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Community Notes
Community =
Fundamental Niche
Realized Niche
When two species have overlapping niches, one will out compete the other, this is called
What is the difference between a food chain and a food web?
What is a keystone species? Example Organism?
Why are food chains/webs limited?
How are food chains controlled?
Disturbance 
Succession 
Primary Succession vs. Secondary Succession
Ecosystem Notes
What is an ecosystem?
What is a biome?
What three things determine climate?
What two things affect terrestrial biomes?
List two examples of terrestrial biomes
__________________ are crucial for energy transfer
_________________ are crucial for matter cycling
Energy transfer between trophic levels is a major __________________ on the number of organisms who
occupy higher trophic levels in an ecosystem
_________ of energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next