Download DIY #4 Large Intestines and Anus Reading Questions

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DIY #4 Large Intestines and Anus Reading Questions
The Large Intestine and Its Functions
1. What passes into the large intestines and where does it come from?
2. What do the large intestines connect?
3. True or False: All the nutrients and minerals from food has been removed once
it goes to the large intestines.
Absorption of Water and Elimination of Wastes
4. As food/ waste enter the large intestines, what state is it in?
5. As waste pass through the colon excess (extra) ___________________ is
absorbed (filtered to the circulatory system).
6. What is feces?
7. True or False: Feces accumulate (builds up) in the rectum and passes through
the anus.
Bacteria in the Large Intestine
Write 2 facts about bacteria in the large intestines.
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DIY #4 Large Intestines and Anus
Video Questions
Digestion System Recap
1. Explain how food travels from your mouth the stomach. Include how the nervous
system is involved.
2. What is used in the stomach to break down food?
3. Bile is produced in the liver and is added to help break down_______________.
4. What is absorbed into the blood (circulatory system) through the walls of small
Digestion in a Baby Video
5. True or False: We cannot eat upside down?
6. The stomach is a bag of _______________ that ______________, squashes,
and ________________ food into liquid.
7. Where are most of the nutrients absorbed?
8. What structure makes it easier to absorb nutrients?
9. What is the main job of the large intestines?
10. True or False: The bacteria in the large intestines help break down complex
carbohydrates in our food by using enzymes.
11. What type of digestion occurs in the large intestines and anus? Mechanical or
Chemical. Explain how you know.