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The Skeletal System: The Appendicular Skeleton
1. Introduction
2. Pectoral Girdle
3. Upper extremity
4. Pelvic Girdle
5. Comparison of male and female pelvis
6. Comparison between pectoral & pelvic girdles
7. Lower extremity
8. Disorders.
1. Introduction:
. Appendicular skeleton mainly facilitates movement.
. it includes bone of upper extremity, lower extremity, pectoral
girdle & pelvic girdle.
2. Pectoral girdle:
-Consists of Clavicle & Scapula
- Clavicle articulates with Sternum at Sternoclavicular joint
- Scapula articulates with Clavicle at Acrominoclavicular joint
- Scapula articulates with Humerus at Glenohumoral joint.
2a. Clavicle 9The coller bone):
Lie at the superior and anterior part of thorax
Ti is S shaped , convex anteriorly
2b. Scapula ( Shoulder blade)
- Articulates with clavicle & humerus
- Situated at the superior and posterior part of thorax.
- Has following parts: spine, acromion, glenoid cavity, scapular
notch, medial & lateral border.
3. Upper extremity ( Limb)
a. consists of 30 bones. Humerus, Radius, Ulna, Caroal bones,
Metacarpal bones and Phalanges.
b. Humerus: Articulates proximally with Scapula and distally
with Radius and Ulna.
c. Radius and Ulna:
-Ulna located at the medial sapect of forearm
- Radius latarally
- Both articulates with Humerus at elbow joint and with carpal
bones at the wrist joint
d. Carpal & Metacarpal bones & Phalanges:
- 5 metacarpal bones are located in the palm of each hand
- There are 14 phalanges in each hand: 3 in each finger & 2 in
each thumb
4. Pelvic Girdle ( Hip)
a. Consists of 2 Hip bones
b. Each Hip bone consists of 3 bones, viz:
-The Ilium
- The Ischium
- The Pubis
c. True and False pelvis:
- together with Sacrum & Coccyx 2 Hip bones form Pelvis
- True ( Lesser) and False (Greater) pelvis are anatomcal
subdivisions of Pelvis
5. Male and Female Pelvis: Comparison
- Male bones are larger and heavier
-Muscle attachments points are well-defined in the bones of male
- Pelvic girdles of female are wider and has a larger pelvic outlet
to facilitate child birth
6. Pectoral and Pelvic girdle: a comparison:
-Pectoral girdle does not directly articulate with vertebral column
, the pelvc girdle does
- Pectoral girdles sockets are shallow and show maximum
7. Lower extremity ( Limb)
a. each limb consists of 30 bones
Femur, Tibia, Fibula, Tarsal, Metatarsal, Patella & Phalanges
b. Femur: (Thigh bone)
-Largest and heaviest bone of the body
- Articulates with Hip bone and the Tibia
c. Patella: (Knee Cap)
- It is seseamoid in shape & located anterior to knee joint
- Maintain position of the tendon when knee is bent & increase
leverage of knee joint
d. Tibia and Fibula:
-Tibia is also called Shin bone. Situted medially at the leg
- Fibula is parallel and lateral to Tibia. It does not participate in
the weight bearing process
e. Tarsal and Metatarsal and Phalanges:
- seven tarsal bones constitute ankle and share weight associate
with walking
- Five Metatersal are contained in the foot
- Arrangement of phalanges is same as in hand
f. Arches of the foot:
-There are 2 non-rigid arches that enable foot to support the
weight of the body, provide ideal distribution of body weight &
provide leverage while walking
- Transverse and longitudinal (medial & lateral) arches.
- Abnormal foot: caused by decline, elevation or rotation of the
medial longitudinal arches
Flat foot: due excessive weight & weak supporting tissue
Claw foot: caused by atrophy of muscle of foot
Club foot: Inherited deformity. Foot twisted.
8. Disorders:
Hip fracture: associated with break of hip joint.
Head, neck or trochanteric region of Femur are common sites.
Require surgical treatment