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Biology 2121 – Study Sheet – Chapter 7 (Appendicular Skeleton)
Pectoral Girdle – Scapulae
(1). State the bone and feature of that bone that articulates with the scapulae in the glenoid cavity:
(2). The _______________ bone articulates with the acromial end of the ___________. This forms the
(3). What purpose does the coracoid process serve? ___________________________________________
(4). The __________________ notch serves as a nerve passageway.
Pectoral Girdle – Clavicles
(1). The clavicles are also referred to as the _______________.
(2). The ____________ end attaches to a part of the sternum called the _______________.
(3). The ______________ end of the clavicle articulates with the part of the scapulae called the
(4). Where do the clavicles usually fracture? _______________________________ Why?
(5). The clavicles mostly serve to anchor ____________ and for bracing. What does bracing refer to?
(6). They also transmit _______________ forces from the upper limbs to the axial skeleton.
Upper Limb – Humerus
(1). The head of the humerus articulates with the ______________ of the scapula.
(2). The tubercles are sites of attachment for the _________________ muscles.
(3). What is the purpose of the intertubercular sulcus or groove? ________________________________
(4). The __________________ is the attachment site for the large shoulder muscle called the
____________ muscle.
(5). Describe what articulates with the following condyles:
(a). Capitulum –
(b). Trochlea –
(6). When the elbow is flexed and extended, the coronoid fossa allows for the ____________________
to move freely, the olecranon fossa allows for the __________________ to move freely and the
_____________ fossa receives the head of the radius.
Upper Limb – Forearm - Ulna
(1). What is the main responsibility or function of the ulna? ___________________________________
(2). The olecranon and coronoid processes are separated by the ___________________ notch.
(3). What occurs at the ulnar notch? _______________________________________________________
(4). What attaches to the styloid process? __________________________________________________
Upper Limb – Forearm – Radius
(1). What is the function of the radial tuberosity? _________________________________
(2). What is the purpose of the styloid process? ___________________________________
(3). What is a Colle’s fracture? ____________________________________________
(1). How many individual bones are found in the carpus? _____________ What are they called?
(2). What causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
(3). The thumb is metacarpal number ________, the pinky finger is metacarpal number ________.
(4). There are _________ individual phalanges bones.
Pelvic Girdle - General
(1). What is the os coxae? _______________________________________
(2). What are the three major or individual bones of the os coxae? __________________,
______________ and the ________________bones.
(3). What large bone part articulates with the acetabulum of the pelvis? __________________________
Pelvic Girdle – Ilium
(1). You rest your hands on the _____________________ of the ilium bone.
(2). What purpose do the spines of the ilium serve? ___________________________________________
(3). The sciatic nerve passes through the ______________________ notch.
(4). The buttock muscles attach to the _____________________________ lines.
(5). The roughen surface called the ______________of the pelvis articulates with the ______________
bone forming the sacroiliac joint.
Pelvic Girdle – Ischium
(1). What is a ramus? _____________________________________
(2). What is the ischial tuberosity? ________________________________________
Pelvic Girdle – Pubis
(1). What is the obturator foramen? What purpose does it serve? _______________________________
(2). What type of cartilage is the pubic symphysis made of? _______________ What occurs at the
pubic symphysis? ____________
Differences between Male and Female Pelvis
(1). Summarize the differences according to the following criteria below (use table 7.4):
General Structure
Bone Thickness
Pubic arch or angle
Anterior view
(2). Distinguish between the true and false pelvis:
(3). Distinguish between the pelvic inlet and outlet:
Lower Limb – Femur
(1). What is the purpose of the fovea capitis?
(2). What purpose do the trochanters serve?
(3). On the posterior part of the femur, you find a roughened line called the _______________ and this
diverges into the medial and lateral _____________________ lines. These sites serve as points of
_______________ attachment.
(4). The condyles articulate with the ___________ bone of the lower leg.
(5). What is the function of the patella?
Lower Limb – Tibia
(1). The ____________________ allows for the ___________________ patellar ligament to attach.
(2). The medial bulge of the ankle is formed by the ___________________.
(3). The __________________ notch on the lateral surface helps to form the __________________ joint.
Lower Limb – Fibula
(1). This part of the fibula forms the lateral ankle buldge: _____________________
(2). The ________________ is the weight bearing bone in the lower leg.
Foot – Tarsus, Metatarsus and Phalanges
(1). The ______________ is the heel bone, the ___________ articulates with the tibia and fibula
(2). The part of the calcaneus that touches the ground is the __________________.
(3). The other three bones that make up the tarsus are the _______________, _________________ and
(4). The first metatarsus forms the ____________________ .
(5). There are __________ phalanges or toes. The great toe is called the __________
Arch of the Foot
(1). Briefly describe how the arch of the foot is formed:
(2). What is meant when someone experiences a fallen arch? What are the causes?
(1). What are the fontanels? ____________________________________________________________
(2). What purpose do they serve? ________________________________________________________
(3). What causes a cleft palate to be formed?
(4). By 9 months the cranium is
___________________________________________________________________ (compared to an adult)
(5). When does the cranium almost reach the size of an adult? _______________________