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Name: ___________________________________
Date: ____________________________________
Subject of Test: Ecology
Date of Test: ____________________________
Chapters/Concepts to Study:
Chapter 4 sections 1-3 Chapter 5 sections 1-2
Other Information covered (videos, handouts, labs, quizzes, assignments, etc.): Outline 4.1 and 4.2, Pole
to Pole Video and questions, Biome notes and Diagram, Biome Prezi, Succession Diagrams, Notes on
Energy flow in ecosystems, Nutrient cycles POGILS Notes, Hare and Lynx graphing exercise, Notes on
population growth, notes on Species interactions, Outside to examine different species interactions
Jeopardy Review
What types of questions will be on the test? Check all that will be on the test.
_x_True/False _x__Multiple Choice _x_Matching _____Short Answer
_____Labeling _____Fill-in-the-blank _____Essay _____Other
Total Number of Questions ___48_____ Total Number of Points Possible _____48____
From the list below, check any study strategy that you believe will be of use to you in preparing for this
test. Add any strategies you use that are not listed below.
Review online at
Practice vocabulary
Record or take notes from test review session.
Reread lectures notes aloud.
Rewrite lecture notes.
Highlight lecture notes.
Summarize lecture notes (find and note main ideas)
Explain lecture notes to a friend or relative.
Update lecture notes with a friend’s notes (especially if you have been absent during the unit).
Update lecture notes with information from your textbook.
Reread textbook and paraphrase the material.
Define key terms from each concept covered on the test.
Outline textbook chapters.
Make a test including a variety of questions and types of questions.
Teach material to someone else.
Draw a picture or diagram of what you are studying.
Make a timeline.
Study with a friend.
Meet with Mr. Smalley before or after school to discuss material for the test.
When do you plan to study? Include the
Times (i.e. after practice, dinner, study hall, 7:30)
date, time, and location.
Unit Objectives and Vocabulary
1.What are various levels that ecology can be studied at?
Biosphere, Biome, Ecosystem, Community, Population, Individual
2.How can ecosystems recover when they are destroyed?
Pioneer species, Succession, Equilibrium
3.What are the climate (average temperature and moisture) and plants and animals of the major biomes on
Tundra, Taiga (Boreal Forest), Temperate Forests, Grasslands, Temperate Deserts, Tropical Rainforest
4. How does energy flows in an ecosystem?
Vocabulary- Producer, Primary Consumer, Secondary Consumer, Tertiary Consumer, Decomposer, Herbivore,
Carnivore, Omnivore, Trophic Structure, Trophic Level, 10% rule, Food Web, Food Chain
5. How do chemicals move between living things and nonliving things ?
Vocabulary: Carbon Cycle, Photosynthesis, Fossil Fuels, Combustion, CO2, Respiration, Nitrogen Cycle, Nitrogen
Fixation, Ammonification, Assimilation, Denitrification, Water Cycle, Precipitation, Evaporation, Condensation,
Percolation, Aquifer, Biotic, Abiotic
6.What factors effect how populations grow?
Vocabulary: Exponential Growth, Logistic Growth, Carrying Capacity,
7.How do organisms in a community depend on one another for survival?
Vocabulary: Predation, Coevolution, Parasitism, Symbiosis, Mutualism, Commensalism
Tasks you should be able to do for the exam.
-Define all of the vocabulary listed above.
-Analyze a graph of a population and explain what is happening at various points.
-Distinguish between logistic and exponential growth.
-Identify different types of relationships between organisms based on a short description.
-Explain how nutrients enter into and exit living systems
-Identify what trophic level different organisms are on
-Distinguish between different biomes based on descriptions of their climate, plants, &
- Diagram a sequence of ecological succession using all the necessary terms.