is quite high.
These conditions are too light to support a heavy forest and too great to encourage a
Temperate grassland is thoroughly dominated by herbaceous vegetation. The
length of the root system varies from about 10 to 15 cm, considering being tallgrasses.
These grasses are more tolerant in the wet forest. In addition, animal life in the temperate
grassland dominated by grazing and burrowing species. Grasslands, however, are not
exclusively a climatic formation, because most of them require periodic fires for
maintenance, renewal, and elimination of encroaching woody growth. Associated grasses
are a variety of legumes and composite plants.
8.6.5 Tropical Savanna Biomes
The one ecosystem that defies any general description is the tropical savanna.
Most tropical savannas occur north and south of tropical dry forests within 10° to 20° of
the equator. In Africa south of the Sahara Desert, tropical savannas extend from the west
to the east coasts, cut a north-south swath across the east African highlands, and reappear
in south-central Africa. In South America, tropical savannas occur in south-central Brazil
and cover a great deal of Venezuela and Columbia. Tropical savannas are also the natural
vegetation of much northern Australia.
The savanna climate is generally drier than that of tropical dry forest. Life on the
savanna cycles to the rhythms of alternating dry and wet seasons. The mean rainfall is
within the range 300-500 mm. Some savannas receive as much rainfall as a tropical dry
forest. Other savannas occur in areas that are as dry as deserts. However, seasonal
drought combines with another important physical factor, fire. The fires kill young trees
while the grasses survive and quickly resprout. Consequently, fires help maintain the
tropical savanna as a landscape of grassland and scattered trees.
The tropical savanna is populated by wandering animals that move in response to
seasonal and year-to-year variations in rainfall and food availability. The wandering
consumers of the Australian savannas include Kangaroos, large flocks of birds, and, for at
least 40,000 years, humans. The African savanna is home to a host of well-known mobile
consumers, such as elephants, wildebeest, giraffes, zebras, lions, and, again, humans. The
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diverse mammalian herbivores of the African savanna harvest all parts of the vegetation,
from low herbs to the tops of trees. As noted, fires play a key role in maintaining the
savanna landscape. Frequent fires have selected for fire resistance in the flora. The few
tree species on the savanna resist fire well enough to be unaffected by low-intensity fires.
Humans are, in some measure, a product of the savanna and the savanna, in turn,
has been influenced by human activity. Humans began to purposely set fire to the
savanna, which, in turn, helped to maintain and spread the savanna itself. Originally,
humans subsisted on the savanna by hunting and gathering. In time, they shifted from
hunting to pastoralism, replacing wild game with domestic grazers and browsers. Today,
livestock ranching is the main source of livelihood in all the savanna regions. In modernday sub-Saharan Africa, however, the combination of growing human population, high
density of livestock, and drought has devastated much of the region known as the Sahel.
8.6.6 Desert biomes
All deserts have in common low rainfall, average less than 25 mm per year, high
evaporation, and a wide daily range in temperature from hot by day to cool by night. The
temperatures between day and night differ more 20°. Rain when it falls, is often heavy
and, unable to soak into the dry earth, rushes off in torrents to basins below. The main
deserts are: Australia desert, Sahara in Africa, desert in Tibet, and in Bolivia. Deserts are
not the same everywhere.
Differences in moisture, temperature, soil drainage,
topography, alkalinity, and salinity create variations in vegetation cover, dominant plants,
and groups of associated species. Plant cover is absent from many places, exposing soils
and other geological features. Where there is plant cover, it is sparse. The plants
themselves look unfamiliar. Desert vegetation often cloaks the landscape in a grey-green
mantle. This is because many desert plants protect their photosynthetic surfaces from
intense sunlight and reduce evaporative water losses with a dense covering of plant hairs.
Other plant adaptations to drought include small leaves, producing leaves only in
response to rainfall and then dropping them during intervening dry periods, or having no
leaves at all. Some desert plants avoid drought almost entirely by remaining dormant in
the soil as seeds, which germinate and grow only during infrequent wet periods.
In deserts, animal abundance tends to be low but diversity can be high. Most
desert animals use behavior to avoid environment extremes. In summer, many avoid the
heat of the day by being active at dusk and dawn or at night. In winter, the same species
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may be active during the day. Animals (as well as plants) use body orientation to
minimize heat gain in the summer.
8.6.7 Tropical rain forest
The tropical rain forests straddle the equator in three major regions: Southeast
Asia, West Africa, and South and Central America. Most rain forest occurs within 10°C
of latitude north or south of the equator. Outside this equatorial band are the rain forests
of Central America, Southeastern Brazil, eastern Madagascar, Southern India, and
northeastern Australia.
The tropical rain forest climate is warm and wet year-round.
temperatures are about 25°C to 27°C. Annual rainfall ranges from about 2000-2400mm,
and some rain forests receive even more precipitation. In a rain forest, a month with less
than 100mm of rain is considered dry. Though rain forests have a reputation for being
extremely hot places, they are not. Tropical forests do not form a continuous belt around
the terrestrial equatorial region. They are discontinuous, broken up by differences in
precipitation. General characteristics of tropical rain forest are:
(1) The tropical rain forests are the area above the sea level about
200m, called
lowland forests. The storey of the trees dominates the rain forests. Trees dominate the
rein forest landscape and are approximately 70%, and are evergreen through the year.
One hectare of tropical rain forest may contain up to 100-1000 trees with different height.
Some reach 50-60m, but mostly are within 30-40, being the forest canopy and dividing
into 3-5 storey based on their height (A, B , C ,D and E). A is uppermost layer consisting
of emergent trees whose deep crowns billow above the rest of the forest to form a
discontinuous canopy. The second, B layer consisting of mop-crowned trees with about
20m high, forms another, lower, discontinuous canopy. Not clearly separated from one
another, these two layers form and almost complete canopy. The third, C layer is the
lowest tree stratum, and made up of trees with conical crowns. The D later usually poorly
developed in deep shade, consists of shrubs, young trees, tall herbs, and ferns. The E
stratum is the ground later of tree seedlings and low herbaceous plants and ferns. A
conspicuous part of the rain forest is plant life dependent on trees for support. Such
plants include epiphytes (herbaceous and woody epiphytes), and lianas.
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Vertical strata in Pine
Vertical strata in deducious forests
Vertical strata in rain forest
Figure 11. 3 types of vertical stratification of forest community.
(Source : Smith, 1974)
Temperature, moisture and light: The temperature profile of a rain forest varies
with the growth form. In the uppermost later of the rain forest, the temperatures in day
time are, higher than night time, about 10-20°C and may reach up 40°C.
temperatures in the lower layers including the forest floor are approximately 25-27°C.
In the uppermost layer of the rain forest, moisture at night is about 30-40% lower
than in day time. In the lower and on the ground layer, the moisture ranges from 90 100%.
Light tend to decrease through the lower strata including floor layer. Plants in the
lowest layer of the forests, therefore, have broadleaf evergreen in order to receive much
(3) Trunks and roots. Big trees possess gross roots to support the trunks, absorb
water, nutrients and air.
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The grounds of trunks of some species expand as buttress roots; some are
dependent on another trees to support columnar stem and some are aerial.
(4) Leaves: Leaves of in the canopy strata have been covered by tick cuticles and
waxes to protect transpiration, and have small thin leaves because of strong windy and
sunlight. Leaves in the lower strata have broadleaf with stomata to assist transpiration.
Since the moisture in the lower strata is high, some species developed their leaves to
possess sharp and thin so that the rain could flow well through. This causes in assisting
gas exchange that bring about photosynthesis.
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Chapter 9
Fresh water is one of the important eco-systems as direct living condition for all
living organisms including human. Although, fresh water is seen as lower quantity than
the sea and ocean, but it is an eco-system which comprises abundant biodiversities. Fresh
water community has diverse adaptation rather than sea and on-land communities,
because it possesses some specific properties for living condition.
9.1 Morphological or physical and chemical properties.
9.1.1 Physical factors.
Water possesses specific physical properties such as it is a liquid which contains
different dissolved substances and gets density or its weight increases due to the low
temperature and its density could low down when the temperature increases. Fresh water
possesses specific property differed from an other liquid as: it attends the maximum
density to the frozen point (0 c), the pure fresh water attends 4 c. However, water’s
density does not only depend on temperature, it such relates to the other dissolved
substances as: sea water could froze in -2 c and the maximal density is between -1, 5 to 1, 8 c.
Water’s mass relates to its density, generally, 1m3 of pure water weights 998,4kg.
Water’s pressure increases by various level of it deeper. Such as in around some deeper,
the pressure is 4 atm or in each 10m deeper, the pressure increases in 1 atm.
Differently from other liquid, water consist a specific heat. However, in the same
temperature condition, water can keep the heating stage as longer than other’s liquids,
moreover, water has the evaporation latent heat such as: for evaporating 1g of water in
20 c, needs to be used 585 cal; otherwise, 1g of alcohol needs 204 cal and 1g of petrol
needs 67 cal.
Whatever, the large water sources play main role in identifying local climate,
when the warm wind blows thought surface of water, and a part of warm air disperses in
water, and the warm air becomes a bit cold or decreases its potential.
There are some main physical factors for living condition:
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(A) Light
Light persisting in water could create 3 kinds of phenomena: reflection by
different angles, absorbed by water and penetration. Particularly, if the reflected angle on
the surface of water is perpendicularly becoming to be large, the reflection is relatively
The intensity of light through water could decrease by their deeper, whereas the
absorbed light is caused by:
(1) By water own self
(2) By some dissolved substances such: some ions (Ca++, Mg++). If there are
more Ca++, Mg++, the potential of light absorption could be decreased.
(3) By suspended particles or materials in water, if there are more suspended
particles, the absorption could by decrease.
(4) Depending on intensities of light, the light’s intensity could vary on the
existing of cloud and frost.
(5) Depending on light reflection angle, thus may vary on season, time and the
level of the location.
Light can emerge directly through pure water by the level of spectrum (BlueGreen-UV-Fred- Infrarouge) – whereas, in natural water, the light disperses by spectrum
(Green-Blue or Red-UV-Infrared).
When light disperses through water, it reflects our eyes, we could see the color of
water that is the same as the one’s of the light, that could attend a level so more deeper.
Light zonation
Light dispersed though water in 1% is called photic zone or euphotic zone or
trophogenic layer. In the day period, water consists more oxygen caused by
photosynthesis process, but in contrary, this is poor in the night period. Under the photic
zone, the light changes forward by season, this is called T-photic zone or tropholytic
layer. In this layer, the photosynthesis process is seen equal to the respiration process.
The following picture shows the dependence of light reflection and temperature according
to the physical condition within a lake (Fig. 9.1).
(B) Colors
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Water’s colors as the same as the colors of light, which emerges in water, then
reflects to our eyes. There are two kinds of water’s colors:
(1) Real colour (true colour) which is caused by the substance components of
(2) Apparent colour caused by the suspended particles in water or by the scenery
of natural surrounding.
Figure.9.1 shows the light and temperature diffusion according to the physical
component of lake water
We can do an experiment to prove the real colour of water as: the real colour of
water can be studied by separating the suspended particles as using Millipore filter or
centrifugal method, then comparing the filtrated water with the blank or sample. The
blank color is extracted by decreasing concentration through many layers of K2PtCl
(Potassium chloro platinate) and CoCl2H2o (Caboltous chlorite), thus are a platinum
cobalt unit (1unit = 1mg Pt/L) such value varies from 1 (firmly pure) up to 300
(extremely dark).
According to this experiment we can conclude that the colour diffusion is
depending whatever on the size of particles and the suspended materials in water. The
colour of shallow water is the same as the bottom’s, where the bottom made from sand,
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the colour of water is seen as yellow, as green where there are a lot of algae and moss,
and as grey where there are a lot of plankton. Naturally, most of streams and rivers
consist of their own colour which differs from each other from none to grey-dark tint.
Whereas, pond and lake water composes grey-dark, some cases it could be a bit black,
because of the bottom made from mud and dead bodies.
(C) Turbidity
Turbidity is caused accordingly to the suspended materials in water. Turbidity and purity
of natural water are not the same. Water in the mountainous rivers are more clean than in
the low land’s rivers, ponds and lake water, thus consist more suspended materials.
There are 2 kinds of suspended materials:
(1) Setting suspended mater (precipitation).
(2) Non setting suspended matter (floated).
Turbidity measurement could be studies with visual method by using Jackson
Turbidity Unit (JTU) or Nephelometer (NTU-Nephelometer Turbidity Unit) or
observation the light emergence in water (Transparency) by using such disc down-low in
water following different deepness until we could see this disc.
In conclusion, there are some components which include water’s colour:
Some iron’s ion (FeSO4, Fe2O3) give yellow, Fe (OH)3 makes red colour.
Green leaves that give green colour, dead leaves yellow and when this have been
decomposed, they become dark and grey.
CaCO3 is seen as green.
Plankton, green-blue algae, moss, green, algae, Euglena and Nematod make water in red
colour. Moreover, water’s colour relatively varies depending on season, rain quantity,
sunlight, cloud, frost, vegetation and scenery of surrounding.
(D) Temperature
Water temperature always changes due to the emergence of light; therefore it
could be transferred from light to heating energy. However, temperature plays an
important role for the livings in water or aquatic livings: regulation of their reproduction,
the growth of animals and plants, especially it contributes in thermal stratification.
Cleary, in the large and deep water, temperature provides more roles in regulating
chemical reaction and biological process for example: when water’s temperature
increases, the process of dissolution of substances becomes active and microorganism
develops faster.
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Most of water sources in the temperate zone are deep. In summer, the temperature
in each water’s layer is not the same, the temperature of upper layer or surface of water is
higher then other’s, because it directly receives sunlight, this is called Epilimnion. The
temperature in the middle layer is quiet low and often changes, as so called Thermocline.
The bottom layer where sunlight can not disperse or poor light, so the temperature is seen
lower and more stable as so called Hypolimnion.
Due to the role of temperature, in the large lake of temperate zone attends 2
dimictic rounds per year as shown in fig.9.2. The division of water’s layers is always
going on summer, whatever the dimictic rounds are absent or in which the upper layer
and bottom layer water are not mixing or more stable. In autumn, the temperature of
upper layer is continuously diminishing until the mictic movement has been stopped by
its density. In winter, upper layer water become cold ever with higher density, then moves
down to the bottom until it has been frozen. When coming Summer, upper layer water
and begins to dissolve with higher density, then streams to the bottom, whereas the
bottom layer water with soft weight streams up to the surface, the exchange process
between both layers has renewed fertilization in water. The tropical water sources possess
only one exchange movement as so called monolithic because the temperature of upper
layer water is not lower than 4 C, therefore, the exchange movement between each layer
is going on so often, but the mictic round is happening only one time a year in winter.
Figure 9.2 show the mictic movement happened due to the change of temperature
in each season and the relationship between temperature and quantity of
dissolved oxygen in water.
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9.1.2 Chemical factors.
One of chemical properties of water is included that its molecule comprises 2
electrical poles; therefore, it can dissolve other substances, especially gas needed for the
living organism. The soluble proportion of gas in water is converse proportion of this gas
in atmosphere: in standard condition or STP, 100ml of water can dissolve 0,34g of CO2,
0,007g of O2 and 0,003g of N2. At the same time atmosphere consists around 3% of
CO2, 21% of O2 and 79% of N2. Generally, the quantity of oxygen dissolved in water is
seen quiet low.
There are some important Chemical factors:
(1) Dissolved oxygen
Dissolved oxygen is necessary for all livings in water, especially for breathing.
Oxygen regulates the adaptation and energy consummation process in water and indicates
water’s quality.
The quantity of oxygen in some period is depending on water’s temperature, air’s
pressure and salty. Oxygen’s quantity could be decreased when water’s temperature
increased. For example: oxygen can dissolve in 40% when temperature varies from 25 c
to 0Ûc (Fig.9.2)
The higher water salty could decrease the dissolution of oxygen. In 15 c, fresh
water possesses soluble oxygen in 2mg/l more than sea water.
Oxygen which dissolved in water is from some sources. First of all it is from air
and emerges in water by wave on surface of water. Oxygen could dissolve more due to
the low humidity and in contrary, water itself, evaporates oxygen to atmosphere. Oxygen
also derives from photosynthesis process; otherwise, plant respiration causes the decrease
of dissolving oxygen in water. Particularly, photosynthesis process is happening in
Euphotic zone (limonitic zone for sea water), where the penetration of light has attended.
In littoral zone, there are plants and phytoplankton which produce oxygen in water.
In natural water source, due to the clean sky and cold air in the Euphotic zone, the
quantity of oxygen becomes higher in the afternoon and lowdown at night time. The
quantity of CO2 dissolution is converse proportion of O2.
(2) Carbon dioxide (CO2)
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Carbon dioxide is very important for the aquatic eco-system, because green plants
have used it for the photosynthesis. It also contributes as an adaptation role between
carbon dioxide and oxygen in animal. Carbon dioxide dissolves well in water.
Carbon dioxide dissolution proportion is a converse proportion of temperature,
therefore, it is the same as oxygen somewhat it could dissolve less due to high
temperature rather than it could dissolve well due to low temperature, but carbon dioxide
dissolves well than oxygen. For example: atmosphere consists around 3% of CO2 and
21% of O2, but due to temperature 20 c, pressure 760mHg, proved that O2 has dissolved
6mg/l; at the same time CO2 has dissolved 4 mg/l. through calculation, proved that in
animal, plants and water contain CO2 more than in atmosphere.
Carbon dioxide in natural water is from: animal and plant respiration, assimilation
from dead body by bacteria, underground water contains high quantity of CO2 which one
has been broken down from underground organic matters; CO2 is also from chemical
reaction happened between carbonate solution in the ground and water plus acid; CO2 in
atmosphere also dissolves with rain. Follow the reaction below:
CO2 + H2O
(3) Nitrogen
Nitrogen is one of important organic matters for the living organism. Plants and
animals such as it is a part of protein and fat structure. Nitrogen contributes as main factor
for fertilization for all water sources.
Nitrogen in atmosphere penetrates in water, and then transfers in to different
substances by aquatic animals and plants (assimilation). Moreover, the other source of
Nitrogen is from: erosion of the ground, underground water including used water from
family and kitchen.
(4) Calcium and Magnesium
The two metals constitute in fresh water in higher quantity than an others. Both of
them possess the same property as they can dissolve in form of carbonate solution, Mg is
very important for the molecule structure of chlorophyll.
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Particularly, water source contains more Ca than Mg. for soft water or so called
water in which there are under than 50mg/l of other dissolved substances contains around
48% Ca and 14% Mg, but hard water contains 53% Ca and 35% Mg.
Scientist cans identity the quantity of Ca in water by using indicator. Ohle, the
German scientist has identified: water in which Ca<10 mg/l is low fertilized; water which
contains Ca in between 10-25 mg/l is a mid fertilized and the one in which Ca>25 mg/l is
higher fertilized water.
(5) Sodium and Potassium
In overall water sources both substances are proved power than another
substances with positive ion, and Na is always more than K. In soft water, Na covers
second place after Ca. but in hard water, Na contains lower than Ca and Mg. In general,
Na is seen in form of solution NaCl, some case in form of sodium tetra borate (Na2B4O7)
or borax.
(6) Phosphorus
Phosphorus is an important substance in the eco-system, because it contributes in
the energy transfer, for example: it constitutes in the structure of DNA and RNA.
Particularly, water sources contain phosphorus in low quantity.
Phosphorus which is in form of phosphate could be easier absorbed by plants,
therefore, it can easier dissolve in water, so that, and there is a lot soluble phosphate.
However, we can identity the value of total soluble phosphorus for all of the soluble
(7) Iron (Fe)
Fe is an important metal for eco-system, because it contributes in the regulation of
water breathing’s animals. Fe is main structure of hem globule of aquatic animals.
Moreover, Fe involves in the chemical reaction in water.
(8) Organic matter
Some of water sources compose different kinds of or Organic matter, sometime
water becomes in a normal colour. Therefore, these Organic matters include soluble and
non-soluble Organic matters (soluble Organic matter and particulate Organic matter).
Fertilized water contains more Organic matter than unfertilized water sources.
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There are 2 kinds of organic matters: 1) autochthonous - takes place from water
itself. 2) allochthomous - held by alleviation (flood). However, soluble Organic matters
are main alimentation source for the aquatic microorganism (plankton).
9.2 Fresh water community.
The classification of the living thing in fresh water by ecological method can be
practiced as below: Lining organism in the surface (benthos) lives on the bottom’s surface
or hides in mud and they can be divided due to the food regime in small group: filter
feeders that are mollusk; deposit feeders – that are oligochaeta.
Periphyton – are organism which fix wit substrate or other materials in water, such
organism are: algae, diatom, protozoa and could be included mono value mollusk and
larva of aquatic insects.
Plankton – is organism which slowly swims. There are two kinds of plankton:
phytoplankton and zooplankton.
Nekton – includes organism which can swim well, that are: fishes, amphibians and
aquatic insects.
Neutron – includes surface organism, that are Geridae, Gyrinidae, Dytiscidae.
Referring to the specific character of water source, however to study about fresh
water community could be divided in 2 kinds: Lentic community – the community of
calm or tranquil water and Lotic community – the community of steamed water, there are
some specific field of study according to the habitat such as: Litoral zone, middle zone,
under stone, mud, sand areas…however, the living organism found in each environment
are different from each other.
In general, the producers in water are : algae, moss and some aquatic plant; the
consumers are including 4 groups of animals, that are: Mollusk include bivalve and
mooncalves gastropod, aquatic insects, daphnia or Cyclops, shrimp, crab(crustacean),
fishes, fresh water worms, rotifera, protozoa, roundworm, flatworm and so all; for the
decomposer group is including bacteria and some water monera.
9.2.1 Ecological character and adaptation of water organism.
Lentic water sources include: Lake, reserved ponds (reservoirs), dam, swamp,
march, prod. All of those water sources are temporary reserved which receive water from
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the streams and river, then open forward by water canal. In some case, they receive from
underground source or from rain. There are some kinds of Lentic:
1. Dam, reservoirs
There are inartificial water sources used for electrical hydropower, agriculture and
touristy business. Dam and reservoirs are temporary reserved water during a year, but the
quantity of water has been changed due to the seasons.
2. Swamp
It could be artificial or natural. More general, it locates in the low area where is
often flood. This water sources are covered by bush plants and many kinds of grass. The
bottom of swamp is covered mud. The surface of water is occupied by floated grass.
3. Marsh
Marsh is smaller than swamp, but its physical and biological structures are quiet
similar. Some of them contain water during a year and vary on the season.
4. Ponds
Mostly, Ponds are artificial, used for fish culture. Most small and natural ponds
lack water in dry season, but some can conserver water during a year.
The ecologist has divided the large lentic water in 3 zones (Fig.9.3):
Litoral zone: it is a non deeper area where sunlight can penetrate well and aquatic plants
are more concentrate (Fig.9.4).
Limnetic zone: this zone takes place from surface up until the limit of light penetration,
in which photosynthesis value is equal to the respiratory value, as so called compensation
level. This zone is occupied by living organism as micro algae, diatom, Cyclops, daphnia,
larva of aquatic inserts, rotifers and some fishes.
Profound zone: this zone occupies under the compensation level down ward to the
bottom. This zone is found only in large water sources and mostly, occupied by the nonphotosynthesis living organism, for example: bacteria, water monera, red worm,
chironomid, tubifex and monovalred and bivalved gastropod which consume organic
substances (Fig.9.5).
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Figure.9.3 shows zones of lentic water: litoral, limnetic and profound zones.
Fig.9.4 shows the main producer in still water.
Gross producers: 1-3 emergents, 4- floating plants, 5-7 different types of algae.
Small producers: 8-9 = green algae, 10-17 = diatoms, 18-20 = green-blue algae.
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Fig.9.5 show the animals existing in each zone of still water:
A – Zooplankton: 1-2: rotifera, 3-4: Daphnia, 5-9: red Cyclops.
B – Surface water insects: 1-water strider, 2-3: Gridae.
C – Organism in the bottom: 1-2: chimronimus; 3-Gastropod, 4-tubifex.
Whereby, living organisms are more abundant, so their adaptations appear in
different patterns that can be concluded as below:
Aquatic plants possess very soft transport tubes; root system plays role in fixing
with materials in water, reserves carbohydrate and reproduction. Root has less role in
absorbing the mineral and water.
Their trunks possess a lot of cell-guards, some of trunks contain spongeous
structure and can float on the surface. Their leaves are large and thin by comparing with
their trunks and contribute role in the gas exchange with water. Chlorophyll distributes in
the epidermis and easier elaborate photosynthesis. Moreover the trunks of aquatic plants
are covered by glutens substance which protects them from scratching water.
Adaptation of aquatic animals:
Aquatic animals possess diver form of adaptation than plants, that are included
morphological, physiological and behaviourous adaptation. For example: they can act
different movement such as: floating, lowing down in water; some of them can fix and
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hide in the bottom. The surface of their body is suitable for accommodating with water
condition (soft weight in water and easier float).
The substance exchange in aquatic animal are diversified: the aquatic insects use
the fine tubes at the end of their body to pick the surface of water, where the attend gas
exchange, some animals use the respiratory tubes to suck the substance from water plants.
Some animals possess an air sack under their wing, that they can reserve air while
downing low in water. The larva hide in the mud of bottom where there is poor oxygen,
they need less oxygen. The amphibians have two ways of respiration: by lungs when they
are on land; though their skin when they are in water. Fishes use their gills as main
breathing organ.
The animals which can move so faster possess more advantage in behavioral
adaptation. For example: in the un-appropriated season, they have immigrated to other
place where the living condition is more suitable. Most amphibians and non-active
animals such as gastropods and some insects due to bad condition, they continue their life
in the dormancy stage until the new season which is more appropriated.
9.2.2 Ecological character and adaptation of living organism in streamed water or
lotic water.
Most lotic water include: rivers, streams and channel. Generally, from catchments:
the top end of streams, rivers continue to join and meet together and form water shed
area. Particularly, the water shed area takes place in the mountainous areas which are
often covered by abundant vegetation. A water shed area where the vegetation is dense
the streams appear through a year; and where the vegetation is to be herbaceous or small
trees, the streams could be seasonal. Many branches of rivers and streams come to meet
and join together, form a big and large river as so called water basin area.
For example: Mekong river takes place from China, then continues to the south
and composed by different rivers and streams and becomes a big river.
There are some general characters of lotic water:
particularly, in the top end water, the velocity is around 50 cm/s. If the velocity is over
than usual, it could create negative effect to the bottom (bed rock) or the bottom becomes
to be covered by course, sand and gravel with diameter varies from 5 mm. If velocity is
under then 50 cm/s, the bottom could comprise the components lower than 5 mm.
therefore, velocity has main role for the water bottom in each area, i.e. in the non-rapid
stream is often seen a lot precipitation of materials which form mud.
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Water stream can alleviate different food substances to another place. Therefore,
lotic water is high fertilized than lentic water in 6-30 times.
There temperature of the river is not similar through out the length of the river.
The top end of river where velocity is high possesses low temperature, whereas the lentic
area temperature increases step by step.
Lotic water source has higher quantity of soluble oxygen than lentic water,
because of water move during the tine. The animals in the lotic water are animals which
need more oxygen to survive and lack of resistance due to the un-appropriated condition.
The value of acid and base relates with the quantity of carbon dioxide in water. If
pH is high, means that water contains carbonate solution or bicarbonate, and this is a
suitable condition for the aquatic animals. If pH is low, it means that water lacks food
substances and not available for the living organism.
Most water sources receive energy from on-land producer, because the primary
production is alleviated from land to the river. Therefore, the first consumers in water are
often animals, because they can assimilate the dead bodies brought in water.
Lotic water ecology is divided in 2 areas: the high spread stream area: rapid, riffle
and deep pool area. These areas comprise the same ecological condition such as energy
transfer and food cycle. Foe example: in riffle area possesses high productivity, abundant
organism which fixes on the stone (diatom and moss). In the deep pool area contains and
reserves a lot soluble substances which become food substances for the producers. The
abundance of lotic water is depending on the bottom structure: the bottom made from
sand is poor and less fertilized. Otherwise, in the rock bottom with high spread water,
there are a lot organism which can resist to the rapid stream and they possess a special
organ fixed to the rock. The stone bottom is more available for many living organism,
especially the larva of different insects.
In conclusion: animals and plants in the lotic water have different kinds of
-Thin form body which can release the hydro movement (fishes).
-Possess special fixed organ.
-Attached organs have developed on many parts of organisms.
-Development of glutant substance (Fig.9.6).
Plants also have large adaptation such as: moss develops large root system to tight
with the material in water. The adaptation of aquatic plants also varies depending on each
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Fig.9.6 shows the representative animals in lotic water.
Group A: the group of organism which lives in the high spread
water: 1-Simulium; 2- Bibiocephalus; 3-Water penny, Psephemus; 4-5larva and Cadisfly
F; 6- larva of Mayfly and 7-larva of Stonefly.
Group B: the group of organism which hide themselves in the
bottom: 1-larva of Mayfly and 2-larva of Dragonfly.
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