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Digestive System Bookwork Pages 432-478 KEY
Multiple Choice:
#3: The GI tube layer responsible for the actions of segmentation and peristalsis is:
a.) Serosa
b.) Mucosa
c.) muscularis externa
d.) submucosa
#4. The closure of which valve is assisted by the diaphragm:
a.) ileocecal
b.) pyloris
c.) cardioesophegeal
d.) upper esophageal
#5. Where in the stomach do the strongest peristaltic waves occur?
a.) body
b.) cardiac region
c.) fundus
d.) pylorus
#6. Which of these organs lies in the right hypochondriac region of the abdomen?
a.) stomach
b.) spleen
c.) cecum
d.) liver
#10. Hormones that act to decrease blood glucose level include:
a.) insulin
b.) glucagon
c.) epinephrine
d.) growth hormone
#11. Which events occur shortly after eating:
a.) use of amino acids as a major source of energy
b.) lipogenesis (and fat deposit)
c.) Breakdown of fat reserves
d.) Increased uptake of glucose by skeletal muscles and other body tissues.
Short answer questions: 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 15, 18, 21, 22, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35
#4. What is the mesentery? The peritoneum?
The membrane that attaches the intestines to the wall of the abdomen.
Consists of the parietal and visceral layers.
#5. Proximal to distal subdivisions of small intestines: Duodenum, Jejunum, Lleum
Proximal to distal subdivisions of large intestines: Colon, Rectum, Anal Canal, Anus
#6. Structure and function of villi:
Villi are extensions of the mucosa of the small intestines. They increase the surface area of the
small intestine for nutrient absorption.
#11. Name the organ where protein digestion begins: Stomach
#15. Define Emulsify: to create a system containing two immiscible liquids in which one is
dispersed in the form of small globules.
#21. What substances are adsorbed in the large intestines: absorb water from the remaining
indigestible food matter and transmit the useless waste material from the body.
#28. Define BMR and name 2 factors that are important in determining an individual’s BMR:
Basal metabolic rate. Body size, body composition, weight, height, gender, muscle mass, etc.
#29. If your total caloric intake exceeds your TMR, what can you expect to happen? weight
gain, the excess calories get stored in fat.
#32. Where is the bodies thermostat? Hypothalamus, located in brain
#34. What is a fever? What does it indicate? an abnormally high body temperature. Indicates
that there is an infection within the body, and is the body’s defense to try to kill invaders.