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Digestive/ Excretory Systems:
stores blood and produces white blood cells
located behind stomach
hidden behind the stomach and is connected to the small intestines
produces enzymes to aid in digestion
produces insulin to keep blood sugar levels normal
located behind stomach
connects to the esophagus and the small intestine
adds acid to food to help break it into a liquid
diaphragm hits against this organ to help start the churning motion to breakup food
has a mucus coating that helps protect if from forming ulcers
located in upper left side of abdomen under diaphragm
has over 500 functions
helps keep a normal body temperature by warming the blood
filters toxins (poisons) from blood
produces bile for digestion
largest of the internal organs and holds about 10% of the body’s blood at any
given time
located in upper right side of abdomen under diaphragm
small intestines:
place where nutrients are absorbed and true digestion takes place
is the intestines that has the longest length
located in the central and lower abdomen
large intestines:
appendix located at the beginning of it
place where moisture is absorbed from what is left of food
is the intestines that has the largest diameter
located in central and lower abdomen, circles small intestines
gall bladder:
stores extra bile
small organ that connects to both liver and small intestines
located under liver in upper right side of abdomen
soft, flexible tube that connects mouth to stomach
located between vertebrae and trachea
urinary bladder:
expands to hold liquid waste sent from kidneys until it is removed from body
located middle of lower abdomen
filter blood and produces urine from excess waste
located on each side of vertebrae beneath other abdominal organs
organ that has no known function
located at beginning of the large intestines
salivary glands:
three pairs of structures that add moisture to food
located in mouth
grind food into smaller pieces that are easier to chew
helps move food around in mouth so it is thoroughly chewed