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9.4 The search for better
Syllabus links
Prescribed focus areas
Students will develop knowledge and understanding of:
1. evaluates how major advances in scientific understanding and technology have changed the direction or
nature of scientific thinking
assess the impact of application of biology on society and the environment
identifies possible future directions of biological research
Knowledge and understanding
Skills/ Values and
Our understanding of biology and disease has implications for society and
environment. Evaluate the impact of human activity on the interactions of
organisms and their environment. Investigate how advances in water
technologies have led to the management of protection of the human and
environmental health.
H14 assesses the
validity of
conclusions from
gathered data and
Students learn to:
distinguish between infectious
and non-infectious disease
explain why cleanliness of water
and personal hygiene practices
assist in control of disease
explain how public health
program strategies has
controlled and/ or prevented
gather, process and analyse information
from secondary sources to describe ways
in which drinking water can be treated and
use available evidence to explain how
these methods reduce the risk of infection
identify data sources, gather process and
analyse information form secondary
sources to describe one named infectious
(water-borne) disease in terms of cause,
transmission, host response, major
symptoms, treatment, prevention, control
identify causes of non-infectious diseaseenvironmental disease
identify data sources, plan and choose
equipment or resources to perform a firsthand investigation to identify microbes in
9.4 The serarch for better health | Syllabus links
SW03/15 - © Sydney Water. All rights reserved.
H16 justifies
positive values
abut and attitude
towards both the
living and nonliving components
of the environment,
ethical behaviour
and a desire for a
critical evaluation
of the of the
consequences of
the applications of
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