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Name_________________________________________________________________ Period_________
Digestive System Exam Review
What are the three functions of the digestive system?
Break down food into a “usable” (absorbable) form
Supply our cells with the nutrients they need for energy, growth & repair
Elimination of waste products
What organs make up the gastrointestinal tract? List them in order.
mouth (oral cavity), pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus
What are the accessory organs of the digestive system? Why are they called accessory organs?
teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gall bladder, pancreas There are part of the digestive
process but not part of the actual tract.
What is peristalsis?
Wavelike- contractions of the smooth muscles in a single direction
What function do enzymes perform?
Break down food into its components parts
What is the medical term for taste buds? papillae
Name the three salivary glands.
Submandibular, parotid, and sublingual
Carbohydrate break down into _____monsaccharides________________.
Proteins break down into _______amino acids______________________.
Lipids break down into _______fatty acids__________________.
What does mastication mean? chewing
What does defecation mean? Expelling feces, #2
What are the names of the of the two sets of teeth that you will have in a lifetime? Which one
is permanent? Deciduous and permanent, permanent are permanent 
What is the function of the epiglottis?
Closes off the entrance to the trachea (lungs)
What is the function of the rugae?
Increase surface area
What are the three regions of the small intestines in order from stomach to large intestines?
Duodenum, jejunum, ileum
What are the villi?
Tiny hair like projections that line the walls of the small intestines
What three substances does the pancreas produce?
Glucagon, pancreatic juice and insulin
What is the function of the gallbladder?
To store bile
18. What are the three functions of the liver?
a. storage of glycogen, fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins & minerals
b. detoxification & removal of drugs, toxins & hormones
c. phagocytosis of worn-out RBCs, bacteria & other pathogens
19. How is glucose stored in the liver? glycogen
20. What is the order of the four regions of the large intestines?
Ascending, Transverse, Descending and Sigmoid Colon
21. What is the primary function of the large intestines?
To remove excess water
22. What is the function of the appendix?
There is no function.
23. What is the fancy word for farting (passing gas)? flatulence
24. What is GERD?
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is the upward flow of stomach acid into the esophagus
25. What is pyrosis? “heart burn”
26. What is the difference between bulimia and anorexia?
Anorexia is the lack or loss of appetite for food. Bulemia is characterized by episode of binge
eating followed by purging or abuse of laxatives.
27. What is hepatitis? How many varieties are there?
Inflammation of the liver There are 5 varieties: A,B,C,D, &E
28. Why would you take a laxative?
To stimulate your GI system to defecate.
29. Why would you take acid blockers?
To reduce the amount of acid being produced by your stomach. (GERD, ulcer, heart burn
30. Why would you take antiemetics?
To stop vomiting
31. What test is used to detect hidden blood in the stool? hemoccult
32. Label the following diagram.