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Name ____________________________________ Date __________________________ Period _______________
DNA Who’s Who
Use Chapter 12 of your textbook to help you fill in the information for each scientist. Together, the following scientists
helped us to discover what we currently know about the amazing deoxyribonucleic acid molecule.
Frederick Griffith – 1928
Describe his experiment:
Oswald Avery – 1944
Describe his experiment:
What was his conclusion?
What was his conclusion?
Why were his conclusions not accepted?
Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase – 1952
Describe the experiment:
Erwin Chargaff – 1950
Describe Chargaff’s work:
What was the conclusion drawn from this experiment?
What is Chargaff’s rule?
What powerful evidence did this experiment provide?
Rosalind Franklin – 1951
What is X-Ray diffraction?
James Watson and Francis Crick – 1951
Whose data was used by Watson and Crick?
What did they build?
Describe Franklin’s work:
Describe the structure of the DNA model:
How was Franklin’s Photo 51 used by Watson and Crick?
Name ____________________________________ Date __________________________ Period _______________
Molecular Genetics Review – Chapter 12
1. The building block (monomer) of DNA is known as a ___________________________.
2. Double ringed nitrogenous bases are known as ________________________.
3. Single ringed nitrogenous bases are known as _________________________.
4. The four nitrogenous bases found in DNA are __________________________,
________________________, __________________________ and __________________________.
5. RNA is unique from DNA in that it contains the nitrogenous base _______________________.
6. The “backbone” of DNA consists of phosphate and the sugar _____________________________.
7. The shape of DNA is described as ___________________________.
8. Proteins that help to condense DNA into chromosomes are known as _________________________.
9. A nucleotide consists of ______________, __________________ and _____________________.
10. Enzyme responsible for unwinding the DNA during replication is known as
11. Structures that keep the strands of DNA from uncoiling during replication are known as
12. Enzyme that adds complimentary bases to DNA during replication is ____________________________.
13. Strand of DNA that is replicated continuously is known as the _________________________ strand.
14. During replication the __________________ strand is copied backwards resulting in
15. The type of RNA that is copied directly from DNA during transcription is ___________________.
16. The process of replication is initiated when the enzyme _________________________ adds a short
segment of RNA known as an ________________________ on each strand of DNA.
17. The building blocks (monomer) of proteins are __________________________.
18. Enzyme that fills in the fragments on the lagging strand of DNA during replication is
19. The central dogma states: ________________ ___________________ _____________________
20. RNA contains the sugar ______________________.
21. Type of RNA that helps the ribosome attach to mRNA and helps attach the mRNA codons to tRNA
anticodons _____________________.
22. The enzyme that unzips the DNA during transcription and creates the mRNA is
23. Intervening, non-coding regions of mRNA are known as ____________________________.
24. Type of RNA that transports amino acids and translates the mRNA ________________________.
25. Transcription occurs in this organelle. _______________________________
26. Portion of the cell in which the process of translation occurs. ____________________________
27. The organelle responsible for constructing proteins is the ____________________________.
28. Coding portions of mRNA that are kept and expressed are __________________________.
29. The three letter sequence in mRNA that codes for an amino acid is called a _____________________.
30. The process of translation is initiated when a ____________________________ is reached. Likewise,
the process ends when a ______________________ is reached.
31. The two main types of mutations are chromosomal mutations and ____________________________.
32. The two types of cells where mutations may occur are in sex cells and
33. The substitution of an incorrect nitrogenous base in place of a correct one results in a
_____________________________ mutation.
34. The insertion or deletion of a nitrogenous base that results in altering the sequence of codons is known
as a ___________________________________ mutation.
35. During translation mRNA _____________________ match with tRNA _____________________,
resulting in the production of a ___________________________.
36. Three types of chromosomal mutations are ____________________________,
__________________________ and _________________________________.