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Rome Video Questions
1st Punic War (4:36)
What was the older empire that Rome was “bumping elbows” with?
When was the city of Carthage founded?
What was the bizarre ritual that the Carthaginians are known for?
What year did the first Punic War start?
How did Romans learn to build boats for their Navy?
How long did the first Punic war last?
What was the name of the child that might have witnessed the Roman/Carthage Peace Agreement?
2nd Punic War (9:46)
How many men and how many elephants did Hannibal take with him?
What year did Hannibal begin to cross the Alps?
How many men survived?
How many elephants survived?
What would be the deciding factor in the 2nd Punic War?
How long did the war against Hannibal “drag on”?
Rick Liles © 2015
2nd Punic War Continued
Who did Rome ultimately match against Hannibal?
What “end run” did the Romans execute in 204 BC
What was the showdown battle with Hannibal
What ultimately happened to Hannibal?
What ultimately happened to Carthage?
Roman Roads (1:21)
What was the primary function of Roman Roads?
How many linear miles did Roman Roads cover in Europe?
Roman Aqueducts (2:11)
What was the key to aqueduct design?
Roman Coliseum (6:04)
What year did construction of the Coliseum begin?
What people were used to build the Coliseum?
How long did it take to build the Coliseum?
How tall was the Coliseum?
How many people would it seat?
True or False – Ships sailed inside the Roman Coliseum.
Rick Liles © 2015